Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 34 Preparing for the Sword Discussion

Chapter 34 Preparing for the Sword Discussion
After Lu Chaoding returned to the beach, he glanced at Zhang Defa and others who were opening a small treasure chest of glory not far away, and then pointed forward to open the entrance to the exclusive cave.

It was a light blue portal.

Lu Chaoding looked calm, stepped in, and disappeared together with the portal.

Therefore, in the vision of Zhao Weike and others, Lu Chaoding stepped into a circle of light, and then disappeared.

"Where did Brother Ding go?"

"Why is Brother Ding gone?"

"Is Brother Ding offline?"

"Get offline, you ghost!"

"Brother Ding, Brother Ding, where are you?"

Zhao Weike and others were puzzled. They quickly started discussing, and they felt more and more that Lu Chaoding was extraordinary, and they even really began to suspect that he was an AI.

At this moment, in the Tianxing Forum, discussion posts about "The Prince's Turtle Head Killed" are constantly pouring out.

"Killing the Prince Turtle so early, the team of gods?"

"Why is that guy named Lu Chaoding doing so much damage? More than 9000!"

"The Prince Turtle's HP is only [-], so how can it inflict damage close to [-]? Can anyone explain it? Can someone from the First Kill Village come forward to speak out?"

"No one can shake this number one in the output rankings, right?"

"Is Lu Chaoding a sword god? This output is too outrageous!"

"There is a person in our village who has drawn a five-star weapon called the Sky-controlling Dragon. He is so Buddhist. Otherwise, he can give the Prince a Turtle Head Kill!"

"What are the attributes of Yutian Kuanglong? Post it and take a look!"

"Is Zhao Weike the same as Zhao Skirt? Such a morally corrupt guy can actually be on the list!"

"Down with Zhao Skirt!"

"The number of the first killing village has been exposed, so it is not difficult to guess the number of Zhao skirt's sword debate. Let's start a virtual sword debate!"

"With Zhao Skirt's output and damage tolerance, whenever a new team kills the Prince Turtle, they will be able to suppress him immediately!"

"I feel very unhappy when I think of Zhao skirt getting the big treasure chest of glory!"

"I want to challenge Lu Chaoding..."

Lu Chaoding had no idea about the turmoil on the forum. He slept peacefully in his exclusive cave. When he woke up, it was already afternoon.

After a brief wash, Lu Chaoding came to the courtyard. The boiling blood poodle came to his feet with a blood-replenishing grass in its mouth. The little thing squatted, tilted its head, and looked at Lu Chaoding with its big black eyes. , seems to be expecting something.

"Wangcai, want to play with me?"

Lu Chaoding squatted down, rubbed the boiling blood poodle's head, then took the blood grass from its mouth, swung his arm, and threw it ten meters away.

"Wow wow wow!"

The Boiling Blood Lion Dog's eyes lit up, and he immediately chased the blood grass back. The blood grass could move that time. It ran away quickly, but within ten seconds, it was still caught by the Boiling Blood Lion Dog, and was then carried to Lu Chaoding's side. .

"Wangcai, it's wrong to bully Xiaocao..."

Lu Chaoding thought it was quite interesting. He teased the poodle for a while, then counted the harvest, and exchanged the previously bound [Jade of Certificates] and [Jade of Inheritance] into exclusive props for the Sword Immortal.

As a result, Lu Chaoding had six [Certificates of the Sword Immortal] and two [Inheritance of the Sword Immortal].

He used five [Sword Immortal's Certificates] without hesitation, then used the 25 points of cultivation [Cultivation Experience] he had obtained before, and took [-] Yuan-Building Pills in a row, putting a total of [-] points of cultivation into his talent. Skill tree.

"Ding, you have consumed 5 Sword Immortal certificates and 20 points of cultivation to activate the talent skill [Speed ​​Master]. Your basic speed will increase by 172 points!" A pleasant system prompt sounded, and Lu Chao checked his own attributes. , his speed has reached [-]!

"Perhaps the most important attribute of the Sword Immortal is speed. Try to increase your speed in the future, and then activate the magical skill of [Escape Master] as soon as possible!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, took out another two-star [Refined Jade], and refined the [Ghost Face Axe] to +3.

[Ghost Panel Ax] has been refined to +3, and the toughness damage will be increased by 200 points, that is (double attack power +800).

At this time, Lu Chaoding still had four pieces of one-star [Refined Jade] and two pieces of two-star [Refined Jade].

He thought for a while, and spent two more two-star [Refined Jade] to refine the [Giant Tiger Waist Card] to +2!

The refined +2 [Giant Tiger Waist Card] can provide 15 points of speed, so Lu Chaoding's speed increased to 182!

"It's a pity that there are no four-star refined gems, so let's sign up for the Lion Rock Sword Discussion first to get a better understanding of the situation, and then start the virtual sword discussion!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding strode out of the exclusive cave and returned to the coastal beach.

He snapped his fingers and with a clang, the Daxuan Sword appeared out of thin air at his feet. The sword also became bigger and longer. The sword was now one foot long and nearly 30 centimeters wide. Lu Chaoding didn't even have to ride it. The sword was lifted, and he stood on the sword, safe and sound, feeling both comfortable and domineering.

Controlling the Daxuan Sword, Lu Chaoding quickly arrived at the temporary camp under the sword monument.

The tents here have been removed, and there are no other players around. Only NPC Niu Daren is still standing there.

As soon as Lu Chaoding came to Niu Daren's side, the plot was automatically triggered. The senior brother asked Lu Chaoding: "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, the Lion Rock swordplay is about to begin. Are you here to sign up? Other junior brothers and sisters. I’ve already signed up, I’m just waiting for you!”

Lu Chao nodded and said, "If you have to sign up, then just do it!"

"Okay! Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, since you are the last one to sign up, your sword theory number is..."

Niu Daren's eyes suddenly widened. He looked like an animated character, his mouth opened, and various symbols and simple drawings of different colors flew out from it.

"Ding, you passively searched for and guided NPC Niu Daren and completed the registration for sword theory. The task is completed. Congratulations on getting the sword theory number [@#¥%&$£¥℃¢]. Congratulations on getting -200 points of cultivation subsidy. .”

After the system prompt ended, Niu Daren returned to normal. He continued: "Now the road to the top of the mountain has been opened. Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, please go to the top of the mountain as soon as possible to learn more details. The sword discussion will start on time at six o'clock tomorrow. I’ll go first!”

After saying this, the guide NPC jumped up into the sky, and then quickly disappeared.

"Good guy, the unreliable system also hijacked Niu Daren. My sword theory number is too outrageous. It's simply garbled. Who could have guessed this?"

Lu Chao said sincerely that this was quite interesting. He checked his attributes and sure enough, his cultivation level was deducted by two hundred points.

Next, Lu Chaoding didn't waste any time and headed straight to the top of the mountain with his sword.

In Lu Chaoding's plan, now that he has the sword number, he can go to those sword discussion tasks. He plans to complete the 100-game losing streak tonight and get the lottery tickets.

The road leading to the top of the mountain is a winding stone staircase, which can be seen after leaving the temporary camp.

Originally, this road did not exist, and players could not climb to the top of the Lion Mountain. Lu Chaoding and Yu Jian walked along this passage and reached the top of the mountain in less than 5 minutes.

Boiling Blood Lion Mountain is a flat-topped mountain with a very broad top. This place has become temporary camp No. [-]. Eight tents have already been set up. Niu Daren is also here, stunned.

In addition, there is a wooden sign in the corner of the camp, which is the "Bulletin Board", and the "Lion Rock Sword Discussion Detailed Rules" is clearly posted on it.

According to the description in [Lion Rock Sword Debate Detailed Rules], after the Lion Rock Sword Debate plot begins, from [-] o'clock on the second day to the end of the fourth day, for a total of three days, NPC Niu Daren will take out one at [-] o'clock every day. "The Great Sword Sect's Great Treasure" is used as a sword-discussing reward. Those who rank first in sword-discussing can get this important treasure.

The Great Sword Sect Treasure is a random item and cannot be predicted in advance.

As for the Lion Rock Sword Discussion, it is a melee between players, and the NPC Niu Daren is also added.

In other words, after the sword discussion begins, eight players and nine people in total, including Niu Daren, enter the battle space and start fighting in a melee. The one who survives in the end will be the first in the sword discussion, and will also get the great treasure of the Great Sword Sect.

Of course, if Niu Daren is the one who survives in the end, then he will be the one who gets the treasure!
At the bottom of the bulletin board, Niu Daren's attribute information is posted. He is a level 11 sword demon with a life of 4000, an attack of 400, a defense of 4, a toughness of 4, and a speed of 100. He has the secret skill [Drinking Blood to Return to Origin] and the combat skill [Sweep] Bafang], stunt [Devil Transformation].

(End of this chapter)

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