Chapter 95: Pure and young? !
In fact, there is no need for Liu Xiaoli to say more. She sends messages to Wayne almost every day, wanting to chat with him. However, Wayne is really 'too busy', so he always seems to be indifferent to her, which makes her While she was feeling depressed, she also wanted to get Wayne's approval more and more.

After all, what you can't get is the best thing.

Here, after Mike hung up the phone, he called Eva Green the second time.

Although she was a little better than Zhang Ziyi, when Eva Green received the call and learned that she was confirmed to play the second female lead Valentine in "Resident Evil 2", she still breathed a sigh of relief. , with an excited expression on his face.

"Okay! Okay! Mr. Jones! My passport has been processed and I will definitely rush there before the audition!"

Eva Green, who hung up the phone, dialed Wayne's number excitedly like Zhang Ziyi.

"Dear! I just received a call from Mr. Jones! Thank you-"

Eva thanked Wayne excitedly, and then asked Wayne when he would have time to meet again.

Wayne's attitude towards Eva was much more enthusiastic than Zhang Ziyi's. After chatting for five or six minutes, they agreed to meet her back in Los Angeles before hanging up the phone.

Then Eva, who was still very excited, picked up the phone and called her mother, told her the good news, and then got busy asking for leave.

That night, she got on a flight to Los Angeles.

But Mike's speed was faster than hers. Before five o'clock in the afternoon, all the people designated by Wayne had been contacted.

People like Zhang Ziyi and Eva Green naturally agreed excitedly, without further explanation.

For the rest, except for Ben Stiller, the biggest name, who has not yet replied, the other managers agreed on the spot to meet as soon as possible after receiving the invitation. After all, Hemera Pictures' generosity is also very famous in the industry recently. of.

But as usual, Mike did not get off work on time, but continued to work overtime because he had to check the script to find out whether there were roles suitable for other clients of his.

If there is a suitable client and a suitable role, he will record it and notify the client later so that the client can prepare for the audition.

It was a lot of work, but Mike thoroughly enjoyed it.Because other agents, let alone getting the script, would have to pay a corresponding price just to know the information about some characters, but he could rely on Wayne's trust and directly choose the characters based on the script. In this comparison, he was really losing. !

By the time I read the entire script carefully, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

But Mike just looked at the time, picked up the list and phone, and contacted the customers he selected one by one.

Acting is no different from other professions. Unless you plan to be a bit player from the beginning, any audition opportunity will be extremely important to you before you become famous.

He believes that the customers who receive the call will never blame him, but will be grateful to him.

In fact it is.

"Hello Megan, I'm Mike."

Because all the money was spent on acting training classes, Meghan had to live frugally on weekdays and did not dare to go out to have fun at night. She took a shower early and went to bed every day.

This time she was sleeping soundly when she received Mike's call. But after learning that she had gotten another audition opportunity, and that she was the third female lead in a big production like "Resident Evil 2", Megan was excited. I am also very grateful to Mike.

Although there is no practical difference between receiving a notification in the middle of the night and receiving a notification the next morning, it is good to be able to know earlier and feel happy earlier.But this time she was happy a little too early.

Because the third female lead in the second part, that is, the role of the news reporter, Susan wanted to give it to Nao Milos.

Due to her own experience, she favors people who turn around and work extremely hard.

Although Naomi Watts has no experience of being a prodigal son, she came to Hollywood from Australia alone and worked quietly for nearly ten years. It was not until this year that she was finally able to play an important role in a multi-million-dollar production. Such an inspiring experience Also very poking her.

In addition, the two also worked happily together on the previous "Girls Genius" crew, so Naomi Watts has a greater chance of getting the role through audition than Megan.

Of course, these are all for later.

It is worth mentioning that when Mike finally found out the phone number of Ryan Reynolds' agent and contacted Ryan Reynolds, this guy was working part-time as a waiter at the YW Men's Club.

When he learned that there was actually a big production with a production budget of up to 3000 million US dollars, he was asked to play the leading role. His first reaction was that his agent was joking with him.

After repeatedly confirming that this was true, he thought it was some rich female client in the club who had fallen in love with the innocent and young him.

After learning that Hemera Pictures had found him, and that the boss of Hemera Pictures was the now-famous Wayne, this wretched guy thought that Wayne had that kind of orientation.

Fortunately, Wayne didn't know this, otherwise he would most likely have replaced these guys.

As the preparations for the "Resident Evil" crew entered a new stage, and the original shooting plan was changed to one or two consecutive shootings, Wayne's funds became tight.

【Name: Wayne】

[Remaining film and television investment funds: 3700 million]

[Projects currently in progress:]

[The Bourne Supremacy 1: The production budget was 5600 million, and 4100 million has been invested so far]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 6500 million, and 1500 million has been invested so far]

Germany, Koblenz, in a hotel room on the mountainside overlooking the entire Rhine Valley, Wayne, who had just fed Mia and the three of them, was alone in a bathrobe, leaning against the fence of the open-air balcony, blowing the night breeze and admiring Looking at the quiet river valley under the night, he opened the system panel and checked the usage of system funds.

With the completion of the production of "Girl Genius", the three-fold return of 3600 million production funds has already been transferred to his system account.

If we follow the original plan and only shoot one "Resident Evil" movie, and don't invite big names like Ben Stiller, the cost can definitely be controlled below 3000 million.

After all, there are really not many special effects in "Resident Evil 1", just the final battle with the Lickers. The rest of the zombies were all the work of special effects makeup artists.

But now that two films are shot in a row, even in this case, a lot of unnecessary expenses can be saved, and the budget will be greatly increased.

(End of this chapter)

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