1986, Create a Miss Tokyo Ichiban

Chapter 88 Personal grievances

Chapter 88 Personal grievances

The expressions of Sawaguchi Yasuko and Nakayama Miho, who was also looking at Kotone, changed greatly.

But Zhang Yu Qinyin, who was in danger, raised his eyebrows and showed a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth.

Qin Yin, who had both [Full Energy] and Demon King's Possession turned on at the same time, suddenly turned sideways, and a huge table tennis racket actually appeared in the sleeves of her wide costume.

Wang Liqin's vigorous backstroke~!

Oguchi Yuichi, who was rushing forward to retrieve the real stone, hit the pebbles that rebounded at high speed.

I have to say that Oguchi Yuichi is really lucky.

The big devil that Kotone summoned this time is a man. Although his achievements are not so dazzling compared to other big devils, he has only won the men's singles championship in the World Table Tennis Championships three times.

But he is recognized in the world as the player with the strongest forehand smash!

Wang Liqin’s nickname is “Dali”!
With great force, miracles can happen!
The accelerated pebbles hit Yuichi Koguchi's nose, causing blood to fly from his nose. He spun back and then fainted to the ground without saying a word.

No one paid attention to why Qin Yin hid a racket in her costume. They all looked at the bloody real pebble with heavy expressions.

Next to the bloody pebbles, there were also prop pebbles recovered from Yuichi Oguchi's body.

The facts are clear.

Keda Koichi looked at Ishikawa Hisui with a sneer.

"Kotone-chan is the child of a famous writer and his wife, so our crew has to give an explanation!"

(Ishikawa, you must give me an explanation!)

Ishikawa Hisui clenched his fists tightly, he wished he could punch this bastard Oguchi Yuichi to death.

Obviously he has the upper hand on the crew, and when the film is released, his name as assistant director will be ranked behind the chief director.

But now there has been such a big accident!

The personnel and internal affairs of the crew are all under his responsibility, and he cannot escape the blame for this incident.

Ishikawa Jiuzui turned around and came outside the conference room. He walked straight to the somewhat uneasy Ishihara mother and daughter.

"You guys, get out of here immediately!"

Ishihara Zhuzi looked at Ishikawa Hisui in disbelief.

"Mr. Ishikawa, you can't do this!"

"You said you wanted to make the dancer famous, and she has already signed a contract with your company!"

Ishikawa Hisui stared coldly into Ishihara Yuko's eyes.

"Because of this stupid guy, the termination clause in this contract was automatically activated, and you and your daughter were fired!"

"No, you can't~."

Before Ishihara Yuko could cry out, Ishikawa Hisui said coldly and turned around to leave.

"Or do you wait until Yuichi Oguchi wakes up and then confront him in front of the police?"

Hearing Ishikawa's words, Ishihara Zhuzi suddenly fell to the ground.

Not far away from them, Sawaguchi Yasuko curiously held Kotone and looked at her repeatedly.

"It's so strange. He is obviously a child, but why he has such great accuracy and power."

Qinyin smiled: "What a coincidence! He worked too hard~!"

"Hey, where's your table tennis racket?"

"I don't like such a heavy thing, so I just throw it away."

Ishihara and her daughter escaped, while Oguchi Yuichi was sent to the hospital, accompanied by two police officers.

The crew complained that Yuichi Oguchi intentionally hurt someone, so they refused to pay his medical bills.

December 29 was the last day of filming in Akita.

The royal humanoid pillow that Kotone misses so much - Nakayama Shinobu - was finally sent to Akita.

Da Kaguya Hime Sawaguchi Yasuko, who fascinated the entire crew, chased after Kotone angrily.

"You little heartless kid, you won't live with your sister when your friends come over!"

Kotone pulled the confused A-nin and ran quickly.

After all, sister Yasuko is stronger in bed. She always uses herself as a pillow for the rest of the night, so she doesn't want to do that!
Seeing Kotone pulling A Nin and hiding in the room, Sawaguchi Yasuko could only give up temporarily.

She stomped her feet resentfully.

Little girl, you can wait for me, sister.If you can escape the first grade of junior high school, sooner or later you will not be able to escape the fifteenth grade!
After Kotone and A-nin went crazy for a long time, she finally began to plan how to complete the [Repayment Card] mission.

There is no time to rush, the crew will return on the 31st.

They only have one day left in Akita County.

But before she can do that, she has a personal grudge to deal with.

The crew was very busy today. The whole crew was divided into several groups and were reshooting some scenes in various places in Akita.

Assistant director Ishikawa, who is in charge of internal affairs, is naturally very busy.

Although he retained his position as first assistant director, he also lost a lot of power to Hiro Kageda.

Feeling a little depressed, he was busy and comforting himself in his heart.

"Although I'm a little unhappy, I can relax a little tonight and study the new series of "Detective Conbei". That's a whole booklet that I haven't read in a few weeks. It's ten cases. Unit!”

"I'm sure I'll guess most of the prisoners this time, right?"

On a hillside not far from the hotel where the crew stayed, some idle crew members were watching the scenery.

And at the top of the hillside, Kotone wearing little Kaguya's ancient costume could be faintly seen wandering around, but her little friend, A-Ninbu, was missing.

In fact, the person wearing little Kaguya clothes on the top of the mountain to confuse everyone is Nakayama Shinobi, and Kotone has already secretly escaped.

At the front desk of the hotel where the crew was staying, suddenly a beautiful woman wearing a crew nameplate hurried in.

"I'm sorry, I'm Asako Kawahara who just came over to help. Assistant Director Ishikawa has a script that he forgot in the room. Could you please help me find it?"

This kind of thing happened often before, so the waiter didn't think it was strange. He just thought that Miss Kawahara Asako was so beautiful and she might have the potential to be a big star in the future.

Asako Kawahara stayed in Assistant Director Ishikawa's room for about 7 minutes before leaving.

The service desk also quickly forgot about this incident.

After about seven o'clock in the evening, all the crew members returned to their rooms one after another.

Ishikawa Hisunui was the last person to return to his room.

He took a quick shower, grabbed the comic book he had never had time to catch up on, and lay on the bed.

"Ah, the first story, haha, it turns out that wherever Ke Bei appears, the God of Death will visit! Did the old woman have a dead son? It's still so pitiful!"

"Well, all the suspects have appeared. Do you want to show them on the big camera? Why do I always suspect that there is something wrong with this fiancée?"

Ishikawa was watching with great interest when suddenly he noticed that on the big camera screen, the face of the old woman whose son had died was circled with a thick red pen.

There was an arrow in the circle, and his eyes moved up along the arrow.

A few words were written in red pen at the end of the arrow.

"She is the murderer!"


How is this going?

When he was browsing randomly yesterday, there was no such red thing!
An extremely angry feeling came to Ishikawa Hisui's heart.

Damn it, damn it, how could it be this old woman!
He immediately turned through several pages, and his hands suddenly started to tremble.

At the end of the unit, Ke Bei exposed the old woman's disguise and it was she who murdered her son!

"Asshole~! Who is so evil~! He actually used a red pen to spoil the story~!!!!!!"

Ishikawa suppressed his violent emotions, took a deep breath, and looked at the second unit again.

The first page is a happy couple, which is great, and the second page is still the same happy couple.


The face of the man in the couple was circled in blue pen -> He is the deceased!
The face of the woman in the couple was circled in red pen again——>She is the murderer!
Bagya Road~~! !
Ishikawa's eyes almost popped out of his head, it was so, so despicable~!

He trembled and opened the third unit. This time the guy didn't identify the murderer or the victim, but there was a line written in blue at the beginning.

[The deceased committed suicide! 】

"Asshole~!!! I'm going to kill you~~!!"

this night.

Everyone on the crew heard the sound of Assistant Director Ishikawa breaking down to the point of smashing things.

(End of this chapter)

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