Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 24 The scary sunny doll

Chapter 24 The scary sunny doll
"Sunny baby, sunny baby."

"If it still rains, I will cry."

A man nearly two meters tall and wearing a black leather apron hummed a nursery rhyme called "Sunny Day Baby" with a relaxed expression.

"I'll cut your head off."

But the movements at hand were not gentle at all. He held a huge bone chopping knife in his hand and chopped down on the bloody thing underneath without any hesitation.


The sound of skin and flesh being torn and bones being chopped was heard, and a round thing fell to the ground.

Under the workbench, which was stained with blood and dirt, there were already things like arms, hand bones, leg bones, etc. piled on the ground.

After looking at the masterpiece he had made with all the limbs broken and the head empty, the terrifying bloody butcher licked the black blood on the knife and showed a disgusting expression.
"Tsk, it still tastes bad."

The bloody butcher man's eyes were filled with angry bloodshot eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said

"It's all the damn Spellcasters Association that has been chasing me. The quality of my recent sacrifices has deteriorated."

"Forget it, the conditions are simple, as long as it can be used."

After a wave of spell power, a white cloth appeared on his hand.

The mutilated body was carefully wrapped in white cloth and tied tightly with rope. After a while, blood seeped out through the white cloth.

A weird bloody sunny day doll was initially made, and it almost had an eye injury.The bloody butcher picked up the broken limb on the ground and clicked it twice casually, and it actually had the finishing touch.

It was immediately obvious that this sunny doll had a soul, its red eyes moved wildly and wildly, and its mouth seemed to be torn open by itself, and laughter that sounded more like a roar of pain came out from the inside. It was really scary.

"Good boy."

And as soon as this started, more and more weird laughter began to echo from a distance, ringing from above the butcher's head.

If someone raised his head at this time, he might be scared to death. He would see a large number of them in the center of the patio above, densely packed with the same type of bloody "Sunny Day Dolls" hanging neatly on the ceiling.

The rope around their necks made them look like they were hanging, their eyes were so wide that they were about to fall out of their heads, and they were laughing in panic.

"There is a curser who turns living people into various sunny dolls and holds a personal art exhibition?"

Isayama Norimei's voice rose a bit. Not to mention why such a terrifying solo exhibition could pass the venue approval and why the online pre-sale tickets were all sold out is really terrifying. These people are living a good life. Are they all so heavy on taste?

Here comes the most peculiar place. It was not until the families of the tourists who visited the exhibition collectively called the police, saying that their friends or relatives all disappeared without exception after visiting the exhibition, that it attracted the attention of the witchcraft community.

Prior to this, there were no monitoring reports of strange fluctuations in magic power in Tokyo.

Then three third-level conjurers and one second-level conjurer were dispatched to investigate the matter.

The order from the association was issued in the afternoon, and the people left at night.

The "Sunny Day Doll" made from the heads of the four brothers was found in the four sharp corners of the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Building in the middle of the night.

He was hanged in four directions, his body was missing, and only his head was wrapped in a white cloth. The dripping blood spattered on the outer glass of the office and was discovered by the cleaning aunt.

Isn't this a provocation?
According to the analysis of the reaction of the spell left on the white cloth, it was found that it was the "Doll Master" butcher who was listed as a Class A wanted criminal by the association in the early years and had been on the run for nearly 20 years.

Now, let's settle the old and new grudges together. The Spell Masters Association directly sent Isayama Yoshizumi, who was considered a powerful one among the first-level Spell Masters, to take full responsibility, and told him to kill the target on the spot as soon as he found the target.

So this is where Isayama Yomi finds things tricky. The wanted notices in the association are all 20 years old, and there will be huge changes if you don't see him for a year, not to mention that even his own mother will not recognize him in the huge crowd of people in 20 years.The only clue was the bloody white cloth covering the head of one of the unlucky guys.

After committing such a heinous crime, he seemed to know that the Conjurers Association was about to send experts to kill him at all costs, so he disappeared.

Isayama Yellow Spring can’t be found at all

It was also because of this that I had time to stop by and visit Isayama Nomei.

As for Isayama Nomei's previous bet, Isayama Yomi only agreed to half of it. Asking him to kill this existence that was a second-level curse master 20 years ago was really an act of committing suicide.

After killing the initial investigation team, the butcher's level has been raised to a first-level curse master, which is the same level as Isayama Yomi.

So as long as Isayama Nomei can help Isayama Yomi find the culprit who made the "Sunny Doll", she will agree with him and agree to partner with Isayama Nomei.

As for killing the prisoner, it was Isayama Yomi's responsibility. She was a professional fighter.

"Sister Huang Quan, you agreed to form a team with me when you found the prisoner's location."

Isayama Nomei asked worriedly

"Well, what's wrong, don't you believe me?"

Isayama Yomi looked at the cautious Isayama Nomei and felt angry and amused, and said helplessly

"I won't regret it."

The lack of tracking techniques for enemies has always been a headache for Isayama Yomi. It would be a good thing if Xiao Ming can make up for this.

"Okay, I understand."

Isayama Nomei smiled
"Sister Huang Quan, I will definitely be your teammate."

With a thought, Isayama Nomei transferred his will to a piece of equipment bound to his soul, which was the [Eternal Hunting], a blood-colored token with a huge wolf head shadow.

Flesh hound!
The roar of a soul-freezing beast suddenly reached Isayama Yomi's ears, and the sense of danger that was close at hand tugged at her nerves like dark tentacles.

"Is this Shikigami?"

One is 3 meters tall at the shoulder and about 4 meters long. It looks like a mixture of a wolf and a reptile. It has sharp teeth in its mouth, its skin is covered with thick scales, and there is a row of spikes along its spine, on the back of its head and behind its jaw. The giant creature with huge fleshy frills on its head and throat crawled out from Isayama Nomei's narrow shadow under the incredulous eyes of Isayama Yomi.


Seeing those brutal vertical pupils staring at Isayama Yomi, she subconsciously wanted to draw her sword.

"Sister, it won't hurt us."

Isayama Nomei touched the mouth of the flesh hound with his hand in front of Isayama Yomi, who rubbed his palm affectionately.

Looks like a docile big cat

The Flesh Hounds are also known as the "Blood Hunters of Khorne", and the beings they target have nowhere to hide.

Isayama Nomei put the white cloth stained with blood and spell residue under the flesh hound's nose
"find him!"

(End of this chapter)

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