Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 55 This Niu Daren is not normal

Chapter 55 This Niu Daren is not normal

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Niu Daren's face. He said, "It turns out to be Junior Brother Lu Chaoding. Are you sure you want to go to the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm?"

"Are you sure?"

"Okay, come with me!"

Niu Daren stamped his foot, and the Canine Tooth Cave copy turned into the Tengu Secret Realm again. With a look of grief and anger on his face, he seemed to have entered the Tengu Secret Realm reluctantly.

Lu Chaoding looked at Niu Daren seriously and saw that he was behaving strangely. He couldn't help but feel doubtful in his heart and asked directly: "Elder brother, are you playing the role of a real person? Why do you act so reluctantly?"

Niu Daren said: "Why are you forcing yourself? Junior brother, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"You really don't understand?"

"Don't you understand?" Niu Daren turned into a naive look. He waved his hand and continued: "Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, ahead is the Tengu Secret Realm. The first floor has been explored. I will lead you. Go to the second floor. On the second floor, there is the Earth Vein Array arranged by the Supreme Elder. This Earth Vein Array is the key to suppressing the Agni Tengu. It is extremely important. Once destroyed, the Agni Tengu will escape. Therefore, the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm is Most people are not allowed to enter this important place of the agency, that is, I can only bring people in if I am respected by the leader. But Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, I have to explain to you that after entering the second level of this secret realm, you can only visit, Don't walk around casually, if you damage the magic circle, you and I will be guilty."

"You can only visit, so what should I do in there?"

Lu Chaoding said this while carefully examining Niu Daren's subtle expression. He really suspected that this guy was acting as a real person and deliberately pretending to be stupid.

Niu Daren said expressionlessly: "Junior brother, don't you plan to enter the second level of the secret realm?"

"No, go in!" Lu Chao said, "Senior Brother, it's boring to be idle. How about we play a game?"

"what game?"

"It's just what I say and you repeat what I say. It's simple, right?"

"What did you ask me to repeat?"

"That's it: eight hundred and a hundred, marked the troops, ran north and ran up the slope, fired artillery, lined up the soldiers, lined up, ran north, ran to the north, fired artillery, soldiers were afraid, marked the soldiers, touched, marked the soldiers, and were afraid. It's a touch of a cannon, a soldier of war, a cannon! Can you try repeating it?"

Niu Daren looked confused and said: "What? Why are you running away?"

"Hahahaha!" Lu Chao laughed loudly, "The secret is revealed. If you weren't a real person, you would definitely be able to say such a simple tongue twister smoothly in one breath!"

"What are you saying? Are you running there? Junior brother, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you at all?"

"Just keep pretending!" Lu Chaoding said again: "How about I ask you a few more questions?"

Niu Daren said innocently: "You ask!"

Lu Chaoding shouted loudly: "Please answer! What is 123456 times 245?"

"How much is equal to... love is equal to how much, is it none of my business?"

Niu Daren spread his hands and said: "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, you are very strange! Are you going to the second level of the secret realm?"

"go with!"

Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes, thinking that even if Niu Daren was not a real person, he must be an advanced AI. Something was wrong with him anyway.

"Will the game administrator discover that I cheated and send someone to act as an NPC to investigate? If they find evidence of the existence of an occasionally unreliable system, will they ban my account?"

Lu Chaoding was still a little panicked.

Next, Niu Daren led the way, occasionally talking about the Supreme Elder's suppression of the Fiery Tengu. Unconsciously, the two of them arrived at the entrance to the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm.

"Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, the second level of the Tengu Secret Realm is ahead. Follow me closely!"

As Niu Daren spoke, he stepped into the passage ahead. The light curtain blocking the way immediately shattered, and Lu Chaoding quickly followed.

Next was a stair passage about a hundred meters long. After walking through it, Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up. He came to a wide stone chamber.

There is a big sword suspended in the center of this stone chamber. The big sword is wrapped in blazing flames. The flames are visually a foot thick. There are countless complex golden tadpole-shaped runes floating in it, which looks like a high-end and fantasy. feel.

Lu Chaoding suddenly frowned.He saw that there was still a person standing under the flaming sword.

The man was thin and thin, wearing soft leather armor with fish scale patterns, a leather holster on his head, and carrying a hoe on his back.

His attribute information is all question marks.

But obviously this is an NPC.

After seeing Lu Chaoding and Niu Daren, the NPC's eyes clearly flashed with light. He suddenly raised his fists at Niu Daren who was walking in the front and said loudly: "Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang." Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!”


Niu Daren suddenly looked confused.

Lu Chaoding was not sure why, but he quickly received a system prompt: "Ding, a special event is triggered. The mysterious man who appears in the Tengu Secret Realm is waiting for the entrant to speak the secret code. If you speak the correct secret code, you can learn the mysterious man's identity. Identity, and obtain important plot props, if you tell the wrong code, the mysterious person will attack the Leyline Formation once, if you tell the wrong code four times in a row, the Leyline Formation will be completely destroyed."

"Ding, occasionally unreliable systems start up, update tracking tasks, and tamper with content: speak the correct secret code to get important plot props, speak the wrong code to learn the identity of the mysterious person, and the mysterious person will attack the Earth Line. Formation, if you say the wrong code four times in a row, the formation will be completely destroyed."

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he immediately remembered the post about Niu Daren's plot that he had seen in the forum.

"According to the statement given in that post, Niu Daren will reveal his identity as an undercover agent of Jinjianmen here. Could it be that he gave a secret code?"

Lu Chao thought about this and looked at Niu Daren.

Niu Daren was dumbfounded. When he saw Lu Chao looking over him, he hurriedly asked: "Junior brother, what do you want to see me do?"

"Senior brother, don't you know the password?"

Niu Daren scratched his head and raised his eyebrows: "Should I know?"

Lu Chao was stunned and said, "You should know!"

Niu Daren spread his hands: "But I really don't know!"

"Damn, senior brother, you are so unreliable!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that Niu Daren was indeed abnormal, and according to the tampering mission, it was best to tell the correct password at this time. He thought about it, quickly opened the Tianxing Forum window, and searched for "Tengu Secret Realm" and These two keywords are "mysterious man".

"Hey, in the Internet age, don't you know how to search online?"

Lu Chao smiled, he still felt very stable.

There were already many posts on the Tianxing Forum exposing the plot, but Lu Chaoding soon discovered that there was very little information about the Tengu Secret Realm and the mysterious man.

He finally found the secret code from the reply to a plot discussion post.

The replyer's nickname was "Wang Zhenfeng". Lu Chaoding had some impression of this name. He seemed to be a player in the first novice village he invaded.

"These closed beta players are obviously hiding their secrets and are unwilling to disclose their passwords. The layout is too small. I must say that Wang Zhenfei is open and bright. I give him a thumbs up!"

After Lu Chaoding wrote down the secret code, he closed the forum. He took a step forward, and the mysterious man immediately raised his hand to him and said loudly: "Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!"

Lu Chao said confidently: "Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang!"

The mysterious man was shaken, and identity information text appeared above his head, but he said in a cold voice: "The password is wrong. It seems that you are not the people I want to wait for."

After saying that, he reached out and made a slashing gesture towards the flaming sword in the middle of the cave, and immediately a bright crescent-shaped light flew over.


Fire flashed and the earth shook.

"Ding, the mysterious man attacked the Earth Line Magic Formation. The Earth Line Magic Formation was damaged, and the four-star Fiery Sword in the formation's eye was knocked down to three stars."

(End of this chapter)

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