Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 145 Go to Tianfeng City first

Chapter 145 Go to Tianfeng City first

Lu Chaoding ignored Song Shu. He immediately opened the entrance to the exclusive cave and stepped in.

Then, he drove the Daxuan Ship and rushed to the Nut Secret Realm as quickly as possible.

On the battle platform of the Nut Secret Realm, there was no battle trigger. Zhao Weike, who was teleported by the Great World Breaking Void Divine Sword, was sitting on the ground in a daze. When he saw Lu Chaoding coming, he hurriedly said: "Brother Ding, what's going on? I But I saved you!"

"What's going on? You almost ruined my life!"

"Having ruined your life?" Zhao Weike scratched his head, completely confused as to what was going on.

"What else?" Lu Chaoding took out the purple gourd again, and with a little manipulation, he released the only man in black.

The man in black stood dumbly, holding a torn sack in his hand, completely at a loss.

This was just a nameless NPC, not very smart to begin with. Lu Chaoding was worried that he would be outplayed, and then his cooperation in the kidnapping mission would be in vain and he would suffer huge losses.

"This is……"

Zhao Weike looked at the man in black curiously, suddenly took out his short gun [Evil God's Gaze], and said: "Brother Ding, let me kill him!"

Lu Chaoding quickly pulled him aside and said: "Skirt, don't make trouble for me. Whether you can conquer the level 60 boss depends on him."

Zhao skirt scratched his head, he still couldn't figure it out.

Lu Chaoding took him away from the fighting platform and came to the city wall. He looked at the stunned man in black below and said, "I don't know if this guy can return to normal."

Zhao Weike slapped his thigh at this time and said: "I understand, Brother Ding, you were kidnapped by them on purpose, right?"

"if not?"

"Why did you want to be kidnapped by them on purpose?"

"My pleasure!"

At this time, the man in black on the fighting platform below suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Chaoding, shouting: "Be honest, follow us, and you will suffer less physical pain. If you don't know the current affairs, then don't do it." No wonder the brothers are so heavy-handed!"

Lu Chaoding was pleasantly surprised when he heard this and said: "This single seedling seems to be of some use!"

Zhao Weike said: "Brother Ding, I sunk their big ship, it won't affect you!"

"Damn it, you sunk their big ship? It's really more than success, more than failure!" Hearing this, Lu Chaoding seemed to see the level 60 Peach Blossom Sword God leaving him. He felt depressed, but also sighed. After a breath, he said: "That's all, I can't do it to you, after all, you don't know anything."

He took a few steps and muttered: "The kidnappers don't have a big boat, what should I do? Can I take the initiative to send me to the door? But where do these guys want to kidnap me? This nameless kidnapper below is stupid. I’m stunned, I’m afraid I can’t ask anything…”

Zhao Weike was listening quietly at the side, and suddenly raised his hand and said: "Brother Ding, these kidnappers are from the Tianfeng Sword Sect. They are here to kidnap the sea urchin. I guess they plan to kidnap them to the Tianfeng Sword Sect."

While talking, Zhao Weike took out the secret letter.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look and nodded: "It makes sense, so now I have to find out where the Tianfeng Sword Sect is stationed, take this little kidnapper with me, and let him kidnap me. There are still more kidnapping tasks. It can be done."

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding seemed to see the scene of the level 60 Peach Blossom Sword God swearing allegiance to him.

Zhao Weike said: "Jiang Youxian opened the world map and asked her to check it. It should be easy to find the Tianfeng Sword Sect's station. Brother Ding, if you drive a sky survey ship there, it might be more efficient."

"That makes sense!" Lu Chao nodded.

Zhao Weike said again: "I just don't know what you are planning on being kidnapped, brother Ding!"

"The secret must not be leaked!" Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes, "In this way, you can guard this little kidnapper for me here, and I will pick you up later!"

After saying this, Lu Chao raised the Great Xuan Sword and quickly left the exclusive cave.Arriving at the coast of Peach Blossom Island again, Lu Chaoding glanced around. The Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee, his son Sea Urchin and the Sword Master Song Shu were all missing. Only Jiang Youxian was lying on the floating Xuanjin wine gourd drinking.

"Where is Song Shu?" Lu Chao asked Jiang Youxian.

Jiang Youxian said: "Run away! He ran so fast!"

"Which direction did you run?"

"Over there!" Jiang Youxian pointed at Taolin and said, "This guy is pretty good at qinggong. I wanted to chase him, but I couldn't!"

"It doesn't matter, you can help me watch the sky survey ship here, and help me find out where the Tianfeng Sword Sect is stationed."

"it is good!"

Jiang Youxian nodded, his posture a little lazy, as if he was really drunk.

"This girl doesn't look very reliable either!"

Lu Chaoding said silently in his heart, and then drove the tank to capture Song Shu on Peach Blossom Island.

Peach Blossom Island has many peach trees and complex terrain. It took Lu Chaoding a full hour to catch Song Shu.

"Lu Chaoding, you are going too far to bully others. Are you playing cat and mouse with me?"

Song Shu shouted loudly.

Lu Chaoding didn't say a word and directly put him away with the purple gold gourd.

By the time he returned to the sky survey ship, Jiang Youxian was already drinking until his face was red, he was moaning and mumbling, and he was obviously drunk.

"It's not reliable. You can even get drunk. You are also a talent!" Lu Chaoding led her into a cabin and asked: "Jiang Youxian, cheer up and tell me where the Tianfeng Sword Sect is based. Is there a place?"

"Not far, not far, just in the southwest, directly south of Qianyuan Island, Tianfeng Prefecture, Tianfeng City..."

Jiang Youxian's words were useless.

Lu Chao shook his head, thinking that drinking would be a waste of time. If he had time, he could go and fight wild monsters.

Next, after thinking for a while, Lu Chaoding decided to change his route and go to the nearby Tianfeng City first to complete the kidnapping mission before going to Tianyun Island.

Looking back at Peach Blossom Island, Lu Chaoding felt that under normal circumstances, there should be a lot of plots on this island. However, after the occasional thank-you gift that was tampered with by an unreliable system, the Peach Blossom Sword God was so poor. With only the big pants left, there is no point in staying on the island to explore by myself.

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding controlled the sky survey ship to go southwest, slowing down its flight speed slightly. After all, it was traveling at night, so it was always right to be careful.

As for the ten thank-you gifts sent by the Peach Blossom Sword God, Lu Chaoding took them out and inspected them one by one. He felt that the most precious among them were the [Peach Blossom Treasure Book] and the [Peach Blossom Sword].

To put it bluntly, the former is a job-changing item. After use, the Sword God player can change his job to the Peach Blossom Sword God.

Changing to the Peach Blossom Sword God will not affect the player's current level, attributes and skills. It will only gain an additional professional feature. This feature is called [Peach Blossom Flying Blade]. The effect is to change the player's skill effects and release forms. It is enhanced and the special effect of flying peach blossoms is added to it.

The latter is a five-star weapon with good attributes. It can increase the skill damage of Peach Blossom Sword God. It is regarded as the exclusive weapon of Peach Blossom Sword God.

"The Peach Blossom Sword God has extra professional features, which are definitely higher than ordinary professions. These two things are not bad. They can be copied in batches through the mission hall and used as mission rewards for Sword God players in the sect who are willing to change professions."

Lu Chaoding made plans silently.

As for the other eight thank-you gifts given by the Peach Blossom Sword God, according to Lu Chaofeng's vision, there is nothing worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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