Survival in the game world begins with Biochemical 2

Chapter 103 Rice Gang, here I come again!

Chapter 103 Rice Gang, here I come again!

South of the ghetto.

A plague demon stood on the top of a two-story building and looked around, gasping "Uh-huh" and "Uh-huh" constantly.

It heard something and was looking for the source of the sound.

But before it could find its target, it was suddenly enveloped by a huge black shadow!

Bane Demon suddenly raised his head, only to see a pair of big feet falling heavily!

"Huh?" Li You, who was hanging on Yuzi's back, stuck his head out and took a look, "Did you step on something? Yuzi?"

Yuzi's footsteps fell without any delay, but the sound still caught Li You's attention.


"Oh, that's fine. Let's go."

After Li You left the vicinity of the supermarket, he released Yuzi again and let him move with him.

Mainly in a hurry.

This time Li You changed his approach again. He hung on Yuzi's back and made big ups and downs when he moved.

Fortunately, Li You's fear of heights has been mostly cured. Not only does this height not scare him, but it actually makes him feel quite excited.

With Yuzi's help, Li You quickly arrived at his destination, near the Rice Building.

Li You stayed far away and used a Springfield sniper rifle equipped with a silencer to kill the two guards standing guard outside the building in two seconds. Then Yuzi fell from the sky and captured the third one alive.

The sentry was held in Yuzi's hand and was so frightened that he lost control. A smell came out from under him, and both Li You and Yuzi had expressions of disgust on their faces.

Li You held back his nausea and looked at him: "I'll ask you questions, do you understand?"

The sentry nodded desperately.

"Is Les here?"

", Les has gone to the old city, and the person in charge is Boss Tahir."

"Tsk." Li You clicked his tongue, and this action scared the sentry.

He then asked: "What are you going to do when you suddenly summon people?"

The sentry replied with a trembling voice: "Les...Les's order seems to be for all of us to go out and destroy all the safe areas within our sphere of influence in the slums, and finally bulldoze a new safe area. I... That’s all I know…”

"Is Les really crazy?"

Li You's face darkened. He didn't expect Rice to give such an order.

What, is he going to kill everyone who knows his dark history?

Now, regardless of Li You's original intention, he had to choose to break into the building.

If a large number of Les soldiers gathered here were allowed to rush into the slums, wreak havoc and destroy the safe area, the slums would really be turned upside down and completely in chaos.

And Li You absolutely cannot accept this happening.

What do you think I came to Harran for?

Li You's original plan was to first ascertain the enemy's combat strength, then summon others to come and launch a general attack.Regardless of how much combat power other people can provide, at least they can help him check for leaks and fill vacancies and perform hard work.

But at this moment, there were only two combatants, he and Yuzi. It was not at all the general attack of the light guards and the tower that he had originally expected.

"Let's go and investigate first. If it's still too late, call someone over. If it's not too late..."

If it's too late, you have no choice but to take action.

As long as they pay attention to tactics and use props, even if it's just the two of them, it's not impossible to overthrow the Rice Building!
Li You shook his head slightly at Yuzi. Yuzi understood, squeezed the sentry to death and threw it aside.

Li You came to the entrance of the building and looked at the real headquarters of the Rice Gang.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that the Rice Building is one building. This building is located in the southernmost part of the slums. The entire area is composed of several unfinished buildings and surrounding construction sites.

It's just that the tall building that has almost been built is the most eye-catching. The shadow of the huge flag of the Rice Gang above covers the slums. It can be seen almost everywhere in the slums, so this building complex is generally called the Rice Building.

Similarly, in the middle of the game plot, Dr. Zerei was captured, and the protagonist Crane went to rescue him. After being tricked by Rice in a sneak attack, he was thrown into the "pit" to fight zombies for the enjoyment of Rice gang members. Also here.

So this is where Dr. Zerei died and Les lost his right hand.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is an important place in the plot. It is the place where the mid-term turning point and the finale plot take place. It is also the real headquarters and fortress of the Rice Gang.

This place is different from the residential building of the Rice Gang office. Even with the abilities of Li You and Yuzi, if the Rice Gang is well prepared, if they rush in from here, it would be difficult to escape unscathed...

Oh, Yuzu should be fine.What's more, if he is really pressed, he can still activate the third stage. The Rice Gang has no means to stop him. Even the second stage form is not something that the Rice Gang can take advantage of.

But Li You himself is not invulnerable after all. Facing the hail of bullets from the Rice Gang, if Yuzi really rushes out in the second stage, then his personal safety will be a big question mark.

What's more, Li You doesn't intend to let Yuzi enter the second or even third stage now.

Otherwise, it would be fun if the higher-stage forms could be turned on or off.

As for the lack of combat power, just use props to make up for it.

All in all, Li You did not intend to attack by force.

Shouldn't we sneak in?

So Li You gave a simple signal to Yuzi, and Yuzi immediately understood, walked up, and tore open the door.


Building interior.

Li You climbed up the stairs.

At the entrance, two Les sentries were lying on the ground, with an inconspicuous wound on their necks, but blood was pouring out, and they had lost their lives.

Yuzi was temporarily taken away by Li You. After all, he, Old Li, was an honest man. If he said he would infiltrate, he would infiltrate. He would not imitate those berserkers who wore white robes and hidden swords and called themselves assassins.

Slightly leaning out of the stairs, Li You saw a gun-wielding Les Gang soldier standing guard at the corner of the stairs in the corridor.

It has to be said that perhaps because of the planned general attack, the defense of the Rice Gang headquarters today was unprecedentedly strong. I think Rice and Tahir had similar thoughts to Li You.

But unfortunately, although the number of sentries is large, their quality is insufficient. Even if Li You is a half-hearted infiltrator, he still has the ability to avoid being discovered.

Looking at the sentry at the corner of the stairs, Li You took out a slender throwing knife from his waist.

The throwing knife was handmade by Alexey. It was sharp and thin, specially used for throwing.Li You had practiced for a while last night and improved his proficiency in survival skills.

Now his accuracy is pretty good, at least he can't throw it within ten meters.

Aiming at the sentry's chest, Li You gathered some strength and took off the flying knife!


There was a short and soft sound, and the sentry covered his neck and fell down weakly.

Li You stepped past him and went up to the third floor.

There are more sentries here, four of them standing at different points on the floor, able to observe almost every corner.

Unfortunately, this is only theoretical. At this moment, three of the four sentries are surrounding the pile of bricks in the corner of the room, seeming to be playing some kind of card game.

The remaining one was leaning aside, stroking the old police rifle in his hand boredly, waiting to take it.

Li You was left speechless by them: Brother, you are on sentry duty, can you be a little more serious?
Facts have proved that with the discipline of the Lais Gang, one person can still be reliable as a sentry.Once there are more than two, it is better not to let them go.

Although Li You had actually wronged them, the minions stationed in the Rice Building were usually not as relaxed as those outside grabbing airdrops, so they were under a lot of pressure.

I finally got a chance to fish today, and it would be unreasonable for me not to relax a bit.

But it's not a big problem, because they don't need to worry about insufficient rest in the future.

Li You originally had two small stones in his hand, intending to hit the window to distract the sentries, but he had no use for them now.

He put away the small stone and took out the throwing knife again.


There was a faint sound of breaking wind, and the flying knife sank into the forehead of the sentry who had not played his cards. The sentry whimpered and fell down this time.

This time the three card players finally realized something was wrong: "What's the sound?"

But it was too late, Li You was already approaching quickly, and a flying knife came out from each hand.

At the same time that the flying knives pierced the throats of the two sentries facing him, Li You also came to the back of the sentry who was facing away from him and was busy shuffling the cards. Before he could complete the action of turning his head, he covered him with one hand. mouth, the primitive blade penetrated into the heart along the gap between his left ribs!
The three sentries fell down one after another. Li You pulled out his knife. He wanted to complain, "This is the consequence of fishing at work." But after thinking about it, he always fished when he was working. It felt like he was cursing himself. , so forget it.

The third floor is cleared. If you are in the game, you can now open the door at the end of the hall on this floor and go deeper inside.

But Li You had already heard shouts from behind the door from time to time, and it was obvious that the Rice Gang's troops were there.

Of course, he couldn't just rush in like this. This was not the plan from the beginning.

Li You continued to go up the stairs. There were several more floors upstairs, but the number of sentries was much smaller, basically only one or two on each floor.

Li You assassinated all the way up and reached the top of the building smoothly.

There are no snipers here that Li You thought there would be. It seems that for the Rice Gang, snipers are a job that neither equipment nor manpower can be provided.

However, there were guards on the roof of the building, and there was a sentry with a gun standing at each corner. Their mental outlook was much better than those downstairs who were playing cards, drinking, and bragging. They were all looking around with vigilance.

This was Li You's biggest challenge since he infiltrated. He couldn't think of how to assassinate these four people.

But then he thought about it, this was the end of the matter, why was he still obsessed with assassination?
So Li You went to the empty window on the first floor below the top floor and let Yuzi out. After a few brief explanations, Yuzi got out through the opening.

Li You smiled slightly: The infiltration time is over, and next is Yuzi's performance time!

To the four sentries on the rooftop, it felt like they had walked onto a horror movie set.

The four people were keeping watch well, but suddenly someone slipped and fell downstairs for some reason.

The other two people ran over to take a look, but found nothing. When they turned around, they found that another person was missing!

Two sentries: "???"

Before they could react, two more tentacles stretched out from outside the building, wrapped around their necks, strangled them hard, and then threw them down the building.

Two minutes later, Li You took Yuzi to the roof and patted his chest with satisfaction.

"Now, let's see what the Rice gang is up to."

Li You took out Springfield, came to the edge of the floor, and looked down.


In the open hall on the floor behind the unfinished low-rise building at the entrance, Tahir, a muscular man with a beard, wearing a vest-type armor, carrying a machete, and painted with yellow and black paint on his body, was lecturing.

He stood on a erected scaffolding, high above, facing the crowd of Rice gangsters huddled in the hall, speaking loudly and excitedly.

Although the minions below had no intention of being arranged in order, their discipline was not bad, and no one was whispering to each other.Even if they were just pretending, they were listening carefully to Tahir's instructions.

Anyone who has been with the Rice gang for a little longer knows that the person who dared to whisper something underneath while Rice and Tahir were talking died the most happily in five hours.

So the minions were attentive, and whenever Tahir's pitch rose, they would applaud and cheer, creating a warm atmosphere.

Tahir's lecture has come to an end. In fact, this bearded man has no education and came out of prison. He said it was a lecture, but in fact it was just the same words back and forth.

Like, "Hit him," "Hit the fuck," "Fuck him with me," and the like.

This time too, he repeated the same words for the third time:
"Young men! The thief who dared to attack our stronghold is in the supermarket! Right under our noses!"

"Last time, when I was away, they sent out a large number of troops to conduct a sneak attack in a despicable and shameless manner."

"This time, we gathered our men and bulldozed their poor safe area!"

"You guys, come with me and beat the hell out of me!"

"Wait until we enter their safe zone, leaving no one behind!"

The minions below cheered in unison:

“Leave no one alive——!!”

Tahir is very satisfied with everyone’s morale:

"Very good! Ready to go!"


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and the iron door that was originally locked at the entrance of the building to the hall was suddenly smashed open from the outside.

The iron door fell into the hall one level lower than the entrance, causing the minions below to yell and hurriedly avoid it.

But the hall was too crowded, with people standing on both sides of the scaffolding and in the open space outside the building. There was really nowhere to hide, so several people were hit by the iron door, and the scene was immediately stained with blood.

"what is that--!?"

Of course, everyone looked towards the entrance, and then they saw a huge, ugly giant standing at the door holding a large tawny shield as tall as him.

He roared angrily, holding his shield and falling into the crowd below.

Yuzi was naturally sent by Li You.After listening to Tahir's words, he knew that there was no time to recruit people for him.

So he immediately took out the eggplant transformation card, transformed Yuzi into a tall nut shield, and let him rush in directly.

As for the infiltration mentioned before, Li You said: Don't get me wrong, when I say infiltration, I mean my own infiltration.

Yuzu... just go through the main entrance and sneak in.Anyway, the results are similar.

Tahir reacted very quickly, and he recognized at a glance that this was the giant black-clothed infected person mentioned in the report of the minions who had narrowly escaped before.

But Tahir didn't expect that the other party would be so courageous when he saw it with his own eyes.

But he is not intimidated either. He has experienced hundreds of battles under Rice, and he once had a record of killing specially infected "thugs" alone with a knife.

In terms of size, the monster in front of him is not much bigger than a thug.

So Tahir immediately raised the rifle in his left hand and fired wildly at the uninvited guest, shouting at the same time: "Everyone! Attack——!!"

The minions heard his order and responded one after another. Those who were robbed drew their guns, and those who did not have guns threw throwing knives or grenades. If nothing worked, they used bricks on the ground as throwing weapons. Anyway, everyone was attacking crazily.

As for the companions, except for Tahir, who is special, the rest of the companions are just moving obstacles and walls in the eyes of everyone in the Rice Gang.

So, under the concentrated fire of the Rice Gang regardless of the cost, regardless of the enemy or ourselves, the first group of people around Yuzi suffered, blood spattered on their bodies, and they fell down screaming.

Those unlucky ones who were crushed by the iron gate did not fare much better, and soon died under the trampling of their companions.

Li You watched in secret, shaking his head at the ruthless style of the Rice Gang, and commented:
"A pure waste of human resources."

As for Yuzi, he held an enlarged version of the tall nut shield in his hand to protect his head and face, and then he didn't care about anything else at all. He focused on one direction and charged forward with the shield!

Giant shield collision!

With Yuzi's size and strength, it is conceivable that all the Rice gang members who stood in his collision route would either be directly knocked away, or they would be stepped on by him, reducing their dimensions and striking them.

Although the attacks from the Rice Gang were extremely intensive and fierce, they did achieve certain results when they hit Yuzi's unprotected back.

But that's it. The rifle bullets in their hands, after finally penetrating Yuzi's restraints, ran out of kinetic energy and were easily stuck or bounced away by Yuzu's tough skin.

Not to mention the front, the tall nut shield blocked all the incoming bullets, and Yuzu didn't even shake her hands.

The defensive plants transformed into eggplants can be freely adjusted in size, but they all require additional mental energy.

But Li You now has 11 points in mental attributes, which is higher than his strength. It is easy to support this point.

By the way, Li You actually also considered that he might as well turn into a pumpkin head and put it on Yuzi's head, which would provide full protection.

But thinking about the sexy painting style, even with Li You's unique aesthetics, I couldn't appreciate it. In addition, the pumpkin head's defense is not as good as the high-nut shield, so I finally gave up.

Anyway, these minions are useless in front of Yuzu's giant shield attack.

But this time, Yuzu's movements were much slower than before.Because Li You had already made a plan with him, intending to reduce the effective strength of the Rice Gang through slow and steady killing of enemies.

If you kill them too quickly and scare them away, it will be troublesome to chase them down later.

On the Rice Gang side, perhaps because Tahir was present, or perhaps because this was the headquarters of the Rice Gang in the slums, and there was an endless supply of manpower and supplies. Although the minions suffered heavy casualties, no one retreated; Counterattack more fiercely!

Li You glanced around and saw that more minions were coming for reinforcements from the construction site outside the building, and reinforcements were also emerging from the other side of the hall.

The Rice Gang's tactics are also very reasonable, at least from their perspective. It seems that Tahir does have something.

The soldiers of the Rice Gang were scattered around according to Tahir's orders, responsible for covering fire, jumping down when the people below were about to be cleared, and continuing to circle.

Although there were fewer people directly facing Yuzi below, it was easier to move, so the firepower of the remaining people was covered more easily and accurately. Now even Yuzi felt a little pressure.

If you use system data to express it, it means that he finally started to lose blood.

Li You saw that on the system panel, Yuzi's green health bar slowly shortened, but when it dropped to about 90.00%, it did not drop again, but fluctuated repeatedly to maintain a balance.

Below, Yuzu roared and rushed left and right, seemingly being seduced by the Les gang and running around.

Tahir had dodged early, but still stayed in a position where he could see the battlefield, shouting and commanding, so that one team after another of reinforcements would come forward, distracting and attracting Yuzi's attention, thus creating opportunities for others. Output opportunities.

They used this tactic when dealing with the Crusher, and the situation of the battle was exactly as Tahir expected.

Although this infected person's skin is unbelievably thick, he is just a mindless zombie after all, and the outcome is already doomed.

Tahir thought with a sneer.

Yes, the outcome has already been determined.

Li You thought so too.

Apart from anything else, how could Yuzu have the same sense of mindless idiot as Smasher?
Yuzu's seemingly stupid behavior and being tricked by the Rice Gang were just a means to lure the Rice Gang and Tahir into a trap.

This tactic is about showing the enemy weakness and waiting for a good opportunity. Is this what it probably means?
Li You has several strategic goals that he wants to achieve, but he has not thought of any specific ones. Anyway, he is accustomed to pretending to be cowardly first and then act according to the situation.

Now it seems that the effect is outstanding.Apart from anything else, Tahir, who was hiding far away just now, now dares to return to the high platform where he just lectured and watch the fierce fight between the people below and Yuzi at close range.

At this moment, blood was pouring out of Yuzu's back and body, and he looked scarred. His roar highlighted his lack of stamina, and everyone could hear the weakness and weakness in him.

Even Li You was impressed by Yuzi: With such great acting skills, my Yuzi is a genius!

Seeing victory in sight, Tahir immediately shouted and sent more people down, not even leaving any guards around him.

Li You knew as soon as he saw it that the opportunity had come.

Yuzi was even better at seizing opportunities. Seeing that Tahir was alone now, she immediately understood that it was time to complete the task assigned by Li You.

Then he suddenly wailed and fell down unwillingly.

In fact, he had killed very few of the Rice Gang's minions in the hall. It was just that Yuzi's crumbling appearance was too tempting and Tahir was suppressing them, so the Rice Gang did not collapse.

Seeing that he finally fell down, two of the remaining Les gang members who were bolder approached and stabbed Yuzi twice with their knives. When they saw no reaction, they all started cheering.

Tahir jumped down from the building and walked to Yuzi, as if he also wanted to take a closer look at this unique and special infected person.

But no one noticed that Yuzu's tentacles were already close to the ground, hiding themselves through the corpses on the ground, and quietly crawled to Tahir's feet.

Tahir approached Yuzu and was also on guard against Yuzu's sudden outburst.It's not like he has never encountered this kind of infected person before, so he is ready to fight back and retreat at any time.

However, he was on all precautions and did not expect that the attack would come from behind.

A tentacle suddenly wrapped around Tahir's neck, then locked his hands, and lifted him up.

The minions around him were all shocked, and some who reacted quickly wanted to step forward and cut off the tentacles, but before he could draw out the knife, his head exploded into a ball of blood!
Li You finally fired.

Of course it's not OMO that he hasn't taken action, but just waiting for the opportunity.

Tahir was extremely experienced. Even if Li You's Springfield was equipped with a silencer, he might still be discovered if he fired rashly.

Li You didn't want to alert the enemy again like last time.

In addition, Yuzu's fighting power once again exceeded his expectations, so he waited patiently until this critical moment before finally taking action.

Fine-tuning the muzzle, Li You fired several shots in succession, and before the minions below could even find the sniper's position, he harvested them all.

Li You looked at the direction of the square outside the building again. The Laisi gang members who were still coming for reinforcements made a gesture to Yuzi below.

"Bring it up first!"

Yuzi growled in response, holding Tahir in one hand and stretching out the tentacles of the other hand as a hook lock, and brought herself to the top floor where Li You was.

Yuzi came to Li You, but Li You didn't look at him immediately. Instead, he raised his gun and took away a few heads of the minions who came to support him. After scaring them so much that they didn't dare to act rashly, he looked towards Grapefruit.

Tahir has been knocked unconscious, but Yuzu is still tightly binding him with her tentacles. This scene looks somewhat R18G.

Li You took out the hook lock that Bracken gave him and asked Yuzi to tie Tahir.

With Yuzu's intelligence, it was easy to do this.The only problem was that he was too big and had amazing strength, so he injured Tahir more or less in several places during the binding process.

After Yuzi finished tying up the person, Li You stretched out his hand and said, "Let's go down!"

Yuzi understood, and immediately took Li You down below.

Needless to say, what Li You wants to do is to clean up the remnants of the party in Rice headquarters.

Of course, he will definitely not rush to the front.

Li You is not impatient and plays steadily.Along the way, he was hiding behind the bunker and shooting, while Yuzi charged forward with a shield.

Li You knew that he was just flesh and blood, and even if there were coins to increase his defense, he was completely incomparable to Yuzi, so he was extra cautious.

After each area is cleared, Li You will repeatedly confirm the safety, especially the safety in the rear.He didn't want to have the pleasure of clearing the soldiers, only to be hit from behind and capsize in the gutter.

Fortunately, the system's fully unlocked map function provided him with a fairly comprehensive tactical vision.

With such a sound tactic, the two men advanced smoothly.They rushed along the route that Crane used to enter the building in the final chapter of the game, wiping out all the reinforcements coming on the road.

Of course, Li You didn't forget that there was a night devil's lair underground here.He didn't plan to rush in for the time being. After all, he wasn't here to blow up the nest this time, so he let Yuzi take him to skip this section of the road and go to the second building.

There are still Les gang members here, but their numbers are much smaller.The Rice Gang did not have as many manpower in the slums as in the old city.

So Li You and Yuzi are under less pressure.

As usual, the two of them cleared the building one by one, one by one, and one by one by darkness.

Until the end, the remaining ten or so minions were finally frightened and screamed, jumped over the wall and jumped out of the window, and ran away. Only then did Li You stop.

Of course, Li You would not be idle chasing down these defeated soldiers who were hiding and running away.

The remnants of the Rice Gang have been basically eliminated. Next, Li You has one last thing to do.

Next to the second building is the Rice Building, which is located in the middle and is the tallest building.

Li You naturally didn't plan to climb up one level at a time.He called Yuzu back and pointed towards the top of the towering Rice Gang building: "Take me there!"


At [-]:[-] in the afternoon on this day, it was the time when the sun was shining all over the land, and it was also the time when most of the survivors in the slums went out to search for supplies.

Downstairs of an abandoned residential building in the west of the slums, two survivors who did not belong to any force were scavenging. To put it bluntly, they were rummaging through the garbage.

The younger one suddenly threw the empty can in his hand on the ground and said angrily: "There is nothing here!"

"Damn the Les gang, they're like locusts!"

The older survivor on the other side walked over, picked up the can on the ground, patted it, and put it into the backpack behind him:
"This is also useful material, but you are too impatient. Also, keep your voice down, you don't want to be discovered by those plague monsters, right?"

The young man muttered a few words and finally closed his mouth.

He was about to lower his head and continue digging through the trash, but suddenly his eyes widened!
He suddenly called to the old survivor: "Quick, look! Rice Building!"

"What's going on? What can happen to the Rice Building...Jesus is on top!"

The old survivors were also stunned.


On this day, all the survivors in the Harlan ghetto saw that the two Rice gang flags hung on the Rice Gang building, covering the entire ghetto like demonic shadows, were torn and fell one after another. , and finally fell into the flying dust.

It seems to symbolize the end of the rule of the Rice Gang.


Tower of Brecon.

Karim, Alexey, and other members of the supermarket.

There was also Rahim who repeatedly fought with Jafar at the auto repair station.

Amir and Jade checking the airdrop box.

Everyone watched the two flags fall.

The slums were quiet for a moment, and then, thunderous cheers began to erupt in various safety zones!
The plague demons were alarmed one after another, but the cheers came from within the safe zone, and they could only look at the wall and sigh.


Outside the entrance to the Rice Building, not far away.

Li You was hanging on Yuzi's back, and Yuzi was jumping between the rooftops with Tahir in one hand and a tentacle in the other.

After clearing out the Rice Building, he roughly ransacked it, and then gave the remaining parts to the tower members sent by Bracken.

Li You had already contacted Bracken and asked him to send someone to help.

But it was Spike who led the team.

Spike was obviously still a little afraid of him, or Yuzi, so he hurriedly said hello, explained his purpose, and took the people in after getting Li You's permission.

It was nothing. Originally, his light guards and the tower were helping each other. Besides, there were so many supplies in the Rice Building that he couldn't move them all, so he only took most of the weapons and ammunition.

Li You also heard the cheers from everywhere, and a smile appeared on his face.

Even he was very satisfied with the results of this victory.

After this battle, the power of the Rice Gang in the slums can be said to have suffered a devastating blow.He also captures Tahir, Rice's top villain, and it's a total coup.

Without the numerical advantage and Tahir leading the team, the few remaining Les gang goons are just a group of stragglers and do not pose much threat to the slums.

No matter how many other minions die, he doesn't care, but how will he react when he loses his number one general, Tahir?

Li You couldn't help laughing when he thought of Les jumping up and down in anger.

"But how should Tahir deal with it?" Li You was a little confused. "There are too many options, which is also a kind of trouble! It's better to make the best use of everything."

"Forget it, I don't think about it anymore, let's go back to the base first."

Yuzi took Li You and Tahir and quickly disappeared into the distance.

 Second update today, 8.4k_(`‖∠)__
  Please point out any mistakes and the author will correct them after get off work later.

(End of this chapter)

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