My players are so fierce.

Chapter 825 824 Good News Bad News and Worse News

Chapter 825 824. Good news (crossed out). Bad news and worse news

Murphy left himself alone on the fourth floor underground, saying that he wanted to explore the subspace rift, but there must be something special to do.

Lord Yvette really wanted to know Master Murphy's little secret, but she was taught a lesson by Tris before, and now she didn't dare to get close at all. She could only guard the closed room on the third floor with a "loyal and brave" heart. Passage mouth.

This kind of loyal and brave defense was completely unlike the gesture that the Sese leader should make. It quickly aroused the curiosity of Ms. Natalie. However, Natalie was also a person who had seen the world. She did not rashly come forward to ask, but just asked. While checking the supplies on the third floor of the R-9 base, he quietly observed Yvette's actions.

Natalie discovered just now that after Murphy appeared, Yvette's actions were full of contradictions.

She seems to want to get close to Murphy, but she has to maintain her original "personality" on the surface, which causes her various actions to be full of inexplicable awkwardness. Moreover, the observant White Knight also discovered that Lord Yvette looked at Lord Murphy with greed mixed with a hint of fear.

But now, that look has completely changed.

Respect tinged with a weird submissiveness.

This sounds outrageous!

Ms. Yvette is the descendant of Lord Paying. How can she, a stern leader with an anti-Tiangang character, obey a lord of another clan?

And at this time, he is still guarding the entrance of the passage, not allowing others to approach there. It is called a protective seal, but isn't he just standing guard for Lord Murphy?

This strange change aroused great doubts in Natalie, but when she finally couldn't help but want to step forward to ask a few questions, she was immediately stopped by the Watcher's Holy Blade behind her.

This holy blade was forged in the Kingdom of Avalon, and I am very familiar with Avalon's divine power. Although the strange aura on Yvette's body was disguised and became very weak, the remnants of the divine power belonging to Ms. Spider were not concealed at all. But the big oak holy blade.

Thinking about Yvette's race, the Oak Holy Blade must prevent its own sword holder from rashly exploring.

This is the "little secret" among the gods!

You're a pathetic white knight, so don't get involved, you might get yourself into it too.

Natalie has become a character who knows how to take suggestions after being tempered by a series of events. Especially when she has rarely seen the big oak holy blade, which has always been unruly, have such fear, she knows that this is not something she can interfere with, so she decisively seeks it out. An excuse slipped away.

However, R-9 base obviously still hides many secrets. Even Avalon is full of curiosity about this place.

As the new leader of the Church of Avalon, Natalie had to answer questions for her god, so she quickly came to the main control room on the second floor of the base. After the mechanical door opened, she saw the strange novice foreigner. Direct some players to do this and do that.

Sister Cement has already become a god by taking over the R-9 base within ten minutes. Old players all know the value of this operation, plus guild leaders such as Brother Miao Miao, Brother Bang and Teacher Li. They were all "greeted" by Master Qin just now, so they will naturally be very cooperative with Sister Cement's work.

Especially Brother Meow Meow’s Big Bird Group.

They are doing software work in another world. Although that experience is meaningless when applied to the black technology of the Creator, at least they know how to operate these high-tech equipment better than others. Now they are being directed by Sister Cement to export the R-9 base. Recent records in the database to find more useful information,

Brother Bang's Cadman Raiders are guarding here almost every five steps, one post, and ten steps. Players who approach will be persuaded to return in the name of "special missions."

Those who can participate in this action are high-end players.

When they heard this reason, their hearts skipped a beat. Like Ming Jing, whose hidden meaning was clear, they all stayed away from joining in the fun.

There are a lot of things to play in this base.

It's better to spend time searching the nooks and crannies, maybe you can find powerful cultist equipment. If not, help dismantle those damaged technological weapons and send them back to the arsenal. Maybe they can be viewed on the walking machine, uh, no, Dragon Knight later. Here’s to these awesome stuff!

Look at this majestic quad rapid-fire cannon. If you use this thing to kill the jackals, wouldn't you beat them all without making a sound?

"This is a biotechnology base. I just checked the main control core. This is part of a large Creator facility called the 'Greenhouse of Life'. It is responsible for a series of obscure but related creations in the 'Creation Field' during the Golden Age. Life plan.”

When Natalie walked into the main control room, she heard the mysterious "Cement Sister" introducing the situation of the base to the serious-looking Brother Bang in a foreign language.

The players ignored the patrolling leader NPC and did whatever they had to do. No one thought the NPC could understand Chinese.

But the fact is, they underestimated Natalie.

After all, she is a person who receives psychological counseling three times a week. Although she still cannot understand complex sentences, she has basically learned everything she needs to learn from the "good teacher" Crow, so Natalie maintains the NPC calmly. The behavior pattern of walking back and forth, but his ears were pricked up to listen to Sister Cement's introduction.

In the past period of time, she knew that the "NPC" in this posture would never be suspected by cunning players.

"Just looking at the technical content of the instruments discovered so far, it's worth investing a lot of manpower here."

Sister Cement said to Brother Bang:

"I have asked Lumina and Terranova to examine the research results of those cultists to make a preliminary assessment, but I think you should tell Master Qin immediately about the news here and ask him to make a report home.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we want to fully understand the knowledge here, we laymen cannot do it. We must send real big guys in the fields of genetic engineering and biotechnology to come in and take a look.

In addition, don’t be too busy dismantling those instruments that we can’t understand.

Step by step, first learn to use it and then find ways to study its principles. Among the research topics I have seen so far, there are several relatively elementary projects that can even be copied at home, such as the 'biological organ enhancement' project carried out by old Flynn.

Not only does this project have a complete roadmap and information, he has even produced a finished product.

The NPC named 'Helu' received a complete enhanced organ transplant before he was rescued. I just saw it with Terranova. The results of his organ transplant were perfect, with no rejection at all and a very fast recovery. , changing a pair of eyes and ears is as simple and enjoyable as pulling out teeth.

Just the technological content of this transplantation process itself is worthy of our investment of manpower and material resources into research.

Heru's eyes are originally from the astral creature, the Fire Monitor, and his ears and sensory enhancement organs are from a strange reptile called the 'Hestooth'. According to records in the biological database, these two creatures are on the planet. Everyone in the world belongs to the 'gods' race.

I mean, we certainly don't have anything like that over there, but this knowledge is universal.

we need to."

"Cough cough."

Brother Bang suddenly coughed and winked at Sister Cement.

The latter blinked, followed Brother Bang's fingers, and found that Ms. Natalie standing not far away was staring at a metal ornament on the table.

She seemed very curious about the thing and had been standing there for several minutes.

Sister Cement immediately narrowed her eyes, rolled her eyes, coughed, raised her voice several times, and said:

"As I said, most of the experiments carried out by the cultists are related to the creations of the gods. I have enough reasons to believe that the Twilight believers of the 'scholar' faction are planning a research directly aimed at the mysteries of the gods.

We found no fewer than seven studies in the plans related to the four aspects of Avalon, as cultists tapped into the power of the god of nature."

Natalie's heart suddenly tightened as she listened.


Sure enough, the gods' concern for the R-9 base is justified!

The appetite of the Twilight Cultists is much greater than imagined. These damn bastards are indeed the source of chaos. Whether it is in the name of gods or faith, the Avalon Church under his command must fully assist Lord Murphy in annihilating it. These assholes.

The tragedy of Gaia and the Brass Dwarves cannot be allowed to happen again to Avalon.

"Sister Cement! Come on, the data exported from the database records the order given by the 'scholar' to the explorer through the base communication. He asked the explorer to arrange for manpower to send three things to three different places!" Check the database over there Information Laoqu quickly made a discovery. He looked at the characters on the stereoscopic projection and exclaimed:

"The subspace-related test item No. 1 was sent to the Jackals, that old Manson. The No. 2 was sent to the traitor of the Blood Terror clan. I just heard from the Jackal brothers that that guy was also killed by Lord Murphy. Designed to kill.

The most dangerous one is number three!

It was sent to the Brass Fortress to a Twilight collaborator codenamed 'The General'! "


Sister Cement turned around and asked loudly:

"Search the keyword 'general' in the database to find the guy's identity."


After waiting for a few seconds, Brother Miao Miao looked at the optical projection and said:

"There is no specific identity information about it, perhaps because the search authority of the R-9 base is not enough, but the data shows that the guy is a brass dwarf, and his true belief is the Dagon Secret Cult? Wait! Isn't that the cult of the Wave Fish People?

How could a brass dwarf believe in the cult of the fishmen? "

"Because in addition to the 'Father of Fish', 'Black Sea Mist' and 'God of the Abyss', Dagon also has an unpopular priesthood which is the 'God of Fall and Temptation'."

Natalie explained:

"Theoretically, all physical or spiritual depravity and seduction rituals performed in the dark are its domain! Damn it! The brass dwarves' depravity was not only due to a large amount of contact with burning gold, but also the influence of subspace forces.

This would rather explain why the Brass Dwarves had fallen so quickly within a hundred years. "

"Send this news to Mr. Murphy quickly!"

Brother Bang rubbed his forehead and said in a deep voice:

"The Brass Fortress will most likely be destroyed."

"This should be the site of a ceremony to extract the power of subspace and create some kind of energy polymer."

Murphy was standing at the end of the suspended stone bridge shaped by the cultists, observing the scene of the weird ritual placed here.

He found dried blood and three things that looked like the eggshells of some kind of creature there. Apart from that, other traces that had appeared here had been lost to the erosion of subspace.

Apart from this altar, there are no other items used to extract the power of subspace. It seems that even cultists are very cautious about using the power of chaos in subspace. Considering that there are many people in the R-9 base They are a group of researchers who are not tolerated by the outside world. The reason why they are so restrained is probably due to the warning from the intellectual level.

Of course, the more likely reason is that although the subspace rift in front of you is huge, it has been suppressed by a seal for the past thousand years, which makes it unable to even swallow up the power of chaos on a large scale here. That layer restrains the subspace rift. The pale light clearly has a purifying effect.

It would be extremely difficult for the cultists to extract the available Warp power here.

This made Murphy couldn't help but become curious about the gray-white aperture in front of him. He activated the Omega program to cover the body surface, and then stretched out his hand to touch the outside of the aperture closest to the stone platform. When his fingers touched the white light , a prompt message immediately popped up in front of you:

[Basic to special creation energy (high-energy purification) branch, the source of this energy is the 'trial subspace cleanup program, code name Beta'.

This program was produced by the Subspace Power Research and Defense Laboratory under the Eden District Management Committee. Its blueprint comes from the 'Purification Program Omega' that only exists in the records left by the Creator.

Due to the limitation of the production level of this program, it does not have many of the complex functions of the Omega program, so the actual effect is weak. However, the Eden District Management Committee adjusted the application scenarios of the program and spent several years in the entire Eden District. After research and upgrade, remove unnecessary functions and focus on the 'sealing' and 'purification' fields.


The Omega program owned by Administrator Alpha has detected an upgradeable module. Do you want to collect some trial beta program data samples for program upgrade? 】

"Ah? Can my big killer weapon be upgraded? Is it so powerful?"

Murphy's eyes widened.

He was a little hesitant whether his collection of samples would directly cause the collapse of the solid seal in front of him, but if he thought about it carefully, the upgrade of the Omega program only required data and not the energy of the Beta program itself, and it would not have any impact on the seal in front of him. , so he decisively chose to upgrade.

The next second, Murphy's eyes blurred, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy and energy. He was so weak that he sat cross-legged on the ground, feeling as if he was dizzy and uncomfortable during hypoglycemia, but soon the uncomfortable feeling disappeared. Disappear.

Omega's program entered the upgrade process, and the character card showed that it would take thirty minutes, so Murphy got up and prepared to leave. But as soon as he stepped off the stone bridge, he saw an anxious Ashina running over and pulling the cement sister out of the way. The information discovered by the Big Bird Group was told to him.

"What? The third 'Planar Diamond' was sent to the Brass Fortress?"

Murphy was also surprised.

He looked back at the end of the stone bridge behind him, and finally knew what those three strange eggshells were used for.

The damn planar diamond that can open the gap in the subspace was made here! Only from this "natural crack" that has existed for more than a thousand years can a stable sample of subspace power be extracted.

"The Brass Fortress is doomed!"

Murphy cursed, immediately took out a blood crystal, and began to contact the thickest golden thigh he could find on the mainland.

However, when calling Lord Paying, Mannis the Endless, who had disappeared for more than an hour, also reappeared at this time, and his hissing voice sounded in Murphy's ears, with a hint of urgency.

"It took me thirty years to use the power of time to finally figure out the ritual principles of those Twilight Cultists, Murphy! I know why you saw the image of Cadman City in the rift in the subspace. That place is being destroyed from the star realm. Pushed into the subspace!

Once this process is completed, your 100,000 people will be transformed into world-burning demonic soldiers!

You must relocate them from the rifts between the Astral Plane and the Warp to the physical world before this process is complete, otherwise it will be too late. But don’t worry, I’ve spent another fifteen years coming up with a foolproof plan for you!

Just use the subspace rift in front of you. It has existed for thousands of years and is basically a stable channel between the material world and subspace.

It can carry the pressure of a city when it passes through. I can help you locate it here in the star realm. The old turtle Tritana also said that it will fully assist.

But you must choose your landing point in advance!

And you have to stick to the time, it doesn’t matter if it’s early or late.”

"Wait for now, wait until I finish talking about this matter and then discuss it in detail."

When Murphy saw that the Blood Crystal Stone was connected, he replied to the Endless One. Mannis asked in confusion:

"Is there anything more urgent now than the life and death of a hundred thousand people?"

"The Brass Fortress is doomed."

Murphy complained:

"There are almost two million god-forsaken dwarves in that city who are crazy, what do you think?"

"Well, my god, my dear collaborator, I have seen big storms, but compared with your exciting daily life, I am just like a little cutie living in a greenhouse, okay, okay Come on, do your work first, and then call me when you're done."

"Wait, Mannis, send me a message that my descendant Lina was randomly teleported to a Golden Age ruins in the Gorgon Pass. Tell her not to panic and wait there.

I'll pick her up. "

(End of this chapter)

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