Chapter 210 Ivanka Arrives

With the completion of "Wedding Crashers" and the investment film "Ocean's Eleven", only more than 5 million system funds were left, and it returned to 7 million again.

So during this period, apart from filming and drinking coffee, he did not stop writing scripts.

For example, after the magic transformation, the husband turned back to 17 years old, and the wife turned back to 17 years old, and it was ready to be handed over to "17 Again" starring Scarlett Johansson and Camilla Belle.

There are also slight modifications in "The Tuner", with Xiao Jianjian playing the male lead and Eva Green and Martina Garcia playing the first and second female roles respectively.

As well as "Gone Girl", which is going to be given to Anne Hathaway as the heroine, and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", which is going to star him and Charlize Theron, etc.

It's a pity that even if so many movies are being shot at the same time, plus "The Bourne Supremacy 2, 3" and "Resident Evil 3", it is not easy to spend more than 7 million system funds.

"What are you thinking honey?"

A pretty face with smoky makeup, but still giving off a sweet aura, suddenly appeared in front of Wayne, interrupting his thoughts.

"I'm thinking about work." Wayne answered honestly.

"Then I can't help you. I can only help you think about what we should eat tonight."

As he said this, both Avril and Wayne couldn't help but laugh.

"This has already helped me a lot~"

Wayne kissed her on the forehead lovingly, then took the initiative to hold her little hand and walked towards the parking lot.

"How's the recording going these days? Is it going well?"

"Of course! Seven songs have been recorded, and the last three are still to be completed!"

"Then we have to celebrate tonight."

Avril drinking coffee is another style of painting.

It's a pity that combat effectiveness is difficult to significantly improve even if the painting style is switched.

So Wayne, who was unable to enjoy himself, returned to Monica Bellucci's villa as soon as work was done the next day.

In addition to Monica Bellucci, there are also people such as Nicole Kidman and Kate Beckinsale who have made appointments to have coffee together in advance.

It is worth mentioning that since the last time, although Isabelle Adjani and Sophie Marceau were unwilling to admit it, they actually liked drinking coffee with him.

Every time Wayne and Nicole Kidman had coffee, they were there.

As a result, Wayne's opponents became eight people.

This would allow him to show some of his true strength.

In the next few days, everything got back on track. Although "Heidi and Grandpa" will be almost completed in about ten days, and because it is directed by Nancy Meyers and produced by Hemera Films, Major distribution companies are also very optimistic about this movie.

However, compared to "Taken", "Resident Evil" and "Wedding Crashers", "Heidi and Grandpa" is just a small scene after all.

After all, the type of movie is here.

No matter how well "Heidi and Grandpa" is made and how high the ratings are, the box office will not be as high.

It may not even be able to compare with the box office of "The Ring".

So everyone is paying attention, but they are not willing to do whatever it takes to win this movie like the previous movies.

Even Wayne himself only estimated the box office for this film to be around [-] million.

The biggest role of this movie for him was just to return a favor to Gil Tawerman for helping with the acquisition of Industrial Light & Magic.

So what he is most concerned about right now is the interview selection for this issue of 'Wayne's Back Garden'.

On the morning of the 15th, Wayne arrived on time at the new office building that had just been moved to the "Wayne Back Garden" last month, and met General Manager Jenny who had been waiting for a long time.

She served as a model trainer for seven years in one of the top three elite model management companies in the world, and finally took the position of director of the training department, making her one of the most well-known trainers in the industry.

Last month, with the help of Anne Hurst, I moved to 'Wayne's Back Garden' and directly assumed the position of general manager.

Anyway, the main job of 'Wayne's Back Garden' is to serve Wayne, and then do commercials and catwalks for Superme, which has now expanded its factory to 5000 people.

It didn't matter if she had other outside business, so Wayne didn't have to worry that she wouldn't be able to afford the job.

"Boss, all the girls who have come to apply are ready. In addition, Miss Ivanka has also arrived in the reception room 5 minutes ago."

"Then let me go meet this Miss Ivanka first!"

Wayne raised his eyebrows, and after thinking for a moment, he took Hannah and Amanda and Lydia, who had come with Ivanka because of Ivanka's arrival, to the reception room.

When Ivanka was 16 years old, she went to Elite Model Management Company and started working as a part-time model.

And because of her status as a wealthy daughter and her beauty, she often appears in many fashion magazines under the Hearst Group.

So not only does Jenny know Ivanka, but Amanda and Lydia are also good friends with her.

"Hey, Ivanka!"

"Amanda, Lydia, long time no see!"

As soon as they walked into the reception room, Amanda happily greeted Ivanka. However, Ivanka didn't show any surprise after seeing her. She stood up from the sofa gracefully, and first He hugged the two of them, then turned to look at Wayne.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, I'm Ivanka!"

"Hello Miss Ivanka, I'm Wayne. I've heard Amanda and Lydia talk about you a lot on the way here, but when we meet now, your beauty still surprises me."

Wayne shook hands with her and praised her unstintingly.

In terms of appearance alone, Ivanka is not particularly beautiful, and is on the same level as Amanda and Lydia. However, the memory of her past life made Wayne unconsciously add a layer of filters to her, and the whole person looked Became a little more attractive.

"Thank you for your compliment!"

A bright smile broke out on Ivanka's face.Although she had heard such praise countless times in her capacity, different people had different effects when saying it.

She was very happy that Wayne, a handsome man whose wealth and influence even surpassed her father's, praised her so much.

However, she did not forget the purpose of flying to Los Angeles to meet Wayne.

After a few simple greetings, she took the initiative to talk about business.

“Would you like me to sponsor the Miss Universe pageant and be the spokesperson for Miss Universe?”

"Yes, Miss Universe, as one of the two major beauty pageants in the world, is sponsored in the name of 'Wayne's Back Garden' and 'Superme'. It also has great benefits for the promotion of the two brands, doesn't it?"

Wayne chuckled, but didn't show any surprise.

After all, Ivanka's identity is there. As long as she checks her identity, she can probably guess the purpose of her visit this time.

Wayne's own fame and influence needless to say.

It just so happened that he had established a fashion brand and his own modeling agency, and Ivanka and the Hearst sisters had a good relationship.

"Does Miss Ivanka know how much I get paid for a movie?" Wayne did not answer immediately, but suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Then, without waiting for Ivanka to speak, he took the initiative and said: "Last month, Spielberg wanted to find me to star in a biographical film with Tom Hanks. The shooting would take about two months. He gave me a proposal. The salary offered was US$3000 million plus 8% of the box office share.”

"With the energy of these three names: myself, Spielberg, and Tom Hanks, it is unlikely that the box office of this movie will be less than 4 million US dollars."

"This works out to almost $4600 million."

"But I refused, because if I make a movie myself, I can not only pay myself a screenwriting fee of 500 million U.S. dollars, and a starring remuneration of 4000 million U.S. dollars, but I can also earn hundreds of millions of profits by selling the copyright."

Wayne stopped here and took a sip of coffee.

On the sofa opposite, although Ivanka had already learned about Wayne's information in detail before coming, she still couldn't help showing a shocked expression after hearing this number.

At the same time, she also understood Wayne's subtext.

How much is your Miss Universe brand worth?Can you afford Wayne's endorsement?
Also sponsor and endorse?Are you worthy of Miss Universe?

Today is not an era when the Internet and streaming media are as developed as later generations. The influence of Miss Universe is mainly concentrated in America and Europe, and only people who pay attention to the modeling and fashion industries will have heard of it.

Later, WMA failed to make any money from it, so it sold it to NBCUniversal for a slight increase in price.

The development and growth of the Miss Universe brand is entirely due to the power of NBC Universal.

Of course, Ivanka did not intend to give up at this time. After all, she had anticipated the difficulty of the trip before coming.

But before she could organize her words, Wayne said again: "I happen to have an interview to host, how about Miss Ivanka joining us?"

Ivanka obviously didn't expect Wayne to say that. She was stunned for a moment before reacting, and agreed with a smile.

Then the group came to the largest physical training room in the company, which is used for interviews and selections.

At this time, there were already four rows of a hundred interviewers standing inside. There were two other practice rooms in the corridor outside, and they were also full of people waiting.

The total number of people is probably not more than 300.

"Are these all here for interviews?"

"Yes, Wayne Garden organizes interviews every half month. Each applicant only has one opportunity to participate in the interview a year, so these are the interviewees who signed up and came in the past half month."

Without waiting for Wayne to speak, Jenny had already introduced Ivanka.

Ivanka couldn't help but show a look of shock on her face.

The first is the number of people. There are more than 300 people in half a month. Is this an interview with a modeling company?There aren't that many actresses for Hollywood's big productions with budgets of hundreds of millions, right?And each person can only be interviewed once!
Based on this calculation, wouldn't there be 8000 to [-] people participating in interviews a year?
Furthermore, after taking a quick look at them, she quickly discovered that not only did these interviewers have different skin colors, but many of them even spoke different languages.

This shows that these interviewers are not only from America, but also many from other countries.

This shows that the influence of Wayne Garden is no longer limited to America.

Finally, the quality of interviewees is generally very high. Even if you are as confident as she is, you can see several girls whose looks are better than hers at a glance.

To be fair, she felt that the quality of the Miss Universe finals was not as high as this semi-monthly interview.

This time it really hit her.

At the same time, she also understood Wayne's intention of inviting her to observe the interview.

With Wayne Garden's fame and influence, there is no need to cooperate with her Miss Universe!If Wayne wanted to, he could hold a more famous and influential beauty pageant.

How could a woman like Wayne have a future as Miss Universe?

It is precisely because everyone in the industry knows that Wayne, who has always been quick to follow up, will attend the interview and selection at Wayne Garden on time every half a month, so more and more talents will sign up every time.

After all, once you are spotted by Wayne, you will not only get the opportunity to develop in the modeling industry, but also have the opportunity to enter the film and television industry.

Do you, Miss Universe, have this energy?
Not to mention Miss Universe, even Miss World and running a model management company combined do not have such energy.

After thinking about all this, Ivanka completely gave up the idea of ​​persuading Wayne, and sat quietly next to Amanda and Lydia, acting as a qualified spectator.

But she was becoming more and more interested in Wayne.

She has always been someone else's child since she was a child. It's not like she hasn't met outstanding boys of the same age. However, she is so outstanding that she became an international star and a Hollywood mogul at the age of 21. In just one year, she earned more than her father. His net worth is several times that of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars.

This was the first time she had encountered or even heard it.

"No wonder the two daughters of the fourth generation of the Hearst family would become his women together regardless of his romantic nature."

Ivanka couldn't help but think to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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