Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 260 The Machine Emperor Appears

When Lu Chaoding's mind clone and pilot Willy entered the battle space, pilot Willy suddenly showed a look of despair on his face. He shouted at Lu Chaoding: "The world is destroyed, the evil god is dead, the machine emperor is revived, how dare you Sword Immortal, you will also be destroyed!”

"Destruction means destruction!"

Lu Chaoding smiled nonchalantly, and then activated his gaze sword technique. Without any surprise, the original evil god pilot Willy died, and a treasure box fell out.

When Lu Chaoding picked up the main artifact fragment in the treasure box, a system notification sounded.

"Ding, server-wide announcement: Willy, the original evil god pilot, has issued a server-wide warning. A large-scale plot world collapse has begun. All players please pay attention. When all evil gods fall, the sleeping machine emperor will wake up, and the current game plane will collapse. If the game is broken, all players will be forced to wander to other game dimensions and clear all plot missions.”

"Ding, server-wide announcement..."

The system announcement that enveloped the entire Machine Emperor universe sounded nine times in a row, causing countless players to suddenly change their expressions.

"Damn! It's really the destruction of the world!"

"Wait a minute, what does this plot mean? Wandering to other game planes?"

"Wandering or exile?"

"Damn it! How dare the Sword Immortal really be the destroyer of the world? He really is the villain!"

"Is this the ending we expected?"

"It shouldn't be like this, how dare you, Sword Immortal, we are all your fans, you can't treat us like this? This is too cruel!"

"How dare you, Sword Immortal, let me marry you!"

"Kedarin, you are harming people!"

"We're screwed!"

"I'm really confused. How can we support Jingdao Sword Immortal?"

"Guys, this is kind of embarrassing!"

"What will we do in the future..."

All over the Machine King universe, players acted fiercely, and all kinds of comments broke out. Some people cursed, some were stunned, some beat their chests, and some sighed...

Lu Chaoding naturally ignored this at all. He happily cleaned up the spoils. In this battle, he not only obtained several fragments of the main plane artifacts, but also obtained more than one billion plane merits.

When the battle space was shattered and Lu Chaoding reappeared in the Machine King Temple, what he could see was an angry crowd, noisy people, and dozens of battle flags erected.

Kedarin stood still, her expression dull, as if she hadn't reacted yet, someone deliberately stepped on her hard, and she suddenly jumped up, and looked at Lu Chaoding helplessly, saying: "Sword Immortal Sir, how could this happen?"

Lu Chaoding actually replied. He said with a serious face: "The revolution has not yet succeeded. This swordsman still needs to continue working hard to kill all the evil gods and destroy the world. Yeah, yeah, yeah!"


Kedarin sat down on the ground, feeling like she had done something wrong.

At this time, Evil God Alice also frowned.

The four original evil gods have fallen. She is no longer restrained and can leave the Machine King Temple. She can also inherit part of the legacy of the four original evil gods and become stronger.

But she was not happy at all.

Because she is also an evil god.

There are 3600 evil gods in total, and she is one of them!

"How dare the Sword Immortal want to kill all the evil gods, doesn't he also want to get rid of me? This, this, this... what should I do?"

Alice was a little nervous.

She heard the server-wide announcement, and considering her good friend's reckless temper, he most likely wanted to kill all the evil gods, and there was no way he would be lenient to her.

Because as long as one evil god is still alive, the Machine King cannot be revived and the world will not be destroyed.

"Friend, what do you want me to do?"

Alice walked up to Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding laughed again and said to Alice, "My friend, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to accomplish this. Thank you so much, but now that things have come to this... don't worry too much. Just follow me from now on. I will find a way to help you get rid of your identity as the evil god."

"In other words, do you really want to take the route of destroying the world and slaying the evil gods?"

"That's a must. How fun!"

"Fun? Hey..."

Alice sighed, with some loss and melancholy in her expression, and said: "You are awesome, I can give up the blood of the evil god and no longer be the evil god, but my friend, I need your commitment. After the universe collapsed, provide me with enough shelter to ensure that I have a stable place to stay even if I arrive in another world."

"This is too easy. This swordsman is not only a brave swordsman, but also a reliable swordsman. Don't worry, I will make clear arrangements for you!"

Lu Chaoding thought that if possible, let Alice join the Reliable Sword Sect or the Demonic Sword Sect. After all, she could be considered a great master.


Alice gritted her teeth and immediately used her privileges to announce that she would close the entrance to the void and expel all players, including Kedarin, from the Machine King Temple. Then she opened her mouth and spat out a drop of blood the size of a fist.

"This is the blood of my evil god, which can also be said to be the origin of the evil god. After giving it up, I will no longer be the evil god. I will turn back into the vampire duke. My level will drop to level 120, and my strength will be greatly reduced." Alice said leisurely. , "My friend, I hope you will not betray my trust!"

Lu Chaoding said: "Don't worry, you can trust me! In addition, don't be afraid if you lose the level. Let's form a team and I will take you to level up..." So, after a while, Lu Chaoding teamed up with Alice and left. After entering the Machine King Temple, he began the process of hunting evil gods everywhere.

With Lu Chaoding's current combat power, evil gods that are extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary players, such as ghost battleships and evil tanks, are vulnerable to Lu Chaoding.

Except for the original evil god, ordinary evil gods simply couldn't withstand Lu Chaoding's casual glance.

In this way, Lu Chaoding's hunt for the evil god was very smooth. He was just like the BOSS Reaper. The so-called hunting was just on the road.

Time flies, and another four months have passed.

The last evil god [Raven Angel] was found by Lu Chaoding, and with a glance, the system notification that enveloped the entire Machine King universe rang.

"Ding, server-wide announcement: All evil gods have fallen, the world has collapsed, the plot is advancing, the sleeping machine emperor has begun to wake up, the earth will be shattered, the sky will be torn, the ocean will evaporate, and species will become extinct. All players are asked to leave as soon as possible. The countdown is three days later. , force the wandering mode to be turned on..."

This server-wide announcement sounded nine times in a row, shaking the minds of countless players in the Machine King universe.

And what followed was indeed a scene of the world collapsing. Throughout the Machine King universe, volcanoes erupted, earthquakes rumbled, tsunamis set off, and the sky collapsed...

What's more important is that the players' resurrection points, destiny platforms and other important facilities have all lost their functions.

Therefore, the channels connecting other game planes opened due to the plane war became the migration channels for the players of the Machine King Universe.

One day later, Lu Chaoding and Alice were standing in front of a plane passage.

This plane channel was opened due to the plane war, and the game plane it is connected to has been determined to be Hongchen Sword World.

"I have property in the Hongchen Sword World. Alice, I wrote you a note. You take this note to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain and find the Patrol Sword Demon Ye Longxing and the Peach Blossom Sword God Xiang Ru. Yan, my wife Lan'e, Luliu, or the unreliable players Hua Dashao and Zhao Weike can join the reliable sword sect and become the elders of the sect, and just have fun in the future!"

Lu Chao pushed a note to Alice.

It was indeed a note written by him himself. Lu Chaoding felt that if Ye Longxing and others saw the content, they would recognize it as his own.

"Is this reliable?"

Alice frowned and asked.

"It must be reliable! Don't worry!"

"Aren't you going together?"

"I won't leave, I still want to see the Machine Emperor!"

Lu Chao smiled, then turned and left.

He spent so much effort and time to destroy a world. Of course it was to collect the fragments of the plane's main artifact, but a large part of the reason was because of curiosity about the "Machine Emperor".

Two days later, only the Machine King Temple was left in the Machine King universe.

This Machine King Temple is like a mysterious building floating in the void of chaos. It has not collapsed yet, but it may be about to collapse.

Lu Chaoding controlled the clone of his mind and sat cross-legged in the Machine Emperor's Temple alone, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Machine Emperor.

The last moment finally came, the empty passage in the Machine King Temple was closed, and a huge ball of light appeared silently in the center of the temple.

The ball of light may have a diameter of more than ten feet, but suddenly cracks appeared on it.

"Here he comes, the top BOSS is about to appear, let me see what it's like!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the light ball curiously. The light ball quickly burst, and then a villain walked out of it.

The little man was thin and short, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, a pointed nose and chin, pointed ears, big eyes, light green skin that looked rough, a slightly stooped figure, and a long white beard.

Lu Chao was stunned.

Is this the Machine King?
Why does he look like an old goblin?
Lu Chaoding couldn't see any attribute information about this weird machine emperor, so he thought he was a bit funny.

When the machine king who looked like an old goblin saw Lu Chaoding, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said with a slightly excited expression: "Finally, haha, I've finally waited for you! Haha, great, great!"


what's the situation?
Does this guy recognize me?

Shouldn't this be true?
Lu Chaoding was completely confused.

The Machine Emperor, who looked like an old goblin and could walk in the air, came to Lu Chaoding and looked him up and down with a slutty look on his face, tut-tutting incessantly.

"Okay, okay, let's not waste any more time!" said the Machine King, "In the name of Doug Lachi, the founder of the Machine King world, I issue the ultimate mission, and let you, the host, respectfully call me "senior". The mission is completed, and I will be lifted. Soul binding can reward you, the host, with a drop of the evil god’s true blood!”

"What the hell?"

Lu Chaoding felt at a loss, and suddenly, he heard a long-lost voice.

"Ding, occasionally unreliable systems start up, update tracking tasks, and tamper with content: Please pay respects to Machine King Doug Laki as a junior, the task is completed, and you will be rewarded with soul binding and the true blood of the evil god!"


Lu Chao scratched his head.


Machine King Doug Laki actually scratched his head, as if he could hear the system prompts. He bared his teeth and said: "I said this is wrong, you have mutated? You are not like this!" (End of Chapter)

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