Mecha: Return of the Pioneers

Chapter 500 The joining of Salamandini

Chapter 500 The joining of Salamandini

"No need to be polite. Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah."

He Ming picked up the wine glass, greeted Salamandini in return, and drank all the fruit wine in the glass.

Salamandini, who also drank the fruit wine in the glass, immediately refilled He Ming's glass and then her own glass. Then, she knelt down opposite He Ming with her waist straight and looked at him calmly. To what name.

However, the blush between her cheeks revealed her mood at the moment.

Tension, anticipation, uneasiness.

Perhaps it was all caused by Salamandini's fear that He Ming would refuse to help her regain Aura.

A trace of golden light flashed under He Ming's eyes, and he took the initiative to speak.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah. As I said before, I know your wishes and I know Aura's whereabouts. However, everything has a price. What's more, the organization I belong to now - All Things House has an intolerable Changed rules. Price, as long as you pay the corresponding price, you will be able to obtain the corresponding results."

He Ming's outspokenness made Salamandini feel relieved.

Although this is almost a very straightforward request for payment from Salamandini, this is also the situation Salamandini had originally envisioned.

Salamandini, who was alone in another world, didn't have much leverage, so she had already been mentally prepared for this.

"So, you don't know the price?"

He Ming noticed the determination in Salamandini's eyes.

Presumably as long as He Ming opens her mouth, this dragon-human princess will be willing to be part of the price!

He Ming smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and waved in the direction of the bonfire. His brain quantum waves then fluctuated, and a shadow reflecting the light of the fire quickly flew back from the bonfire, holding He Ming's thumb. There was a burst of cheers.

He Ming put down his right hand and let Salamandini see clearly the small figure in his palm.

"Well, this is my daughter. From today on, you will temporarily be her teacher, a teacher who specializes in teaching Eternal Language. How about it?"

Hearing He Ming admit that she was his daughter, the little mermaid let out a burst of cheers, swung her tail happily, flew around He Ming several times, then landed on his shoulder, holding He Ming's ear and shouting With.

Such a smart and charming posture made Salamandini's eyes widen.

Although the body is small, it can fly freely in the air, and can even cause the starlight to fall. What kind of existence is this little thing?

Moreover, He Ming also called her his daughter.

Stunned, Salamandini finally reacted.

"Just teaching Eternal Language?!"

Such a simple price cannot compare with the difficulty of returning to your hometown.

"Well, that's just the first step."

After He Ming reached out and took the little mermaid off her shoulders, he motioned for her to look at Salamandini.

"The key to whether you can return to your hometown is whether the little guy can learn your eternal language. Therefore, before you really return to your hometown, your task is to teach the little guy your eternal language. Of course. You don't mind. If so, the wind songs you know can also be taught to the little guy."

Salamandini fell silent.

The Eternal Language is not a secret that cannot be revealed.

But just using the Eternal Word or even the Song of Wind as the price for returning to his hometown would be a bit too childish.

Salamandini has seen the powerful fleet under He Ming's command, and she also hopes that this powerful fleet can play a major role in the mission of retaking Aura.

However, these must come at a corresponding price.

Just the Eternal Words and the Song of the Wind cannot achieve this result at all.

After thinking about it, Salamandini agreed to He Ming's request.

Regardless, this is already an important step.

What always made Salamandini uneasy was the cost.

However, in terms of results, this is already countless times better than when he was in the Naga clan, searching hard but unable to find the opportunity to return to his hometown.

"Yeah. Very good. Oh, by the way. I forgot to give you a name!"

After He Ming saw Salamandini agreeing to the request to teach Eternal Language and Wind Song, he looked at the Little Mermaid.

The little guy seemed to understand what He Ming meant, and was looking at He Ming flickeringly, waiting for He Ming's next words. However, before He Ming could speak, Lin Mingmei's voice came from behind.

"Xiaoya. This is the baby's nickname. The official name will be decided after Xiaoya grows up."

Upon hearing this, the little mermaid let out a burst of cheers, flew up from He Ming's hand, landed on Lin Mingmei's shoulder, and rubbed the side of Lin Mingmei's face affectionately.

Apparently, the little one loves this name.

When He Ming saw this, he simply stopped thinking about the name.

As long as Lin Mingmei and the little guy like it.

"Then, let's call it Xiaoya!"

He Ming nodded slightly and then looked at Salamandini.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Sara. This is Lin Mingmei. She is my fiancée. At the same time, she is also Xiaoya's mother."

"Hello! Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah. I heard about your deeds from He Mingna. Personally, you are a very admirable person."

"Thank you. I made you laugh."

Judging from He Ming's status as the current Lord of Eldora, Lin Mingmei, who is He Ming's fiancée, is undoubtedly the future queen of this planet.

Such an important person actually teaches Xiaoya language, music and other courses with him.

This made Salamandini feel a lot of pressure, but at the same time she felt that her hope of returning to her hometown was growing.

In a daze, she seemed to see her hometown right in front of her.

He Ming and Lin Mingmei were naturally able to detect Salamandini's mood swings at the moment, but after all, they were also people who had had similar experiences, and they both felt the same way about Salamandini's experience.

Therefore, the two did not disturb Salamandini, but allowed her a space to adjust her emotions independently.

He Ming waved his hand to the attendants who were waiting for summons and stepped back, then stepped away from Lin Mingmei.

While Xiaoya was rolling happily in Lin Mingmei's palm, Lin Mingmei showed a meaningful smile.

"What's your name? In the next few days, I will go to Earth for vacation with Artesia, Miss Kujo Lisa and the others, so please don't disturb us easily!"

He Ming was stunned and subconsciously asked something, but there was a vague omen of horror that "if you continue to ask, you will definitely die miserably."

It seemed that the choice between life and death was already before him.

"Ahem. Okay. I will arrange for Adino and the others to assist you."

"Yeah. I guess you know the truth."

Lin Mingmei nodded with satisfaction.

With the help of two intelligent AI cubes, Adino and Anino, I believe this vacation will be very enjoyable.

"Then, shall I deal with the trophies of the Naga clan first?"

"Okay. Go. Oh, by the way. I want to bring Princess Sara with me, is that okay?"

It seemed that Lin Mingmei wanted to use her vacation time to build a good relationship with Salamandini.

There seems to be something wrong with Salamandini's draconian appearance.

Although the wings can be covered with clothes, the tail...

"This is nothing. It's just Princess Sara's appearance..."

"We have our own solution to this problem."

Seeing how confident Lin Mingmei was, He Ming had no choice but to agree.

"Okay. Please. Akemi."

(End of this chapter)

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