1986, Create a Miss Tokyo Ichiban

Chapter 93 Fill in the Blank

Chapter 93 Fill in the Blank

Abe Matima, Akijima Yako and Masuda Nagahiro bowed slightly to Hirashima Kihiro very humbly.

"I heard that the Fanno Elementary School has finally put things right and replaced it with a reliable chief student. As a friendship club, the three of us are here to congratulate you as representatives."

Hiroyuki Hirashima hurriedly returned the gift and was secretly happy at the same time.

Sure enough, the Zhang Yu from before was a guy with a bad personality. Even the people at Youyi Private School hated her so much.

So..., this must be because he heard about what those short-sighted guys in the school did and came to express support for him.

“Thank you very much for your visit!”

Akijima Yako smiled, showing a hint of embarrassment.

"I heard that Hirashima-kun has won an award in a foreign school. I happen to like the violin as well. I wonder if I can ask Hirashima-san to give me some advice?"

When Kihiro Hirashima heard that he was asking for violin lessons from a beautiful lady like Akijima Yako, the 12-year-old boy nodded without hesitation, with a very confident expression on his face.

Abe Wema and Masuda Nagahiro looked at each other and lowered their heads slightly.

They don't know where Hirashima Kihiro's confidence comes from. The Akishima family's private violin teacher is a player who has truly won international awards.

When she took Akijima Yako's violin out of its case, Hirashima Yoshihiro's eyes lit up.

He had only seen violins of this color and texture in the hands of violin masters during concerts in Italy.

Akijima Yako doesn't usually like to show off her skills, but today was an exception.

She couldn't imagine why such a mediocre person dared to replace Zhang Yu Qinyin's position!
The graceful manner in which Zhangyu Kotone killed the entire audience in a one-on-one duel has been firmly engraved in Akijima Yako's soul.

So when she heard that Zhang Yu Qinyin's chief student had been replaced by a related person, she felt an unprecedented sense of shame and blasphemy.

When Akishima Yako started playing, within ten seconds, Hirashima Kihiro's face turned pale.

As a violin "master" among primary school students, Kihiro Hirashima never thought that a primary school student would play this extremely dazzling "Skylark" in front of him!
To be able to play this piece of music, you need to raise your pitch slightly and jump across the E string repeatedly.

Elementary school students, are you kidding me?
Do you really think that the eight-year-old genius boy from China is so eager to learn? !
But Akishima Yako's level was undoubtedly reflected in this show of skills.

It's not much higher than Hirashima Kihiro's level, only one and a half levels...

Hiroyuki Hirashima, who was ready to give advice to others, was completely dumbfounded and didn't know how it would end.

Fortunately, Akijima Yako did not rush him immediately. Masuda Nagahiro took out a painting from his painting bag with a smile.

"Hirashima-san, since you became the vice president of the painting club of the Hano Elementary School when you first arrived, your painting ability must be far superior to that of Tongji. Can you help me appreciate my latest painting?"

Ten minutes later, Abe Weizhen calmly moved his horse: "General, I accept the concession!"

On the black and white chess board, the stunned Hirashima Kihiro had only a solitary white king piece left.

Only then did Akijima Yako realize it. She stood up with a sneer.

"I'm really grateful to Hirashima-san for letting me finally release the sullen feeling I felt from losing to the Fanno Elementary School on the last exchange day!"

Hiroyuki Hirashima's hands trembled and he clenched his lips tightly.

So the origin of this grudge is still because of Zhang Yu Qinyin! !

Masuda Nagahiro nodded in agreement: "Without the evildoer Zhang Yu, the level of Fanno Elementary School has finally become normal. It's really gratifying!"

Abe Wema did not look at Hirashima Yoshihiro's face that had turned completely white.

"It's getting late, we should go back."

He stood up first and led the two of them to leave.

Ueno Jiro, who looked extremely embarrassed, sighed and was about to comfort Hirashima Kihiro.

Unexpectedly, Abe Weizhen suddenly turned around and faintly dropped a sentence.

"Although I know this is rude, I still want to inform you."

"Let's stop the friendship between the two societies."

"Perhaps the club in Xiaoshan Elementary School will be a good social network for Pingdao students."

The three people from Qianfan's private elementary school walked away, leaving the arrogant 12-year-old boy crying.

"That's too much!" Mitani Hidenori's tone on the phone was very bad.

"Chairman Yoshijima, may I ask what the other party means? Xibo is just a child!"

Chairman Yoshijima's voice on the phone was still so calm and calm.

"It's just a joke between children, don't take it too seriously."

"Speaking of Mr. Mitani's desire to make an appointment with Commissioner Honda, it seems that there has been some progress."

Mitani Hidenori immediately stopped talking when he heard the words "Commissioner Honda". It was the most indispensable help for him on the road to school restructuring.

Chairman Yoshijima's influence in high-level circles is indeed unmatched by him.

Hidenori Mitani, who was asking for help, could only hold his breath and "ask for advice" from Ms. Yoshishima.

"Don't worry, when Zhang Yu's files are transferred to our school, the Honda Committee will lead a team to conduct an on-site inspection of your general."


After dealing with Hidenori Mitani, Ms. Yoshijima still called Commissioner Honda.

Member Honda of the Board of Education was busy when he received a call from a woman.

Commissioner Honda agreed to Ms. Yoshijima's request.

Commissioner Honda hung up the phone and urged the staff below again.

"Today is the last day of the year. Before get off work, the data must be compiled and reported to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Education headquarters!"

"Hi Yi!"

A group of subordinates all agreed loudly.

Commissioner Honda's assistant couldn't help but complain.

"The headquarters' current interference in various places is too serious!"

"We are required to take joint entrance examinations in summer and winter, and we are so pressed for statistics!"

Hearing the assistant's complaint, Commissioner Honda also frowned.

The Ministry of Culture and Education is increasingly dictating education boards in various places, especially in the six Kanto counties.

This made Commissioner Honda feel something was wrong.

Just then, Section Chief Matsuura, who was responsible for approving educational content, walked in with a stack of materials.

"What happened?"

Section Chief Matsuura rubbed his brows: "Mr. Commissioner, a very strange phenomenon occurred in the county's joint examination this time."

"In the social studies exam, a very simple history fill-in-the-blank question can almost be said to be a scoring question, but there were a lot of repeated errors."

Commissioner Honda didn't take it seriously: "Just register it and send it to each school for correction. Is there any special situation?"

Section Chief Matsuura's face looked a little unhappy.

"There are more than 21 primary school students in 200 primary schools, and they all got exactly the same wrong answer on this question."

"And we found that these primary school students are the kind with high deviation values!"

Member Honda was surprised to receive a social studies test paper from Section Chief Matsuura.

One of the fill-in-the-blank questions was circled in red pen by Section Chief Matsuura.

"On June [-], the tenth year of Tensho, Akechi Mitsuhide said to his subordinates: The enemy is at ___ Temple! That night, Oda Nobunaga committed suicide."

How could it be worse for such a simple question?

But there are Matsuura's remarks at the back of this question.

"A total of 270 students all filled in the wrong name: Honnodera. (Suspected to be intentional)"

The enemy is at Honnoji Temple?
Acting intentionally? !

No, it’s probably because the people below don’t pay enough attention to social subjects! ?
(Qin Yin bowed sincerely: Thank you for helping to count the number of members of our society!)
(End of this chapter)

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