1986, Create a Miss Tokyo Ichiban

Chapter 35 Interview 1 Milk Tea

Chapter 35 Interview with milk tea

There was a group of strange "tourists" on the streets of Xiaye today.

Everyone saw a somewhat familiar woman holding a microphone and talking to the camera while walking.

Judging from the banners on their chests, they seem to be from Fuji TV.

There were not many people watching on the retro streets of Xiaofan City. After all, TV interviews were not too unusual.

Many people are still wondering, could it be that a car collided with a cow a few days before the interview, and the cow was fine but the car was scrapped?

So those thin-skinned cars are not reliable at all!
While introducing the development, history and culture of Shimono in recent years to the camera, Miss Yukimura came to the door of a milk tea shop.

"Dear viewers, now we have arrived at the door of today's famous Missy's milk tea shop!"

"Hey," Miss Yukimura deliberately showed a surprised expression, "Didn't the newspapers and media say that there is always a long queue in front of this store?"

She pointed at the door of the milk tea shop with a teasing tone.

"It doesn't seem to match the legend, does it?"

"Are these two husband-and-wife cartoonists really asking someone to brag about themselves?"

She pointed the microphone at the middle-aged man next to her.

"Mr. Watanabe, what do you think?"

Watanabe Nozuna is a recently popular food critic and an expert specially invited by Fuji TV.

This guy, who is known as a gourmet, also has the nickname Watanabe's poisonous tongue.

It was precisely because of his strong request that the TV station did not contact Zhang Yu's family from the beginning.

Facing the microphone at his mouth and the camera in front of him, Watanabe Nozuna sneered on his face.

"So I said before that there is no milk tea that comes from comics? Those are some book fans bragging about their favorite authors. Of course, I have no evidence to prove that the two cartoonists were also involved in this exaggerated operation. , but obviously they are the biggest beneficiaries.”

"Can you imagine that a milk tea that is so famous would be created by two cartoonists who are dedicated to creating it? It would be impossible to make it without a long time to settle and repeated experiments with maximum energy. Good food to come.”

Watanabe Nozuna pointed at the empty store behind him, and his sneer intensified again.

"Actually, I think we don't need to waste any more time. If we return to Tokyo early, I can go to the bathhouse and take a hot bath!"

Miss Yukimura moved the microphone to her mouth.

"Although our Mr. Watanabe has made a judgment and it seems very convincing, but since we are already here, and maybe the current situation is just a special case, we still go in and take a look!"

"Then let us reveal the truth about this milk tea shop to everyone~!"

Director Kageda Koichi nodded with satisfaction. In fact, he didn't care whether the rumored Shimono Ichiban milk tea tasted good or not, as long as the show was effective.

He motioned to the cameraman to take a close-up of the store's sign before the two hosts entered the store.

The cameraman was very dedicated, and the camera kept focusing on the store's sign for seven or eight seconds.

"Uehara, what are you doing?"

Seeing that both hosts had entered the store, but his cameraman was still taking pictures of the sign, Director Jingtian was a little annoyed.

But his cameraman wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, this is not a live broadcast!
The owner of this milk tea shop is so cunning that he actually made a fuss about the text!
The word "big" on the signboard is actually a combination of the two characters in a wavy body and the image of a cup of milk tea. In the corner of the signboard, there are several small words hidden. 【Yoshida House】.

"Director, we entered the wrong store! This is not Zhang Yu's store."

Jingtian Hongyi hurriedly raised his head and discovered something was wrong.

At this time, Miss Yukimura and Mr. Watanabe both walked out with stinky faces, and the fat owner of the store followed behind them, trying to persuade them to stay.

"Actually, the milk tea made by our Yoshida family is also very delicious! Compared with those rubbish milk teas in Tokyo, no, what they make is not milk tea at all. Our milk tea in Shimono is the authentic one!"

Hearing that the people from Shimono despised Tokyo's milk tea, Ms. Yukimura angrily asked the Yoshida boss: "So, how does the milk tea in your shop compare to the milk tea in Zhang Yu's house?"

She thought that Boss Yoshida would belittle him without hesitation, but Boss Yoshida's expression changed for a long time before he managed to say: "Their milk tea is best drunk after a meal, while my milk tea is suitable for drinking after a meal." Drink before meals."

Watanabe Nozuna asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"We all know that the most accurate taste is when there is no interference before a meal. Does your milk tea taste better? Does it need to be tasted before a meal to more accurately taste it?"

Neighbors passing by laughed after hearing what Watanabe said.

Someone laughed loudly and said, "That's because you drank Zhang Yu's milk tea before the meal. No matter how delicious the meal is, the beauty that the milk tea brings to you will pale in comparison!"

"That's right, only a fool would drink Missy's milk tea before a meal!"

"These foreigners are really rubes."

"For someone who doesn't even know how to drink milk tea, no wonder he mistakenly admits to being in the wrong store."

Amid the ridicule from the neighbors, the entire film crew was depressed. Isn't it just a cup of milk tea?

Judging from the smug looks on your country folk's faces, it turns out that you have never seen the world so easily!

Just talking about the delicacies in Tokyo will make you craving for food!

Of course, the film crew will not provoke the local people, but their impression of Miss Milk Tea has become not so good.

Keda Koichi and Uehara looked at each other, haha, I will take pictures of the things you are proud of later and they will smell like cow shit!

However, there were still kind people who gave the film crew some direction.

When the film crew came to a relatively remote intersection through twists and turns, the whole group was surprised.

There is a long queue extending from a small street at the intersection ahead. In order not to block the passage of passers-by, the people in the queue can only stand against the roadside.

There were more than 100 people standing on the roadside in front of me, including many backpackers, obviously gourmets from out of town.

And I don’t know how many people were lined up inside the small street!

Kageta Hiroshi said hello, and Uehara immediately turned on the camera.

The previous depression was nothing but depression, but the two of them were definitely reluctant to let go of such a shocking scene.

The camera bypassed the queue, and the scene inside the small street finally appeared in the camera.

Kageda Koichi and Uehara were really shocked.

Because in the small street, the end of the long queue is at least 200 meters away, which means that there are more than 200 people queuing in the small street!
There are about 300 people in this long queue (there are more people on Sundays)!
And at the end of the queue, in front of a store with conspicuous decoration, someone seemed to be singing.

(End of this chapter)

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