Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 180 Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu

Chapter 180 Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu
Meng Jingjing, Jia Fei and Oudi felt sorry for Lu Chaoding's failure to obtain the [Great Flame Nether Phoenix].

They know a little about the ability of [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], but not much. They think that as long as they can get this sword, they can reach the sky in the sect in one step and be highly regarded by high-level NPCs such as the Supreme Elder and the leader. When the time comes, they will have good skills. , good equipment is at your fingertips.

During the trip, they introduced a lot of setting information of Tianfeng Sword Sect to Lu Chaoding. It seems that in this sect, identity is extremely important, not only determining status and rights, but also related to practical welfare.

The so-called benefits include fashionable clothes, gold coins, elixirs, training materials, skill books, meal supplies, etc. Most of these things are distributed on a daily basis.

For example, in Tianfeng Sword Sect, all player members can receive training gift packs every day, while entry-level disciples can only receive small gift packs, which contain no more than a hundred gold coins and usually one or two low-level pills.

Elite disciples can receive a large gift package, which contains at least three hundred gold coins, elixirs in bottles, and a small chance of giving out cultivation experience.

The true disciples can receive a luxurious gift package, which contains at least one thousand gold yuan, and must have high-level elixirs and practice experience, and may even be issued a true skill book.

These are only the most basic benefits. In fact, the treatment of players with different statuses in the sect is very different, and even the food standards are different. Beginner disciples can only enjoy simple meals, while true disciples can enjoy lavish meals and fish.

After listening to their introduction, Lu Chaoding felt that his reliable sword sect was the Caotai team. It could not be said that there was no management, but there was really not much management. He felt that it was not good to continue like this, so he asked Hua Dashaofei, the deputy leader. The sword passed down the book and asked him to learn how to run the sect.

But when the flying sword arrived in the hands of Hua Dashao in Siguo Cliff in Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, the message on the letterhead changed to: "There is no need to run a sect."

The Quanzhen Sword God couldn't understand, so he scratched his head and muttered: "Brother Ding, what do you mean? You don't have to manage the sect, so you want me to focus on designing fashions? Tsk, the prison uniforms are almost finished, send them to him for review. Bar."

So 2 minutes later, Lu Chaoding received the approval prompt of "Si Guoya Prison Uniform Modification Plan". When he opened the modification plan, Lu Chaoding felt that Hua Dashao was a weird thing. He even didn't even have a prison uniform. The design is extremely detailed, and there are two models for men and women.

"Is this guy too idle?"

Lu Chao shook his head and sighed involuntarily.

Meng Jingjing saw his sighing and thought he was upset because he didn't get the [Great Flame Nether Phoenix], so she comforted him: "That's it, if you don't get it, then you don't get it. Don't take it too seriously." Well, you are not from the four sects anyway, even if you get the Great Flame Nether Phoenix, you may not be able to reach the sky in one step."

Jia Fei also followed: "Yes, the matter has come to an end. It's useless to regret it. You have to think about it."

Oudi said: "Let's work hard. As his strength improves, he will definitely have a chance in the future. If we can't reach the sky in one step, let's take a few more steps to reach the sky."

These three people actually comforted Lu Chaoding in turn, which made Lu Chaoding a little touched.

"These three people are very ordinary, but they are also very serious. If I hadn't occasionally been unreliable in the system, I would probably be the same as them. But compared to them, I am now in the sky, with status and status. When I encounter this kind of Players who like it might as well bring it along."

Lu Chaoding thought about it silently, and suddenly said: "You now know my identity. The so-called meeting is fate, and I have prepared some gifts for you. Come, think of me as an NPC, and imagine that there is a mouse pointer, click on me Just open the reliable mall and buy some iced watermelon juice, death-free gold medals, and the Dragon Sword."


"Is there a gift?"

"Reliable mall?"

Meng Jingjing and the other three were a little confused after hearing this, so they tried as told, and as expected they saw the interface of the Reliable Mall, which surprised them greatly.

Lu Chaoding didn't even bother to make money through the reliable mall, so he set the prices of the products in the reliable mall at extremely low prices. Meng Jingjing and the other three were not polite and quickly bought a lot of iced watermelon juice, and each of them even bought a piece. A gold medal for immunity from death and a dragon sword.

The three of them all liked the Kang Long Sword and the death-free gold medal very much, and they praised them while drinking ice-cold watermelon juice.

Lu Chaoding took out three more Fire Cloud Horses to pray on the ground, and said: "Qinggong is too slow to run. I will send you one by one to pray for the mount. Don't be polite to me."

"What? Mount?"

"Are you really giving it to us? This... shouldn't be?"

"As the saying goes, no reward for no merit, Lu Chaoding, if you give such a precious earth prayer to others, you can't have any intention against us."

"Yes, we won't accept such a precious thing!"

Meng Jingjing and the other three were stunned on the spot, not daring to accept it.

Lu Chao said: "You three are indeed honest people, but I am the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect and the lord of the sect. How can I take back what I decided to give away? If you don't accept it, you won't give me face! So accept it. , this leader is purely generous and charitable, and I have the capital."

Meng Jingjing bit her lip when she heard this and said, "In that case, stop it!"

After saying this, he no longer hesitated and immediately took a Fire Cloud Horse mount.

Seeing this, Jia Fei and Oudi each received a Fire Cloud Pony.

Lu Chaoding nodded with satisfaction, then equipped a Fire Cloud Horse and rode on the Fire Cloud Horse with Meng Jingjing and others.

Soon, the four of them arrived at the small lake on the east side of Jianxiu Mountain.

The water of the lake was clear, and there was a [green dragon] entrenched in it.

This [Green Dragon] is one of the key bosses of the Four Elephant Formation. It is level 60, has a health value of 6 million, is 40 meters long, has scales like green jade, has a pair of front claws, no back claws, and two on the top of its head. The bulge has not yet grown its horns, and it is coiled in the lake, pretending to be sleeping.

Meng Jingjing stood by the lake, pointed at the [Green Jiao] entrenched in the small lake, and said to Lu Chao: "There are many players who know about this [Green Jiao]. In fact, players from the four factions have spontaneously organized several There were several attempts to kill the dragon, but they all failed in the end. An NPC once said that if you kill this [green dragon], you can get the Four-Elephant Yuan Fei Sword. Lu Chaoding, are you really planning to provoke this monster?"

Lu Chao nodded and said, "Stand back and let me shoot it."

After saying that, Lu Chao released the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger], causing it to manifest into a tank form, and then replaced it with six [Flying Insect Swords]. With a thought, the sky was full of sword-shadow flying insects, and those sword-shadow flying insects were everywhere. Quickly turned into a mechanical missile.

The super man appeared automatically at this moment. He folded his arms by the lake, looked at the [green dragon], and sneered, saying: "Little green dragon, how ridiculous!"

The next moment, Lu Chaoding launched a normal attack, and mechanical missiles all over the sky were launched towards [Green Dragon].

The scene at this moment was more than a thousand arrows firing!

More than 200 million mechanical missiles were blasted towards the [Green Dragon], and the bombing was completed in less than two seconds.

Meng Jingjing and others were dumbfounded.

"This... what kind of means is this?"

"Tank? Missile?"

"There are so many missiles. This is too outrageous! Is this a skill or a weapon? Isn't it a one-time super prop?"

They marveled for a while, and when they saw Lu Chao stepping forward to open the treasure chest, they realized that [Qing Jiao] had been directly killed.

Their understanding was refreshed once again. "The green dragon with a health value of six billion died instantly?"

"None of them entered the battle space."

"Lu Chaoding, are you so strong?"

Under the surprised gazes of the three people, Lu Chaoding opened the treasure box dropped by [Qing Jiao], and three items immediately emerged from it.

The first item is a sword, which is the [Four-Image Yuan Fei Sword·Green Dragon]. This is a special mission prop. It is picked up and bound. It is specially used to open the Four-Image Formation. It will disappear after being used.

The second item is a ball of light the size of a fist, which is [Green Dragon Essence].

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but secretly rejoice when he saw this thing.

[Green Dragon Essence] is the upgrade material for Yueying Green Dragon. This thing is still very rare. Lu Chaoding has never seen it in the trading house.

As for the third item, it is a cyan lottery ticket.

[Green Dragon Lottery Ticket: Special prop, pick it up and bind it, draw a lottery after using it, you must pray on the ground, and there is a 50% chance of drawing a Green Dragon. 】

"It's a good thing. Use it in conjunction with the Destiny Treasure Book to maximize the effect! Unfortunately, it's bound when you pick it up, so you can't use it in the mission hall."

Lu Chao nodded, he put away the three items, and then used the [Qingjiao Lottery Ticket] on the spot.

With the destiny treasure mirror, Lu Chaoding can use the lottery tickets anytime and anywhere.

As the lottery ticket turned into light and disappeared, a cyan light fell in front of Lu Chaoding and turned into a cyan light ball.

"Is this a lottery?"

"Can I draw a lottery right where I am?"

"Cyan light? I've never seen this before. It's a multi-star prop."

Meng Jingjing and the other three naturally started talking again.

Lu Chaoding used a [Destiny Treasure Mirror] at this moment, and a selection window popped up in front of him. In the window, there were 100 lands to choose from.

"Four-star green dragon, four-star red dragon, four-star white dragon, three-star small green dragon, four-star deep sea dragon, four-star cloud white dragon, four-star sickle horn dragon..."

Lu Chaoding felt a little dazzled. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he found a five-star land animal in the selection window, named [Blue Dragon].

"Five-star Azure Dragon!" Lu Chaoding was overjoyed and drew out the [Blue Dragon].

After studying the selection window again and finding that there was no better quality land than [Blue Dragon], Lu Chaoding chose [Blue Dragon].

The next moment, the selection window disappeared, and the ball of light in front of Lu Chaoding turned into a golden ball of light. After the word "Qinglong" appeared on it, the ball of light broke open, and an adult forearm appeared. The thick and thin green divine dragon is the [Blue Dragon].

After the green dragon appeared, it grew rapidly. After three breaths, its body was thicker than a water tank, and its head was as big as a car. It rotated and danced around Lu Chaoding in mid-air, and then suddenly disappeared after two breaths. .

Because Lu Chaoding did not equip it to the ground column, after a brief appearance, the five-star green dragon automatically entered Lu Chaoding's storage space.

"Fuck, what is this?" Meng Jingjing was dumbfounded again. Even a female player said "Fuck" without caring about her image!
"Is this the Qinglong? Could it be a ground creature! Drawn by lottery? I've used up all the shocks I've experienced throughout the year today." Jia Fei sat down on the ground.

"That's outrageous!" Odie muttered.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding was quickly checking the attribute information of the five-star ground creature [Blue Dragon].

Land animal: Qinglong

Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Attribute bonus: attack distance increased (land level × 40) meters, total resistance increased (land level × 5%), physical dodge (land level × 5%), automatic blood regeneration per second (land level × 100).

Ability 10000: After equipping the Green Dragon Land, you will be protected by the Green Dragon's Shadow. The Green Dragon's Shadow will bear all damage first, and its health value is (Land Level × 1). After the Green Dragon's Shadow is crushed, it can condense again after [-] hour.

Ability [-]: The five-star green dragon can serve as a mount.

Note [-]: The shelter effect of the Green Dragon's Shadow can also take effect in non-combat spaces.

Note 12: Use materials such as [Dragon Yuan], [Heavenly Dragon Blood], and [Dragon Soul] to increase the level of the ground blue dragon. The five-star green dragon can be upgraded to a maximum of level [-], and will be bound after upgrading.

"This Azure Dragon is actually defensive!"

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied with the attributes of the green dragon. He immediately replaced the Fire Cloud Horse with it. With another thought, the green dragon appeared in the form of a mount. Lu Chaoding stepped on its head and circled around the small lake. Several laps.

"Not bad, the speed is not bad!"

Lu Chaoding returned to the lake. He stepped on Qinglong's forehead and said to Meng Jingjing and others: "Go on, go kill the other three monsters!"

So, an hour later, Lu Chaoding killed the [Fire Bird] on the south side of Jianxiu Mountain, the [White Tiger] on the west side, and the [Black Turtle] on the north side.

These three level 60 monsters were all killed by Lu Chaoding's normal attacks. The items they dropped were similar to [Blue Dragon], that is, the Four-Elephant Yuan Fei Sword, special lottery tickets, and [Fire Sparrow Spirit] Soul], [White Tiger Essence], [Black Turtle Essence].

Lu Chaoding used the three lottery tickets and three more destiny treasures to collect the five-star [Qinglong], the five-star [Suzaku], the five-star [White Tiger], and the five-star [Xuanwu].

The capabilities of the last three land creatures are similar to those of the [Blue Dragon] land creature, and they all have mount characteristics. The difference is that the [Blue Dragon] land creature adds range, while [Suzaku] adds speed and Nirvana Rebirth once per battle. [White Tiger] adds additional damage and body damage, [Xuanwu] adds toughness, defense and super life recovery.

"In terms of attributes alone, it seems that [Suzaku] is the most suitable for me. Upgrading to level 12 can increase the speed by 180 points, which is stronger than the Black Saber Tooth Tiger! Of course, the strongest land creature now is still the six-star Black Saber Tooth Tiger! "

Lu Chaoding made a summary silently. At this moment, he stepped on the [Suzaku] and said to Meng Jingjing and others: "I have obtained the four Yuan Fei Swords. After taking them, it is time to go to the top of the mountain to open the Four Symbols Formation!"

After a while, Lu Chaoding and his party arrived at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is in a mess at the moment. Although the battle is over and the number of players has been reduced a lot, it is still noisy and noisy.

The source of the commotion was Prince Hua.

This guy got the [Great Flame Nether Phoenix] as he wished, but the sword spirit was sucking its fingers stupidly at the moment. It seemed to have an IQ, but it was definitely not high.

(End of this chapter)

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