Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 3 It's All Lies

Chapter 3 It's All Lies
"A young girl was brutally murdered in the street!!!"

On the newspaper nailed to the most conspicuous wall of the living room, several large scarlet characters indicated the seriousness of this vicious incident.

Occupying the headlines of the Evening News
"It is reported that relevant personnel revealed that the victim was a female high school student in this city. She had no signs of life when she was found."

"The means of committing the crime are extremely cruel and violent, which has had a serious negative impact on society. The murderer has been arrested and brought to justice."

In order to attract publicity and attract attention, the unscrupulous newspaper did not consider the feelings of the victims' families at all, and privately published some mosaic photos in the newspaper, but the bloody torso could still be vaguely seen.

The victim in this incident in the newspaper was Isayama Nomei’s sister
Isayama Sakura
According to the description in the newspaper, she was brutally killed by a "murderer" in an alley. When the murderer was dismembering the body, he was discovered by passers-by and called the police. The police came and stopped the crime.

Re-reading and watching these literary pictures and words, the strange thing is that Isayama Norimei's heart can't even feel a trace of anger or hatred that can cause anger, as if it has been strangled by something.

This is quite abnormal. The sister who depended on each other was brutally murdered. How could Isayama Nomei, the younger brother, be indifferent to the murderer.It's not an exaggeration for a normal person to want to use the most cruel methods on the murderer. This is normal.

Because anger and resentment, two conditions that can lead to emotional control, no longer exist in him.

According to the magic circle, this phenomenon that happened to Isayama Norimei can be summarized as an alternative version of "God's Curse".

In short, it is equivalent exchange

Exchanging great benefits at great cost

The most famous guy is now known as the "Tyrant of Heaven" in the world of magic. Alongside the Kamo family, he was once a member of the Zen family. At the cost of his natural loss of spell power, he had the power to refresh mankind. The power of the highest physical limit.

But Isayama Nomei's situation is a little different. His situation is acquired, not congenital.

What is the power that can be unlocked at the expense of one's own two emotions of "anger" and "hatred"?
That's Warhammer Simulator
The night I learned that my sister’s condition was caused by some unknown and terrible curse that neither modern medicine nor magic could do anything about.

Isayama Nomei told his sister that he wanted to go out for a walk alone.

In this cruel world of magic, their siblings depended on each other, and just living was exhausting their efforts.After finally getting better, he let the illness torture his sister, and now he wanted to deprive Isayama Nomei of his only relative.

His experience as an orphan in his previous life made him cherish this hard-earned family relationship.

But the already doomed ending made Isayama Norimei's heart feel more painful than a knife.

Isayama Nomei's eyes are red and he looks like he wants to eat people

"This damn world!"

"What did sister do wrong?"

As his emotions gradually became more intense, Isayama Nomei himself did not notice it.

I don't know when a blood-red mark began to appear on the back of my neck. The extremely frightening curse wave was no less than that of my sister Isayama Sakura.

This mark on Isayama Nomei's body was originally in a latent state and is now completely activated. Its effect seems to be to further arouse Isayama Nomei's resentment and hatred more and more intensely, amplifying the negative emotions in his heart a hundred times a thousand times.

Without Isayama Kenmei's knowledge, he just felt that the empty hole in his chest was opening wider and wider, and his entire brain was filled with anger and hatred.

This strange mark became increasingly red and black, and at the same time, it became more and more ominous.

Finally, as a string broke, Isayama Nomei's head hurt and he lost consciousness. He didn't know anything about what happened after that.

The source of the curse is negative emotions. Because of the unknown blood-red mark, Nori Mei Isayama lost control of his emotions. The negative emotions at that time were enough to trigger an extremely strong curse.

Something unusual happened!

"The host's extreme negative emotions "anger" and "resentment" have been detected, and the system is awakening."

A black hole-like object appeared on Isayama Norimei's body, like a bottomless abyss that was wildly devouring the spell power on his body.

And the curse on the back of Isayama Nomei's neck actually seemed to be conscious, turning into a bloody skeleton with a ferocious face. It was angry and wanted to resist and tear apart this unknown change.

But soon it let out a shrill cry, and even wanted to escape from Isayama Nomei's body, because it discovered that the two of them were not of the same magnitude at all.

No matter how much it resists, it cannot escape this terrifying existence and absorbs the hidden curse on Isayama Norimei.

[“10%30%70%100% awakening completed! 】


【Loading complete! 】

When Isayama Nomei woke up again, he found himself lying on a hospital bed.

On the side, Isayama Sakura Ryoichi, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, saw that his brother was awake, and immediately hugged him and began to cry.

Isayama Norimei, who was hugged by his crying sister, was still a little stupid.

Is it an illusion?Because in front of Isayama Nomei's eyes, five large burning golden characters suddenly appeared that only he could see.

【Warhammer Simulator】!
First look at the simulator

Isayama Nomei was attracted by a line of small words at the bottom of the minimalist page that was full of historical significance.

It was written in any language that did not exist in Isayama Nomei's world, but he could understand it.

There it is written majesticly
“All great sacrifices must not be let down.”

From that day on, Isayama Norimei lost his emotions of anger and hatred, and instead gained a power called [Warhammer Simulator].

Isayama Nomei didn't know where this thing that only he could see came from and why it came to him.

It might be a joke of the gods, or it might be a mockery of fate, but it was indeed the last straw in Isayama Nomei's hands at that time.Because he discovered that the key to exorcising the curse on his sister lies in the [Warhammer Simulator] he obtained.

But no one knows which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

The report in that newspaper made it clear that fate had once again played a trick on him.

When the anxious Isayama Norimei was running around day and night to meet the conditions for opening [Warhammer Simulator], he received this bad news.

When the forensic doctor took him to see his sister Isayama Sakura again, who was covered with a white cloth stained with blood, Isayama Noriaki painfully thought about why the awakening of [Warhammer Simulator] only deprived him of "anger" and "hate" ”, why not deprive him of it along with his sadness and despair.

The forensic doctor supported Isayama Norimei's body in time to prevent him from falling limply to the ground.

When they meet again, the identities of the siblings have changed dramatically.

One is the living and the other is the dead.

One is the victim and the other is the victim’s family.

The superposition of the two identities brought Isayama Norimei not only despair, but also the sky seemed to have collapsed.

Shaking off the hand that stopped him from lifting the white cloth and taking a real look at his sister, Isayama Nomei rushed forward like crazy.

The white cloth was lifted.

Just one glance at the morgue made Isayama Nomei collapse.

The tragic state of the corpse was the real reason why the forensic doctor stopped the victim's family and refused to let him take a look.

Isayama Nomei's eyes widened and he didn't even know when he fell to the ground.

He huddled feebly next to the morgue, covering his eyes with his knees and crying silently.

At this moment, he knew that he no longer had a home. The happy little home that belonged to his sister and him was gone.

The crying Isayama Nomei, a red light flashed away in his eyes

And he also knew one thing

News reports, TV, radio, all reports about Isayama Sakura's death are all false.

all lies
On the information bar of [Warhammer Simulator], Isayama Nomei could clearly see
Just when he lifted the white cloth, a system reminder popped up immediately

[Absorb spell power, points +100]

Points are the key for Isayama Norimei to activate [Warhammer Simulator]. The points come from the magic power, and he is very good at dealing with this kind of thing.

It was also at that moment that I realized that this was not an ordinary murder at all, but a murder caused by a spell.

The murderer was caught and brought to justice?

Isayama Norimei didn't even know when the neon police became so powerful.

In other words, the real "murderer" must still be at large.

I don’t know if it’s a curse spirit, a curse master, or a conjurer?
None of this matters, Isayama Nomei wants that guy to regret coming into this world.

revenge!Revenge is necessary!

Losing hatred and anger does not mean that the desire for revenge is gone.

But to Isayama Nomei's expectation, his dead sister accompanied him in another way.

(End of this chapter)

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