Chapter 9 Extra drama!Must add drama!
Wayne wasted no time and read the script directly after sitting down.

Mia first helped him pour a cup of coffee very thoughtfully, and then picked up another script and read it. As a production assistant, she had to understand it to some extent.

Soon the conference room became quiet again, only the sound of turning pages and writing and drawing could be heard from time to time.

While reading the script, Wayne compared it with the original plot and scenes in his head.

It has to be said that Bill was able to establish a stable cooperation with a production company in the super-involved industry of 'Hollywood screenwriting', and his level was quite good. The script written according to his oral outline of the story was at least [-]% of the original version.

The remaining [-]% ​​has changed due to changes in time and characters, but from his professional perspective, not only is it not inferior to the original version, but it is even more outstanding.

"Does Director Pose have any suggestions for changes?"

Wayne first asked Steve Posey, and after seeing that he had no objection, he looked at Mia and Sierra beside him.

After finally making sure that everyone had no objections, the script was finalized.

But this is just the beginning of a new phase.

After deciding on the script, he, together with the director, screenwriter and Mia, the production assistant, followed the external producer to visit several initially selected shooting locations.

At the same time, Sierra also sent the confirmed scripts to the agents of Natalie, Jessica and others.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in!"

"I heard from the nanny that you have been sleeping until now? Didn't he stay overnight last night?"

The agent pushed open the door and walked into the bedroom.

It was obvious that in terms of appearance, figure, and abilities, Wayne was much better than those she had dated before.

"I'm so envious of you for being able to taste such a wonderful man!"

The agent showed an envious look at the right time, which immediately made Natalie feel even more proud.

Clearly, women are no different from men in this regard.

"I plan on holding it for the long term."

"I also suggest you do this." The agent agreed sincerely.

"Okay, what do you want to do with me?"

"Hemera Pictures has sent the script over, and I took a quick look at it. The plot is great! And I heard that the idea and design of this story came from Wayne Anderson. In other words, besides this guy, In addition to his figure, appearance, and money, he is also quite talented. As long as such a person doesn't have any major problems, he will surely be able to make a name for himself in Hollywood soon."

The agent said and handed the script to Natalie.

Natalie showed an expression of surprise and curiosity as expected. Resisting the thought of sleeping for another five or six hours, she opened the script in her hand and read it carefully.

Although she is very scheming and likes to work hard and make trouble, she is also serious about acting because she knows that those really great directors actually value acting skills.

If she wants to continue to climb up, excellent acting skills and brilliant performances are an indispensable and important part.

After all, she doesn’t have the talent or capital of Jessica and Meghan. Even just being a vase can make her famous all over the world and be sought after.

However, Jessica, who has also received the script, is much more serious this time than before, because Wayne has hinted to her more than once in the past few days that as long as her acting skills improve further, he will continue to work with her in the future. Cooperation, and the worst is also one of the starring roles.

This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for Jessica, who is only 19 years old. Although she has appeared in several movies, she has not made any splash and is just a little-known actor.

What's more, if we continue to cooperate, we can enjoy the male god better, right?

This is like telling Wayne, who was just a bit player in his previous life, that as long as your acting skills improve, you can play the leading role in a theater movie, and you can have sex with Liu Tianxian. Anyone who refuses this will be a fool, okay? .

"Is this the last place?"

"Yes, Mr. Anderson."

"Not bad! This is it."

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Wayne finally confirmed all the locations with the external producer. The next step was to produce the budget and arrange the shooting schedule.

These two aspects can be carried out simultaneously.

"Dear, I'm afraid I have to work overtime at the company tonight."

"Thanks a lot."

Mia said goodbye to Wayne reluctantly and stayed in the company.

She had thought a lot under Sera's guidance these days. She couldn't get a boyfriend as good as Wayne just by her looks and figure. After all, this was Hollywood.

Even if Wayne doesn't have this intention, the group of bitchis who are eager to be on top can seduce Wayne.Therefore, if she wants to keep Wayne, she must work hard on her career and make herself an indispensable partner in Wayne's work, so that she can keep him by her side for a long time.

After having an experience of almost going bankrupt and becoming pauper, Mia felt that what Sierra said was right, so she has been working very hard these days.

Wayne was someone who had been here before, so he probably saw what Mia was thinking.

He was naturally very happy about this.

After saying goodbye to Mia, he drove straight to Jessica's residence, and then relied on the above-average acting skills honed in his previous life and compared them with the original movie to guide Jessica's acting skills.

It's just that Jessica, a scumbag, was so naughty that she made Teacher Wayne very angry and had to give her a lesson so that she could calm down and concentrate on her studies.

At about one o'clock in the morning, Wayne received a call from Mia and learned that the budget had been made. Mia was also planning to drive to pick her up after get off work.

This made Mia very moved, so she immediately became particularly enthusiastic after returning to the dormitory.

Unfortunately, after working hard all day, her fighting ability was not very good, and she had already begged for mercy in less than an hour.

Wayne was kind-hearted and let her go. He put his arm around her smooth and tender shoulders and picked up the budget book with the other hand to look at it.

Serra did not disappoint.

The production budget was exactly 800 million US dollars, plus a 200 million publicity budget, and the 1000 million investment was all spent.

Among them, his and Natalie Portman's salary alone accounted for one-third.

Natalie Portman's salary is the same as the original offer, which is 200 million.

And his salary was set to the upper limit of 80 yuan, which is the upper limit allowed by the system, plus 20 yuan for co-producer and co-screenwriter, his total salary was exactly 100 million US dollars.

And unlike other people's installment payments, his 100 million US dollars was settled in one lump sum at the beginning of the project. Together with his remaining 30 yuan, Hemera Pictures will not need the next three phases of loans. Worried.

Three months was enough for him to get his second investment fund and his second paycheck.

In addition, for publicity and distribution, Serra turned to Warner, with whom he had collaborated many times before.

Although the investment failure of Sierra's last movie made Warner not optimistic about her, this time it was not an investment, but just taking money to do things. 200 million is not a small amount, so Warner naturally had no reason to turn her away.

"Newspaper promotion a week in advance. The number of theaters for the first weekend is no less than 500. It's quite satisfactory."

Wayne combined the memories of the two lives and nodded secretly.

In terms of announcements, Serra did not make false claims, but tried his best to get the best conditions, which made Wayne very satisfied.

Then he looked at the first version of the shooting plan that Steve Posey had worked out in a hurry. After finding that he didn't see any problems, he hugged Mia and fell asleep comfortably.

Over the next three days, Wayne continued to move between Mia, Jessica and Natalie.

Because Mia was too busy, she spent most of the time with Jessica. As for Natalie, she only had an in-depth communication once.

After all, compared with Mia and Jessica, Natalie's only great thing is her fame.

Under his guidance, Mia and Jessica quickly caught up with the originally dominant skills.

In addition, he also mentored Megan Fox a little at the suggestion of her co-agent Mike Jones.

This is her first movie appearance.

Considering that she had a previous experience as a model champion and her figure was hotter than Mia and Jessica who were several years older than her, Wayne took the role of the ny dancer with many lines and scenes in the original version. Gave it to her.

In the past few days, she has been learning tying dance from a professional teacher. This time she asked Mike to find Wayne, just to ask him to check it out and see if there were any shortcomings that could be corrected in advance.

After all, as an investor in an independent film, Wayne is the one with the biggest say among the entire crew.

"Not bad!"

In the appointed hotel room, Wayne looked at the hot girl dancing wildly to the explosive music, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

In fact, in the original admission notice, this character did not show off too much, nor did he perform a tying dance.

But this is Megan Fox!And it’s also his screen debut!

Wouldn't it be too wasteful if we didn't make good use of it?

So after asking Serra and director Pose, and confirming that this scale would be classified as R-rated at most, Wayne decisively added a lot of scenes to Megan.

Now after watching Megan's performance, Wayne feels even more that this will be the right choice.

However, after some struggle, Wayne still rejected Meghan's embrace. After all, it is not 20 years later, and California has not implemented a new law that makes it legal as long as the age difference between the two parties is less than 10 years.

(End of this chapter)

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