Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 58 4 Star Black Saber Tooth Tiger

Chapter 58 Four Star Black Saber Tooth Tiger

"This sword..."

Lu Chaoding immediately replaced the Daxuan Sword with the Taiyi Light Sword. With a thought, the bright silver Taiyi Light Sword, three feet long and two fingers wide, appeared in front of him.

Lu Chaoding stretched out his hand and flicked the sword lightly. With a clang, the Taiyi Splitting Light Sword's built-in special effects were triggered. The sword trembled slightly and suddenly split into three.

As a result, three identical long swords stood side by side in front of Lu Chaoding.

"Good sword!"

Lu Chaoding snapped his fingers again and used the light-splitting sword shadow, clang clang clang clang...

Intensive sword sounds sounded, and sword shadows appeared quickly in front of Lu Chaoding.

That’s a total of 96 lines!
"It increases the power of my splitting sword shadow by three times!"

Lu Chaoding laughed, stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, and three physical long swords and 96 sword shadows rose into the air. Under Lu Chaoding's command, they circled and shuttled in the air like a school of fish.

After playing like this for a while, Lu Chaoding softly shouted "Put it away". The shadow of the sword disappeared and the light splitting sword returned. The shining silver Taiyi Light Splitting Sword flew back to Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding stretched out his hand and touched the sword with a silver light. In a flash, the Taiyi Light Sword was put away by him.

"This is called a fairy sword!"

Lu Chaoding was very proud. He turned around and saw Zhang Jiaqiang and others looking at him blankly.

At this time, the cold wind was blowing and the ice and snow were floating. Lu Chao sang: "How invincible it is, how lonely I am, alone in the snow, with the cold wind blowing constantly, who can understand my loneliness..."

There was no technique in this song, it was all about emotion. It made Zhang Jiaqiang and others sing so hard that their eyes widened, their mouths opened, and they stopped talking.

"Ignorant alien, haven't you heard of it?"

Lu Chaoding felt proud, and then took out the last two top-quality coupons.

"Give me another surprise!"

Lu Chaoding threw out the lottery tickets that were sure to produce five-star props, and golden light quickly came down, and then turned into a golden ball of light in front of Lu Chaoding.


"Brother Ding is not a human being!"

"Brother Ding is definitely a dog trustee!"

"I can't stand it anymore, they actually gave out five-star props!"

"Brother Ding, hurry up and explode on the spot, there is no room for you here..."

Zhang Jiahao and others were all complaining at this moment, as if they were experiencing great tragedy in life.

Lu Chaoding happily stepped forward to break the golden ball of light, and a round fruit the size of a fist appeared in front of him.

Lu Chao had seen this thing before, it was a kiwi fruit.

He had previously given out two pills in the luxury training gift pack, but they were three-star ones. The effects after taking them were a permanent increase in speed by 5 points and an increase in the upper limit of fighting spirit by two points.

And the kiwi fruit in front of me is five-star!
Now that he had pulled out the kiwi fruit, Lu Chaoding grabbed it and ate it on the spot without any hesitation.

"Ding, congratulations, your upper limit of fighting spirit has been permanently increased by 10 points!"

"Is it to increase fighting spirit again?" Lu Chaoding was a little disappointed. His fighting spirit was now as high as 24 points. He felt that it was a bit wasteful.

However, Lu Chaoding was not entangled in this issue. He looked at the last top-quality coupon. If he used it in the lottery now, he could definitely get another five-star kiwi fruit. However, Lu Chaoding thought about it and decided to give up and put it away. Retain.

The next moment, he directly opened the passage to the exclusive cave, and then strode in, leaving Zhang Jiaqiang and others to continue to be jealous and jealous.

After returning to the exclusive cave, Lu Chaoding first released 18 [Phantoms of the Fire Tengu].

These eighteen Earth Prayers actually do not accept being freed. They are in a special team with Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding can let them exist in the Earth Prayer aura and not go out to fight, but they cannot be left alone in the cave. They are also The aura index cannot be increased for the cave.

"Battle attendant, personal guard..."

Lu Chaoding muttered, and then took out the "Aura Fruit". Immediately, the boiling blood poodle ran over. This little thing came to Lu Chaoding's feet, its tail wagging like an electric fan, staring eagerly. Holding the spiritual energy fruit, he then stood upright, opened his mouth, and bowed to the top of the landing hahaha.As for the blood-returning grass that it had been grabbing back and forth all day long, it was thrown aside at this moment and allowed to escape.

"Wangcai, you know the goods, but you only know how to play all day long, and you haven't even made a boiling blood pill for me yet. You want this spiritual energy fruit?"

Lu Chaoding smiled and shook his head. Although the boiling blood dog was quite cute, if he wanted to feed the spiritual energy fruit to Earth Qi, Lu Chaoding would only choose the Moon Shadow Green Dragon or the Black Saber Tooth Tiger.

"Moon Shadow Green Dragon and Black Saber Tooth Tiger are both three-star LV1 Earth Prayers now. The former has the ability to evolve, and the additional poison slowdown is also very powerful. The latter can be used as a mount, with all attributes added. It is very practical. It is to feed them the spiritual energy fruit. As for one of them, I’d better keep it and wait for a better place to pray..."

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and finally decided to feed the aura fruit to the [Black Saber Tooth Tiger].

Although riding [Black Saber-tooth Tiger] will hide the main weapon and indirectly eliminate the effect of the light-splitting sword shadow, [Black Saber-tooth Tiger] can improve the basic attributes, and improving basic attributes is to improve survivability, and only those with strong survivability can There are endless possibilities.

Lu Chaoding felt that now he should make up for his shortcomings.

Moreover, [Black Saber-Toothed Tiger] has a very strong effect on improving output ability.

After a while, the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] swallowed the spiritual energy fruit, a dark light flashed on its body, and its size quickly grew in size.

"Ding, congratulations, your black saber-toothed tiger has absorbed spiritual energy into its body and its level has been upgraded to LV2!"

"Ding, congratulations, your black saber-toothed tiger absorbed spiritual energy into its body and evolved to a star!"

"Ding, congratulations, your black saber-toothed tiger has absorbed spiritual energy into its body and its level has been upgraded to LV3!"

After three system prompts, [Black Sword Sabre-toothed Tiger] already had a body shape close to that of a rhinoceros, completely changing from a juvenile body to an adult body. It howled and roared with a thunderous voice, scaring the Diqi Poodle so much that he ran to the bathroom with his tail between his legs. .

"It actually got a star upgrade!"

Lu Chaoding was also a little surprised. He quickly checked the attribute information of [Black Saber Tooth Tiger].

Land animal: black saber-toothed tiger

Number of stars: four stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV3
Current effect: [Black Saber Tooth Tiger] can be used as a mount.

Note [-]: During battle, players can ride [Black Saber-toothed Tiger], or they can not ride it. In the non-mounted state, the ground [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] has no protection characteristics and no attribute bonuses.

Explanation 1000: When riding [Black Blade Sabretooth Tiger], the player gains a riding combat form, hides the main weapon, obtains a long-handled black knife, and is forced to melee attack, and additionally gains (Earth Level × 100) points of life, (Earth Level × 10) Attack power, (ground level special effects.

Note 20: The special effect of [Riding Slash] can repel the target by 2000% (the target’s action mileage will be regressed by [-]).

Note 9: Use [Tiger Spirit] and [Beast Controlling Spirit] to upgrade the mount [Black Sword Sabretooth Tiger], and the four-star land mount can be upgraded to LV[-].

"This attribute is invincible!"

Lu Chao thought for a while, and then took out all the cultivation experience and Peiyuan Pill that he had gained over the past few years.

"I am bound to win the first kill of the Agni Tengu, so I should try my best to increase my strength. Let's use these training experiences and elixirs to raise my level!"

Lu Chaoding used to worry about encountering death missions and losing experience if he died, but now he no longer hesitated. He read out his training experience and swallowed the Peiyuan Pills one by one.

"Ding, congratulations, your level has been upgraded to LV16, life +300, attack +30!"

"Ding, congratulations, your level has been upgraded to LV17, life +320, attack +32!"

"Top, congratulations, your level has been upgraded to LV18, life +340, attack +34..."

Ten minutes later, Lu Chaoding's level reached level 10.

It took 20 million cultivation points to upgrade from level 21 to level 100. Lu Chaoding stopped. At this time, all his cultivation experience had been used up, and there were still 28 bottles of Peiyuan Pill left.

"It can't rise!"


(End of this chapter)

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