Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 160 I’m afraid you will be beaten to death

Chapter 160 I’m afraid you will be beaten to death
roar roar...

The two nine-foot-long golden lion statues roared continuously, and the roaring cannon fired once every ten seconds, one after another.

Six of the Qilin Sword Sect's patrol ships on the sea had been sunk, and the remaining four and the sky patrol ship retreated quickly, out of the range of the nine-foot golden lion.

As for the NPCs that were blown away, many of them fell directly into the sea and disappeared into white light. This was death.

A small number of them can walk with magic or wield a sword, and some can walk on the waves or swim.

These survivors did not have a big ship to settle down, but they continued to move towards Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

The two nine-foot golden lions continued to attack with great accuracy. Now they were killing these NPCs, almost killing them all with one shot.

Many regional announcements were made because of this. Basically, when an NPC with a level of 60 was killed, regional announcements would be made, which made players of the reliable sword sect shout excitedly.

The most excited people are Zhao Qian, Sun Li and others.

The enemy retreated, no one was chasing them, and they were safe. This made him feel a stronger sense of belonging to the reliable sword sect.

"Hahaha, our sect is strong, the boss can kill him at will!"

"I took advantage of Wang Hucheng. I listened to his talk and died too quickly without being able to fight back. I'm really unhappy."

"I thought I saw a stone lion attacking! I had long thought that the pair of stone lions were unusual, and it was indeed so!"

"Quick, quick, quick, go back to the sect's base first!"

The four people's faces were full of joy. When the patrol ship docked, they didn't bother to care about the ship and quickly went ashore.

Zhang Defa was the first to greet them, holding the plush grass in front of them and saying: "Come on, four of you, eat some grass to calm down! Don't worry, I grew this myself!"

Zhao Qian and Sun Li ignored him and just chatted and slapped with other disciples. However, he seemed to have become a hero, surrounded by people, and received a warm welcome.

At this time, there was a rumble and thunder, and Zhao Weike appeared driving a colorful auspicious cloud.

"Foreign enemies invade, brothers, kill me!"

He shouted loudly, flying high with the help of colorful thunder clouds, and actually went overseas, using lightning strikes to kill the enemies within range.

The other two colorful thunderclouds soon flew over. They were fighting automatically. If any NPC from the Qilin Sword Sect entered their range, they would definitely be struck by lightning.

However, the enemy has a large number of people, and the attack speed of the Jiuzhang Golden Lion is too slow, and the attack speed of the three colorful thunder clouds is not very fast either. There are still more and more NPCs approaching Hongchen Seven Realms Island.

"Elder Chu Shuishui, come here, I, the leader, will go to the front line!"

Lu Chaoding roared.

Chu Shishui was overjoyed when he heard this. He used Qing Gong and soon came to Lu Chaoding.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding no longer controlled the nine-foot-long stone lion. He drove a tank with a sword and flew directly to the seaside.

There were actually players who rushed out with him, namely Dugutian, Jiang Youxian, Hua Dashao, Wang Chengang and others.

Obviously, they have some confidence in their own strength.

"Come on, let's form a three-talent formation!"

"The attribute blessings of the three-talent array are limited, so it's better to form a team of four!"

"Here comes a powerful one, bringing the remaining health BOSS into the battle space..."

Dugu Tian and the others are very active, but at most they can only form a team to fight against the BOSS, while Lu Chaoding really kills the BOSS. Equipped with the [Flying Insect Sword], his output is higher than that of the Jiuzhang Golden Lion, and he can kill instantly with every move. , there is no need to enter the battle space at all.

"Ding, regional announcement: The Qilin Sword Sect's enemy-plundering vanguard Makur has been killed!"

"Ding, regional announcement: Wang Er, the enemy elder of the Qilin Sword Sect, has been killed!"

"Ding, regional announcement: Qilin Sword Sect's rebellious elder Lu Zhi has been killed!" "Ding, regional announcement: Qilin Sword Sect's enemy-plundering pioneer Zhou Yansheng has been killed..."

Listening to the system prompts one after another, Lu Chaoding felt a sense of accomplishment, but it was a pity that he had killed so many high-level BOSSs without getting any loot.

At this time, on the big sky surveying ship, the man in gray robe snorted coldly and said: "I didn't expect that a small and reliable sword sect could actually have such a method..."

While speaking, she looked far away at the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

Although there was a long distance between them, she could see a person on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, looking at her.

That person is of course the Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee.

It was also the first item of Qilin, Ruyan.

"Xiang Ruyan..."

Yan Shangjing snorted. In her eyes, her only enemy during this trip was Xiang Ruyan.

"I'm going to deal with that Peach Blossom Sword God, and you guys should also take action to destroy the majesty of this reliable sword sect!"

After leaving such words, Yan Shangjing stepped into the void and floated into the sky.


Level 60 NPCs such as Jin Wuhen and Feng Baisui all agreed.

At the same time, at the top of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, peach blossom petals suddenly flew all over the sky.

Those petals are actually peach blossom flying blades.

"Yan Shangjing, show me how much of your strength has been restored!"

Manatee looked serious. He stepped on the peach blossom flying blade and walked towards Yan Shangjing.

Suddenly, the two accelerated at the same time, and their bodies turned into streams of light, leaping thousands of meters, suddenly colliding together, and directly hitting a huge battle flag in mid-air.

Lu Chaoding noticed this scene and frowned knowing that it was Manatee and Yan Shangjing fighting.

"According to what Hainiu said before, and considering the plot, it is estimated that Hainiu has a low chance of winning this battle. Anyway, the world BOSS Yan Shangjing will definitely not die in this battle. The possibility of Hainiu being killed is also low, and he may be injured. …”

Lu Chaoding thought for a while silently. He wanted to sneak attack Yan Shangjing to see if she could withstand his explosive output, but it was a pity that the big boss did not give him a chance.

"Then I'll collect the other NPCs first!"

Just when Lu Chaoding was about to find a more powerful NPC to attack, he saw an NPC wearing a yellow robe and riding a Pegasus scattering a colorful thundercloud.

Zhao Weike fell from the colorful thunder cloud and was slashed in half by the yellow-robed NPC with a sharp sword energy. He turned into white light and disappeared on the spot.

This guy is the first player to die since the battle began.

Lu Chaoding looked at the yellow-robed NPC. He looked like an old man, with a white beard hanging down to his chest. He was tall but thin, with a level of 60. He had the words "Qilin Protector" on his head and had a health value of [-] million. , other information cannot be seen.


The yellow-robed NPC snorted, his Pegasus hovering in the sky, but he looked at Chu Wudi and shouted loudly: "Third brother, you actually joined this unreliable sword sect!"

Chu Wudi was so frightened by his roar that he shrank his neck, looked at the old man in yellow robe, and said: "Master... you, didn't you withdraw from the world and live in seclusion? Why did you join the Qilin Sword Sect?"

The old man in yellow robe acted as if there was no one around, and said in a cold voice: "Don't talk about this now, you should quickly quit the Reliable Sword Sect and follow me. Maybe you can save a small life!"

Chu Wudi shook his head and said: "Master, you are in danger. Our leader is right below you. Why don't you quit the Qilin Sword Sect and join our Reliable Sword Sect? Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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