Even if she couldn't confirm where this place was from any location or landmark, Xu Zhi just had an intuition.

She has come back.

Back to the starting point.

But why did she come back here?

Did she go the wrong way?

Xu Zhi subconsciously rejected this idea.

There is nothing that can be called a "road" here at all. Every step she takes is groping and haphazardly taken by herself. She doesn't know what her path is going to be. Only when she gets the lantern, her heart rises. It was a bit of a surprise.

But the road has no "end" and stops at the cabin. After entering the cabin, she returns to the starting point.

Xu Zhi stood there, her light-headed mind seemed to be gradually fading away. She thought for a long time and finally made a decision.

Walk this path again.

But this time I have to go more carefully and carefully.

The moment she made this decision, the dense fog around her suddenly rolled and gradually gave way to a muddy path, which was exactly the path Xu Zhi had walked before.

But, the road got longer.

Moreover, after the fog dissipated, her lantern was quietly placed on the roadside, within easy reach of her.

Xu Zhi did not hesitate, bent down to pick up the lamp and walked on the road again.

She didn't think she had taken the wrong path, but she just wanted to take it again.

When she took the first step, she felt a completely different feeling than before. It seemed that the gravity was different?

She could no longer walk as quickly and easily as before, and her body began to become heavier, as if some of the restrictions that had been protecting her before disappeared.

With every step she took, her physical strength was being consumed exponentially, and there seemed to be a silent temptation behind her asking her to turn back, give up on this uncertain and difficult road, and choose an easier path.

With her talent, any other path she chooses will be easier than ordinary people, so why choose the most difficult one?

Xu Zhi did not look back, or even hesitate for a moment, because she was convinced of herself, and there was no path more suitable for her than the path she was currently taking. She did not need to look back, nor did she need to choose an easier path, no matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead was. Even hardship could not make her waver in her choice.

Xu Zhi will never regret the choice he made, even if the choice is wrong.

What's more, she never thinks she did anything wrong.

The tempting voice behind him did not stop, and the road ahead became more difficult with every step he took, but Xu Zhi did not stop. He just held the lantern in his hand tightly and walked unswervingly towards the wooden house that was farther than the last time.

One hundred steps, two hundred steps, three hundred steps.

Suddenly it started to rain, the cold began to invade the girl's body, and the ground wet by the rain became muddy.

Three hundred and sixty-two steps, the number of steps the last time the wooden house appeared, but now, she was only halfway along the road.

There was faint thunder in the sky, but the thunder seemed to be hesitating and unwilling to fall, as if it could not find its target.

The surroundings did not become clear because of the rain, and the thick fog still obscured the vision on the left and right. Xu Zhi could only see the path he had already walked.

She did not stop and continued walking forward. The thunder seemed to be getting louder and louder, like a warning. This reminded Xu Zhi of the day he left the Federation. Such thunder seemed somewhat similar to that day, but it was different.

If anything, the faint thunder that kept coming from the sky was more oppressive than that day in the Federation.

Although the thunder in the Federation that day was indeed very powerful, it lacked spirituality and seemed to be just a punishment tool. However, the thunder above her head at this moment seemed to have some kind of spirituality. Xu Zhi ignored the thunder above his head that seemed to be about to fall and continued to move towards his goal.

The rain falling from the sky was somewhat unusual. Xu Zhi could feel the coldness seeping into her limbs and her thoughts becoming dull. In addition to increasing the consumption of her physical strength, the rain seemed to weaken her will and spirit.

The sky continued to roar and the thunder that had yet to fall brought endless mental pressure to her. The muddy ground under her feet made it difficult for her to walk, and the tempting voice of "comfort" behind her guided her to turn back. The road was obviously only twice as long as before, but Xu Zhi was Somewhat exhausted physically and mentally.

The various pressures, obstacles and temptations from the outside world cannot hinder Xu Zhi's forward movements. The lantern in his hand is emitting bursts of light at this moment. The pouring rain becomes much smaller when it enters the range of the lantern, and the light also exudes warmth, constantly Dispelling the coldness on Xu Zhi's body.

Xu Zhi continued to move forward despite the heavy pressure. After walking twice as far, she finally approached the wooden house again.

This seemed like a good place to take shelter from the rain and rest, and this time, she probably wouldn't go back to the starting point.

Xu Zhi thought like this, stepped forward to approach the wooden house again, and opened the door.

There was a creaking sound, and sure enough, this time, she did not go back to the starting point, but successfully opened the door that she had not completely opened the first time.

Xu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she was already very tired. She didn't know how much longer she could go if she continued to move forward. It would be good to take a little rest now.

It was dark inside the door, but fortunately Xu Zhi had a glowing lantern in his hand. After walking into the house, the dim cabin was illuminated by the lantern, and the wooden door behind him closed quietly.


There was a clear sound, the sound of the door being closed, and the moment Xu Zhi blinked.

When she opened her eyes again, her tired eyes showed a look of surprise and shock.

She saw the whole house.

This is her past home.

That home in Federal Cloud City had been destroyed long ago.

Everything was so familiar, except that the flowing black fog outside the window turned white, and she was holding a lantern in her hand that did not belong to this home.

Xu Zhi blinked, feeling a little at a loss. She froze on the spot for a few seconds. When she realized that she was standing at the door, she took a few steps forward.

The dripping rainwater and muddy shoe uppers stained the floor, but Xu Zhi didn't care much. She walked to the sofa, gently placed the lantern in her hand on the coffee table, and then sat on the sofa.

It was quiet, or rather, peaceful.

Xu Zhi could hear the sound of heavy rain outside the window. Everything in the room seemed so familiar. It was an environment that she couldn't say she liked or disliked, but it was very familiar.

When she looked away from the window and back to the coffee table, her pupils suddenly shrank.

What was placed on the coffee table was no longer the lantern she had been holding, but a white game console.

Xu Zhi was speechless for a moment. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.


Yes, of course all this is an illusion. There is no doubt that she is now in the test of a big dream.

To put it simply, she was dreaming.

After realizing this, his heart suddenly dropped again.

She first took out a few paper towels lying nearby and wiped her rain-stained fingers, and then she reached for the game console placed on the coffee table.

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