Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 82 5 documents (please subscribe!)

Chapter 82 Five Documents (Please subscribe!)
Counting the millions in salary he paid himself for "The Bourne Supremacy", he now has only 1 million in disposable funds.

If he only purchases the copyrights of more than 30 superheroes, he can definitely start the "Avengers" project now and use system funds to acquire it.

But if he directly acquires Marvel, he can only use his own money.

There is no doubt that the sooner you acquire Marvel, the better, and then use Marvel to reclaim the copyrights of other superheroes as soon as possible.

Before Spider-Man was released, the price would definitely be much cheaper.

He could even directly negotiate with Sony Columbia to share the copyright while Spider-Man is not released.

With financial inducements and threats of blackening and writing Spider-Man to death, at this time, there is still a high possibility that Sony Columbia will agree.

"But where are we going to raise the remaining 700 million yuan? To allocate the company's working capital? Or to change the distribution plan of "Girl Genius" and directly sell the copyright at once?"

Wayne was a little undecided for a moment, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being and read the third document in his hand.

Among the top-grossing movie series in the world, the "Transformers" series undoubtedly occupies a place.

The first part has a global box office of US$7.09 million, the second part has a global box office of US$8.36 million, the third part has a global box office of US$11.23 billion, and the fourth part has a global box office of US$11.04 billion.

Although the box office of the fifth and independent film "Bumblebee" was only US$6.05 million and US$4.67 million, the cumulative box office of the six films exceeded 6 billion, which is still quite amazing.

The "Fast and Furious" series and the "Harry Potter" series have no chance to start because they traveled too late. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" project has now been approved, and it is not cost-effective to participate in the investment, so we have to give up.

However, "Transformers" was still in the hands of the toy company Hasbro at this time, and only the animation rights were bought by the island country.

The reason for this is not that no one is interested in "Transformers", but because Hasbro is unwilling to let go of the most important revenue of "Transformers" - movie peripherals. After all, it is a toy company.

However, it is not difficult to win the film and television rights of "Transformers" as long as the price is increased and Hasbro promises that the movie peripherals will still be produced and sold by Hasbro, and if Hasbro only takes a part of the revenue.

Serra consulted Hasbro according to the conditions he gave, and the other party's offer was US$800 million and a 10% share of peripheral sales.

Note that this 10% sales share is for Hemera Pictures.

In other words, Hasbro gets 90%!

It looks very dark, but you must know that this is the complete set of Transformers film and television rights!Only $800 million?Wayne almost agreed directly when he saw this number.

However, Serra pointed out very confidently in the document that if Wayne really wants to win the Transformers copyright, she is confident that within two weeks, she can lower the copyright price to less than 500 million and increase the share of peripheral sales. More than 15%.

Obviously, Wayne has no reason to refuse, after all, he is really short of money now!
And this part of the cost can also use the investment funds given by the system, which is great.

Wayne then looked at the remaining two documents.

After gradually adapting to the world and the changes brought to him by the system, his ambitions began to gradually grow. To develop Hemera Pictures to the height of his ambition, he must control as many box offices as possible. The rights to the blockbuster movie series.

After all, successful movie series are the ones that can make the most stable money.

This is just like that although Universal Pictures has been established for so many years and has produced so many excellent movies, its most valuable and influential works are still the two series of "Fast and Furious" and "Jurassic Park".There are also Warner's DC Comics, "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings", and Fox's "X-Men", "Star Wars" and "Alien".

If he can acquire Marvel and buy the rights to "Transformers", then he will have four major IPs in his hands: Marvel, Transformers, Resident Evil, and The Bourne Supremacy.

But this is still not enough, so he is eyeing the film rights of the "Godzilla" series, which has not yet been restarted in film and television, and "A Song of Ice and Fire", which has already released three volumes.

Although the former is not the best in the series of movies, it is actually not inferior to the "Resident Evil" series.


This result is really not bad.

The most important thing is that the 'Monster Universe' it builds can also incorporate more movies. As long as the price is right, it is quite cost-effective to buy it.

"Only 300 million?"

After Wayne took a look at the price of the film and television rights given by Toho Co., Ltd., which currently holds the copyright to Godzilla, he immediately made the decision without hesitation.

On the other hand, the price of the film and television adaptation rights for the complete set of "A Song of Ice and Fire". I don't know if George R.R. Martin is too confident in his work or something, but he actually called out a buyout price of 1300 million US dollars.

You must know that the price for the film and television adaptation rights of a classic best-selling novel like "The Bourne Supremacy" is only 500 million!

"A Song of Ice and Fire" is actually more than twice as expensive as "The Bourne Supremacy"!this.
"It doesn't seem too outrageous?"

Wayne couldn't help but rub his chin.

With the memory of his previous life, he felt that the price was still within the acceptable range, but in Sierra's view, the price was a bit outrageous.

She stated in the document that George R.R. Martin's attitude is still relatively tough. She estimates that the price can only be reduced to about 1000 million at most, so she does not recommend buying it.

So Wayne will definitely have to act arbitrarily this time.

"But when you sign the contract, you must include a clause that George R.R. Martin must finish writing the entire Song of Ice and Fire within three to five years. No delays in drafting!"

Wayne muttered something silently in his mind, looked at the time on the clock on the wall, then left the bedroom with his cell phone and called Susan.

"Hi Susan!"

"Hey, Wayne, you actually called me at this time? I remember it's late at night over there, right? Is there something wrong?"

After receiving Wayne's call, Susan immediately stopped what she was doing and asked curiously.

"Absolutely. How is the filming progress of "Girl Genius"? Did you encounter any trouble?"

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