Chapter 121

"I heard Ueda say that they went out this time to find the female student from Sakura High School who they met at the competitive gymnasium last time. As for other things, I don't know. After all, I am just a marginal figure." Nobita hesitated After waiting for a while, I didn't know whether it was because I couldn't bear the temptation of the instructor or for some other reason. I described it in a low voice, like a thief with a guilty conscience.

"A female student from Sakura High School?" The instructor frowned.

He didn't know there was such a thing.

"Yes." Nobita was also straightforward. Without waiting for the instructor to ask questions, he recounted what happened in the competitive gymnasium last time.

"Okay, I understand, you go down first." The instructor nodded and waved his hand.

As for the promised guidance, it naturally depends on when he has time and mood.

As an instructor, it's not like he has never seen Nobita's training, and he knows exactly what kind of qualifications he has, but he has a general judgment in his heart that there is no problem.

To put it bluntly, this guy is just an ordinary person!
That is to say, ordinary people, no matter how much they train, it is impossible for their technical level to reach the level of Kusaka Mikio in a short period of time, so that they can lead the team to compete in the conference.

Therefore, what he just said was purely to get information from him.

Of course, he wouldn't really be that incompetent. Even if he's done cheating, he would still find some time to give some casual guidance afterwards, and there would be no problem in dealing with Nobita perfunctorily.

Anyway, I have already given him the guidance. As for whether he can practice something, it depends on Nobita's own ability.

Then Nobita left the stairwell, leaving the instructor alone in the stairwell and continued to smoke...


Then at noon the next day, Mikio Kusaka's instructor came to Sakura High School.

"Hello, I am the instructor of the Kendo Club of Sakura High School, Chifuyu Orimaru. What can I do for you?" A capable woman with short hair, dressed in a black slim-fitting women's suit and wearing thin black stockings on her legs, came to the school. In the reception room, looking at the instructor of the Kendo Club of Ashikaga High School who was already sitting inside waiting, he asked straight to the point.

"Hello, I am the instructor of Ashikaga City High School Kendo Club, Ojudo Yuuji. I have taken the liberty to visit you today, mainly about the three students of our school's Kendo Club, Kusaka Mikio, Mitsui Inujiro and my grandson Toshiyuki, who visited your school yesterday. I want to know why your school dealt such harsh blows to three students of our school, even if they were injured and hospitalized, and they missed this year’s summer conference.” said the following. At that time, Daijudou Yuuji, like a good teacher who was truly responsible for his students, questioned Oribara Chifuyu in front of him.

"It turns out that the three boys who wanted to do violence to the students of our school yesterday, or even wanted to commit illegal acts, were students of your school." After hearing this, Chifuyu Orimadara's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he looked at Daijudou Yuuji like a cold arrow. He walked over and confirmed in a neutral tone.

"Being violent to the female students of your school, or even intending to commit illegal acts?" Daijudo Yuuji's expression really changed.

He didn't know that this was the reason why Mikio Kusaka was injured!
Because when he got the information given by Nobita to deceive Kusaka Mikio, Kusaka Mikio said that he just wanted to pursue a girl from Sakura High School, but the girl didn't agree and didn't say anything, and treated him and Inu very unceremoniously. Jiro, my grandson and the others took action.

And it was precisely because the girls acted too suddenly that they were injured because they were unprepared. Otherwise, they would not be lying in the hospital and even missed the regional selection competition of the summer conference on the weekend.

Meanwhile, Kusaka Mikio lied to himself again!

Damn it, not a single word from the mouths of these wild boys is true. "So even if you don't take the initiative to come over today, we will find your school through other channels to discuss the follow-up treatment of those three students." Oribara Chifuyu said coldly and unceremoniously.

"Follow-up work? Mr. Ori Madara's words are too much, right? Let's not mention that what you said is just one-sided words from your side without any evidence. Even if it is true, all my students are injured, Ori Madara What else does the teacher want to do? Do you have to send them to the correctional center before you are willing to do it?" Dashutang Yuuji frowned and asked back with an unhappy look on his face.

Yes, he is now very dissatisfied with Mikio Kusaka's lying to him and taking unauthorized actions, causing injuries to himself and his companions, which also affects the Kendo Club's campaign plan.

But after all, they are still his students.

After his plans for the expedition failed and he could no longer defraud the school's education funds through his grades, and even used it as capital to change jobs, trying to keep his current job became his first choice.

So no matter what, we can't make this matter a big deal, or even bring it to the principal. Otherwise, Mitsuo Kusaka and others will have a hard time. As an instructor, he will also be unable to escape his responsibilities. If he can't do it, he will be expelled from the school. Become a homeless person.

He doesn't want to become one of those homeless people on the street because he can't afford social insurance!

"You want evidence?" Orima Chifuyu asked with a half-smile.

"Yes, at least you have to provide enough evidence before I will believe that my student has indeed committed immoral or even illegal behavior. Otherwise, I will never agree with your statement, Mr. Oribara." Daijudo Yuuji couldn't help but feel guilty when he saw this, but he still responded firmly on the surface.

"Okay, then I'll give you the evidence." As he said that, Chifuyu Orimadara took out his cell phone, pressed it a few times, and handed it to Yuuji Daijudo.

Daijudo Yuuji took it over anxiously and looked at the content on the phone screen——

It was the beginning of a video that was about to be played, and the protagonists in it were none other than my own students, Mikio Kusaka, Inujiro, my grandson Toshiyuki, and a strange female student.

As the video played, what happened at the school gate that day was completely played out.

As for the origin of the video, it naturally came from the surveillance at the school gate.

And when was the monitoring installed?

After the statue of Bishamonten was installed on campus, it was prepared to monitor whether students worshiped it in accordance with school regulations.

The on-duty students and on-duty teachers are just incidental and superficial supervision. The surveillance cameras are the real eyes of Aragaki Ping, a tool used to supervise the on-duty students and on-duty teachers.

However, because the range of activities of these people was some distance away from the school gate, the radio effect was not well reflected. Therefore, what exactly the people said before opening the door was not clear to Daishoudou Yuuji. He only knew that it was him. The student made the move first, and the three of them were able to do it together, but in the end, they were simply knocked to the ground by the girl in the video and lay in the hospital.

If you look at it this way, not only are the three Kusaka Mikio not good in character, but their strength is also much worse than that of the girls. It is no wonder that the other party refuses to tell the truth.

Without him, it would indeed be too embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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