Chapter 213
Filming was suspended, and many friends and relatives living in New York hurriedly found their cell phones and made calls.

Wayne also took the opportunity to announce that the crew would take a half-day off. After taking off their makeup and returning to the car with Hannah and Monica Bellucci, he immediately took out his cell phone and called Marissa Mayer.

"I want to buy a military security company!"

Wayne revealed his long-planned plan.

As his net worth gets higher and higher, he has long wanted to have an armed force of his own.After all, in this dirty and smelly Hollywood, even ten years later, off-target moves are still common.

What's more, his goal is to build a global entertainment empire. How can an empire not have its own army?
But because of many scruples, he never took action.

But now, the whole world knows that New York and America are not safe, so as a rich man with a net worth of more than 30 billion US dollars, it is reasonable for him to spend [-] to [-] million to arm his own 'security' force, right?

"How about we rope in Anne Hurst?"

After the explanation, Wayne suddenly came up with this idea.

Originally, he wanted this armed force to be his own, but acquiring and expanding a military security company would indeed be a lot of trouble. Now he doesn't have enough connections in terms of connections.

Secondly, as long as he continues to develop, it is not difficult to surpass Anne Hearst in strength. By then, with the help of Amanda and Lydia's relationship, he can completely annex Anne Hearst's power. In this way, this The armed force still belongs to him.

However, after thinking about it, he gave up the idea and chose to go it alone.

After all, force may not be too strong or develop slowly, but it must be pure and loyal enough.

Jingle Bell!
The phone rang again.

Wayne picked up the phone and answered the call, and a smile appeared on his face after a moment.

"Don't worry, I'm filming here in Los Angeles. There has been no attack in Los Angeles. You don't have to come over. Just continue filming. I will take the time to come over and see you after I finish filming."

The call was from Liu Tianxian. Although the little girl knew that he was currently filming on the crew, she still called as soon as she saw the news.

This concern was very helpful to Wayne.

Soon, other people called him one after another, which made his phone almost non-stop for most of the next day.

Most of them care about him, but a few come to him for comfort.

For example, Anne Hathaway and Alexandra Daddario’s parents and relatives both live in New York. Although they called their families immediately and knew that their families were okay, they still felt panicked. Fear.

He wanted to rush back to New York to reunite with his family, but was rejected by his parents. In addition, air traffic control forced him to stay in Los Angeles, so he could only seek a sense of security from Wayne.

After all, she was his woman. Wayne hesitated for a moment, then asked Mia and Jessica, and with their consent, he temporarily brought the two into Wayne Manor and comforted them carefully.

However, the filming work of the crew did not stop there, but resumed work the next day.

Except for a small number of people who have relatives and family members living in New York, others lamented and panicked, but life still has to go on, right?

For a large production crew like this, the cost of renting props and venues alone costs 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands of dollars per day.

In addition, it is difficult to change the shooting of urban chases and racing scenes that have been applied to the police and fire stations, otherwise it will cost a lot of money.

It is worth mentioning that although Wayne's physical fitness has reached or even exceeded the limits of the human body, he did not perform the difficult stunts in person like Tom Cruise in "Mission: Impossible".

After all, he is now a serious billionaire. If this year's Forbes rich list hadn't been released yet, he would have been on the list.

As our ancestors said, a gentleman does not stand behind a wall.

He wouldn't put himself in danger.

What's more, professional things must be left to professionals, otherwise, they will take away the jobs of other professionals.

For the next period of time, Wayne continued as usual, going to the set to film in an orderly manner during the day, and after finishing work, he went to comfort his women.

Except that the number of people comforted each time increased a little, there was almost no change from before.

But just as he expected, due to the impact of major events, the box office of "Ugly Country Party 2" immediately took a big dive after the schedule adjustment.

Originally, there was still a box office of more than 200 million US dollars every day, but now there is not even 3000 US dollars. Calculated, the loss is at least [-] to [-] million US dollars, which directly adds to the loss of the previous profit.

The final box office hit returned to US$2.8 million, which was a bit lower than the previous performance.

As for the movies that were originally scheduled to be released during this time period, those that were not released and those that still had time to change their schedules naturally changed their schedules one by one.

And those that have been released or failed to be adjusted have encountered the same situation as "Ugly Country Party 2", and their box office has plummeted one after another.

As a result, after this major incident, even if New York was affected, there were also seven or eight small and medium-sized production companies and film investors in Hollywood who lost almost all their money.

But as the saying goes, things must be reversed when they reach their extremes.It is precisely because of the depression caused by major events that in November and December, when the impact of major events has passed slightly, three top five global box office works of the year were born.

Among them, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" almost exceeded 10 billion at the box office.

But this time, Wayne will also get a piece of the pie.

At the end of September, at a screening of "The Intern", Wayne met Alan Horn again.

After a brief greeting, Alan Horn couldn't help but pull him and quietly ask him about the release of "The Wedding Crashers".

Originally, he planned to release "The Wedding Crashers" around September 2th when "Ugly Country Party 9" was released.

After all, it cost [-] million to purchase the copyright, and he definitely hopes to get his money back as soon as possible.

It's a pity that I had to switch gears after a big incident.

When will it be released, the entire Universal Distribution Department has been debating.

An investment of 2.3 million!Including publicity costs, it will be almost [-] million.

Not to mention losing money, even if there is a small loss at the box office, someone will definitely be thrown out to take the blame.

Maybe Alan Horn, the CEO, would be affected, so taking advantage of the opportunity to meet Wayne at this film screening, he had to ask Wayne for his opinion.

However, Wayne's suggestion was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"I remember Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is scheduled to be released in November, right?"

"That's right. It was originally scheduled to be released on November 11, but it may be adjusted depending on the situation."

"I think in two months, the impact of the big event has almost passed. People who have been depressed for a long time also need a comedy to rediscover their joy, so I think it is good to release it on October 10th."

"October 10th? Isn't this too risky?"

Alan Horn frowned and fell into thought.

After the movie viewing session was over, he returned to the company without stopping. First, he found information about the movies that would be released in October and started reading them.

After two full hours, he finally made a decision and called his trusted vice president.

Subsequently, at an impromptu meeting that afternoon, the release time of "Wedding Crashers" was finally set, and the time was exactly October 10th as suggested by Wayne.

There is only half a month left before this time.

However, Alan Horn did not start to promote it now. Instead, he waited until October 10, one month after the big event, to start a small-scale low-key promotion in North America.

As for the overseas part, it will be promoted as planned according to the original plan.

The result of this is that until the movie is released on October 10th, in North America, except for people who happen to be planning to go into the cinema during this time to see what good movies are available, they find out that Wayne has a new movie released. A lot of people didn't know this movie was coming out.

The North American box office of US$723 million on the first day set a new record for the lowest first day box office of any movie starring Wayne since his debut.

But on the contrary, the first-day overseas box office grossed US$3997 million due to Universal's overwhelming publicity.

Compared with the 3205 million overseas first-day box office of "The Notebook", it was nearly 800 million US dollars higher!
At the same time, the ratings and reputation of "Wedding Crashers" are also quite good.

As a result, with the popularity and good reputation overseas, as well as the support of Wayne fans, the North American box office of "Wedding Crashers" began to rise rapidly like a rocket.

The box office doubled on the second day to US$1508 million, and on the third day it closed at US$2621 million.

As a result, even with a bad start, "Wedding Crashers" still won a North American box office of US$4852 million in its first weekend.

Overseas, the three-day box office easily exceeded 1 million US dollars.

At this time, Universal's publicity finally began to really hit its stride.

In addition, at this point in time, there is no movie released with a production cost of more than 1000 million US dollars, and "The Wedding Crashers" is completely unique.

And it was just as Wayne predicted.

People who have been depressed by major events for a month really need a light-hearted and humorous comedy movie to release their stress and make themselves happy.

This allowed "Wedding Crashers", which was released at this time, to have almost the right time, place, and right people, and its box office grew rapidly at a speed that no one expected.

(End of this chapter)

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