Chapter 275 Who is the winner?

A few years ago, Obito took advantage of the time when he went to the north to play against Black Zetsu and Raikage to break free from his control and became the fisherman who benefited from the conflict between the snipe and the clam.

During that time, Black Zetsu had no time to monitor him, and Hinata Inaba had no time to distract him and control him. This allowed Obito to finally find the opportunity to escape from his "cage" and even came to the Land of Rain earlier than Black Zetsu to start his layout. .

Today, Obito's status in the Akatsuki organization has far surpassed that of Black Zetsu!
In today's world line, he no longer even needs to rely on pretending to be Uchiha Madara to gain awe. With various advanced ideas and experiences learned from Hyuga Inaba, he has become the most important person that Nagato relies on to develop the Kingdom of Rain. Dog-headed strategist.

On the contrary, because Hei Zetsu was one step behind Obito and was chased all the way back to Kirigakure Village, he arrived at Akatsuki much later, and from then on he took one step at a time.

Now it seems that the balance of strength of these two behind-the-scenes bosses is almost unbalanced, so Hinata Inaba is very considerate and gives them a little assist.

His Byakugan could see a trace of chakra on Kakuzu that was not his own, which might be related to the Akatsuki ring he wore on his finger.

So Hinata Inaba deliberately said what he just said to provoke Akatsuki's internal stability.

After all, from the perspective of the Akatsuki organization, the enemy was able to counter Kakuzu's actions so accurately this time, and accurately grasped the weaknesses of Hidan and Kakuzu, and defeated these two zombie combinations, which are recognized within Akatsuki as the most difficult to kill. Delisting certainly seems a bit weird and incomprehensible.

Although it would seem a bit deliberate to deliberately leak the truth after Kakuzu's death, even if it just aroused a little suspicion in Nagato, it would be a gain.

Anyway, if there are jujubes but there are no jujubes, there will be no damage to Hyuga Inaba.

If it really succeeds, then the Akatsuki organization will suffer huge losses this time, and there may be no peace for a long time in the future.

After it was over, he went back and told Mikigaki Kisame: Don't kill Hidan, don't let him get his blood, just break his limbs and find a deep cave to seal him and bury him alive.

This naturally triggered a series of "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo""" saying"".

Unfortunately, these struggles are pointless.

The information Hinata Inaba has far exceeds his expectations!
His immortality was easily resolved.

Then Mikigaki Kisame obeyed his decision and continued to lead his teammates to protect the caravan on the road.

But Hinata Inaba returned to Kirigakure Village alone!
At this time, in Kirigakure Village, both sides of the battle were almost out of ammunition and food.

When the Oni Deng clan and Kaguya were about to be completely consumed by the village and bulldozed, the "Prince of Daming Mansion" who seemed to have a problem with his thinking finally seemed to have come back to his senses and resumed his serious command of the troops using the people in the village. Resistance to complex terrain.

It was only then that the rebels of the two tribes were surprised to find that the prince of Daming Mansion was unexpectedly proficient in command and knew almost every detail of ninja combat!

It's incredible!

Even Mei Terumi, who was fighting them, was shocked.

"How could he do this?! Isn't he an ordinary person? Why does he know so much about ninja warfare?"

Somehow, Terumi Mei always felt that this man's ruthless and cold-blooded command style was unexpectedly familiar.

However, this only delayed the destruction of the two rebel clans for a long time, and could not really solve their core situation.

Many people even couldn't help but wonder at this time: Since the prince is so knowledgeable, why didn't he take over the command earlier?
"Who is this Daming Palace prince helping? He...does he really want us to win?" Someone even asked such heart-wrenching words, but his mouth was quickly covered by his companions.

If the prince didn't want them to win, why did he do all the things he did before?
Besides, since this battle has been fought so far, both sides have suffered losses. Can anyone else be the winner?

Originally this was just a rhetorical question in everyone's mind.

But who would have thought that the next moment it would turn into a question, and it would have a definite answer!Because Hinata Inaba entered the village at this time!

And as soon as he entered the village, he made a very high-profile move straight into the hinterland of the rebels!

"Is that person—the advisor of the caravan from the Country of Fire? I think I've seen him? Why is he back?"

"Don't go over there! It's dangerous over there!! Damn it, can't that guy see that there's a war going on in our village right now?!"

"How could it be so - so -"

The Kirigakure orthodox side who originally followed Terumi Mei were very nervous and anxious when they saw Hinata Inaba appearing. A large number of ninjas were trying to dissuade Hinata Inaba from approaching the war-torn area.

Some people were even about to blurt out swear words.

As a result, the next moment, I saw Hinata Inaba standing in front of everyone, pointing to the sky with one hand, and giving an order like a god commanding the sky——


You can't see the process of forming seals at all!

There was just a "thunder fall", and the next moment, the brilliant thunder really poured down like a torrential rain, pouring densely on the buildings where the rebels were hiding in front of them!

The reason why such a large formation was created was actually to cover Orochimaru's escape in the formation!

Because this scene was about to come to an end, Orochimaru was looking for a chance to escape, and the real prince's body had already been prepared, waiting for the right moment to cause the "Prince of the Daming Palace" to die suddenly and reasonably.

However, outsiders obviously don't know this.

They didn't know that this was actually a double act played by two colluding thieves from the beginning.

All they saw was the sudden arrival of the brilliant power of heaven, which almost blinded them in an instant.

Immediately after the vision was restored, a scene occurred that surprised, horrified and despaired all the rebels——

Someone shouted in horror: "Prince!! His Royal Highness is dead!"

At that moment, the morale that Orochimaru had just regained slightly with his exquisite command completely collapsed.

The Kirigakure orthodox side was even more shocked and dumbfounded.

Just as he was about to curse, "How could there be such-such-", the Jonin changed his words on the spot and finished the second half of the sentence smoothly.

"How come there are such handsome ninjutsu and advisors?"

The teammates standing next to him couldn't help but look at him sideways, and all they thought of involuntarily were: This is definitely not what your kid wanted to say just now, right?
The rebels who are still surviving are completely desperate!
The most suffocating thing is not the lightless darkness, but the fact that you finally see a glimmer of light, only to have it extinguished so easily in the blink of an eye.

Before losing everything completely, the leader of the Ghost Lantern clan, Ghost Lantern Hazy Moon, finally seemed to vaguely understand something——

At first, he wondered who could win in this battle that was so brutal and absurd.
And now, he seemed to see the answer...

It's just that the answer is so abstract that he is puzzled!
All this, why? !

(End of this chapter)

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