Teacher, I hate it

Chapter 244 Fruitful results

Chapter 244 Fruitful results
"What can't I bear?" Miyano Shiho said, turning his head to the other side.

"But your performance just now is not what you said." Aragaki leaned closer and smiled.

"Humph." Miyano Shiho snorted and closed his eyes.

Aragaki smiled and lay down on Shiho's chest.

"Get up, you're heavy, don't you know?" Miyano Shiho pushed Aragaki's head with his hand.

"Only how much can a head weigh?" Aragaki retorted.

"Then why don't you give it a try?" Miyano Shiho said angrily.

"Just try it." As he said that, Aragaki moved away and lay down on his back.

Miyano was not polite and immediately moved his body and rested his head on Aragaki's belly.

"You feel how heavy it is." Miyano Shiho turned to look at him and said.

"I feel it." After saying this, Aragaki Hei's hand fell on Shiho's head politely and gently rubbed Shiho's head like a pet.

Shiho didn't resist, but closed his eyes again and enjoyed the rare time between the two of them.


In a blink of an eye, the time came to night, and Aragaki Hei also came to the living world to pick up Miyano Akemi and Busujima Saeko home just as he said.

But what he saw made him a little stunned——

The two of them were like promising children who had been away from home for a long time and suddenly returned home. They were surrounded by a group of "seven aunts, eight aunts, three uncles, five uncles, and two uncles" and listened to their stories about the so-called big city. !

It's just that the experiences Akemi and Saeko told were not about modern Tokyo, but about the land authority Aragaki Heira controlled and what he could do.

To put it bluntly, he is spreading his power and recruiting followers.

Aragaki did not expect that Akemi and Saeko would be so capable!In less than a day, the villagers in the entire human world were almost conquered.

I have to say, he is very talented in sales.

But no matter how talented Aragaki is, he won't act like a black-hearted capitalist and won't even give them time to rest.

Then he quietly disappeared and told the two of them the news that they could go home through a secret message.

"Okay everyone, that's it for today's free clinic and lecture. If you still don't understand anything, or if you encounter any disease again and need treatment, you can go to Wuming Mountain, about one kilometer away from Renli in the south. The shrine on the top of the mountain asked us for help." After receiving the signal, Miyano Akemi stood up and said to the villagers surrounding her.

"Okay Saeko, let's leave." Then, Mingmei turned to Saeko and said.

Saeko didn't say much, grabbed his weapons, and together with Mingmei walked out of the villagers' encirclement from the road that the villagers voluntarily gave way to, and then left the world and the sight of the villagers under the somewhat reluctant eyes of the villagers.

"Where's Shiho? Have you gone back?" Akemi asked curiously when she saw Aragaki Taira again.

"Well, I'll go home in the afternoon." Aragaki affirmed.After a pause, he continued: "What happened to you just now?"

"Well, let's start with the free clinic at noon -" Then, Miyano Akemi talked about what happened after Aragaki Hei left.

It's quite simple. After the villagers heard that a witch came to the village who could help everyone solve their physical ailments, they came to take a look at it with a skeptical attitude. After several villagers personally dedicated their lives to try it out, they instantly became fanatical. When they got up, not only the old people who stayed in the village, but also the young men who had been working in the fields were also called back by the old people with their children, and they all received treatment from the witches.

Afterwards, Miyano Akemi preached to Saeko about Aragaki's divine power and persuaded the villagers to believe in him.

At first, everyone was still hesitant, but soon, with the active participation of Grandma Gaojin, the No. 1 believer attracted by Mingmei, the situation improved significantly——

"Think about the changes before. If Master Mingmei and Master Saeko hadn't brought the power of the Earth God, would you be as relaxed as you are now?"

"Not to mention that belief in the land god can guarantee a bumper harvest. Why don't we believe it?"

"Is it that the power of the Earth God is not easy to use, or do you not believe in the Earth God's guarantee?" Grandma Gaojin asked loudly to the old guys in the crowd.

"Or can you find other gods who can help us treat physical diseases and pain?"

"My old woman has to say something bad. Even if we find it, will that adult be willing to use his power on us like this land?"

"Even if you are willing, there won't be many that are necessary, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several villagers who had the experience of asking gods to do things suddenly turned ugly.

It was obvious that he had been tricked.

"Isn't it just faith? Over the years, we have either believed in this god or been afraid of that monster. At that time, those gods and monsters did not give us any benefits. Now there are gods who are willing to exchange benefits for our faith. We still have What's the point of hesitating?" In the crowd, an impulsive-looking man suddenly spoke loudly.

Then he paused as if to give the villagers time to think, and then continued: "Anyway, I believe in this land god!"

Then, under the leadership of this leader, more and more villagers began to waver, and as more villagers joined in, they decided to believe in the land god and surrender their beliefs.

"Did you encounter any trouble in the process?" Aragaki Ping nodded and asked again.

"No." Mingmei shook her head.

"A miko or priest without a god is looking for trouble?"

He can understand that monsters don't come to cause trouble. After all, it is in the human world. It is the foundation for the existence and continuation of the gods and monsters in Gensokyo. What's more, there are also established rules - monsters are not allowed to act in the human world. Attack!
Therefore, the human world has become a "safe zone" in a sense. No matter how loud the noise is, as long as they do not leave a certain range of the human world, no monsters will come to trouble them.

But the priests and witches of the gods are different. As humans, they do not need to abide by the agreement between the gods and monsters.In other words, as long as they don't mess around in the human world - fight with the power of gods, no one will care about what they do in the human world.

Therefore, they can completely use this loophole to cause trouble for Akemi and Saeko, preventing them from continuing to expand their influence and shake the foundation of belief in other gods.

"Maybe the impact we caused wasn't big enough, so no one came to trouble us." Mingmei shook her head.

"It's fine if you don't."

Then the group of three returned to the shrine just as they had come, allowing Saeko to open the portal and take the two of them back to Tokyo.

"Is this really okay? Master." After the two left, a dark space crack appeared above the shrine, and Yakumo Blue's voice came from it and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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