Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 74 The assistant is not qualified to express opinions

Chapter 74 The assistant is not qualified to express opinions
After staying with Wayne for another day, Eva Green reluctantly left Zurich.

There was no way, it wasn't that she didn't want to stay for a few more days, it was just that her body couldn't bear it anymore.In fact, if she hadn't been able to rest in the hotel while Wayne was filming during the day, she wouldn't have been able to last even three days.

"No wonder that guy has two real girlfriends. If there was only one person, he wouldn't be able to hold on, right?" On the train back to Paris, Eva yawned and couldn't help but think about the wonderful experience of these three days. Then he unconsciously thought of his twin sister.

But when she thought of her sister's completely different personality and ambitions, she reluctantly gave up the thought of something inappropriate for children.

On the other hand, Wayne didn't know that he had missed a serious opportunity to have an in-depth communication with his twin sisters.

After hanging out for three days, the first thing I did when I got back was to feed my decent girlfriend.

Both Jessica and Mia were very satisfied with his attitude and abilities.

As for Assistant Hannah, she's not qualified to express her opinion, right?

It is worth mentioning that Hannah's psychological problems still show no signs of improvement, but are getting worse.

Now, if any other man touches her hand or any other part of her skin, she will feel nauseous, wishing that the gun would destroy him.

This made her always complain, blaming Wayne for being so good, while other men were instantly reduced to scum when compared with her.

But after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with this. Wayne can't fault him at all except for being a bit carefree. It would be useful if he didn't catch such a man properly and went to find other crooks. Sick?
On the other hand, the three of them were greatly surprised that Eva Green could withstand Wayne's firepower alone for three days.

"Is that French woman really so powerful? More powerful than that guy Charlize?" Jessica lay lazily in Wayne's arms and couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Well, not bad, the two are about the same strength." Wayne thought for a while and commented very objectively.

"Then do you plan to 'hold it for the long term'?" Mia asked.

"I have this idea," Wayne said very frankly.

"I plan to let her play the second female mercenary 'Ren' in Resident Evil 1, or the second female mercenary 'Valentine' in the planned second film."

"The latter can be regarded as one of the heroines in the "Resident Evil" series. No matter in terms of character design or scenes, she is much more exciting than the former, and it matches Eva's image and temperament very well. After adjusting the plot a little, it even It will appear again in other subsequent installments.”

"It's just that even if two parts are filmed consecutively, it will take six or seven months to wait for the second part to be released. I don't know if she can bear it."

"You are really considerate to her~" Mia complained first, and then said helplessly: "But have you forgotten something? This is Hollywood, and we are not shooting the kind of 10,000+, dozens A small-budget film with a budget of more than 3000 million yuan is a large and medium-sized commercial film with a budget of more than [-] million yuan. After the filming is completed, isn’t it normal to wait a year or two for release?”

Jessica on the side also nodded in agreement.

For a normal 3000 million commercial film, regardless of whether it has special effects or not, post-production will take at least a month or two. Taking into account ratings, publicity, and film scheduling, it can be released in half a year, which is considered fast.

Films like "Acceptance" and "Happy Death Day" that can handle all the post-production work in one or two weeks usually only appear in films that cost 20 or [-] and do not go to theaters but only enter the disc market. The director can Yan made the final decision on all editing work on a low-budget film.

After hearing this, Wayne couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he was too anxious.

"That's no problem. By the way, as for the director, it should be Christopher Nolan."

Wayne took the opportunity to decide on the director. Between Nolan and Quentin, he finally chose Nolan. Although he is not well-known now, Nolan will be better in terms of reputation and box office in the future.Although he has not yet completely achieved financial freedom, he is almost there. He should be more patient.

"Are you signing a series?" Mia asked.

"Yes, at least five or more, preferably seven directly. The salary can be increased by about 30% according to the market price at that time, but the box office share must be kept as low as possible." Wayne said.

"What about Quentin Tarantino?" Mia asked.


Speaking of Quentin, Wayne couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although he is happy to let Quentin and Nolan complement each other, the problem is that Quentin's character will definitely not be willing to stay under others for a long time.

It's just that he's not famous enough now. After "Kill Bill" is released, his fame will skyrocket. Coupled with his own bad temper, if he is put together with Nolan, he will definitely be able to fight with Nolan.

As far as he knows, although the filming of "Kill Bill" only started in June 02, Quentin already has this idea and is conceiving the script.

So it would be unrealistic for him to give up on "Kill Bill."

"Let's sign three movies with him first, and remember to increase the liquidated damages." Wayne said after thinking for a moment.

According to the historical trajectory of his previous life, preparations for "Kill Bill" began around the end of 01, so even if he shoots the first two "Resident Evil" movies together, he can only shoot three movies a year at most.

"Okay, I'll contact Susan right now! She is the producer of the Resident Evil project, so she should take the initiative in this matter."

Fifteen minutes later, Susan, who was busy on the set of "Girl Genius", received an international call from Mia.

"Hello? Mia! Long time no see!"

"What am I doing? I'm on the set of "Girl Genius"! You mean panting? Oh, I'm just a little busy, nothing. What are you thinking!"

"Do you think I can be so happy to have an excellent boyfriend like Wayne just like you?"

Susan adjusted her breathing and complained rudely.

Because this was her first time as a producer in a serious sense, she was very worried about this project. She personally participated in every detail and wanted to do everything perfectly, so naturally she was tired.

It is worth mentioning that she was once a delinquent girl who did not do her job properly. Of course, this was normal in Millikin. It was only after some changes that she turned around and began to focus seriously on her career.

And such people usually work extra hard.Just like Keanu Reeves and Robert Downey Jr. who later turned back.

She was able to fall in love with Robert Downey Jr., encourage and help Robert Downey Jr. to stand up again, and to some extent, she saw the shadow of her own past in Robert Downey Jr.

(End of this chapter)

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