My players are so fierce.

Chapter 886 For whom is the Miracle Hall of Valor opened on Day 8853?

Chapter 886 885. Three-Day Miracle·For whom is the Hall of Valor opened? (superior)

Bright firelight flickered in the hot and humid swamp, which was the light when explosives were ignited. Against the backdrop of the destructive light and fire, the Avalon witch hunters who evacuated through the muddy water remained silent and solemn as always.

They move silently in the swamps blessed by the god Avalon, fighting off invaders in their holy land.

The Church of Avalon warriors headed by Natalie instead went deeper into the swamp. Their destruction behind enemy lines was efficient and covert, with clear goals and quick actions. They relied on the help of the entire carnivorous land of the God of Nature to make the Gnolls There is no peace in the rear.

The battle at the Lord's position lasted for two days, and Avalon believers continued to destroy as many as seven ammunition depots.

The direct result of this action is that the frequency of the use of explosives by the jackals currently gathered in front of Murphy's formation has been visibly reduced, and "outdated methods" such as meteorite magic and fog of war have been brought to the forefront again.

Jackals are not gods.

If they cannot produce their own explosives, they will naturally be destroyed as little as possible.

"How many of your squad are left?"

The tired old Porter leaned in the temporary camp, swallowing the high-calorie egg rolls provided by the People's Army Logistics Department to regain his strength, and whispered to Amber beside him.

Anbo didn't want to answer this question. She just wiped the stains on her face with a soaked handkerchief in silence.

Thanks to the exoskeleton given by her "boyfriend", Anbo did not suffer much danger during the several days of operations, but the mental fatigue made her lack interest in talking. Compared with other people who only need to complete their goals, Witch hunter commanders, she also has to worry about Niu Niu who has embarked on the road of killing gods at this time, so the psychological pressure is naturally greater.

Old Potter, who didn't get an answer, shrugged. He ate up the egg roll in his hand that was said to be made from sickle-claw eggs, then opened the lid and poured a sip of alchemy potion into his mouth. Only then did he regain some of his energy. .

He took out the pipe and held it in his mouth without lighting it. He took out the battle map and glanced at it. Seven of the nine battle locations marked on it were marked with red crosses.

This means that the White Oak Chapter's combat mission at this stage is coming to an end.

"Recruit casualties are okay"

An Bo sighed, closed his eyes and said:

"But the pioneers of the veterans have caused the witch hunters of the old religion era to wither. One-third of the comrades gathered from the village of Moreland this time have left. When this battle is over, there is a high probability that we will truly become buried. A mark in a corner of history.”

"What's wrong with that?"

Porter lit the pipe, took a deep breath of smoke and exhaled it slowly. He moved the mechanical arm to make a clicking sound, and said in a tired and calm tone:

"Natalie is already revising the canon and rituals. This clearly means that she will completely draw a clear line with the old religion. There is no place for us old-era warriors in the new Church of Avalon. Amber, we are here in ten years. Many things were done that shouldn't have been done in the war, and those who survived had their hands stained with blood. There was nothing wrong with being forgotten.

Although I know that the current battle is different from before, it damn feels like I'm back in the Ten Years' War.
Alas, I have fought enough. This may be my last battle. "

"Hey, don't plant the flag at this time!"

An Bo scolded.

This made Porter look at her in surprise. Apparently he didn't quite understand what "planting the flag" meant. Amber, who had been tortured by otherworldly cultures, originally planned to explain it to the old Porter who couldn't keep up with the times, but in the end she He shrugged and said concisely:
"Don't say such things, it's unlucky."

"Hey, you actually started to believe this."

Porter blew out a smoke ring and curled his lips and said:
"You are really confused by that foreigner. In fact, I wanted to talk to you about this issue when we met again. Are you sure that he is a person worthy of your trust for your whole life?

You know, although they are here now and are willing to fight with us for this land, at some point in the future, maybe because of a little thing, they will leave this memory behind forever and choose not to come back.

Amber, although it is cruel to say this, we are just a memory of them. "

"Shut up, you!"

Amber obviously didn't want to discuss this issue.

In other words, she didn't want to think about what kind of life she would lead after Niu Niu suddenly left one day. Considering her age, it was understandable that she would choose to escape from such a sharp issue, but Potter obviously thought about his comrades. of more.

He continued to blow smoke rings like a classic long-winded old man and said:

"I'm not advising you to leave him. I was young too, and I know how stupid men and women at your age are. I just want to tell you, don't be like a moth rushing to the flames. You are his. Memories, he can also be a memory of yours.

I heard that they can only live for eighty or ninety years. I am optimistic that you can still be together in the next twenty or thirty years, but you will eventually separate. Love, if it does not reach the next stage and bear fruit, it will end in vain. "

"I noticed that you've been talking more and more nonsense since you went off to farm, Potter!"

An Bo was a little angry, and she retorted:

"I can also give you the same words. How old are you this year? When the children you adopt need guidance in the future, you will already... Uh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say this, I just..."

"It's okay, these are all problems we have to face."

Potter was not angry, he just sighed and said:
"Sometimes I was so angry with those two little bastards that I wished I could die in the encounter in Moreland Village, but we survived in the end and had to bear the pressure that the dead who had no worries did not have to bear.

You know, I started to learn to read books recently. Maybe some of the ideas in those books influenced me and always made me feel that I am not as brave and fearless as before. "

"What are you two talking about here? Are you discussing how to kill gnolls more efficiently? Judging from the current situation we are facing, it is best for you to discuss this topic."

Old Norman's voice came from the side. He had two portions of hot soup in his hand and handed them to Potter and Amber. He sat on the dangerous strangulation vine next to him but was not worried about the thing jumping up and strangling him.

This is the "privilege" of followers of Avalon.

This carnivore swamp, which is extremely dangerous to other lives, is as safe as an amusement park in their eyes. This is why the White Oak Chapter has the confidence to dare to outnumber the enemy. They can mobilize the power in the swamp to help them defeat the enemy.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. Anbo and I are chatting about life."

While drinking the soup, Potter said vaguely:
"Let's talk about topics that were not discussed in previous wars. By the way, Norman, how is your team doing?"

"It's not very good. We've suffered a lot of losses, but we can still continue to fight."

Norman pulled out the Scarlet Lady, the psychic long sword from his waist, and while quenching the poison on the blade, he said without raising his head:
"There are only the last two points left. Once we get rid of them, we can go back to Wolf's Castle to rest, provided that Wolf's Castle has not been breached by the Jackals.

But there isn’t much time left for you to chat about life here. It’s already close to the early morning of the third day, and the most dangerous moment at the Lord’s position is about to come. We have to hurry up and use the explosives at those two points before the Jackals use them. Destroyed it before.

That was their only remaining ammunition depot, and it must have been heavily guarded.

What follows is a real struggle!

Amber, your team will follow Natalie to target No. 8. Porter and I gathered the remaining people to go to No. 9. The druids have already started natural recruitment near there in advance. The carnivores nearby Plants and beasts will enter a more active state. "

"I understand, I understand. It's a hard fight. I've fought a lot before."

Porter put down his pipe and asked while cleaning up the only belongings he had retained from the past:
"Norman, you have been working as a guard for the consul in the past few months. I thought you would choose to start a new life like us. After all, you are the only one among us who will talk about the future with us during the ten years of war. people.

But after this reunion, I found that you didn't do that. You still maintained your past habits and lived like a soldier ready to fight at any time.

Do you have any psychological problems?

Just like what the guy named Crow God said before we set off, living in the past and not daring to take that step for various reasons? "I found that after you went to farm, you gained more and more strange insights into life. Potter, you like to get to the bottom of things so much. Why don't you consider becoming a psionicist or a priest?" "

Norman raised his head, and the eyes under the mask looked at the old man with a strange look. He complained:

"Pay more attention to the next battle, if you still want to go back alive to see your children. Okay, rest for a few minutes and get ready to go! Natalie is already waiting there."

Old Norman stood up and sheathed his sword, waved to the old guys and strode away. Porter stared at his figure and whispered to Amber beside him:
"He's refusing to answer my questions, no, he's avoiding the question."

"Norman is really weird this time."

An Bo also nodded uneasily and said:
"Remember to take care of him when you go with him. I feel that Norman who went to the battlefield this time has a feeling that I can't put into words."

"Be careful too."

Porter said something, stood up and carried the halberd-shaped natural holy blade "Punisher" issued to him behind his back. Amber also put on the exoskeleton. After the two said goodbye to each other, they returned to their teams. Due to the rapid movement of the nature believers in the swamp, the two teams arrived at the target area after forty minutes.

As they expected, the gnolls' defense of the only two remaining ammunition depots was fully stretched, and they were as difficult to approach as hedgehogs. However, the druids who had been deployed here in advance had made targeted preparations for this.

In order to defeat the enemy as soon as possible, they took a risk and summoned the most dangerous plant overlord in the swamp.

The witch hunters under Porter and Norman launched a surprise attack on the gnolls under the leadership of several war thorn beasts. These wild plants that only the red knight of war can control are at risk of getting out of control at any time, but they are advancing. The destruction caused after the battlefield is absolutely astonishing.

Even the elite gnolls are very poor in dealing with such giant beasts. Only the wandering and fierce hunting elects can barely get through a few blows with the thorn beasts, but this is the power of the witch hunters. Tactics, the activity of the thorn beasts attracted the most elite group of gnolls, allowing them to break into the gnoll positions and use natural secrets to destroy the explosives.

Since the goal is not annihilation, the Witch Hunters can take advantage of the chaos and escape after the explosives are destroyed.

This one-hit-and-go mode maximizes the agility of the Nature Believers. At least in this swamp, the gnolls cannot catch up with them.

But just as the attack on Target 9 was about to be completed, an unexpected message was sent to Norman and Porter by the druids.

"What? A transportation team from the Bloodscar Clan is heading here?"

Potter wiped the blood from his face and asked loudly:

"Can you confirm?"


The druid girl with a scar on her face who had followed the Big Bird Group to check the changes in the swamp adjusted her breathing. She flew across the entire swamp in the form of a swift eagle to deliver the news. She was very tired, but she replied in a serious tone:

"We confirmed this situation with the help of the Eye of the Beast in the swamp. It was a very large transport team escorting a large amount of explosives. After entering the swamp, they divided into two groups and headed towards the Crimean Fortress. Go forward, the other direction is here.

Once those explosives are delivered to the hands of the jackals, our sacrifices in the past two days, the fierce battles on the Lord's position, and the collective heroic deaths of some heroic undead will all be in vain.

We must prevent this outcome and intercept the convoy. "

"What should we use to intercept it?"

Porter asked rhetorically:
"Look behind you, Druid. The two teams of 900 people when they set out are now less than half left! If the size of that transport team is as large as you said, then you will need a team to stop them. The army, like those undead heroes did two days ago, destroyed all the explosives with their fearless assault. "

The druid also fell silent.

She knew that she was forcing someone to make things difficult, but the silent Norman spoke at this time and said:

"Can you still fly?"

"Yes, but..."

The druid wanted to ask but Norman held out his hand to stop him. The masked witch hunter said calmly:

"You now move forward immediately to the goatman town in the southeast of the swamp. It is also besieged by gnolls but they are still holding on. Go past the Astromancer Tower in that town and find Bol. I don't care what he uses. Method!
I need it to launch another Astral Rip!
This is the only solution currently available to us, which can eliminate that transport team in the shortest possible time. "

"That thing needs to calculate its position. If the mapping coordinates cannot be calculated, it needs to be accurately positioned!"

Potter was startled, he grabbed Norman's hand and yelled:

"What are you going to do?"

"I only intended to fulfill a soldier's ultimate duty, and now it's time for more sacrifices to end this war."

Norman cut his finger open and let the blood flow into a green seed. He gave it to the druid girl and explained:
"Don't think that I have to fight alone. Potter, you can't escape either. You have to take me and your team with you, and with the cooperation of the druids, stop them in front of the transport team and force them to stop moving.

I will take the opportunity to approach from behind, and when I am close enough, my position will become the positioning mark of this astral tear. "

"I can do this!"

Porter heard something ominous in Norman's words, saying:

"Leave it to me! You lead the witch hunters to intercept from the front."

"Don't be stupid. What will happen to the two children if you die?"

Norman shook his head with a hint of determination and said:

"Go! Take the news and let Bol prepare."

He said something to the Druid girl, who read Norman's unshakable determination from his words.

After a very formal farewell ceremony, the druid took off again with the positioning seeds, flying rapidly to the southeast amidst the firelight of the burning gnoll position.

This news was quickly sent to Target No. 8 through the druids' plant messaging. Natalie, who had just completed an assault and destruction with the Watcher in hand, looked gloomy when she heard Norman's decision. Anbo, who was beside him, immediately planned to stop them. This group of witch hunters, who also suffered heavy casualties, was gathered together and moved towards the blocking area.

Norman and Porter's team alone could not hold back the transport team for too long, they had to go to support.

"But why would Norman do this?"

Amber, who was walking quickly, was puzzled. She said:

"Isn't he the one among us who should look forward to the future and a new life the most? Just like he has always encouraged us in the past, the war will eventually end."

"There are two 'long-term customers' at Crow who have been troubled by spiritual problems for a long time. One is me and the other is Norman. I didn't intend to tell you this secret, but I only found out after listening to Mr. Crow's analysis. , The optimism that Norman showed before does not represent his true thoughts, Amber.

Sometimes the person who seems the bravest is actually the most sensitive person. "

Natalie, riding on the Maple Leaf saddle, whispered:

"Norman just made the final decision at the right time. Even if there was no such emergency, he would most likely regard this war as his end. It's a pity that Dr. Crow, who wanted to save two people, only ended up One was rescued.

Norman's treatment failed. "

(End of this chapter)

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