My players are so fierce.

Chapter 503 502 Happy Stick’s “Longzhong Pair”

Chapter 503 502. Happy Stick’s “Longzhong Pair”

Murphy contacted Count Andre and briefly explained the matter. The Count of White Mountain immediately stated that he would personally escort Hogg to Batashin City and complete the meeting with Mrs. Shani there.

The reason why the efficiency is so high is mainly because the "scope of influence" of this matter is somewhat large.

The warning involving the Bone-Gnawing King and an evil god about to be born will even directly affect the progress of the Black Disaster and the safety of the continent.

This is definitely not something that the Governor of Transia or the Grand Duke of Thorns can decide alone. While Hogg was taken to the Scarlet Castle by the vampires under Adele's command, Murphy also took out the key to directly contact Lord Paying from his psychic bag. That blood crystal.

There was an agreement between the two that anything less threatening than the undead army in Xiko City would not disturb the Lord's daily life, but the incident caused by Hogg's dream obviously went far beyond this scope.

Blood Quartz quickly connected.

The psychic projection of Lord Paying appeared in front of Murphy again. This time the Lord simply stopped pretending. His projection was sitting in his studio, holding a paintbrush and creating a work of art.

The crystal is suspended next to the Lord.

Without looking back, he asked calmly:
"Give me some time, let me finish this stroke, and then you can talk about the bad thing you found, so as not to affect my good inspiration today."

"Of course, Lord."

Murphy said humbly:

"I suggest you finish the painting first, because I think you won't be interested in creating for a long time after hearing this."


This response made the Lord stop in surprise.

Although he didn't have much communication with Murphy, Lord Paying believed that the Governor of Transia was not a talkative guy, so he put down his brush, frowned and stood up to take off his gloves.

He held up a cup of tea and said:

"Tell me what happened."

Murphy shrugged and looked at the newly-grown work on the drawing board with some regret.

He told the story again. When he heard the words "Bone-Gnawing King", "Hunting Lord", and "Evil God's Fall", Lord Paying's face became visibly serious, until Murphy finished speaking. After making the plan, the Lord fell into thinking for a long time.

Just like a beautiful vampire statue,
It wasn't until several minutes later that he sighed, put down the tea cup, and said:

"Are you sure this 'Hogg' is credible?"

"I'm not sure, Lord. It was just an attempt I made to solve the Gnoll problem in Transia. So far, Hogg has performed quite well. But I did not impose any mandatory contract on it, so I can’t give you 100% certainty about its loyalty and steadfastness.”

Murphy said frankly:
"But I believe that Hogg knows who to cooperate with at this stage to avoid it falling into a desperate situation, especially when the Bone-gnawing King confirms that the fallen evil god is about to be born. As long as it is unwilling to surrender to the subspace and become a monster, There is no other way to go."

"You can't bet all this on the mind of a jackal!"

Lord Paying said in a deep voice:
"It itself can't guarantee whether it can strengthen its will, and it's even more difficult to convince others to invest in it. There must be a mandatory contract between you and Hogg to ensure that it can firmly go to the end in this matter. .

I will ask someone to make this spell for you in the near future. I will first send Palano to Transia to participate in this matter.

You're right, Murphy.

This is indeed an opportunity to completely solve the hidden dangers of the Black Disaster, a unique opportunity, and an opportunity to fundamentally resolve the conflict between the gnolls and the civilized camp.

I'm going to leave it to you and Trish.

I need you two to shoulder the responsibility of the civilized camp in this precarious moment!
But there's something I want to tell you, about Flesh Tear and the slate of civilization in its hands.
The Barren Mountain defense line has not seen any gnolls breaking through recently. The third lord has blocked it. Heather also received the assistance of the brass dwarves and several earth priests to monitor the situation near the Barren Mountain for her.

I can tell you clearly that the Flesh-Tearing has not returned to the Dark Mountains. Otherwise, the movements reappearing in the form of civilization tablets would not be noticed by the eyes of the Blood Alliance Knights everywhere.

Therefore, the gnoll warlock and their civilization tablet should still be on the line from the Filthy Swamp to the Desolate Mountain. I suggest you look for it in the Baphomet Canyon between the two places. It is a ghostly place that hides many secrets.

It's a dangerous place too, you can ask Tris, I remember her visiting that place when she was young and traveling around the world. "

"Huh? That's surprising."

Murphy narrowed his eyes when he heard the news. He didn't think Lord Pa Ying would be confused about this kind of thing. In other words, something must have happened to Shred Flesh after he escaped.

"I will immediately send an elite force to the Barren Mountains and Baphomet Canyon. Lord, I will lead the team myself."

Murphy promised:
"We will retrieve the Jackal's civilization tablet as soon as possible and help Hogg complete the certification in the Creation Place in the Swamp Restricted Area, so that he can become the spokesperson of Jackal civilization."

"Well, I will prepare for your next plan in the Dark Mountains."

Lord Paying also promised:

"As long as you can bring the true 'Wise Wolf Hogg' to the Dark Mountains, I will prepare a sufficiently powerful 'God-killing Team' for it. There is indeed a way to restrain the newly born divine evil. It's not like the Blood Knights have never dealt with similar creatures before.

So you don't have to worry about strength.

But I want to remind you that the gathering of the Black Disaster Army in the Dark Mountains has been completed.

They may soon begin to advance towards the periphery. At present, the defenders of various races in the Brass Fortress have entered a tight defense. The supreme lord of the Brass Dwarves and the ranger general of the forest elves have personally arrived at the fortress to supervise the battle.

The situation here is on the verge of breaking out, but you haven't felt the pressure yet.

Therefore, if you confirm that you want to put the defense line against the Black Disaster in Desolate Mountain, then in the next month, you must complete the assembly behind our position.

I can promise you that they will not leave their positions until all the Blood Alliance knights in the Desolate Mountain position are killed, but I hope you will be mentally prepared.

If you want to fight against them on their territory, the sacrifices and tragedies you will have to pay will be far beyond your imagination. "

"I am mentally prepared, Lord."

Murphy said firmly:

"Then, let's meet again at the Desolate Mountain position."


The Lord nodded and cut off the communication with the crystal. In his studio, this handsome man played with the crystal in his hand and looked back at the painting that had just begun behind him.

He sighed.

Sure enough, as Murphy said, after hearing about this incident, the Lord was no longer in the mood to continue creating.

At this time, even though he had experienced thousands of years of ups and downs, he couldn't help complaining in his heart: Why are things in Transia always so bad?

But soon, the Lord thought about another question.

Why was the Land of Creation hidden in the restricted area of ​​the swamp discovered by Murphy, and from the description of the young vampire governor, he seemed to have fully understood the operation and role of the Land of Creation.

That is the place of creation!

It is by no means an ordinary place. Even Lord Paying himself has to be fully prepared before entering it. Either Murphy has a big heart, or this little guy may have some secrets that he has not yet discovered.

The Lord rubbed his brows and walked out of the studio. Some forgotten pictures kept flashing in his mind. Those pictures that were completely incomprehensible and not arranged in chronological order were finally fixed in the purple stream of light flying all over the sky, just like the whole world. They will all be burned in it.

"Eden. Life Greenhouse Alpha Project."

Lord Paying thought repeatedly about these words that always jumped into his mind at midnight but could not understand their meaning. He knew that this information must be important, but he could not understand why he would choose to forget it.

He did remember more than other archdukes, but those fragmentary memories made it impossible for him to form a clear thread among them.

So, what happened when he stumbled out of the Dark Mountains with the other vampire archdukes?

This damn mystery.

It seems that if I have time during the black disaster, I have to go to the swamp forbidden area.
"Salute to you, Governor Murphy! Your visit to our Maginot Line inspection work has made our place flourish!"

At the busy construction site outside the filthy swamp, Happy Stick flapped its blood wings and rose into the air. At a glance, he saw Lord Murphy who was overlooking the entire Maginot Line of Defense from a high altitude.

As the commander of the defense line, Brother Bang immediately stepped forward and licked Mr. Murphy wildly. At the same time, he proudly took the main line NPC to "tour" his defense line.

The advantage of being able to fly is that there is no need for Murphy to move back and forth on the defense line. From a high place, you can see the entire defense line.This defense line, which was completely chosen and designed by young players, is not built around a filthy swamp like the Great Wall. On the contrary, it is discontinuous. It is difficult to judge it as a complete defense line only from a high altitude.

At least to a layman like Murphy, there seemed to be only a few isolated fortresses stuck between the swamp and the Dark Barony.

However, he did see some clues. For example, artillery positions were preset on the highlands between several fort groups. This would cause a large number of workers to build roads to transport artillery near those highlands.

It's like nails nailed into the ground. Connecting these scattered points is exactly a line of defense surrounding the swamp area.

Next to him, there is also a happy stick orchid introducing Mr. Murphy to the composition of his defense line:

"Currently, the permanent preparation fortifications have built nine firepower fortresses. We have carefully selected three areas from among them to build larger and more complex permanent preparation fortifications. They were all selected after repeated research on the previous four black disasters. The most vulnerable area.

The Brotherhood of Masons took a more prudent approach.

Through the cooperation of ground bunkers and underground fortifications, we connected these three locations to form the main body of the Maginot Line of Defense. The three main positions were connected through the communication lines dug underground by the kobolds, which perfectly blocked the road leading to Teran along the sewage swamp. There are some of the best roads in West Asia. "

Brother Bang pointed to the three bunker groups that had been established below in the air, and explained to Murphy:
"We will deploy a large number of artillery and stacked trenches in these three positions. The shortest position has a battlefield width of three kilometers in length and five kilometers in width.

The width of this battlefield can limit the numerical advantage of the Jackals and give full play to our advantages. Once we enter a wartime state, we will also plant a large number of mines in these key defense areas to delay the enemy's attack.

Outside the three key defensive positions, there is a very complex terrain that cannot allow Jackals to pass through on a large scale. When the defense line is activated, it will cooperate with several positions in the rear. Once a small group of Jackals breaks through, cavalry and troops will be dispatched. The infantry carried out encirclement and annihilation operations against them.

However, the number of soldiers under your command is still too small. They cannot fully guard these fronts. We will probably call in militia when necessary. "

"It sounds awesome, but I'm not a soldier after all."

Murphy nodded and asked again:
"But I noticed that your defense line is only in the central area and has not extended to the two wings toward the swamp. Why is this?"

"Not enough people, not enough time, my lord."

Happy Stick sighed and said:

"Although the Bloodclaw clan can provide us with a lot of kobold labor, and although the Stonemason Brotherhood is constantly bringing 'supporters' from the Plantagenet Kingdom into the position construction, we want to complete the short distance from Crimean Fortress to Smuggler's Wood. A comprehensive defense of two hundred kilometers is impossible.

According to the current progress, it will take at least ten years to completely build a wall like the Crimean Fortress.
We don't have that much time and resources, and even if we do build a Great Swamp Wall, it's impossible to recruit enough soldiers to defend it with the population of Transia.

Best of all, we don’t have to do that!

The terrain of the Dark Barony is quite rugged. This kind of terrain will make people very uncomfortable in daily life, but this becomes an advantage when fighting!
In the construction plan of a line of defense, man-made bunkers and fortresses will always complement the natural environment. Excellent generals should learn to make rational use of mountains and terrains and harness the power of nature for their own use.

Maybe this line of defense seems to you to be riddled with holes, but please believe me, once a war really breaks out, our current manpower is enough to ensure that we can rely on these positions, firepower points and criss-crossing trenches to hold on to both sides without support. More than months!
Of course, the premise is that we can get enough fire support. "

"But you didn't answer my question, Major Stick."

Murphy asked again:
"You didn't answer me. How will you respond once the gnolls break through from the two wings?"

"We don't need to deal with it, my lord."

Happy Stick was forced to tell the truth, and he replied slightly gloomily:
"The Jackal's breakthrough to the east will hit the outer defense area of ​​the Crimean Fortress. Unless General Winter Wolf is crazy, he will not allow the barbarians to leave in a big way.

If they break through to the west, they will follow Smuggler's Woodland into East Prussia and Cato.

With all due respect, sir, under the circumstances of the vicious incident that just occurred in Marlow Town, Marshal Loren will definitely deploy his army there, and if the Jackals cross Lake Sulpers and enter the Cato area.
Okay, I admit they cause terror there, but what does that have to do with us?
That's the land of the Plantagenets and the Wolfsbane clan! "

"You deliberately built the defense line like this! You deliberately leaked a path to the west!"

Murphy narrowed his eyes, stared at the happy stick, and said:
"That's the way you want the gnolls to go."

"Yes, I hope the enemy will act according to my plan."

Now that this issue has been discussed, the Happy Stick is no longer hidden, and he said seriously:
"The Short Man Marshal is using us to buy time for his defense line. He regards us as cannon fodder to resist the Jackals. In this case, he will also bear the bitter consequences caused by the breakthrough of the Cato region!
If the Pioneer Legion can send an elite force of ten thousand people into the western defense line, then there is no way the Jackals can cross this line. They can only fight us to the death in front of the Filthy Swamp.

But the dwarf marshal only sent an observation group and gave us [-] soldiers who were of no use at all. This has proved his attitude.

It was his unrighteousness first!

He's not a short-sighted guy.

He just has his own strategic intentions, and he is very evil. He is a very powerful commander. He hopes more than anyone else to see the Transians and Jackals die together so that he can benefit the country behind him.

This kind of loyalty is admirable, but now this form is his own choice
Of course he can weaken us with war!

But since he did it, we can fight back in the same way.

I admit it's vicious, my lord.

But if the wolfsbane vampires in the Cato region cannot resist the invasion of the jackals, then the hinterland of the Plantagenet Kingdom will directly face the threat of black disaster.

King Louis has obviously forgotten the madness when the fourth black disaster swept the continent.

No, he didn't forget, he just thought that the Plantagenet Kingdom was strong enough and history would not repeat itself. After all, he was a human being, and he had not experienced a real black disaster. He was very wise but he was not aware of such a world. War' will result.

but we.
We will join the Gnolls in giving him a slap in the face to make the proud Sun King realize that we are not his puppets, that Transia has power too, and that we will not be defeated so easily.

This is what I am going to suggest to you next, my lord. "

Happy Stick looked around, then lowered his voice and said:
"I know you plan to stop the black disaster on the front line of the Barren Mountain, but that is too risky. We are not afraid of death. However, the thousands of soldiers you have trained so hard represent the future of Transia. Those good guys should not be destroyed. over there.

We can be smarter!

Hold there for a while and then retreat proactively, luring the gnolls deep into the swamp, and then leave the rest to me and my Maginot Line. "

"Do you know what you're talking about? Major Jolly Stick!"

Murphy yelled:
"You are suggesting that I take the initiative to take advantage of the Black Disaster! And the premise for you to be able to execute your plan perfectly is that your defense line must be strong enough to withstand the Black Disaster's frontal attack. Only when they realize that they cannot break through from the front will they take the initiative to divide their troops on the two wings. .

This means your defense will be under unprecedented pressure.

if you fail
If you lose, you can just walk away!Consider this a sad defeat, but all the consequences must be borne by me and my people.

Do not!
I cannot accept this suggestion. "

"We can!"

Happy Stick said stubbornly:
"We will stay here until all tactical objectives are achieved! Sir, please don't forget, we will not die. This is my confidence to guard this line of defense! As long as I have three thousand undead heroic spirits, I can stay here until I die of old age.
All my suggestions are based on Transia's interests.

You can be a good governor and use your own way to survive the Black Disaster, but King Louis and the Wolf Lady will not thank you for this, and Transia will still fall victim to the two countries' struggle for hegemony.

In the final analysis, our position determines that it is impossible for us to rise in a normal way.

We have to prepare for the future. To weaken the enemy is to strengthen ourselves. If we can do both at the same time, it will be perfect.

what do you say? "

Facing Happy Stick's first heart-to-heart proposal, Murphy fell silent.

After a few minutes of thinking, he took one last look at the defense line below and said:
"Let this be a backup plan. I will try out the Black Disaster with my warriors in Barren Mountain first. There is also the second thing."

Murphy looked at the happy stick and said:
"Trish has completed the research and development of 'Alien Yellow Gunpowder' under the guidance of Lumina. The fire support you want is not impossible, but you need to find ways to increase production capacity yourself. Major Stick, I hope you understand this reality !
If Transia disappears, everything you have put in here will be in vain. "

He stared at the happy stick, activated the power of desire to listen to the other person's heart, and said softly after a few seconds:
"At that time, you will say goodbye to your Melia forever. If you can understand all this, then I can give you a chance to ask me. You can ask me a question, and I will say nothing. I’ll give you a reserved answer, Mr. Liu.”

Brother Bang felt chills at this moment.

He clenched his fists.

At this moment, he realized very clearly that the person next to him could never be an NPC!Under Murphy's gaze, his lips moved, and finally he did not ask a question but said:
"I don't have any questions to ask. I'm very satisfied with my current life. I don't hate Melia either."

"Great! That's what I wanted to hear."

Murphy nodded and said:

"Then be prepared. If you win, I can give you the source blood. I know that you, a guy who pursues perfection, don't need a servant."

(End of this chapter)

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