Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 43 Box office champion?My heart hurts so much that I can’t breathe!

Chapter 43 Box office champion?My heart hurts so much that I can’t breathe!

Although it is impossible to win an award, "Acceptance" cannot surpass "Gladiator" which will win the Oscar for Best Picture in terms of box office and artistic achievements, but if it is just a nomination, it should still be fine. .

The fact that the film was nominated for an award will undoubtedly further enhance its value.

After all, except for the online broadcast rights, all other copyrights of this film already belong to Warner.

Of course, whether or not it should work this way, and to what extent it should work, ultimately depends on what kind of box office the film can achieve and what kind of revenue it can bring to Warner.

Regarding this, both Warner and relevant personnel of the crew and company such as Sera and Mia are all looking forward to it nervously.

On the contrary, Wayne, although he was also a little expectant, looked much calmer than them.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was six o'clock in the morning on September 9th.

Wayne was hugging Jessica and Mia and sleeping soundly on the bed, when Sierra's call to announce the good news came at an inappropriate time.

"It's out! Wayne! The premiere results of "Admission" are out!"

"3075 theaters, box office of 1181 million, average single day per theater is 3856 US dollars!"

"Warner has decided to continue contacting theaters to expand the scale of the show!"

"Oh my God! Wayne! We're probably going to be number one at the box office this weekend!"

On the other end of the phone, Sierra, who had become more stable and mature after almost going bankrupt, was as excited as a star-struck girl. The excited voice made Wayne have to put the phone away quickly.

But that's no wonder.

Based on the box office of 1181 million on the first day, the North American box office in the three days of the first weekend should be more than 4000 million US dollars.

Although this is not comparable to "Spider-Man", which was released two years later, with a North American box office of 1.14 million in its first weekend. It is still far from the current first weekend box office record, but it is enough to win steadily. This weekend’s box office winner.

After achieving such opening weekend results, as long as the reputation does not collapse, according to Hollywood's past rules, the box office in North America will have great hope of exceeding [-] million US dollars.

The global box office is estimated to be US$[-] million.

This kind of achievement is a proud achievement for any film participant, let alone a producer like Serra who has just experienced a tragic failure.

But what makes her heartbroken is that the rights to the film have been sold to Warner Bros.

No matter how high the subsequent income is, it has little to do with them.

If "Acceptance" can really reach a box office of over 7000 million in North America and over [-] million worldwide, coupled with the sale of the disc market and TV broadcast rights, Warner's profit from this film is estimated to reach an astonishing over [-] million.

The cost for them to buy the copyright was only 1950 million.

At this moment, Serra, who was still proud of selling a small-budget movie with a budget of 800 million U.S. dollars to 1950 million U.S. dollars, was so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe.

It was truly a scene of extreme pain and joy, and it was inevitable that I would be so excited.

"Okay, Sera, calm down."

"First, the rights to the movie have been sold, and the subsequent results have little to do with us."

"Second, although we won't get the box office revenue, the better the film's performance, the more confidence we will have when selling "Happy Death Day" next."

"So we have to take a longer view." After a pause, Wayne continued: "You didn't have a rest all night, right? This is not okay! You are the CEO of the company. If you fail, the company will be in trouble. It's going to be over, so I suggest you give yourself a day off, take a bath, have breakfast, and have a good rest."

"Okay, Wayne, I think you're right." Sierra took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"But let's wait until later to talk about the holiday. I will adjust myself."

After hanging up the phone, Wayne went back to sleep.

Sierra also made herself a cup of coffee and returned to her desk.

Although Wayne was right that no matter how good "Acceptance" was at the box office, they wouldn't get an extra penny of profit, Sierra couldn't help but pay attention to it.

In addition, the same is true for Mia and Jessica, which means that Wayne, even when he is not participating in promotional activities, can learn the latest box office data of "Admission" from Mia every day.

"Oh my god! The box office in the first weekend was 4130 million US dollars! Honey! Our movie won the box office championship this weekend!"

"The box office for the next week was 4988 million! Calculated in this way, the cumulative box office in the ten days since its release has reached 9118 million. Doesn't this mean that the North American box office of "Admission Notice" will exceed [-] million US dollars without waiting until next weekend?!"

"Dear, do you think the final box office result of "Admission Notice" will really exceed [-] million?"


The box office in the first weekend was 4130 million, and the box office in the second week was 4988 million. The box office in the second weekend was 3470 million, a decrease of only 15%, which was much lower than the normal curve.

Such amazing results have prompted Warner to once again increase its publicity efforts and also launch global releases ahead of schedule.

But just when everyone was optimistic about the film's prospects, Wayne knew that its potential had almost been exhausted.

On Monday morning, after having breakfast, Wayne sat on the sofa overlooking the entire manor. He had gradually become accustomed to picking up the newspaper handed over by Hannah and started reading it.

The weekend box office of 3470 million yuan did not help "Admission" win the second weekend box office championship, because "Meet the Father-in-law", which was produced by DreamWorks and distributed by Universal, and earned 3.3 million global box office in its previous life, has already been released.

The box office of 4700 million in the first weekend was much higher than the first weekend result of "Admission".

It can be predicted from this that the box office space of "Admission Notice" will definitely be squeezed by this movie and lose a lot.

But even so, Warner has already made a lot of money and is very satisfied.

After thinking about it, Wayne picked up the phone and called James Wan to inquire about the post-production progress of "Happy Death Day".

Thanks to Jessica's outstanding performance, which even surprised Wayne, the filming process of "Happy Death Day" was extremely smooth. All the filming content was completed four days ago, that is, on October 10th, and it was transferred to the post-production stage.

Originally, he was going to watch it personally. After all, post-production is no less important to a movie than shooting.

It can even determine the final quality and success or failure of a movie.

It's just that he has to participate in various promotional activities for "Admission Notice" during this period, and he is really too busy.

During the rare rest time, he had no energy at all. He just wanted to stay at home and enjoy the service of Jessica and Hannah, so after thinking about it, he simply handed over all this part of the work to James Wan.

This actually made James Wan, a new director, a little flattered, and even had the similar idea of ​​dying for a confidant.

So, according to Mia, who was responsible for following up, James Wan seemed to be afraid that Wayne would regret it these days, so he simply lived in the editing room and never came out to eat or sleep except to go to the toilet. .

 Ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up, ask for monthly pass~~~~~
  Thanks to 'McDeleo' for the tip!There will be another chapter added tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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