Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 108 The outrageous splitting sword shadow

Chapter 108 The outrageous splitting sword shadow

[Fake death, a five-star special secret skill that cannot be upgraded. The skill book is equipped after the secret skill column, allowing players to freely modify damage numbers, health bar values, toughness values, life status, death effects, etc. The modified values ​​and characteristics are for display only. , does not affect the real attributes. If the player enters a state of suspended animation during the battle, he can escape from hatred and affect the battle space.Note that suspended animation can be detected. 】

[Sword Demon’s job transfer certificate: This item can be activated when the player dies in battle. After the item is activated, the player can immediately transfer to Sword Demon and rejoin the battle.Sword Demon can use most of the skills and equipment of Sword Immortal, Sword Master, Sword God, and Sword Demon, and possesses the talent ghost energy. However, please note that changing the job of Sword Demon is an irreversible event. When changing jobs, professional talents will definitely be dropped, and usually also Along with the level drop, as well as the loss of secret skills, combat skills, and stunts, etc. 】

[Devil-Conquering Sword: A special five-star weapon, refining +0, attack power +100. When using the Demon-Conquering Sword to cause damage to sword demons and demon targets, it will have the 'Demon-Conquering' feature added to it, reducing its ability by 10%.Description: Improving the weapon refining level can increase the power of the demon-suppressing characteristic. If the target is a monster, there is a small chance of subduing the target when attacking with the demon-suppressing sword. After subduing, the target will be transformed into a monster with the same name. 】

[Ye Longxing’s training experience·Secret Skills: After reading this training experience, you will be greatly inspired. Use it in conjunction with the epiphany to increase the star number of the designated secret skill, up to five stars!Note that after a low-star secret skill is upgraded to five stars, it will be randomly strengthened once and regarded as a self-created skill. The name of the secret skill can be modified!Five-star secret skills cannot be enhanced by props. 】

[Ye Longxing’s training experience and combat skills chapter: After reading this training experience, you will be greatly inspired. Use it in conjunction with the epiphany to increase the number of designated combat skill stars...]

[Ye Longxing’s training experience·Special skills chapter: After reading this training experience, you will be greatly inspired. Use it with Sudden Enlightenment to increase the number of stars for the designated stunts...]! "

[Ye Longxing’s Cultivation Experience·Black Cloud Formation Chapter: After reading this practice experience, you are greatly inspired, and by using it with professional certificates, you can understand the Black Cloud Formation.Black Cloud Formation is a five-star special secret skill that cannot be upgraded. Once understood, it is regarded as a self-created secret skill and does not occupy the secret skill column. The specific attributes are affected by occupation and professional characteristics. Please explore on your own for details! 】

"Ye Longxing's cultivation experience is really good..."

Lu Chaoding sighed. After checking the attribute information of the loot, he directly used [Ye Longxing's Training Experience·Secret Skills].

"Ding, use Ye Longxing's training experience, please designate secret skills to increase the number of stars!"

"Split light and sword shadow!"

"Ding, the current secret skill is a three-star secret skill. It requires two copies of [Epiphany] to upgrade to five stars. Would you like to consume two copies of [Epiphany]?"


"Ding, two copies of [Epiphany] have been consumed. Congratulations, your three-star secret skill [Splitting Sword Shadow] has been upgraded to a five-star secret skill, and you have received random enhancements..."

"Ding, the strengthening effect is that after the splitting sword shadow hits the target, the chance of recovering one's fighting spirit and toughness is greatly increased, which allows the fighting spirit and toughness to exceed the upper limit until the end of the battle!"

"Ding, your five-star secret skill [Splitting Sword Shadow] has been converted into a self-created skill, please change its name!"

"Renamed the Great Outrageous Split Light Sword Shadow!"

"Ding, the name change was successful. Congratulations on obtaining the five-star secret skill [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow]. The skill description has been updated. Please check it yourself for details!"

After Lu Chaoding listened to the system prompts, he quickly checked the skill description of the Light Splitting Sword Shadow.

Secret Skill: Absurdly Splitting Light Sword Shadow
Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV5 (Extraordinary)
Description 32: Activate the skill to create 10 unstoppable sword shadows from the main weapon. Each sword shadow has [-]% of the player's attack power. When the player uses the main weapon to attack, the sword shadow will follow.

Note 5: There is a [-]% chance that the splitting sword shadow will gather some fighting spirit for the player when it hits the target!
Note 5: The splitting sword shadow has a [-]% chance of restoring some toughness to the player when it hits the target!
Note 4: Consume [Legacy of the Sword Immortal] To LV6!

Note [-]: The skill book is bound and cannot be traded.

"The maximum level is 12! If it really reaches level 12, wouldn't it be able to differentiate into 4096 sword shadows! This is really outrageous! I also have the super clear attribute, which can increase the upper limit of the secret skill level. If it is paired with a suitable weapon, That’s really invincible!”

An image of himself waving and sword shadows filling the sky immediately appeared in Lu Chao's mind. Just thinking about it made him feel outrageous!However, although the upper limit of the level of the secret skill has been raised, it still needs to be raised level by level. Now this [Outrageous Spectral Sword Shadow] is still stuck at LV5, lacking the crucial upgrade material [Spectral Jade]!
"I'll have to visit more trading shops in the future. If I'm not short of money, I'm just short of precious jade!"

Lu Chaoding took out [Ye Longxing's Cultivation Experience - Combat Skills] and [Ye Longxing's Cultivation Experience - Special Skills], and after thinking for a moment, he put them away again.

He currently has no combat skills that need to be upgraded to stars, and [Sword Immortal’s Twelve Hatreds] is five-star and cannot be affected by [Special Skills].

"With Ye Longxing's training experience, maybe I should look for a combat skill with low star rating but huge potential, preferably a combat skill with extraordinary characteristics like the Light Splitting Sword Shadow, and then strengthen it to directly turn it into a magical skill..."

Lu Chaoding thought silently, then he took out [Ye Longxing's Cultivation Experience: Black Cloud Formation] and used it.

"Ding, using [Ye Longxing's Cultivation Experience: Black Cloud Formation Chapter] requires digesting a professional certificate. Do you want to continue?"


"Ding, consume one Sword Immortal's certificate, you are comprehending the Black Cloud Formation..."

"Ding, your profession is [Shangqing Daode Yin Yang Wuji Huangquan Qinglian Dayan Taiji Luoduo Bao Sword Immortal]. The specific functions of the black cloud formation you understand will be generated with reference to the professional characteristics, and the calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, congratulations on understanding the five-star secret skill Black Cloud Formation. This secret skill does not occupy the secret skill column. Please refer to the skill description for specific functions!"

Secret Skill: Black Cloud Formation

Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Supreme Pure Virtue, Yin and Yang, Infinite Underworld, Qinglian, Dayan, Taiji, Luoduobao Sword Immortal

Instruction 10: Activate the skill to arrange a black cloud array over a circular area with a maximum diameter (player level x [-]) meters.

Note [-]: The black cloud formation can change the environment. Once deployed, it cannot be moved. Players are required to sit within it. When the player leaves the formation area, the formation will lose its effectiveness and dissipate after a period of time.

Note 1: Hostile targets within the black cloud formation will receive (player attack power × [-]%) points of damage every second. This damage is not subject to any blessing and will not pull the target into the battle space.

Note [-]: When entering the battle space and during the battle, the effect of the Black Cloud Formation is effective.

Note [-]: Affected by professional characteristics, your Black Cloud Formation can cause group damage regardless of the relationship between enemies and friends, increase the treasure drop rate of hostile targets within the range, have a probability of transforming into a temporary underworld sword spirit after the death of hostile targets within the range, and can condense lotus flowers. Like a cloud, please explore on your own for details.

Note [-]: The Black Cloud Formation can be broken by certain skill characteristics and prop characteristics. Please explore on your own for details.

"Isn't this Black Cloud Formation a magical skill for mowing large areas in idle jungle?"

Lu Chaoding felt that the [Black Cloud Formation] that did not occupy the secret skill column could be regarded as a magical skill. It would not be a dream to deploy it in the wild area and control the Daxuan Sword to hide in the black cloud. Killing the enemy while idle is not a dream.

"Not bad, not bad, and the skill of suspended animation is also very interesting!"

Lu Chaoding sighed. At this time, the three of them also came to the courtyard of the cave. The spirit fruit was walking with its hands behind its back, minding its own business. Lu Chaoding took out the [Aolong King] ground animal again and set it to a free-range state.

(End of this chapter)

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