Chapter 48 The End of Silver Wolf

Gil felt that he was completely unreasonable, so he took out a gun and put it against his forehead:

"Have you not given up on those crazy creeds of yours? Maybe I should just finish you off!"

Nicolai showed no fear at all: "Then do it!"

At this time, a door behind the three of them was pushed open, and Li You walked out with Carlos. He saw the movement here at a glance.

Carlos caught up with him in two steps and punched Nicolai in the face: "You bastard!!"

Nicolai fell heavily to the ground and did not struggle. He only raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Carlos wanted to say something else, but he saw Li You coming to Nicolai, looking at him condescendingly, and asked:

"Aren't you curious how I knew your hiding place?"

Nicolai sneered: "...It's Tyrell, right? It's impossible for outsiders to know about this secret room dedicated to the inspector. I was negligent... Ahem! He should have been dealt with as soon as possible."

Jill and the two blocked Nicolai's position. Miraculously, it turned out to be a long passage behind a hidden door in the dead end directly in front of them after they entered the No. [-] nest.

There is no such place in the game, so Li You naturally doesn't know about it.Being able to intercept Nikolai here was indeed thanks to Kara and Tyrell.

Seeing that Nikolai understood what happened immediately, Li You also smiled: "You are really smart. Unfortunately, the smarter you are, the harder it is to keep you."

Nicolai suddenly yelled angrily: "What nonsense! If you want to come, do it! Or are you saying you don't dare to kill, you coward..."


Hand Cannon X let out a hoarse roar, and the powerful bullet tore Nikolai's head into pieces!

Li You put down the gun, was silent for a moment, and replied: "You are right, Mr. Genovaev, there is really no need to talk nonsense."

In the passage of Brood No. [-], one of the promoters of Umbrella's many undertakings, the legend of the UBCS unit, and the "Silver Wolf" Nikolai Genovaev, who is as famous as the "Reaper" Hank of the USS,... die.

A generation of military kings came to an end today.

After taking out Nikolai with his own hands, Li You felt a little mixed, but mostly happy!

This piece is finally offline!

It's so damn good to run away!
If there is any pity, it is that time is limited and we cannot list his sins in detail and let him receive retribution one by one.But the main mission is still important now.

Li You turned his head and ordered Claire: "Send him a ride with fire bombs, just in case. Then we will go back. Lyon and the others should have obtained the antigen samples."

Antigen samples are inactive T virus samples, which are one of the raw materials for synthetic vaccines.

Claire silently completed Li You's request.

The group then left, leaving only the burning torch behind them.

On the other side, in a strange room with a large number of black human-shaped vacuum packaging bags hanging, Leon, Kara and Tyrell were fighting against piles of pale heads.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The gunshots were fired in succession, but there were so many pale heads that they completely exceeded the firepower output speed of the three of them.Even if Leon and Kara both use Lightning Eagles for output, they still can't keep up with their regeneration speed.

"Why are there so many here!!"

The black boy Tyrell shouted in a slightly hoarse voice, while not daring to stop holding the rifle in his hand.

Both Leon and Kara aimed their shots at the pale head's head.Because of their high-speed regeneration characteristics, the best way to deal with them is to blow their heads off directly with the Lightning Eagle, so that you can shoot them one at a time.

But there were too many monsters in this group and they attacked so fast that even Kara didn’t have the time to headshot them one by one.

Fortunately, the room here is very close to the secret room where Li You and others solved Nikolai. Just when the three Lyons had to exit the door, Li You's voice came from behind:
"Claire, acid bombs!"

Claire and Jill took out grenade launchers, and two sulfuric acid bombs passed through the door one after another, flew over the heads of the three Lyons, and exploded among the corpses!

The acid was splashed, and the two showed quite a tacit understanding. Only two grenades covered most of the pale heads.

After bathing in the acid, their pale skin began to corrode rapidly, revealing the dark flesh beneath the skin.But the T virus in their bodies also began to promote the rapid regeneration of their bodies, so that wisps of hot white smoke rose from their bodies! "Fire bomb!" Li You shouted again, and two more grenades flew past and fell into the door. This time, the gunpowder swallowed up the pale heads!
When the flames dissipated, only a few lucky ones were left staggering towards the group of white-headed people.

"Bang!" "Bang——!!"

After two gunshots, the room became completely silent.

Li You looked at the three of them: "How are you doing? Are you not injured?"

Leon shook his head, and Kara stepped forward and handed over a small tube filled with liquid:

"Here, boss, here are the antigen samples and the documents you ordered."

Li You took the test tube containing half a tube of amber liquid with satisfaction, and then took the document.At the same time, the system prompt tone also sounded.

[Conditions for fully unlocking the information section: Collect five important plot files (3/5)]

I flipped through the information in my hand, and as expected, it was an in-game document introducing the Pale Head.

"Very good, let's go and get the adjuvant sample."

Li You put away the documents, then seemed to remember something, and took away another document from a shelf next to the stairs in the room.

This records the tracker's transportation process and is also a collectible file in the game.

But the strange thing is that after getting this document, the system did not respond.

Li You: "?"

What's going on?Isn’t it enough that the standard for “important files” is not in-game files?
With doubts, Li You led everyone through another exit on the first floor of the room. As he opened the door, he immediately turned around and shot a pale head lying on the left side, pretending to be dead.

Li You picked up a letter next to it, which was also one of the game files, but the system still did not respond.

Although Li You is puzzled, he doesn't have much time to worry about it now.But don't forget, the threat of nuclear bombs is still imminent.Even if Li You and others took action more than ten hours earlier than in the original game, he didn't dare to take his time leisurely.

So the group of people went down the stairs and continued towards the storage point of the adjuvant samples.

He went downstairs along the stairs, pushed the huge battery with a diameter of more than one meter back into the battery slot, and the door on the front of the stairs was unlocked.

The scene that appeared after opening the door made everyone except Li You take a breath.

In front of you is a wide hall, with a passage passing through the middle, and several cultivation tanks placed on the left and right sides.

In the culture tank, a group of familiar faces are floating around.


"This is a tyrant——!"

Leon and Jill were surprised.

Yes, those soaked in the five cultivation tanks on the left are lizard-like Beta Hunters; and in the six cultivation tanks on the right, there is no doubt that those sleeping in the six cultivation tanks are the familiar tyrants!

However, if you look closely, these tyrants seem to be failures or defective products. Their bodies are not symmetrical, and each has more or less deformities.

Whether it is a tyrant or a hunter, there is a display in front of each cultivation tank to record the status of these BOWs.

"They...were made here?"

Jill was so surprised that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

Unexpectedly, her question put Li You in trouble.

Ah, speaking of Tyrant's production's hard to tell!

After all, a certain company has too many books on this issue.

(End of this chapter)

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