Something's wrong with this Hinata in Konoha

Chapter 116 Who approves and who opposes?

Chapter 116 Who approves and who opposes?
Two cold snorts clearly revealed Uchiha Keigo's confidence.

"I think there is no suspense anymore, right? Do you have any other choice besides me?"

Uchiha Keigo faced all the Uchiha at the clan meeting and spread his hands confidently.

"Then, why not start the whole clan voting now."

But at this moment, a confident and cold voice interrupted him.

"Wait a minute, Elder Qingwu, before the whole clan votes, may I ask you a few questions?"

"Oh, you can ask."

Uchiha Keigo completely ignored this little girl who was about the same age as his granddaughter.

"Well, first of all, I would like to ask Elder Keigo. You keep saying that you want to avenge the Fugaku clan leader, so have you found the murderer of the Fugaku clan leader?"

"Ha! I thought you were going to ask some mysterious question, but it turned out to be this level? Of course the murderer of the clan leader was a high-ranking member of Konoha!"

"Have you found evidence?"

Uchiha Nanayu's flirtatious question made Keigo's pride suddenly freeze.

And the fangs of Uchiha Nanxuanyu have just revealed their sharpness.

"Okay! Then I will assume that Elder Keigo has his own beliefs and ideas, and will take the opportunity to cause trouble even if there is no evidence. He will purely use the death of the Fugaku clan leader as an excuse for himself to cause trouble. I reluctantly agree to this.

So next I want to ask Elder Keigo, do you have a detailed plan to overthrow Konoha? "

Uchiha Nanayu spoke very quickly, and his momentum became more and more high-spirited as the words were superimposed. In the blink of an eye, he defeated Elder Uchiha Keigo who had just thought he had a chance to win.

"I...I didn't take the opportunity to cause trouble! I didn't just use the death of the Fugaku clan as an excuse! I really-"

He was still defending the previous round of accusations, but he never thought that Uchiha Qixuanyu had already started a new round of indiscriminate bombardment.

"For this so-called 'revenge' in your mouth, which allies did you win over in the village? How many ninjas did you stabilize?

You identified the high-level officials of Konoha as targets of revenge, so what arrangements did you make for those high-level officials and the families behind them?What kind of targeting or ambush was planned?

Once your so-called 'revenge' begins, who will deal with Hiruzen Sarutobi?Who will solve Danzo Shimura?Who will compete with the three-tribe alliance of Pig, Deer and Die?Who among the ninja clans like Hinata, Inuzuka, and Aburame will negotiate?
After the revenge is successful, how can we ensure that other ninjas recognize our status as the Uchiha clan?How to deal with those peace covenants that Sarutobi Hiruzen made with other ninja villages earlier?How to stabilize the northern Yunyin war zone that is still at war?How to successfully end the ongoing Ninja War?

Can you solve all these problems?Do you have a detailed and complete plan?Or should I say, you wouldn’t just come up and run for clan leader with nothing, right? "

Uchiha Nanayu's barrage of questions in a short period of time completely confused Elder Keigo.

Ah this...

He kept opening his mouth for a while, but like a goldfish that was short of water, he could only spit out some fine foam and bubbles, but no sound came out.

Head hurts!What should I do if I feel like I’m about to grow a brain...

Where is the thinking logic that an Uchiha can have?

Not to mention that Uchiha Fugaku had only died a few hours ago!
At this moment, Uchiha Keigo looked at Qi Xuanyu in front of him, his eyes blank and filled with a trace of fear.'re not an Uchiha, are you?You are not Uchiha at all!explain!Who are you!

Of course, no matter how hard Elder Qingwu Shi Lezhi, he would not really resort to such a stupid question.

He couldn't answer and gritted his teeth. In the end, he could only blush and tremble and ask: "You! Then tell me, what do you have?"

Although the problem was successfully thrown back, the momentum has already been lost by more than one step.

And he didn't realize it yet - Uchiha Qixuanyu dared to ask this, so he was naturally prepared for it.

"You ask me what I have? Then I have a lot!
First of all, I have the status of master and apprentice with the Yondaime Namami Feng Shui Gate!
Although there are many rumors outside that the Yondaime has left and will not come back, at least in name, he is still the Hokage of this village!As a disciple of the Yondaime, I have the right to talk to Konoha's top management on an equal footing at any time!Secondly I have the friendship of Hinata Inaba, the hero of Konoha!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hinata Inaba was the savior who turned the tide of the Nine-Tails battle last night!When he returns with a great victory, Konoha may not be the same as before!

Finally, I have clear thinking and excellent intelligence!

What we Uchiha clan lack has never been passion and fighting spirit, but correct goals, visible directions and practical plans!
And you don’t have these, I do! "

This impassioned yet coherent speech had been polished by Hinata Inaba beforehand.

In Hinata Inaba's past life, it may not be a big deal, but with the click of a button on the Internet, who is not a powerful master who has been arbitrary for all eternity?

But in today's ninja world, when have young Uchihas ever heard such an inspiring and programmatic speech?

After Uchiha Nanaha's words, Nanga Shrine was silent for a long time, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Seeing that the effect was better than expected, Uchiha Qixuanyu smiled slightly, thanked Hinata Inaba in his heart, and then raised his hand confidently to signal.

"Now, fellow citizens, please begin your vote."

At this time, only ten seconds had passed since Uchiha Nanabao interrupted Elder Keigo's clan vote not long ago.

During this period, Uchiha Nanaha only spoke a few words, asked questions, and then made introductions, but in the blink of an eye, the atmosphere in the shrine was completely reversed!

Uchiha Keigo has completely lost his initial self-confidence. Cold sweat breaks out on his forehead, his right hand keeps trembling, and three magatama spins appear involuntarily in his pupils!

He already had a premonition that he was going to lose!

But he still felt that he had a glimmer of hope for a comeback!

In this ninja world, after all, it all depends on strength!
He gave a vague look to the several jounin from the radical faction in the audience.

One of them understood and immediately stood up from his seat.

"I object! How can the leader of our Uchiha clan be so weak?!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, half-length Susan stood up from the ground behind him, and the three-meter-long spiral sword was inserted straight next to his seat, almost touching his body and inserted into the ground!

At the same time, in the back seat, Uchiha Shisui slowly stood up under Susan's wrap.

"I support Sister Qi Xuanyu to become the new clan leader. Who among you is in favor and who is against?"

Even though he was indoors at the moment, Susan had only summoned half of his body and no longer attacked in Gundam form, but the sense of oppression brought to many Uchiha people present was still unparalleled!

The radical Jonin who had just stood up and questioned how the clan leader could be so weak was as quiet as a quail at the moment, carefully looking at the Susana Rasen Sword inserted at his side, not daring to say another word.

Immediately afterwards, several jounin headed by Uchiha Sougo also stood up at the same time and said.

"We also support Qi Xuanyu to become the new clan leader. Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Finally, Uchiha Nanayu himself, who stood on the stage, also smiled and opened his three Magatama Sharingan, and calmly looked at Elder Keigo next to him.

"Did the elder give you any advice just now? I see that there seems to be something in your eyes that you want to say?"

Uchiha Keigo held it in for a long time, and finally could only squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, shook his head and said, "No, no, I just want to say, let's start voting."

But this time, the whole clan's vote finally completely lost its suspense.

 Recently I have seen a lot of people talking about this... transitional plot. There is nothing you can do about feeling like this. The plot that needs to be written must be explained clearly.

  But I think there should be a way to perfectly solve this problem - add more updates!
  The portion is large, I believe porridge can also fill you up.

  So let’s discuss it, everyone give me some monthly votes, I will add an update today, and this matter will be settled, okay?
  I haven’t set a target yet. Anyway, there will definitely be more updates. Just watch and vote. It would be better if you can give some rewards~
  Finally, book friends who are interested in water groups are welcome to come and play in the group. Join the group to read the introduction. There are still relatively few people now. Once you come, you will become the veterans!

(End of this chapter)

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