Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 61 Super Training Gift Package

Chapter 61 Super Training Gift Package

With a move of the sword, as if to signal preparation, Taiyi's lightsaber and sword shadows appeared in formation, sparkling and ready to go.

At the same time, there was another roaring sound, and behind Lu Chaoding, eighteen [Phantoms of the Fire Tengu] with flaming wings appeared. They were neatly lined up in a row, and they all grinned and were ready to attack. hair.

The next moment, Lu Chaoding ushered in his first round.


He rode on the [Black Sword Sabre-toothed Tiger] and shouted loudly. At the same time, he slashed forward with his broadsword. The sword formation in mid-air seemed to have been given instructions. The Taiyi lightsaber roared out first, followed by two physical lightsabers left and right, 96 The sword shadows were in the form of a square formation, firing in unison!

clang clang clang...

The cold wind retreats and the flying snow rolls back.

In the sound of the sword, the fire appeared again, and with the blessing of the power of heaven, the sword shadows burned up, and the handles were red and flowing, like missiles launched one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they hit the body of the Agni Tengu accurately. , then fireworks exploded, smoke rose, and explosions sounded like thunder, creating a real bombing effect.

"-288, repulse with riding chop!"

"-180, lightsaber!"

"-180, lightsaber!"




The Agni Tengu's body was wrapped in fireworks and gunpowder smoke, and dense damage figures appeared from above it, and it howled and roared.

But this is not the end, because Lu Chaoding used the combat skill [Sword Echo].

At this moment, he raised his sword again. The shadows of the Taiyi Light Sword and Dao Dao swords flew out from the body of the Agni Tengu like a school of fish, and converged in the direction pointed by Lu's super-top sword, once again forming a sword formation. , after Lu Chaoding slashed the sword again, he blasted out again in the sword formation posture.

"-288, repulse with riding chop!"

"Broken Tough, -2240!"

"-360, lightsaber!"

"-360, lightsaber!"




"-7384, flame blast!"

"-22452, second blast!"

The Agni Tengu was blown to the ground, howling and roaring!

When the damage numbers slowly dissipated, Lu Chaoding's first round was over.

He quickly checked the battle record. In this round, he defeated the Agni Tengu's 100 points of toughness, with a total damage of 43092, which was an explosive output.

In addition, two special effects of riding and slashing were triggered to repel the Agni Tengu by a total of 4000 miles, delaying its action time by 41.67 seconds. With Lu Chao's top speed of 188, one round only took 53.19 seconds!

This also means that when Lu Chaofeng activates [Reverberation of the Sword] once, the Agni Tengu's action mileage actually only advances by 1106!

You can only take one action if your action mileage reaches 10000.

Lu Chaoding planned to use [Reverberation of the Sword] every time. According to theoretical calculation, the Agni Tengu can only launch its first attack at the time point of 312.5. Before that, Lu Chaoding had five rounds, and 18 Puppy Head has three turns.

Continuing to calculate, the Agni Tengu will not be able to launch its second attack until 791.67. Before that, Lu Chaoding can even complete the 14th round! , enough to complete the kill!
In addition, Lu Chaoding also noticed that the 20% skill damage increase provided by [True Solution Map·Shen Lian] can only affect the damage of the main weapon, and will not affect the damage of sword shadow and light splitting sword. However, [True Solution Map· Guiyuan] also exerted its effect, causing Lu Chaoding to increase his combat power by two points after using [Reverberation of the Sword], and his total fighting spirit reached three points, making unlimited combat skills and unlimited battery life possible.

"After the Black Blade Sabretooth Tiger ascends to the star, it will no longer affect the release of combat skills, and it also comes with special effects of riding back and knocking back, which is really comfortable!"

Lu Chaoding laughed.After his action, there was a turn of eighteen [Phantoms of the Agni Tengu] with a speed of 120.

These eighteen puppy heads were identified as a "group". They attacked at the same time, rushing forward and biting their "main bodies", causing a total of 3600 points of damage.

Next was Lu Chao's second round, and he still activated [Reverberation of the Sword].

Since the Tengu's toughness has been broken, Lu Chaoding's attack did not cause damage, but the main weapon and 96 sword shadows were fully damaged, and the final total damage was as high as 50412!

In addition, the Guiyuan Map continued to play its role, making Lu Chaoding's fighting spirit increase instead of decreasing, reaching 4 points.

He then entered his third round, followed by Tengu Phantom's second round, Lu Chaoding's fourth round, Tengu Phantom's third round, Lu Chaoding's fifth round...

It wasn't until Lu Chaoding's fifth round ended that [Fire Tengu] entered the first round. It ferociously spit out a big fireball at Lu Chaoding. This big fireball directly blew up Lu Chaoding's 5000 life points. And it took away a little bit of his toughness.

Lu Chaoding then entered his sixth round. He continued to use [Reverberation of the Sword], and the damage output was extremely stable.

Then after the little dogheads completed their sixth round, Lu Chao entered his 11th round. He slashed with his broadsword and his sword reverberated, with a total damage of 50412. The damage overflowed. The Agni Tengu roared in pain, and then his body fell to the ground and burst into flames. , burned, exploded with a bang, turned into light, and the light condensed into a treasure chest.

"Server-wide announcement: Everyone is celebrating. The Novice Village No. 523131241 has killed the world BOSS [Fire Tengu] for the first time. All players participating in the battle will receive a big glory chest, and players in the same village will receive a small glory chest!"

"Server-wide announcement: The ranking data of World BOSS Agni Tengu has been updated. Please check it yourself for details."

After the two server-wide notifications, Lu Chaoding had more system prompts: "Ding, you have caused a total of 563053 points of damage to [Fire Tengu] in the current battle, ranking first in the Fire Tengu damage rankings. By default, real names are used to list. Do I need to be listed anonymously?”


"Ding, congratulations, you are ranked first in the Fire Tengu damage ranking. After the Tianxing Island plot ends, you will receive a reward based on your ranking on the list."

"Ding, if you don't team up with the NPC of the Great Sword Sect, you successfully killed the ferocious beast Fiery Tengu. The crusade mission is completed. Congratulations on getting +10 Unreliable Lottery Tickets and +1 Super Training Gift Pack. You will have exclusive access to the loot!"

humming sound.

A treasure box appeared in front of Lu Chaoding. This was the Glory Treasure Box.

Lu Chaoding laughed, opened it, and quickly counted it. He got a total of: 1000 gold yuan, four bound [Jade of Certificates] and two bound [Jade of Inheritance].

The unreliable lottery tickets and super training gift packs rewarded by the system have been distributed to Lu Chaoding's storage space. Lu Chaoding opened the super training gift pack at this time.

"Ding, you opened the super training gift package and got... data error, automatically repaired!"

"Ding, you temporarily created a super practice gift package. You opened the super practice gift package and got one five-star prop [Enlightenment Sticker], two [Epiphany Jade], four [Inheritance Jade], and eight [Certificate Jade]. Pieces!"

"It's taking off!"

Lu Chaoding was overjoyed and went to open the treasure chest dropped by the Agni Tengu.

There is no doubt that the treasure chest contains the loot that he will have exclusively.

When the lid of the treasure chest was lifted, golden light shone, and a system prompt followed.

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Tengu Essence] x 400!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting three-star [Natural Fire Sword] x 8!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting 4 spiritual energy fruits!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the [Tengu Magical Jade]."

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the five-star universal secret skill [Pan Tough Treasure Body] skill book!"

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the four-star universal secret skill [Fire Wings] skill book!"

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the three-star general combat skill [Fire Slash] skill book!"

 Thanks to book chasers chhea, Qinhan, book friend 33021207827500 and other bosses for their rewards. Thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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