Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 158 9 Zhang Golden Lion and 7 Colorful Clouds

Chapter 158 The Nine-foot Golden Lion and the Colorful Clouds
Lu Chaoding found Zhang Defa and quickly brushed up the number of [School Building Strengthening Scrolls·Episodes] to twenty.

"Look at the effect!"

He used a [School Building Enhancement Scroll·Episode] with great expectation, and a list of buildings popped up in front of him. There were actually 5 buildings that could be chosen for enchantment, namely two nine-foot stone lions and three stone lions. A colorful auspicious cloud.

"Let's first see what effect the stone lion will have after being strengthened."

Lu Chaoding thought and immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, the sect building Jiuzhang Stone Lion has been strengthened and promoted to a functional building Jiuzhang Golden Lion. Simple intelligence has been turned on, which can automatically identify the enemy and ourselves. Fight automatically or accept the control of elders and above from the reliable sword sect."

"Ding, the Jiuzhang Golden Lion's durability has been increased to 3000 million, its defense has been increased to 300, and it will automatically restore 500 points of durability every second."

"Ding, the Jiuzhang Golden Lion has acquired the skill Lion Roar Cannon, with a range of 1000 meters to 3000 meters and an attack power of 100 million. It takes ten seconds to charge for activation."

"Ding, the Jiuzhang Golden Lion has gained the ability to attack. It can slap the ground and cause 30 points of damage to all enemies within 30000 meters. The attack interval is five seconds."

"Ding, the Jiuzhang Golden Lion cannot be pulled into the battle space. After being destroyed, it can be rebuilt at a cost of 3000 million gold yuan."

When the system prompt sounded, the nine-foot-tall stone lion on the left side of the mountain gate immediately emitted golden light. After two breaths, it turned into a golden golden lion.

Chu Wudi and Chu Shuishui, the shipbuilding captains at the foot of the mountain gate, sensed this. They looked at the golden lion on the left side of the mountain gate. They used Qinggong with a frightening expression on their faces. They rose and fell several times to the top of the nine-foot golden lion.


The nine-foot-long golden lion immediately seemed to be alive, letting out a roar like thunder, startling a large number of players around to raise their heads.

"what happened?"

"Damn it, it's a stone lion, the stone lion is glowing!"

"The stone lion turned into a golden lion!"

"Did the master upgrade it?"

The players exclaimed, and Chu Wudi and Chu Shishui were also in high spirits.

They have the status of elders and can control this nine-foot golden lion.

Chu Wudi laughed and said: "What a powerful golden lion. With this giant spirit guarding the mountain gate, who dares to invade my reliable sword sect? I will guard the mountain gate here."

Chu Shishui said: "I am indeed right. The leader is very lucky. It is a pity that he can get such magical objects."

He looked at the nine-foot-long stone lion on the other side and sighed: "I'm afraid this kind of divine object is rare. There is a gold lion and a stone lion. It's asymmetrical and not good-looking."

At this time, the stone lion suddenly emitted golden light.

Lu Chaoding used the second [School Building Enhancement Scroll·Energy] to strengthen the second nine-foot stone lion into a nine-foot golden lion.

"Can't be pulled into the battle space, good, good, long-range artillery attack, air defense and sea defense, melee claw attack, massive damage!"

Lu Chaoding continued to use strengthening scrolls, this time using three in a row, and the target he chose was naturally the colorful auspicious clouds.

"Ding, the sect building Colorful Xiangyun has been strengthened and promoted to the functional building Colorful Thunder Cloud. Simple intelligence has been enabled. It can actively identify the enemy and ourselves, fight automatically or accept the control of reliable sword sect elders and above."

"Ding, the durability of the colorful thunder clouds has been increased to 10, the defense has been increased to 100, the maximum flight speed is 100 meters per second, and 100 durability points are automatically restored every second." "Ding, the colorful thunder clouds have acquired the skill Lightning Strike, with a range of 1000 meters , attack power 10000, activation interval is 5 seconds. Please note: The attack of the colorful thunder clouds does not distinguish between friend and foe."

"Ding, the Colorful Thunder Cloud can carry up to 4 small units, and it cannot be 1000 meters away from Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain."

"Ding, the colorful thunder cloud cannot be pulled into the battle space. After being destroyed, it can be rebuilt at a cost of 10 gold yuan."

After this series of system prompts sounded, the three colorful auspicious clouds floating in the sky crackled with golden lightning. They originally rotated around Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain like satellites, but at this moment they all stopped and suddenly flew towards the mountain, facing On the second level, the pirates released by Lu Chaoding launched an attack.

boom boom boom boom...

Lightning kept striking down, the sound was terrifying.

Those pirates were released by Lu Chaoding for the players of his sect to play with. They are equivalent to captive humanoid monsters. They will drop nothing after being killed. However, some players use them to increase their skills and increase their proficiency and number of enemies killed. ,Etc., etc.

Take Zhao Weike for example. He was fighting trainee pirates on the second level of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain in order to increase the kill count for his Super Piff Sword. Suddenly, a colorful thundercloud flew over his head. , and then a lightning strike killed the trainee pirate he was going to attack.

"Who dares to steal my monster?"

Zhao Weike roared and looked up, only to find that it was a colorful thundercloud that automatically defeated monsters.

Another lightning strike struck right next to Zhao Weike, killing a trainee pirate and making Lu Chaoding jump to the side in fright.

"What the hell, are you so arrogant? Do you think it's just a cloud that you can grab monsters at will? Come here!"

Zhao Weike pointed at the colorful thundercloud and roared, and beyond his expectation, the colorful thundercloud actually flew over.


Zhao Weike was stunned for a moment. When the colorful thundercloud came closer, he saw the attribute information of the colorful thundercloud and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"The elder can control the colorful thunder clouds. Is it so exciting?"

Zhao Weike continued to wave to the colorful thundercloud, and the colorful thundercloud slowly flew to his side.

"Haha, the elder is so kind and has such privileges!"

Zhao Weike jumped on the colorful thunder cloud and tried to control the driving, quickly flying to the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

Many players witnessed this scene and learned to shout and wave to the other two colorful thunderclouds. However, they were just beginners, and the two colorful thunderclouds ignored them at all.

Lu Chaoding naturally discovered the changes in the colorful thunder clouds, and said to himself: "It's quite interesting to strengthen the spirit of the building, but it's a pity that there are no more similar buildings... I don't know if there is a chance to draw a sect by using lottery tickets. building."

Next, Lu Chaoding continued to draw. He used up all the unreliable lottery tickets, and used more than 200 ordinary lottery tickets in a row. During this period, four-star props came out three times, and Lu Chaoding used the Destiny Treasure to correct them all. After making the choice, I finally got a four-star weapon [Excellent Pawn], a four-star costume [Magical Awareness], and a four-star Earth Prayer [Fire Cloud Horse].

Among them, [Fire Cloud Horse] is a pure mount, with very good flying ability. It can provide a basic speed of 100 meters per second at the first level. It comes with the special effect of "flowing clouds like fire" when riding, which can be said to be very cool. Stylish and practical.

And just when Lu Chaoding lamented that the power of heaven was not available and five stars were rare, Dugutian ran over again and shouted: "Brother Ding, it's not good, that world BOSS is coming to attack us with a large army."

When he ran to Lu Chaoding, he bought a bottle of ice-cold watermelon juice, took a sip, and said, "Ten patrol ships and one sky patrol ship will be here in a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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