Chapter 51 The anxious Miss Fox

In order to get more pay, Wayne put his name as a co-producer on both "Acceptance" and "Happy Death Day".

Although he didn't actually do any work in this area, as the investor and the person who made the casting decisions, he was the real producer.

As for Sierra and Mia, they are really just executive producers.

"But I don't think you care about this, so I'm not in a hurry to tell you." Mike added.

I have to say, he was quite right.

Wayne is currently unable to act in any of the films he has invested in, and has no use for WMA's resources.

At most, the WMA's reputation and connections can be used to make it more convenient when renting filming locations. After all, Hemera Pictures is only a medium-sized production company, and its ranking is relatively low, and WMA is the third largest company in Hollywood after CAA. The second largest brokerage firm.

If you want to mention Hemera Pictures to someone, they will definitely have never heard of it. But if you want to mention WMA, or one of their superstars, such as Schwarzenegger and Stallone, they will probably never heard of it. not enough.

"In addition, I heard that your movie "Happy Death Day" sold for 3950 million US dollars, and you plan to invest about 1000 million to produce an independent film. Several agents from secondary clients within the company have contacted me."

"Including Natalie Portman, who had some unpleasant troubles with you last time, they all expressed their intention to cooperate with you, even if they take a slight salary cut, it doesn't matter."

"But I know that the main role in your movie "Girl Genius" has already been chosen. I'm afraid you will find it annoying, so I declined for you."


Mike continued to introduce the work he had done for Wayne during this period.

It has to be said that while Wayne was busy running promotions and taking a break to enjoy life, Mike, his agent, did help him deal with a lot of things. Although they were not very important, they were very trivial and troublesome, which made him whole. Everyone feels more comfortable.

This also made him look at Mike with admiration.

In terms of ability, although Mike is not excellent, he is definitely conscientious in his job, and this is exactly the agent he needs.

"Jessica has been a little dissatisfied with her agent recently," Wayne suddenly said, "You know, CAA's greed makes her agent always try to find ways to use her relationship to get more of clients crammed into my crew.”

Mike couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

"Is this a knock, a warning, or..."

Mike thought quickly, and then his breathing became rapid.

That's right, although Wayne's words did mean a warning, they were more of a benefit to him.

"After she kicks off her agent, I will ask her to contact you and sign a contract with you. Jessica is my official girlfriend and does not require any resources from WMA, so when the time comes to negotiate the share ratio, we need to try our best. Turn it down a little.”

Mike's eyes couldn't help but light up after receiving the confirmation.

Low share ratio?That's all right!

Just like Wayne said, Jessica can obtain a steady stream of resources from Wayne with almost no help from the WMA. For the WMA and him, isn't this equivalent to picking up money for free?
Moreover, with the help of Wayne, Jessica will definitely become more and more popular in the future, and her salary will become higher and higher. When she becomes a second-level or even first-level customer, even if it is a pitiful low ratio of 3% or even 2% , he can also get 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands!
A single share of the profit was more than what he had earned in the past two or three years!
Even now, he is confident that he can help Jessica negotiate a 6% commission ratio, and he can still make a lot of money with this ratio!

"No problem! Wayne, please leave it to me! I will definitely be a qualified agent that meets your needs!" Mike quickly and seriously assured.While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived outside the dressing room, so Wayne patted his shoulder with a smile and walked in without saying anything else.

However, such an intimate gesture already filled Mike's heart with joy, and he was so excited that he almost screamed out.

It wasn't until the door of the women's dressing room next to him was suddenly opened and Megan Fox, who had just finished styling and applying makeup, walked out of it that he finally came back to his senses.

"Hey, Mike, why are you here?" Megan asked subconsciously, but then she seemed to think of something and asked excitedly: "Is Wayne here?"

"That's right, Wayne is here." Mike paused and said pointedly: "But don't be too petty and just keep acting. You are still too young and Wayne will not touch you. Yes, if you think too much, you will make him unhappy."

The smile on Megan's face froze.

Mike's words were like a bucket of cold water, instantly dousing her newly emerged excitement.

After looking at Mike carefully, Megan frowned and recalled some details of her past contact with Wayne. After hesitating for more than ten seconds, Megan finally reluctantly accepted Mike's advice.

"Okay, thank you for your advice Mike, I'll keep it in perspective."

Time quickly came to eleven o'clock in the morning, and the prop master and set decorator finally set up the scene.

Then director Doug Liman slightly adjusted the lighting and camera position, and after spending 2 minutes on a test shoot, today's shooting officially started.

"Wayne, you just lie here like this later."

"Good director."

Wayne threw away the sheet covering his body, wearing only his wet underpants, and lay down in the position as Doug Liman said, showing his muscular back and the wounds carefully created by the special effects makeup artist. in front of the camera.

There is no exaggeration. Just at this scene, countless women at the scene swallowed subconsciously and looked at Wayne like a she-wolf who had been hungry for three days looking at meat.

"A group of bitches!"

Megan, who was standing next to the 'Old Captain', couldn't help but curse secretly. Then according to the description in the script, she brought the surgical instruments prepared by the prop master and placed them on the table next to Wayne. Then she reached out and prepared to help Wayne check them first. Wound.


As soon as her hand touched Wayne's back, Doug Liman's voice suddenly sounded.

Then I heard him say loudly and dissatisfied: "Miss Fox, why are you in such a hurry? Slow down a little, be calm! Just like you did during the test shoot!"

".Is it the same when facing the air during the test shooting as it is now facing the real Wayne?"

Megan's cheeks couldn't help but feel hot, and she quickly apologized to Doug Liman, then quickly picked up the props and equipment tray and returned to its original position.

Obviously, compared to the other women around her who she had just despised, her performance was not much better.

Fortunately, she quickly adjusted her emotions and followed the instructions from the acting teacher Mike contacted her some time ago. She frowned slightly when she looked at the wound on Wayne's back, and quickly glanced at the 'Grandpa Captain' who was acting next to her. , there was a flash of emotion that he was hesitant to speak.

 Please recommend, please continue reading, please give monthly votes~~~There is another chapter tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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