Chapter 297
"Da Shan, what are you doing here? Why didn't you go to the base?" Tengjuan, who was still a little sweaty, looked at Dashan in front of him and wondered whether he had just finished exercising or something.

"I'm waiting for Yuriko." Dashan replied.

"Oh, then you wait, I'll go up first." Tengjuan didn't ask Dashan what he was waiting for Yuriko to do, and walked directly towards the door.

"The newcomer is up there." Dashan reminded.

"Uh... Then I'd better wait for Yuriko with you." Tengjuan stopped after hearing this, and walked back with a somewhat embarrassed look, and said dryly.

Dashan did not laugh at Tengjuan. After all, the reason why he came down to wait for Nakamura Yuri was not only to report the news in advance, but also to avoid Aragakihei.

After all, the feeling of General Ju Lingqian was too fresh in people's minds, so he couldn't help but feel jealous and jealous of Aragaki Ping, and thus chose to stay away from this dangerous person.

After a long time, Nakamura Yuri also came to the gate of the base.


A moment later, Nakamura Yuri walked into the base with Dashan, Tengjuan, and Yuzuo who came with her.

"I heard that you picked up someone yesterday, is he the guy behind you?" Yuri Nakamura didn't make any nonsense. After entering the house, he asked Aragaki directly.

"Yes." Aragaki affirmed.

"How did you pick it up?" Nakamura Yuri was still walking his straight path.

"I was bored last night. When I went out for a walk, I picked it up in the green belt near the boys' dormitory building." Aragaki casually threw away the excuse he made up.

"Have you introduced the situation here to him?" Nakamura Yuri asked again.

"I told you something." Aragaki nodded.

"Since you picked up the man, you can take him with him first. After we finish investigating the mysterious man, we will discuss his issues." Nakamura Yuri responded simply and decisively.

"Okay." Aragaki looked at her and nodded in agreement.

After that, the room became quiet again.

The silence was not broken until everyone on the afterlife front, including several other girls Aragaki had never met before, arrived at the base.

"Let me introduce you." Just when Otonashi Yuzuru was still wondering who the people in the room were, Hinata Hideki who walked up to him at some point suddenly said.

"Hello." Otonashi Yuzuru was stunned for a moment, then stood up and said politely.

"I am Hideki Hinata, the know-it-all on the afterlife front. How about you?" Hideki Hinata asked with a smile.

"Hello, I am Otonashi Yuzuru." Otonashi Yuzuru extended his hand and introduced himself.

Hinata Hideki smiled and held Otonashi Yuzuru's hand, as if he was introducing the people in the room.

"Did you see the girl with the beret over there? She meets Yuri Nimura. I usually call her Yuriko. She is the founder and captain of our afterlife front. The thin face next to her The serious-looking guy with glasses on his face is Takamatsu. But don’t look at how smart and reliable he looks. When you get to know him for a long time, you will find that he is actually a big fool. "


After that comes the others.

Soon, Hinata Hideki introduced to Otonashi Yuzuru those little girls that Aragaki Hei also didn’t know——

"The girl over there with the black wristband is called Iwasawa Masami. She is a music fanatic. It can be said that apart from music, she has nothing to do with other things. Therefore, it is generally difficult to be here at the base. I saw her figure." Hinata Hideki didn't know whether he was introducing, or explaining to Aragakihei, who also didn't know Iwasawa Masami.

After all, Masami Iwasawa was not involved in yesterday's battle.

"The girl standing next to Yami is named Yui. She is an admirer of Yami, but as you can see, she is a complete idiot." "I can hear you, you idiot who only knows how to make fun of you." ." The mentioned Yui ran over without hesitation, put her hands on her hips, raised her head and complained unceremoniously to Hinata Hideki.

"Don't make trouble." Hinata Hideki said as he pushed Yui's body away with his hands.

"Have you noticed, the girl who looks like an older sister? Her name is Hisako, and she is the vice-captain of Masami's band."

"Band?" Yuzuru Otonashi asked.

"Oh, it's something that Masami came up with to make music better. It's called girls Dead Monster. It sounds very impressive." As he spoke, Hinata Hideki looked like an old man. Like an acquaintance, he put his arm on Otonashi Yuzuru's shoulder.

Otonashi Yuzuru nodded subconsciously.

"Then the cute little girl with purple hair over there is Irie Miyuki. She is an optimist, but you must be particularly careful not to bring up ghost-related topics in front of him. Although he knows that he is dead, he is still very happy. Fear of anything associated with ghosts.”

Otonashi Yuzuru continued to nod.

"The last girl with earthy-looking hair is Shiori Sekine. She is a girl who loves to prank her. However, her main target of pranks is Irie, and she will not draw attention to others, so don't worry."

"Oh." Otonashi Yuzuru nodded.


"Papa." Nakamura Yuri clapped his hands to gather everyone's rest.

"Do you still remember the plan we discussed yesterday?" Nakamura Yuri asked.

"Remember." Noda and others responded.

"Then let's start implementing it as planned." Nakamura Yuri said immediately without any nonsense.

The others did the same, looked at each other, turned and left the room in the base.

"What's the plan?" Irie Miyuki asked blankly.

"It's none of our business." Although she always liked to play pranks on Miyuki Irie, Shiori Sekine, who still liked Miyuki Irie, quickly grabbed Miyuki Irie's arm and stepped aside and whispered.

"Oh." Irie Miyuki nodded obediently, and sure enough she stopped asking.

"Is there anything you need my help with?" Aragaki Ping, who was still watching the whole process without any intervention, suddenly asked.

"If you really want to help, just help us suppress the mysterious man when things are right." Nakamura Yuri thought for a moment and said.

"Have you not designed any safety protection?" Niiguan Ping asked in surprise.

"No." Takamatsu next to him took over the conversation and said: "Originally, he was in the base, surrounded by his own people, and they were all equipped with weapons. I don't think there is a way for the mysterious man to escape from our encirclement. "

"So confident?" Aragaki Ping said amusedly.

"Not everyone has extraordinary power like you." Gao Song raised his hand to push down the glasses on his face and said quietly.

"Okay." Aragaki Ping laughed.

Yes, the mysterious man may not have the same extraordinary power as himself, but he has a way to turn NPC students into shadow people. As long as the program startup time is set, he can still break through the trap of the SSS group.

It just depends on whether the other party has thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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