1986, Create a Miss Tokyo Ichiban

Chapter 180 Lightning Night

Chapter 180 Lightning Night
The farce didn't end until midnight. After eating a lot of melon, Qin Yin's family went back to their rooms.

Only Nakamori Nainai didn't know what she was thinking, looking at the storm outside the window in trance.

The boss of Xiaocun tried his best to apologize to his wife, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

Miyazawa Rie suppressed her laughter all the way, and when they arrived at their room, she hugged Kotone and burst into laughter.

She is laughing at Mr. Templeuchi.

For safety reasons, Mr. and Mrs. Terauchi were arranged by the owner of the village to rooms on the east and west sides of the second and third floors.

Rie Miyazawa was lying on the bed, refusing to sleep honestly, and asked Kotone to talk in vernacular.

"Kotone-chan, I'm curious what China is like?"

"I heard someone say that people there light candles at night?"

Qinyin recalled the 80s in China: "Maybe some places didn't have electricity yet, but the city already had electricity, but like us, every household had candles."

Rie Miyazawa asked curiously: "Some people say there are still pigtails over there."

Kotone rolled her eyes: "That's a woman, men all have short hair."

Miyazawa Rie paused for a while, then asked with the sound of the piano: "How is the Chinese food over there? Is it as delicious as ours?"

Qin Yin stood speechless: "Aside from the word "Chinese", the Chinese cuisine here actually has nothing to do with Chinese cuisine."

Rie Miyazawa suddenly showed a little pride: "Today's dishes are so rich, Mrs. Komura's cooking is really good!"

"I heard that there are a few restaurants in Tokyo that have a lot of craftsmanship and dishes. When I become successful, I will definitely take my whole family (referring to Zhang Yu's family) to eat there!"

She laughed again at the end: "There are only a few types of cuisines in China, right?"

Qin Yin shrugged: "Yes, the most famous ones are the eight major cuisines, with about five to six thousand dishes."

Miyazawa Rie's smile froze.

"How is that possible? Five to six thousand dishes are still the most important thing! Today, Mrs. Komura served almost thirty dishes, which already made me extremely amazed!"

The girl with a high ponytail hugged Miyazawa's pillow. Thinking of the weight of each plate during the meal, she had no choice but to explain.

"Actually, Mrs. Komura's plates are too small. They can only be regarded as ingredient plates on Chinese dining tables. Dinner plates must have certain specifications."

"When we celebrate the New Year there, we usually only have a dozen dishes, but it can feed more than ten people."

Miyazawa Rie was surprised and imagined.

"Isn't it a waste to have such a big plate?"

Qin Yin suddenly felt a little thirsty when she thought of the dishes from her hometown.

She decided to also covet Miyazawa Rie.

"When we were in China, Hunan cuisine was mainly spicy and delicious. Let me tell you about a dish called fish head with chopped peppers."

“And then there’s the chili-fried pork.”

"Braised pork, Dong'an spicy chicken, crispy chicken, salted duck, dry pot sausage, preserved egg with red pepper, bandit pork liver, smelly mandarin fish."

Kotone talked nonstop for more than an hour, and through the lightning flashing outside the window, she could see the sparkling threads at the corners of Miyazawa Rie's mouth.

Not to mention Miyazawa Rie, who sounded very yearning for it, even Kotone herself felt a little hungry.

The bean sprouts are really not as filling as the rice balls!
Miyazawa Rie tossed and turned for a long time, and finally made a decision with great anticipation.

When she becomes famous, she will save money to travel to China! ! !
She wants to eat, eat, eat!

But Qin Yin said that there are five to six thousand dishes in the eight major cuisines alone, plus tens of thousands of snacks from various places. Oh my god, how can she eat it?

When the two stopped chatting, the clock had already pointed to twelve o'clock, and both girls were hungry.

It's all because of the delicious food in the conversation just now.

The two drank some water and prepared to go to sleep quickly, but Kotone was woken up by Miyazawa Rie just as she fell asleep.

She frowned and covered her stomach, humming delicately: "I'm so hungry~~~."

Qin Yin said in a daze: "Ah, there should be food at the service counter at the end of the corridor on the first floor. I'm so sleepy."

Looking at the violent storm passing by outside the window, and the flashes of thunder and lightning from time to time, Miyazawa Rie said weakly: "You come with me, I'm afraid you will be scared if you stay alone in the room."

Qinyin didn't bother to expose her, so she turned over and prepared to continue sleeping.

"I won't be afraid. Sister Rie, please go quickly."

Just when Kotone was about to fall asleep again, Miyazawa Rie could only surrender.

"Okay, I don't dare to go alone, come with me."

Blue electric light flashed in the darkness. In order to save electricity, there was only one desk lamp on the first floor of the hotel.

The lights in the corridor were out.

Thunder and lightning were shining, and two girls in nightgowns in the dark corridor were holding a small flashlight and slowly walked towards the stairs of the second floor.

What's a little strange is that the older girl is hiding behind the little girl fearfully, looking very hopeless.

Every time thunder and lightning flashed, she would whisper softly. When the lightning disappeared and the corridor fell into darkness again, her hand holding the little girl's nightgown in front of her was shaking all the time.

Now Miyazawa Rie regretted it. She wanted to tell Kotone that they should go back and she would hold back her hunger.

But now they were halfway between their room and the stairs.

Kotone was very courageous. She yawned and dragged the timid Rie Miyazawa to the stairwell.

When a thunder and lightning flashed, she even saw that Miyazawa Rie's nightgown was not properly worn, exposing a large amount of snow-white on her shoulders.

But she couldn't let the waiter at the service desk enjoy it. Qinyin stopped to help her step sister adjust her clothes.

At this moment, the light of thunder and lightning came again, and a figure flashed past on the stairs between the second and third floors.

To be precise, the lightning shined through the window of the third floor stairwell, illuminating the shadow of someone who had just walked up to the third floor onto the wall at the corner of the second floor stairwell.

Because of the angle, only Qinyin saw this shadow.

Kotone was shocked. The hotel owner, his wife and four employees all lived on the first floor. On the second floor lived his family, five tourists from the puzzle club, Mr. Terauchi and two tourists who arrived earlier than their family. .

There are only three residents on the third floor, President Yamagata, Miss Nakamori Naina and Mrs. Terauchi.

So who was the person who went up to the third floor just now?

"Kotone-chan, what's wrong with you?"


Kotone reached out and covered Miyazawa Rie's mouth, pulling her down the stairs in a low voice.

She was not a Shinigami elementary school student, so it was better to leave this kind of matter to the staff on duty at the service desk.

When we arrived at the lobby on the first floor, there was only a little light at the front desk, and the rest of the lobby was completely dark.

The sound of their footsteps and the light of their flashlight alerted the waiter on duty.

"It's Miss Miyazawa and kid Zhang Yu. Is there something wrong?"

Hearing that the guest was hungry, he hurriedly took out some spare snacks and biscuits.

After eating two biscuits, Miyazawa Rie finally started to feel sleepy.The enthusiastic waiter brought up a gas lamp and sent the two of them back to their room.

Just when he entered the room, Qin Yin suddenly said something to the little brother.

"When we went downstairs just now, we seemed to see someone going up to the third floor. Is it another waiter patrolling?"

The younger brother shook his head inexplicably.

"No, am I the only one on duty? And I didn't see anyone just now."

"But please don't worry, guests, I will go up to the third floor to have a look."

The younger brother walked to the stairs with a gas lantern, and Qinyin locked the door tightly. She vaguely heard the younger brother's footsteps spreading to the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a bolt of lightning swept through the window, illuminating the room.

There was a shadow under the two people's beds that was illuminated by lightning and hit the wall on one side.

Qin Yin felt a chill behind her, because she remembered that the bed under the two of them was empty before.

With a shake of her hand, the panda piggy bank came into her hands.

This person must have gotten in while they had just come downstairs without locking the door!

And this idiot Miyazawa Rie is yawning and about to go to bed!

When [Full of Vitality] was turned on, Qinyin had a cold face and was about to teach the guy under the bed the truth of 29 billion, but the next second she turned off [Full of Vitality] and put away the panda piggy bank at the same time.

The guy hiding on the carpet under the bed had quietly climbed up, and the lightning flashing outside the window again clearly revealed the teasing expression on her face.

It turned out to be the famous Nakamori who stayed up late at night and ran from the third floor to the second floor to play pranks! ! !
The star senior who was about to sneak attack on his junior was unexpectedly knocked down by the little girl behind him. Miyazawa Rie was just frightened for a second, and when Kotone shouted "Help me catch Mina-san", she also jumped forward in excitement. .

The three of them kept fighting on the bed. In the end, the large beauty was successfully suppressed by the medium-sized beauty and the small-sized beauty and became a prisoner.

It turned out that there was lightning and thunder on the sea outside, and a violent storm outside the window. Nakamori Nainai was timid at first, but Mrs. Terauchi who lived next door to her kept crying.

This situation made Naina Nakamori afraid to sleep at all. After hesitating for a long time, she boldly went downstairs to find Miyazawa Rie and Kotone to sleep with.

When she went downstairs, she heard the voices of two people on the first floor, so she hid in their room as a prank.

"Hey, when Sister Mingcai went downstairs just now, did you notice someone going up to the third floor?"

Naina Nakamori was stunned, she bit her finger and recalled.

"It seems that a waiter went up to inspect just now. I dared to go out only after hearing his movements, but I didn't see him when I went out."

Both Kotone and Miyazawa Rie covered their mouths in unison.

The only guy on duty just came up!
Suddenly there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground on the third floor, and the boy's exclamations echoed.

"Who are you? What are you doing? Why is it you!?"

But after a while, the little brother's voice disappeared, leaving only the sound of the violent storm outside and the flash of thunder and lightning from time to time.

Nakamori Naina shivered and shrank between the two of them, hiding her head under the quilt.

Qionin actually didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but she suddenly thought of her parents living next door and the little guy in her mother's belly.

Amidst the horrified whispers of Naina Nakamori and Rie Miyazawa, Kotone picked up the flashlight again and prepared to go out.

"I'm going to wake up the others secretly, so don't make any noise!"

The door to the room was closed by her, and the flashlight in Qinyin's hand was also turned off.

The next second, Kagome Higurashi in sailor uniform with long flowing hair appeared at the door.

She stepped on the [balance car invisible to others] and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Thunder and lightning became more frequent. In the dark corridor, a floating figure appeared and disappeared, making it look particularly eye-catching.

When the student version of Higurashi Kagome came to the stairs from the second floor to the third floor, she put away her balance bike and walked to the third floor step by step.

Two people are dragging a humanoid object on the third floor.

That was the waiter who was knocked unconscious.

In fact, the figure Qin Yin saw was only the last one. There were several people working in the innermost room on the third floor.

The wife in the temple had been tied up, with a ball of cloth stuffed in her mouth, and a strip of cloth was used to strangle the ball to prevent her from spitting it out.

Mr. Terauchi, who looked grim, was putting a rope around Mrs. Terauchi's neck.

He was going to make it look like Mrs. Temple committed suicide here in shame.

And the people who knocked out the waiter turned out to be a few people from the puzzle club.

They are setting up the scene, preparing to disguise it as the scene behind the waiter and Mrs. Terauchi.

Mrs. Terauchi killed the waiter and then committed suicide in shame.

"Damn it, why did this guy come up suddenly?"

Temple looked at the people in the puzzle club fiercely: "Did you make some noise? This hotel will never conduct inspections at night!"

Goichi Uchimura was a little embarrassed. They were secretly hired by the temple to do things. Originally, their plan was to make President Yamagata the scapegoat, but they didn't expect that two situations that they had not expected appeared in succession tonight.

Mr. Terauchi had actually found out about his wife a long time ago, and it was his intention to be "forced" to stay in the hotel today.

The professional Uchimura Goichi he invited came to plan this incident just to get the hotel real estate of the Omura family.

The real adulterer is Yamagata!

He wanted to use the lives of two people to attack the Komura family's career and force Komura to sell his hotel to the Terauchi family.

But what he and Uchimura didn't expect was that his wife's scandal would be exposed during dinner.

After Mrs. Terauchi committed suicide, Mr. Terauchi may also come into the police's sight.

The second unexpected situation was that the waiter actually came to the third floor and saw Mr. Terauchi tying up his wife.

Therefore, the role of "adulterer" can only be replaced temporarily, which makes Terauchi, who wants to kill Yamagata, very unwilling.

Just as they were taking off the little brother's clothes, the door suddenly opened.


As soon as Uchimura grabbed the dagger, he looked nervously at the door.

A flash of lightning flashed outside the window.

A shadow ten centimeters above the ground looked at them silently at the door.

His black hair was as black as ink, and he was wearing a student sailor uniform. Now he no longer had the cuteness of the past, leaving only a chilling association.

A white thing suddenly flew out of the floating shadow's hand.

As soon as Uchimura dodges in a hurry, something as big as his palm hits the wardrobe behind him, and the next second the sturdy wardrobe shatters into pieces.

The people who were preparing to commit the crime were sweating coldly, and their bodies were all weak.

Damn, this hotel is actually causing trouble~!

(End of this chapter)

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