Mecha: Return of the Pioneers

Chapter 498 The little guy’s crisis

Chapter 498 The little guy’s crisis


Witch Gretel X Andvari nodded and said loudly.

"Yes. Use the rules you are best at and exchange for a price. I need to lift the seal, so how about I use my power to serve the Wanshiwuwu or even this kid as a price?"

Mei glanced at Gretel X Andvari and sighed.

"You are very wise. But, do you think I will trust you? We are both witches, and we know each other's ins and outs."

Gretel X Andvary smiled.

"It is precisely because we know each other that this transaction is valuable. Isn't it? How about it? My price has been paid. Will you accept it or not?"

"make a deal."

Mei snapped her fingers, and a door suddenly appeared behind Gretel X Andvari.

"Since you have given the price, there is no reason for the Master House to refuse. Just as it happens, your first job has come to your door. Go deal with it! Witch Gretel X Andvari."

Gretel X Andvari, who was not surprised by this, shrugged her shoulders and once again showed off the aura between her wrists.

"Your next work does not require the use of power. Therefore, I will decide the timing of lifting the seal."

"Okay! I'm leaving!"

Seeing that the seal failed, Gretel X Andvari was not discouraged. After waving his hand casually, he walked into the door and disappeared under the night sky together with the door.

Mei flipped her right hand and weighed the slender pipe, but did not light the tobacco.

Because, she noticed that the moment she took out the pipe, the little guy who was singing happily over the campfire seemed to turn his attention here.

In order to prevent her beloved pipe from being hit by a small water balloon again, Mei silently chose to hold it in her hand and play with it instead of lighting the tobacco leaves.

Seeing Mei's behavior, Lin Mingmei understood immediately.

She smiled at He Ming, then looked to the other side.

He Ming looked over and saw that it was Lisa Kujo who was sitting with Artesia, drinking fruit wine and chatting.

"I heard that Miss Kujo Lisa played a lot of role in the previous battle. Can I go talk to her?"

Lin Mingmei's eyes were pure and serious, which made He Ming feel a little ashamed.

"Okay! Sorry to trouble you."

Lin Mingmei nodded, confessed to Mei, left the seat, and joined the exchange between Artesia and Kujo Lisa.

Seeing this, Mei didn't say much, she just gently touched the ground with her slender pipe. The surrounding sounds suddenly became quieter until they disappeared completely, leaving only the breathing between her and He Ming.

"Well, that's it! You have to remember the next words clearly."

The witch showed a rare seriousness, which made He Ming involuntarily cheer up.

"You also know the origin of the little guy."


Mei stretched out her slender fingers, carefully kneaded the tobacco leaves she took out from nowhere, and said slowly.

"The Star Families. This is a group favored by the Star Sea. Every birth of the Star Families will be blessed by the Star Sea and the stars. According to the historical records that can be found so far, in the era when the Star Families were prosperous, there was no one The newly born Star Families can cause signs that shake the entire star sea just like the little ones."

"and then?"

He Ming frowned slightly, as if he noticed something. "Well, it seems that you have noticed it. It is true that Xinghai loves the Star Families. However, now that the Star Families have disappeared, the little guy is the only one to survive the unprecedented catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago. The favor it has received as a survivor has exceeded the limit that any star-related person with outstanding qualifications in history can bear."

He Ming couldn't help but ponder.

According to Mei, I am afraid that when Xinghai once again welcomes the birth of the Star Families after losing the Star Families for tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that this only Star Families will die young, and he will give all the favors he can give regardless of the cost. The little guy?

"Xinghai has its own consciousness?"

The witch shook her head.

"No. If Xinghai has its own consciousness, there is no need to worry so much. After all, conscious giving is easier to control than unconscious giving. Now, the little guy has been given too much power by Xinghai and the stars. .”

He Ming looked back, and although the singing had been blocked by the witch, He Ming could still see the little mermaid singing excitedly.

The energy displayed by the little mermaid, which is only the size of a palm, is even more vigorous than that of the adult people of Eldora.

The singers who played the musical instruments had all changed, but the Little Mermaid was still there singing energetically.

This is not something that can be ignored.

"Then what should I do? Should I guide the little guy to use his power?"

"Well. Your idea is indeed the most effective. It's just that you need to find the right direction."


Faced with He Ming's doubts, the witch revealed another ability of the Star Familiar.

"You also know about the legend of the Stars. The way to let the little guy vent the excess power in his body is undoubtedly to guide the little guy to use his innate ability to use this excess power. In this way, There is no need to hurt the little guy himself in the process of venting."

"The legend of the Stars?"

He Ming recalled those legends for a moment and couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"Looking for a path hidden deep in the sea of ​​stars?!"


The witch looked at He Ming with admiration.

"Look, isn't that an opportunity to guide the little guy to use his power?"

Mei raised the pipe in her hand and pointed to the other side of the bonfire. Next to the huge figure surrounded by many children, there was a woman who looked a little reserved.

He Ming looked over and found that the woman was Salamandini, who had been invited by He Ming to be a guest on the planet Eldora after the battle, but was unable to meet him immediately due to many matters.


According to Mei, Salamandini is an opportunity to guide the little guy to use his power.

"I have already told you the method. However, there is no need to be impatient. Although the power given by the sea of ​​​​stars and stars is very huge for the little guy, it is not without benefits. Let the little guy during this period, Feel this power and let the little guy lay a good foundation."

"Um, what should we do?!"

I don't understand He Ming.

"How to do it? It's easy! Isn't Mingmei the Galaxy Singer? Just let her teach the little guy how to sing. Oh, by the way. Doesn't that woman also sing? By the way, let's come too! Just let the little guy get familiar with it. Her power will fluctuate. This will make it easier and faster for the little guy to find her hometown."

(End of this chapter)

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