Survival in the game world begins with Biochemical 2

Chapter 165 A leader of the Light is coming to silence him

Chapter 165: A leader of light is coming to silence him

Communications facilities, entrance to the underground section.

Li You, Carla, Leon, and Carlos stood at the entrance, looking inside.

Behind them, Aggie was waiting there with the Night Stalkers.

Li You looked at the stairs leading to the area below, thought for a while, and asked Ai Ji to send the Night Demons down to explore first.

After all, this place is different from others. It is an area that he has not explored in the game, and in the biochemical world, any important research institute like this is definitely not safe.

And usually there has just been an accident.

Li You didn't know why. Maybe this was the law of the biochemical universe.

A research facility without leakage accidents is not a good dungeon!

As for the research institute in front of us, preliminary judgment suggests that this law should not have escaped us either.

After all, judging from the faint roar coming from below, there was probably another experimental subject running out of the jar.

This is the right time to send the night demons to investigate.


Aggie didn't like to talk at all, so he was particularly taciturn at this time.After Li You asked her to send out the night demons, she just stretched out her finger without saying a word and let the five night demons go down obediently.

On the other side, Kara stood quietly, also without saying a word.

Li You, who was caught in the middle, felt somewhat uncomfortable.

In fact, nothing happened when Kara and Aiji met before. There was no dispute, no conflict, and there was no Shura field - what kind of field? He and Kara Aiji had no emotional relationship.

The two of them simply got to know each other through Li You's introduction, and then there was nothing else.

This was the first time for Kara to meet Aggie, and Aggie had heard others mention Kara several times before, but in short, the meeting between the two was normal.

Aiji came to Li You to say that Yuzi seemed to have sensed something underground in the research institute and was a little restless.

So Li You and Kara planned to call Leon and Carlos, who were the most powerful, to go down and have a look.

Everything was normal at first, but when Carlos saw Li You coming downstairs with Carla and Aggie, he was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "Li You, you let them coexist peacefully so quickly?"

Li You was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, Carlos came up to him and asked in a low voice: "Have you decided, who is older and who is younger?"

Li You: "?"

Would you like to hear what you're saying?
Li You didn't know whether Carlos realized what he was saying, but Kara and Aggie, who had keen senses, understood it anyway.

So now, Carlos has a conspicuous big bulge on his head, and his left foot is also a little difficult to move - the bulge on his head was made by Carla with magic gravel. As for the foot, it was an ordinary night devil passing by. Stepped on "accidentally".

Everything else was normal, and Leon watched quietly throughout the whole process as Carlos couldn't control his mouth and tried to kill himself.

Then everyone came to the entrance of the corridor leading to the underground. Except for Carlos grinning and muttering "It was just a joke," everything was as usual, at least on the surface.

The night demons went down the corridor and reached the underground floor.

According to the map Tyrell found in the above-ground part of the facility, the underground research facility has two floors. Although the rooms are not labeled with names, fortunately, Louis seems to know the structure here and helps everyone point out the way.

The Night Stalkers are strong, agile, and perceptive, making them excellent scouts.Two of the five night demons entered the first floor to explore, and the remaining three went to the second underground floor.

At present, Aiji can only communicate briefly with the Night Demons in a small area through telepathy, and cannot perform operations such as sensory synchronization.

So even if the Night Demons discovered something, she could only know that there was something different somewhere, but she didn't know what it was. She still had to check it out in person or ask the Night Demons to bring it back.

Fortunately, the results came quickly.

The two Night Demons on the first floor found some well-preserved documents and successfully brought them out.

The night demons on the second floor explored separately, and one of the night demons responded that he had found something unusual in the only large room on the second underground floor.

However, as soon as Aiji told Li You the news, a harsh roar came from the underground of the laboratory!

Everyone turned their heads and looked down, and Ai Ji's expression suddenly changed. She noticed that the night devil who had discovered the situation seemed to have been seriously injured at this moment!
She opened her mouth to warn, but then her expression changed again, because in just a short moment, the night demon had disappeared from her telepathic network.

A night devil was eliminated in an instant.

When they heard the news, both Li You and Leon, as well as Tyrell and Lewis who stayed in the control room on the second floor above ground, could not help but be surprised.

They have all seen the physical capabilities of the Night Demon. To be honest, if we just talk about the physical strength, then the King of Soldiers at the limit of human beings may be about the same as a Night Demon, and his physical defense is even worse.

Such a creature was killed instantly?

Everyone present was on alert, and Aggie asked the other two night demons to withdraw and did not continue to explore.

Lewis in the monitoring room thought for a while and said over the radio: "Li You! Did you just find some documents? What was written on them?"

The documents found by the Night Demons were still in Li You's hands. He opened the folder and looked at it, saying, "It's a research report on this base or something like that. Let me take a look at the 'Amber' research report and the experimental body analysis report." , there are a lot of them.”

"The name of the experimental subject is written on it...Martinico?"

Lewis's voice came, sounding very serious: "Li You, don't go down yet. I'll come over and take a look at the documents."

Lewis arrived quickly. He took the document in Li You's hand and read it carefully.

After a while, he raised his head and said to everyone: "As I expected."

He briefly explained the situation to everyone.

It turns out that this research facility is specially used to study amber, in order to thoroughly understand the characteristics of amber.

At first, amber was just a sample brought back to the laboratory by Louis as a display. Unexpectedly, it was later discovered that there was a very special Plaka parasite hidden in it.Lewis and fellow researchers studied the amber carefully and became increasingly amazed at its horrific potential.

Not only does it have the potential to be superior to the dominant Plaka, but even in a state of suspended animation, it can stimulate and strengthen other Plakas, whether they are subordinate or thoroughbred.

Even Krausa only obtained the enhanced thoroughbred Plaka after being strengthened by amber, which was extremely suitable for fighting and was suspected to be immune to the control of the dominant Plaka.

It's a pity that Sadler didn't trust Louis at first. After getting the news that the parasite in the amber might be as powerful as his dominant form, he took the amber away from Louis without saying a word, and then went to the southern island on The Communications Facilities Department has built a new research base specifically for the study of amber.

The person in charge of the reservation of the research facility here is Sadler's director of research, Annabel Garcia Escudero.

Louis, the researcher in charge, was excluded from Amber's research.

However, Sadler, who was suspicious by nature, did not trust even Annabelle. After her amber research team produced results, Sadler took advantage of the situation and injected all the researchers, including Louis, with the improved Plaka parasite. pests in order to completely control them.

It was also at this time that Louis contacted Kara and Wesker, performed his own surgery to remove Plaka from his body, then stole the amber and began to abscond.

Louis said: "Actually, I escaped from this experimental facility in the end...after all, I had to get the amber. It was normal here at the time, but now it seems that the research subject 'Martinico' escaped."

According to Lewis's explanation, "Martinico" is the name researchers gave to the amber experimental object, which was originally a fragile and deformed experimental sample.

In the behavioral laboratory on the second underground floor of the research facility, there are many "Martinico" experimental subjects, all immersed in the culture chamber, and most of them are failures.

But judging from Annabelle's research records, there is a Martinico experimental subject that has gained amazing defense and regeneration capabilities after countless amber strengthening experiments, so that traditional weapons cannot hurt it at all.

And now it seems that the one causing the commotion in the research facility is this "Martinico".

But Louis was also a little strange: "When I came to get the amber, it was fine here. From the report, Annabel was very aware of the power of Martinico, and this place was also valued by Sadler. They would not let Martinico for no reason. It’s better to run away..."

Li You and Kara looked at each other and understood each other's suspicion.

——Wesker must have done it!
Sneak into the research facility, release dangerous experimental subjects, then take advantage of the chaos to pack research materials and samples, collect some combat data along the way, and finally run away.

Typical Wesker style.

It seems obvious what happened inside the research facility.

Logically speaking, there was no need to go in, but after considering the opinions of Lewis and Carla, Li You decided to go in and take a look.

According to Lewis, there is also a lot of latest research information on amber in the research facility. Those are also very useful to him and he can get the best.

At the same time, the communication computer used for actual control is also on the second underground floor, and you also need to go there.

As for Martinico, Lewis said that the research facility installed a laser channel specifically to prevent it from escaping, using high-energy lasers that are enough to cut it into pieces.

Li You was shocked on the spot.

Laser channel!

This wave, this wave is really a replica of a classic.

Li You sighed inwardly: "Capcom, the god of cold rice!"

So can you give him a PS5 game console in the next lottery and let him play the Ada DLC?

After careful planning, Li You took Kara and Leon, as well as Aggie and the Night Demons into the research facility.As for Carlos and Luis, they were left at the entrance.

The night devils were still dispersed as scouts. According to Aiji's judgment, the night devil just now should have been killed by a sudden attack. With the agility of the night devils, they would not be easily caught if they were prepared. .

It had just been confirmed that Martinico was on the second underground floor, so Aggie first sent a night devil down there to try to find out where Martinico was.This time, Night Demon, who was well prepared, directly activated the scream positioning and successfully sensed a creature emitting high heat, wandering in the corridor outside the behavioral laboratory!
Aiji then gave the order to the night devil to lure the enemy, and let it lead Martinico into the laser channel on the underground floor.

So the Night Devil rushed out of the corridor and screamed towards Martinico's position!
When he saw that sturdy figure emerging from the corner of the corridor, Night Demon immediately turned around and ran away!
Although they couldn't see its appearance yet, Li You and others waiting outside the laboratory warehouse on the basement floor had already heard Martinico's heavy footsteps downstairs.

Fortunately, the Night Demon was indeed much faster than Martinico. It ran over and quickly ran from the second floor to the first floor and arrived at the entrance of the laser channel.

Then, with the dull sound of "dong, dong, dong", Martinico finally made his official appearance.Li You and others saw Martinico clearly through the glass in the laboratory.

It was a humanoid monster over two meters tall. Although it was not particularly tall, its body was extremely strong and burly, with thick limbs and muscles all over its body.

It is somewhat similar to a giant, with a bulging back, as if it is somewhat hunched.A huge and ugly head stretched forward, and a large mouth full of messy teeth opened and closed, drooling.Compared to its muscular body, its two beady eyes are almost invisible.

It was wrapped with rag strips, and there were broken steel bars stuck in various parts of its body. It was waving a pair of thick big hands, constantly trying to catch the Night Demon, which looked extremely dangerous.

Under its feet, the reinforced concrete blocks blocking the road were crushed, and the steel stairs collapsed. Wherever it walked, all obstacles were leveled.

But fortunately, Martinico's speed is still much slower than that of Night Demon. Even if it walks in a completely straight line, it still can't catch up with Night Demon.

Night Demon, who acted as a bait, even waited on the second floor before entering the laser channel.The laser channel detects the entry of living organisms and immediately activates itself.

And Martinico roared, beat his hands on the ground, and started running on his hands and feet!
Its speed is still not fast, but it has been greatly improved compared to before.

The Night Demon was also startled, especially in the passage, where a red laser beam had been generated, forming a swinging laser net in front of it.

Fortunately, the first laser net was composed of only three red lasers, with low power and density. With the Night Demon's agility and intelligence, it immediately leaned down and got through smoothly.

From behind, Martinico roared and ran towards him, hitting the laser net head-on!

The red laser beam cut through Martinico's body, leaving several deep scars on his body and blood gushing out.

But then Martinico roared again, and a large amount of white smoke began to emit from the wound on his body. The cut wound healed almost instantly!

Night Demon, who served as the bait, did not stand around and waited, and passed through the second and third red laser nets without looking back. Martinico chased after him, and he also went straight towards the laser nets.After two waves of laser cutting, it still didn't fall down!

Looking at Leon in the passage on the other side, he was shocked and said subconsciously: "It's not even dead yet!?"

But then Lewis's voice sounded on the radio: "Don't be impatient, the real high-energy laser is at the back."

As soon as he finished speaking, a light shone brightly in front of the Night Demon in the passage again. The laser transmitter lit up four blue lasers. After these lasers stabilized, they immediately rotated and changed, and finally weaved into a dense big sheet. Net, use it as a hood for Night Stalker and Martinico!
Night Demon instinctively wanted to escape at this time, but behind him, Martinico waved his big hand and caught Night Demon!

The Night Demon struggled wildly, bit and bit, and even spit acid at Martinico's head, but it had no effect.And Martinico grabbed the Night Demon and opened his big mouth to bite it!
Martinico's stupid head couldn't understand what the blue laser net not far away was. It only knew to follow its instinct and devour the prey it caught.

So, when it took its first bite and tore off the Night Demon's head completely, the blue high-energy laser network had already arrived in front of it, cutting through its body without any stagnation!

Martinico's movement of opening his mouth to eat suddenly stopped.Its body moved, and then together with the uneaten Night Demon in its hand, it split into evenly sized pieces and scattered all over the floor.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Li You was about to lead people into action when suddenly a female voice sounded, echoing throughout the entire research facility.

"...I really didn't expect that it was outsiders like you who helped me deal with Martinico. Maybe I should thank you?"

Li You and others paused for a moment, then immediately picked up their weapons and looked around.

Of course they could tell that the sound came from the radio.But what surprised them was that there were still living people in this research facility?

At the entrance of the underground facility, Louis was stunned when he heard the sound: "This sound is..."

The female voice also sounded: "Long time no see, 'Don Quixote'. You stole the amber, do you know how much trouble this caused me?"

Louis was surprised: "Annabelle! Are you still alive?"

He also activated the radio so that Li You and others could hear him.

And Annabell replied: "I almost became Martinico's snack. But even though I escaped from it, I was trapped here and couldn't get out."

"I contacted Master Sadler. He originally said that he would send Krausa to rescue me, but now the Krausa people don't know where they are.

"So I really should thank you, otherwise I don't know how long I would be trapped."

In the research facility, Li You signaled to the others, and the group began to move inside the facility to find Annabell's location.

Annabell seemed to have seen them from the surveillance, so she added: "Don't try to find me, I can tell you directly that I am in the communication control room, but you have to go through a laser channel to get to me. "

"You have also seen the power of the passage. There is absolutely no possibility of you passing through it, so give up."

Li You didn't take it seriously. Since Annabel had told her the location, they went directly to the entrance of the communication control room, and found that it was indeed a smaller laser channel.

Annabel was still saying on the radio that it was impossible for them to pass through the tunnel, but after Li You thought briefly, he came up with a way to crack the laser tunnel.

He took out his walkie-talkie and directly contacted Tyrell in the control room on the second floor: "T, help me."

Tyrell immediately understood what Li You meant: "Okay, here comes the power outage package!"

On the radio, Annabell also realized something and exclaimed: "Wait, what are you going to do..."


The laser channel and even the entire first floor of the underground facility were plunged into darkness.


The group of people immediately turned on their flashlights, passed through the power-off laser channel, then opened the electronic door at the end corner and entered the communication control room.

Here, a middle-aged female researcher with brown hair is looking at them.

Seeing Li You and others surrounding her, Annabell sighed and said, "Okay, outsiders, you are very smart. I don't know what you are going to do here?"

Li You glanced at her and said, "Has a man been here before?"

Annabel was very honest at this time and answered: "Yes, a very pretentious man in sunglasses came here. He sneaked in here, released Martinico, and then took away some of our experimental data and biological samples."

"He originally wanted to enter the communication control room, but I ran in early and activated the laser channel, and he backed out."

Li You and others looked at each other, not very surprised.Annabell was of little use to them, so Li You signaled Leon to tie Annabell up, and then informed Tyrell that the power had been restored.

Then, he turned off the laser channel through the control panel here, and then called Luis and Carlos in.

As soon as Louis entered the door, he saw Annabell tied up.

Annabel greeted him nonchalantly: "Hello, Louis."

Louis sighed: "Annabel, although your tone and attitude when talking to me have not changed at all, I know that you are no longer the original her."

Annabel still didn't care: "Of course, the well-bred Plaka is our joint achievement, and you know its characteristics best. After it matures in the host's body, it can completely change the host's consciousness from the physiological level, allowing them to completely Loyal to the controlled Plaka. This is the purpose of our research and development of improved breeds.”

Lewis was silent, but Aggie couldn't help but ask: "So, you know that you are controlled by Plaka? But you have no idea of ​​resistance at all?"

Annabel said: "I know very well that I am being controlled, but I don't think it is bad at all? What a joy it is to lose free will! This is Plaka, the greatest place of the Eucharist."

"Isn't it, Louis?"

Lewis's face completely darkened, and even though Aggie was a half-night demon, he still felt horrified: "You know everything clearly, but you can't resist at all, and you even think it's good to be controlled... Plaka, it's so scary. …”

At the same time, she thought about the Holy Mother. Are the night demons controlled by the Holy Mother and transformed by humans also in a similar situation?

…And what about herself?How should she face her identity?
On one side, Louis, Aggie and Leon were surrounding Annabel, all looking ugly, while on the other side, Li You and Kara were tinkering with the computer in the control room.

Kara entered the operating system. She briefly browsed through the internal information and found that a large amount of research data was indeed stored here, as well as various information about the entire island.

This must be what Wesker wants most, but unfortunately, he seems to have failed to enter the communications control room.

Li You and Kara looked at each other and both had guesses.

Presumably one of the purposes of Ada being sent here is to obtain this information?
And it should be more than that.

You can ask Ada for details later. She is still locked in the room on the second floor above ground, and Leon has not let her go.

Kara took out a high-tech USB flash drive and started copying the information on the computer, while Li You came to Annabel, looked at her, and asked Louis:
"What do we do with her?"

Louis sighed and said: "The well-bred Plaka in her body has matured a long time ago. My suggestion deal with it directly. She is hopeless. There is no need to leave it to Sadler."

"Send her off and we'll leave immediately. If something happens to this facility, Sadler will probably come right away."

But after hearing this, Annabell smiled strangely: "Louis, you guessed it right, but it's a's too late."

Louis was startled, and then exclaimed: "No! She just contacted Sadler!"

Everyone was shocked, and Kara immediately called up the communication records of the console, and then said in a deep voice: "That's true, she dialed a communication a few minutes ago."

Annabel laughed loudly: "Why do you think I want to take the initiative to draw your attention to me? It's all to drag you here, blasphemers!"

"Now, wait for the holy punishment of Master Sadler!"

 Thanks to book friend "Reader 1453908414438531072" for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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