Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 28 Hollywood’s rules?What does it have to do with me

Chapter 28 Hollywood’s rules?What does it have to do with me~
"Then let you act?" Wayne replied angrily.

Doesn't he know that Jessica's appearance, as sweet as chocolate ice cream, is not suitable for playing such a slutty scumbag?
Even if the Jessica in the parallel world later starts to let herself go, has more fun than anyone else, and gossips are flying everywhere, her sweet face, no matter how you look at it on the screen, you can't tell that she is a scumbag.

But who made Jessica his woman now?

Moreover, the heroine of this movie is a real one. Apart from the director, the most important factor in the film’s box office success lies in the heroine.

Hollywood, where profit comes first, actually has an unwritten rule.

It’s okay to stuff people into a movie through human connections, but at least they have to fit the character’s setting, and their acting skills can’t be too shabby. Otherwise, it will harm the interests of the producer, and no one’s connections or favors will work.

But Wayne still has a bit of the habit of messing around with Chinese entertainment companies in his previous life, and he doesn't want to give away his achievements in vain.

So after thinking about it, he decided to let Jessica play the role, and arranged a one-on-one acting tutorial class for her, so that she could learn how to act as a scumbag according to the role setting.

As for what unspoken rules have to do with him?
Although he has not yet been able to influence the rules of Hollywood as a whole, he can still make his own decisions on the films he invests in.

Now we have to see the results of Jessica's special training in the past ten days.

"Lights! Radio! All departments are ready——"

As James Wan confirmed the shooting position and lighting angles, the filming of the movie officially started.

The first scene is when Terry, played by Jessica, has dinner with several people from the sorority on the lawn outdoors during her lunch break.

As the president, Daniel, played by Charlize Theron, was eating while passionately expounding on the sisterhood's next development strategy, that is, how to help the sisters in the association acquire more high-quality handsome men.

At this time, a late 'black girl' came over carrying a dinner plate.

Since she didn't have breakfast, her lunch was a bit too rich, including several chocolate pies, and even the drink was hot chocolate with explosive calories.

However, she had forgotten that Daniel, who always flaunted himself as a high-quality woman, hated this kind of sweets the most.

Sweets are the enemy of a woman’s figure.

In her opinion, women who eat too many sweets are not self-disciplined, don't love themselves, and are not good.

This plot may seem a bit nonsensical, but in fact it is to pave the way for Terry not to eat the poisonous cup cake made for her by the villainous heroine Lori.

Terry didn't eat the cup cake not entirely because she looked down on Lori, but because Lori put too much sweet cream in order to cover up the taste of poison.

Lori was a bit of a loner, and she didn't know it since she wasn't in a sorority.

So her attempt to kill Terry by poisoning the cup cake had always failed, and she had to resort to borrowing a knife to kill Terry.

But this time the role of the late girl is no longer a black girl, but was given to Megan Fox by Wayne.

Anyway, the political correctness in Hollywood is not that serious now. If it is not necessary, he is not willing to use black actors.

"Betsy? What's that in your hand?"

In front of the camera, 'Daniel', who was originally chatting, suddenly stopped talking and his eyes narrowed, as if a falcon had seen its prey, looking at the hot chocolate that Megan's Betsy had just picked up.

At this moment, Theron, with her full aura, does look a bit like a plug king. She has a sweet appearance, but her aura is a bit scary.

"I-I have hot chocolate. I had to do my homework in the morning and didn't have breakfast."

Megan, who is only 14 years old now, doesn't know whether she was really frightened or what. Her performance was very natural and wonderful. Even when 'Daniel' spoke, her hands trembled subconsciously, and her tense body reacted. She was nervous and vulnerable in front of 'Daniel'.

'Daniel' didn't say anything at this time, but just moved his eyes away from the hot chocolate. He first glanced at the chocolate pie on the dinner plate, which was also exploding in heat, and then landed on 'Betsy's' face. His aura became more and more terrifying. .

Looking at each other for three seconds, 'Betsy' lowered her head timidly, put down the hot chocolate in her hand, picked up the dinner plate, and prepared to dump the 'junk food' on the plate into the trash can not far away.

Although she is very hungry, and although she does not want to waste food, she does not want to be ostracized by the sisterhood, otherwise she will be like Aola, played by Annie, and the villain Lori, who has no 'friends' and no men.

But because she was too anxious and had her head lowered, as soon as she stood up and turned around, she bumped into Carter, who was looking for Terry, that is, Wayne.

Immediately afterwards, the dinner plate overturned, and the hot chocolate in the cup, along with the hamburger and chocolate pie, fell on 'Telli's' head and body.

"Fake! What are you doing?!"

'Terry' screamed and stood up, instinctively slapping the dirt on her hair and clothes with her hands, while glaring at 'Betsy' and 'Carter' fiercely.

"Sorry!" "Sorry!"

'Betsy' and 'Carter' said at the same time.

Betsy, played by Megan, is also afraid of Terry, because Terry is the star of the entire sorority. She is the most beautiful and charming woman in the sorority, and she is also the woman who has killed the most men. Therefore, her status in the sorority is the same as that of the president. Daniel is evenly matched.

Carter, played by Wayne, has a secret crush on Terry, so he will unconsciously be nervous when he sees her.

"I'm really sorry, it's all my fault."

At this time, 'Carter' spoke first, and the subtext was that he directly placed all the responsibilities of the two people on himself, implying that Carter was actually a good and responsible man.

"You left your bracelet at my place last night. I was worried that you would be anxious if you couldn't find it, so I wanted to come over and return the bracelet to you."

'Carter' said as he hurriedly took out the bracelet Terry left in his dormitory last night from his pocket and explained.


'Teri', who was originally angry, was startled, and even the movements of her hands stopped.

This seemingly ordinary bracelet was actually one of the birthday gifts her deceased mother bought her before her death, and it was very important to her.

Seeing the bracelet, most of the anger in her heart disappeared.

But just when she took the bracelet and was about to say thank you, 'Daniel' on the side suddenly asked: "Tellie, do you know this guy? Could it be that you were with him when you didn't go back to the dormitory last night? Bar?"

Hearing 'Daniel's' teasing and disdainful tone, 'Tellie's expression suddenly changed and she quickly said: "No! I don't know him! I didn't sleep with him last night either!"

While speaking, 'Teri' deliberately showed a disgusted expression, because Carter, played by Wayne, is a standard engineering man.

And because Wayne is so handsome, the makeup artist deliberately made his hair style and clothes very vulgar in order to be logical.

Coupled with thick black-framed glasses, even if you look closely, you will still feel handsome, but at first glance, it completely does not meet the aesthetic standards of a trendy girl like Terry.

This actually also implies that Terry at this period only knew how to look at appearance superficially, and never took a serious look at Carter.

Similarly, this kind of Carter does not conform to Daniel's aesthetics.

According to the setting, she likes the type of artist who has long hair and is a bit girly.

But just as 'Terry' spoke, 'Carter' hurriedly explained: "We met in the elective class. She was drunk and fell on the roadside last night, so I helped her-"

The words of the two people are obviously somewhat contradictory.

So 'Terry' interrupted him angrily before he could finish his words: "Shut up! Come here!"

Saying that, 'Teri' pulled him aside with a dark face under the playful eyes of everyone in the sisterhood.

The most beautiful girl in the sorority was actually slept with by a bumpkin?This is interesting news!Everyone thought secretly in their hearts.

Even 'Betsy' looked excited.

"I'm telling you! Don't tell anyone that we slept together last night! Understand! Don't tell anyone! No one!"

'Terry' quickly glanced at 'Daniel' and the others, and warned with an ugly expression.

'Carter' was about to speak but stopped after hearing this.

He actually wanted to tell Terry that he just helped her back to the dormitory last night and let him sleep on the empty bed next to her, without touching her.

He even stayed up all night to take care of Terry.

Unfortunately, looking at 'Teri's' obviously unwilling and impatient look, he opened his mouth without saying anything, and swallowed the words back into his stomach.

"Then, okay. I'm sorry about last night and what happened just now. Anyway, um, I'm leaving first."

'Carter' smiled awkwardly and turned away under 'Terry's increasingly impatient gaze. His back looked like a dog.

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(End of this chapter)

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