Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 106 The Power of the Spiritual Energy Fruit (Thanks to book friend 20220809073019 for the re

Chapter 106 The Power of the Spiritual Energy Fruit (Thanks to book friend 20220809073019 for the reward)

At the foot of the mountain, the cave courtyard.

"Aura Fruit Reincarnation" sat on the ground and stared blankly at the comprehensive service NPC Niu Daren.

Niu Daren said: "I don't know which Tianxing Island you belong to, but I, Niu Daren, don't know you!"

Spiritual Energy Fruit said: "I am the reincarnation of Spiritual Energy Fruit..."

"The reincarnation of the Spiritual Energy Fruit looks so powerful. What happened to you just now? Were you beaten? I thought you were dead..."

"I, I must have been asleep just now. How could I be beaten to death?"

Just as Ling Qi Guo was saying this, he suddenly saw the Daxuan Ship flying over.

"Junior brother Lu Chaoding!"

He stood up, put his hands behind his back, and assumed a proud posture.

Lu Chaoding jumped down from the Daxuan Sword, kicked him down, and took him away with a sack.

"After all, this guy is Niu Daren's advanced fusion body. Although it is not fused with the Chaos Sword Spirit, but with the Spiritual Energy Fruit, even if he is a scumbag, he might have some Daozangkong settings! Now Ye Longxing If you are captured by me, you can only seal him if you can’t kill him. What’s the use of sealing him? It’s better to kill him and get the spoils!”

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.

After a moment, he threw the spiritual energy fruit to the battle platform in the center of the Nut Secret Realm.

He was still standing on the high wall, ready to fight at any time.

In the center of the fighting platform, Ye Longxing sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, like a sculpture. There was a barrier of black energy outside his body, teaching him that he was invulnerable. No matter how he attacked, the damage number he dealt was "0" !
When Lu Chao released the spiritual energy fruit, he was a little naive at first, but after seeing Ye Longxing, he immediately stood up, first arranged his clothes, then put his hands behind his back, assumed a master's posture, and said: " Everyone retreats behind me, I will deal with Ye Longxing!"

After saying this, he walked up to Ye Longxing and shouted: "Ye Longxing, your opponent is me!"

Ye Longxing was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, showing no reaction.

"Hmph, are you looking down on me?"

The spiritual energy fruit hit Ye Longxing with his head, but was knocked to the ground by the black energy that protected him.

He quickly jumped up, put his clothes in order, and bumped into Ye Longxing again, this time with more force. He was directly bounced away by Ye Longxing's body-protecting black energy, and lay sprawled on the ground.

Ren Daniu, who had been brought to the high wall by Lu Chaoding, saw this scene with a look of disgust on his face, pointed at the spiritual energy fruit and said: "What is this? Isn't it funny? Can he deal with the ancient sword demon? Lu Chaoding , you listen to me, the only one who can deal with Ye Longxing is Daozangkong! Now Ye Longxing is in a special recovery state and has no ability to move. Let's quickly seal him with the forbidden black lotus. Although the forbidden black lotus cannot seal him too much. It will take a long time, but it is enough to buy us time to leave the island, otherwise Ye Longxing will kill us when he regains his strength!"

Lu Chao said: "Don't worry yet, maybe this spiritual energy fruit can restrain Ye Longxing?"

He looked down and saw that the Spiritual Energy Fruit had stood up again. He straightened his clothes and with a serious face, he slowly walked up to Ye Longxing again and said, "Ye Longxing, your strength is not bad, but I am not weak either. , I know that you have the power of the Seven Kills to Duhe, Ao Longwang Diqi, control the Seven Realms Demon Sword, and even practiced the Great Freedom Patrolling Demon Sword, but my Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword is not in vain... Well , I don’t seem to know how to use the Great World Shattering Void Divine Sword! No matter, I will let you see the power of the Spiritual Energy Fruit today!"

After saying that, the spiritual energy fruit rushed towards Ye Longxing again, but was still bounced away by its protective black energy.

This time Lu Chaoding's face turned dark.

He originally had some illusions about the Spiritual Energy Fruit, but now it seems that he has really thought too much. This Spiritual Energy Fruit is just a piece of cake.

After being thrown away, the Spiritual Energy Fruit got up again. He straightened his robes and shouted: "I am the reincarnation of the Spiritual Energy Fruit. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth obeys my orders. King Aolong, come out!"

After this shout, beyond Lu Chaoding's expectation, Ye Longxing's body shook violently, and then a tall figure slowly flew out of his body.

The figure has the body of a dragon, wearing a strange official robe and a bead-curtain imperial crown.

"Huh?" Lu Chao was shocked. He looked at the dragon-headed figure and could actually see its attribute information. It turned out to be a five-star earth creature, and its name was exactly "Aolong King"!
Earth creature: King Aolong
Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Ability 5000: After equipped, health + (land level x 500), attack power + (land level x [-]).

Ability [-]: After equipping it, you will gain the abilities of [Soaring in the Clouds and Riding on the Mist], [Walking in the Air], and [Walking in the Clouds and Distributing Rain].

Note [-]: Use [Dragon Soul Treasure Jade] to increase the level of Aolong King, and the land creature will be bound after upgrading. .

Note 12: Aolong King can be upgraded to LV[-].

After a moment, this "Aolong King" completely separated from Ye Longxing's body. With a snap, it suddenly turned into a ball of light and fell to the ground.

The spiritual energy fruit picked up the ball of light, laughed loudly, and said, "Ye Longxing, do you know how powerful I am?"

At this time, Ye Longxing also changed. A white light flashed on his body, and he suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood. The black air like a protective shield outside his body shook and suddenly shattered.

He opened his eyes and looked at the Spiritual Energy Fruit, and said angrily: "How dare you deprive me of my land!"

At this time, Lu Chaoding on the high wall immediately attacked with his sword, and a large piece of mechanical missiles flew towards Ye Longxing.

boom boom boom boom...

This time, Ye Longxing was blown over after the protective shield was broken. He let out a roar and suddenly turned into a skeleton, with health bars and toughness bars reappearing above his head.

At the same time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, Ye Longxing has changed his job to a sword ghost, his level has dropped to LV30, his skills have changed, and his abilities have dropped significantly!"

"Ding, trigger the battle. The current battle scene is the Nut Secret Realm. Cancel the preparation time!"

"Ding, determine the order of actions based on speed. Sword Immortal Land is over the top and now it's your turn!"

Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt and immediately took action, using [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate]. He launched nine consecutive normal attacks in one minute, dealing a total of 1 ultra-high damage.

It even knocked back the sword ghost Ye Longxing by 270%!

And this attack actually only reduced sword ghost Ye Longxing's health bar by about one-third!

"Ten million total lives?"

Lu Chaoding breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

This sword ghost Ye Longxing can fight!
Even though his life value is as high as 1000 million, he is constantly being repelled by him, and in the end he can only be a target!
Lu Chaoding laughed, and let the three underworld sword spirits use the [Sword Cutting Technique], allowing the flaming puppy head to attack freely, and then ushered in his second round. This was another round of [Sword Immortal Twelve] Hate], knocking back the sword ghost Ye Longxing by 270% again!

Then eight armed mechanical arms with an attack power of 10 took turns to attack, hammering the sword ghost Ye Longxing to the ground.

Then came Lu Chao's third and fourth rounds. He used [Reverberation of the Sword], and the total damage in the two rounds of attacks was more than 120 million!
The three Huangquan Sword Spirits then released the [Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique], dealing a high amount of damage of nearly 60.

In the end, the battle ended after Lu Chaoding completed the seventh round.

Sword Demon Ye Longxing didn't even have a chance to make a move and was killed directly.

As it turned into light and disappeared, a large treasure chest slowly condensed out. At the same time, the regional announcement sounded: "Ding, 523131241 Novice Village is the first to kill the world BOSS Ancient Sword Demon Ye Longxing. Players participating in the battle will receive a big treasure chest of glory, and players in the same village will receive glory. A little treasure chest!”

"Ding, the list related to World BOSS Ancient Sword Demon Ye Longxing is online on the Tianxing Forum. Please check it yourself for details!"

(End of this chapter)

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