Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 53 Roberts takes the initiative to ask for extra scenes

Chapter 53 Roberts takes the initiative to ask for extra scenes
To be honest, Emma Roberts may not be as good-looking as Kristen when she grows up, but when she was a child, Emma was much cuter than Kristen, who looked like a tomboy.

Of course, if possible, what he actually wants to use most is another Emma. Unfortunately, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is still being filmed.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson."

"Hello, Ms. Roberts."

As expected, Wayne met Julia Roberts on the set, who was accompanied by a very young Emma Roberts.

Perhaps it is due to her own fame and status, but she is not overly proactive like Nicole Kidman. While making people feel close, she maintains just the right distance.

But that's no wonder.

Although Nicole Kidman's popularity and traffic are not inferior to Julia Roberts at all, Nicole Kidman's popularity and traffic come from Tom Cruise.

And Julia Roberts has the fame and status she has today, but it is because of herself.

She became famous for her role in "Pretty Woman". In fact, when she starred in "Steel Magnolias" earlier, she won the 47th American Film and Television Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture and the 62nd Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Supporting Actress nomination.

"Pretty Woman" also helped her win the Best Actress Award at the 48th Golden Globe Awards and was nominated for Best Actress at the 63rd Academy Awards.

You must know that she was just 23 years old at that time, and she was already famous all over the United States.

However, this was just the beginning. Later, she was nominated for various awards many times with wonderful films such as "Captain Hook" and "Notting Hill".

The movie "Never Compromise" released in March this year, if nothing unexpected, has already booked next year's Oscar statuette in advance.

This is obviously much better than Nicole Kidman.

However, after Nicole Kidman divorced Tom Cruise, she also seemed to be cheating, and her performance and fame continued to rise.

If Tom Cruise hadn't stood too high, or if he had been a little tired and unprofessional, he might have been surpassed by Nicole Kidman.

So when Julia Roberts also decided to join "The Bourne Supremacy" and play a small supporting role in it, it really brought a lot of attention to the film.

If it weren't for the ridiculously high production cost of "The Bourne Supremacy" - a real $5000 million, the Big Seven might have been tempted and wanted to invest.

The reason why Julia Roberts "lowered herself" and agreed to star in the film is actually very simple, just for money.

Although she has made a lot of money over the years, the daily expenses of being a popular first-line female star in Hollywood are also so high that ordinary people can hardly imagine them.

I won’t talk about the most basic maintenance costs of a luxury home.

To give a simple example, a female star like her must look glamorous when going out, and her clothes, jewelry, shoes, and bags must be worthy of her status. Each piece often costs thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. It’s like spending money. Like running water.

The most important thing is that her film "Never Compromise" is destined to win an Oscar next year if she invests enough public relations money.

This is about six to seven million U.S. dollars compared to the public relations fee. It sounds like a lot, but it is actually very cheap.

If it were Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise, even if the public relations expenses were tripled, they still wouldn't give you the Oscar.So in order to make more money, when she was negotiating to sign a contract with Hemera Pictures, she even offered that as long as she added another 100 million, she could play the role of the two villain killers killed by the protagonist Bourne, and personally The suggestion to go into battle and act in a fight scene.It seems that he also knew the original novel in advance.

Originally, Wayne planned to let her play the role of the apartment manager who was killed after only one minute of the scene. She was hired simply to drive traffic to the movie.

However, after some consideration, he accepted the proposal.

After all, this is the first time in all the years since her debut that Julia Roberts has played a role like a female killer in an action movie.

This is definitely a better gimmick.

Julia Roberts not only made more money, but also achieved a breakthrough in the acting industry, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

However, considering that she had no experience in shooting action scenes, and it was too late for assault training now, Wayne finally decided to let her play the second appearance, trying to assassinate Bourne remotely with a sniper rifle, but she was manipulated by Bourne. The man in the trench coat and glasses who fought back.

The scene lasts about 3 minutes.

As for the remaining Kate Winslet, she plays the role of the heroine’s ex-boyfriend’s first wife, which is an additional role in itself. The scenes are all original by Tony Gilroy, and their purpose is just to borrow Kate Winslet’s character. Slater's traffic only.

As a result, at least in the first film, Julia Roberts has become the one with the biggest role among the three female stars.

"Anderson, this is my niece Emma, ​​please take care of me later."

Julia Roberts introduced to Wayne Emma Roberts, who was next to her, wearing a sun hat and a floral dress, looking slim.

He vaguely mentioned the project "Girl Genius", probably because he heard from somewhere that a little girl plays an important role in this movie, and he wanted to recommend it to his niece.

"I'm sorry, Roberts, this movie is set on a six-year-old girl. Emma is a little too big." Wayne refused her politely and bluntly.

Not to mention that Emma Roberts's acting skills and image at this age are far inferior to Dakota Fanning, and her age alone does not meet the setting of a little girl.

After all, children usually grow faster, especially little girls in Europe and the United States. The height difference between the nine-year-old and the six-year-old is more than a head.

Moreover, Emma Roberts is a relatively mature-looking person. Although she is about the same height as children of the same age, she looks like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old junior high school student. She definitely cannot play Mary in "Girls".

"That's such a pity." Julia Roberts said, but the expression on her face did not change at all, and it was obvious that she did not value this role very much.

Of course, this is also related to the identities between the two parties.

Even though she is very famous, she still has to remain humble and low-key in front of capital.

It has been 14 years since her debut. If she didn't understand or couldn't even understand these rules, she wouldn't have been able to climb to this position.

On the other hand, Emma Roberts had a disappointed expression on her face. Her two little hands subconsciously clasped together and rubbed her feet, looking pitiful.

 Recommendations, monthly passes, rewards, please give me more~~~~嘤嘤嘤

(End of this chapter)

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