My players are so fierce.

Chapter 135 134 Alpha20 version is coming, offer your liver to a better world.

Chapter 135 134. Alpha 2.0 version is coming, offer your liver to a better world.
"Ah, development team, please, please let me play for a while!"

In the clean university dormitory, the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex was having a fit on the upper bunk.

This is the second hour since the update of the version of "Real Alien" started. There are still 46 hours to get through, but it is obvious that young players find it difficult to accept this "cruel" fact.

Cheche pupated on the bed like a large silkworm baby. He was wrapped in a quilt with a very strange "map pattern" and screamed:
"I'm dying, please, development team. I feel like there are ants crawling on me. My whole body is shaking. I can't breathe. Please, brother, give me two more hours. One hour is fine, just one Hour!
I swear I'll never touch this thing again.

I really can't bear it anymore, I'm tossing and turning now and can't sleep.

The development team, the development team, do all the bad things! "


A pillow was thrown up, and the Meow Shark on the lower bunk roared:
"Don't stay in this barber shop! If you want to, get out of here and bring some food for us. It's your turn to be my son today."

"whispering sound."

After being hit by the pillow, Cheche sat up with a look of displeasure on his face, subconsciously picked up the black helmet at hand and put it on his head.

As a result, the big version update progress bar on the VR virtual interface in front of me was almost unchanged when I looked at it 5 minutes ago.

"Zhuo! You can't see the update capacity here. When will it be updated?"

Unhappily, Cheche got down on the canopy bed with his helmet on, grumbled and collected lunch requests from other guys sitting or lying down, and then prepared to perform the necessary duties of a dormitory dad.

Lest the lazy grown-ups starve themselves to death in this era of abundant material resources.

"Why don't you open a King?"

The bionic snail, who was standing on the window sill with the window open and smoking, turned around and asked.

There were very few people who responded.

Obviously, everyone is in the same "game withdrawal" reaction as Cheche, and there is no doubt that they are suffering from severe "electronic impotence" and can't get up.

Snail himself actually felt that this proposal was very boring. He was just looking for something to talk about.

He was lying by the window, blowing out smoke rings and scrolling through his mobile phone. He stretched his body and looked at the bright sunny afternoon outside the window. He carefully recalled his routine for the past period of time and was shocked.

"Damn, except for going to class in the past half month, we have basically never left the dormitory! We don't play basketball or run. Doesn't this make us a real electronic waste? No, no, no!

I have to go play basketball today. "

Snail pressed the cigarette butt into the disposable paper cup ashtray next to him, stood up, picked up the basketball at his feet and shouted to his dormitory buddies.

The distinguished dormitory leader Hao Gegege also felt that it was not a problem to continue to be so decadent, so after eating the lunch brought back by the car, they quickly put on their jerseys and left the dormitory.

But before they even reached the basketball court, Cuckoo Chicken, who was clutching his cell phone, screamed:

"Quick, quick, quick! Check the forum, it's updated! The version update announcement is out!"

The next moment, the student party, who were originally full of energy and ready to go to the basketball court to play some sports, all found a shady flower bed to sit around. They uniformly took out their mobile phones and clicked on the forum where the download address could not be found online. APP.

The forum was already in a frenzy, obviously affected by the update announcement.

Because this is a major version update announcement, the content is much more detailed and complex than the previous minor versions and online hot repairs:
["Real World" Alpha2.0 closed beta version update announcement:

Hi, dear testers, after several lonely and sleepless nights, the test team finally sorted out the main content of the next phase of the big test.

The arrival of such a rapid version update is obviously due to the fact that we have won three private duels with the programmers of the development team. Why don't you quickly say thank you to the three members of the test team who are lying in the medical room?
In addition to innovations in game content and gameplay, this update also includes updates to game hardware facilities, which will be explained at the end.

Now, find a good place to sit down, pour yourself a glass of happy water and look forward to the surprises that the test group will bring to everyone.

The major update content of Alpha2.0 version is as follows:
1. Main mission·Chapter 1 "Dawn of Transia" is unlocked!
Thanks to the fearless and effective plot advancement of the testers, our cute and handsome Lord Murphy has finally been upgraded to "Lord Murphy".

After being awarded the title of "Count Cadman", Sir Murphy has his own territory and authority. However, the testers have all seen what Transia and the devastated Cadman region are like.

Therefore, in Chapter 1 of the main mission, testers need to use their brains and practice to solve a series of common and uncommon problems that occur in the territory for Lord Murphy, and receive rewards and rewards from generous NPCs.

In the design of this chapter, the development team deepened the emotional interaction model between testers and NPCs to better increase the testers’ sense of immersion and involvement.

After the update is completed and the new version is launched, testers will face a new world that is more realistic and has NPCs with various personalities and backgrounds!

It is no exaggeration to say that our poor programmers who have been squeezed have developed a "new game" based on the original game plot.

Applause to the programmers who are administering glucose in the medical room!
2. The game combat system testing is basically completed, and the manufacturing and administrative system testing has begun!
That's right!

You read that right!

What will be launched next will be the blockbuster gameplay of the "Real World" game system, which is also the "administrative system" that we have been paving the way for and preliminary testing in the first phase.

This is not like turning on "build mode" for testers like other sandbox modes, it's not that simple at all!
After the administrative system is installed, testers will unlock a new "administrative profession" in addition to the combat profession, occupying one of the three profession slots. This may have an impact on the testers' power system, but this is what the development team hopes to see. Arrived.

In the context of "Real World", the testers definitely play more than just simple footmen who kill monsters and use the toilet.

After the new version is launched, as the plot progresses, testers will be able to go to the "Scarlet Archon" Dame Miriam to unlock their own administrative career.

The career tree planning is very complex and complete. You can play the role of a strategizing and diligent village chief, a village defender, protecting the villagers behind you with your sword, or a farmer leader, leading the superstitious but hard-working Card under his command. Manlingmin creates new life with his hands.

You can even become a selfless prosecutor!The tax collector who plucked his feathers with the geese!
As the cold eyes of Count Cadman and the Scarlet Archon, with their sharp sense of smell, they can smell and catch the corrupt people hidden in the administrative system. We can guarantee that there will be no "disaster of the secret investigator" in this game. plot.

To sum up, we are also proud to call the new version of "Real Alien" as "Another World Prison Simulator".

At the same time as the administrative system is being implemented, the manufacturing system that the development team has been promoting will also be implemented.

Want a magic weapon?Want cool and powerful armor?He even designed and built his own residence in Cadman County himself!

These can all become a reality in a 100% realistic game environment.

The prerequisite is that you must be proficient in the manufacturing field of your choice.

Where do so many magical weapons come from in the real world?If you want to be trendy and cool, you have to do it yourself, right?

3. The new race "Vampire" and supporting system are implemented!

Although the Blood Eagle Clan has survived the crisis of genocide, it is now only a thin line away from extinction.

The new Blood Vulture Grand Duchess, Mrs. Tracey, had a bold idea when she came into contact with the testers. Now, the mysterious, beautiful and wise Mrs. Tracey finally put her idea into practice and got the support of Lord Murphy. support.

The Blood Vulture Clan may be reborn as a result, and completely break away from the once decadent and oppressive Eternal Sin Descendant System, becoming an exception and pride in the vampire civilization.But it is also possible that because of this bold decision, it will become the target of the vampire civilization and end up with a terrible end of death and annihilation.

And now, the future direction of the Blood Eagle family, which has been passed down from the front, is in your hands!
Since the new version is launched, all players who have completed "Prologue: The Last Night in Cadman City" can try to advance the racial branch plot mission to join the Blood Vulture Clan and become a member of the Midnight Nobles.

But beware!

The "First Embrace and Psychic Weaving Ceremony" developed by Mrs. Trish puts great pressure on testers at the mental and physical levels. Therefore, before joining the Blood Vulture Clan, testers must first release their own power through the Black Iron Trial. potential.

All testers whose character level has reached level 10 and whose career level has reached level 10 can go to Lord Murphy to activate the trial mission.

Spoilers ahead here!
Because the programmers of the development team are tirelessly pursuing reality and hardcore, this task is very difficult, so testers are asked to be mentally prepared.

A review of the power system of "True Alien World" will be implemented after the new version is launched. Testers are asked to go to the Blood Vulture Library to view relevant literature.

4. Hardware device update·Sleep connection function enabled!
Under the pressure of the members of the testing team and the development team to death, the guy from the hardware team finally completed the most important and complex module upgrade in the gaming device helmet.

After the new version goes online, testers can use the "sleep connection program" to enter the game.

The program's connections and scientific principles are complex.

The description in kindergarten-level language can be simply summarized as after the tester enters a deep sleep state, the consciousness connection is re-completed through brain wave perception, so that everyone can continue to experience the game content without affecting the tester's physiological sleep.

Our hardware team has conducted tens of thousands of experiments on this function and will install it after this version update while ensuring safety.

After the sleep connection function is turned on, the tester will have 6-8 more hours of game time every day. Because the tester is in a state of physiological rest while sleeping, it does not cause mental stress and additional physiological load, so this time does not occupy the daily game time. time share.


So please don’t post like crazy in the feedback area of ​​the forum asking for extended game time!
We've been working really hard to solve this problem.

Excessive gaming time every day will put a burden on the precious bodies of everyone, and the series of health and social problems derived from this are beyond our company's ability to bear.After all, we are playing games happily, and we are not here to seek immortality, right?
5. The warm-up activity for the mysterious expansion pack begins!
You ask, why is there still a gimmick like a mysterious expansion pack when the main mission has only reached Chapter 1?

The answer is, I don’t know either!

The testing team has just received a technical description from our outsourced development team. The second mysterious team outside the main development team has come over on vacation and started their work.

A new expansion pack with unknown information, unknown content, unknown direction, and even an unknown name will be launched in "Real Alien" within six months as an additional content in addition to the game experience of the main mission.

But the mysterious development team seems to like to have fun, so they designed a decrypted plot and embedded it in the new version.

After the new version is launched, testers can obtain the content of the new expansion pack by collecting intelligence in the game and discuss it on the forum. More plot content about the DLC will be released as the mysterious development team progresses.

What is certain at present is that this will be an expansion film with as much content as the main storyline.

According to them, this new expansion pack is even enough to change the plot mode of the entire game and the direction of the world environment.
Well, these are the original words of the mysterious team.

But I think they are bragging to defraud our company of more R&D funds. What do you think?
6. Optimized a more realistic physics engine, and added more interactive intelligent NPCs and random events.

7. Fixed a few bugs. 】

"I boil it!"

Ah Yu, who was the first to read the update announcement, jumped up and exclaimed:

"Not to mention new races and new plots, but there is also a new career system? Now you can finally be an official in the game? And what the hell is this mysterious expansion pack? Generally speaking, shouldn't it be after the main plot ends? Will there be another DLC to supplement the plot?

Why does this damn game do the opposite? "

"Is this damn game any different from other games?"

Good Pigeon rolled his eyes, grabbed his cell phone and said:
"And your focus is wrong! The real major update is the activation of sleep connection, right? I just said that the update progress bar is as slow as a turtle! It turns out that it is doing driver coverage and software update of hardware programs. ah.

It seems that I mistakenly blamed Alpha Company. I will go to the forum and give them a lot of likes soon. "

"8+6 game time, this is awesome!"

The bionic snail pushed up his glasses and cheered:
"Now I can play while sleeping. My life has gained 8 extra hours out of thin air every day! And according to the 12-hour time difference between reality and game time, when we go to bed at night, it happens to be daytime in the game, damn it!

Alpha is awesome! YYDS! "

"Don't rush to be happy yet."

Meow Shark said with some worry:
"This thing is related to brain waves. Although I don't understand it very well, it sounds a bit risky."

"Don't play if you're afraid of risks!"

Che Che pouted and said:
"How about giving the helmet to those who need it more? You see, the number of test application reservations on the forum has increased to 253 people! So many poor babies can't enter the game. Ah! My body feels like ants crawling again Please, Alpha!
Let me play for another hour! "

"Bleach! Don't embarrass yourself in this barber shop!"

The others jumped up and kicked and punched the crazy Cheche, helping him "physically break off the Internet", but soon Ah Yuan said to the brothers in a weird tone:
"Um. Brother Mingmiao just sent me a message. He said that he was coming to our place tonight to discuss business and asked if we had time to go out for a meal? He said that he had made an appointment with Sister Pomegranate and Niu Niu, and also There was khaki and mud to oil Luda.”

"just go."

Good Pigeon curled her lips and said:

"Why don't you go to Cunning Society's invitation to dinner? Are the six of us afraid that Brother Miao Miao will pout you? Hey, tonight's dinner is in order. Ah, thank you Mr. Murphy for your gift."

At the same time, on the other side, Lumina posted the update announcement in the forum to her social group.

Leaving aside the others, the very mysterious Sister Cement is going crazy now.

In her laboratory, "Cement Sealed Heart" stared at the introduction on the "sleep connection function" on the screen. With a pencil in her mouth, she slapped the table hard after a few seconds.

"Liar! This kind of technology doesn't exist at all now! It also has brain wave perception. This explanation doesn't look like civilian science."

She leaned back on her swivel chair, tiredly took off her gold-rimmed glasses and looked at the ceiling above her head.

After a few seconds, a bold idea appeared in Sister Cement's mind.

"I always feel like there's something fishy about this! That little idiot Lumina has already fallen into it, and she has also dragged Orchid and Ashina into the fire pit. Three daring guys even tempted Mrs. Shui to play with them. This Are you planning to drag a good family into the sea?
Mrs. Yishui's dark-hearted character, who looks calm but is actually very adventurous, may not be able to withstand this for long.


I have to find a way to see this magical thing in person, so it won't really be a ghost game from aliens, right?
Can I make an appointment too? emmmm, it always feels a bit risky, so why not trick an unlucky guy into going for me? "

(End of this chapter)

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