The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 106 The relationship between the murderer and the deceased

Although Xiao Yi and Xu Jing did not speak, they both stopped outside the curtain leading to the sleeping area and carefully looked at the scene inside.

Because this is obviously the scene of the first crime, and everything inside may be key evidence to find the murderer, so you can't rush in recklessly.

Xu Jing suddenly looked down, frowned, and said, "Someone came in just now, and there were footprints on the ground."

The temperature in summer is high. In this season, if it is not a large pool of blood, it will take 10 to [-] minutes for the blood to completely dry up after leaving the body.

But the footprints on the ground were not only dirty in the soil, but also mixed with a touch of blood, indicating that the deceased was discovered not long after her death.

The only good thing is that it is sunny outside today and there is no rain, so those footprints are not so dirty that they completely cover the original marks on the ground.

Xiao Yi looked at the footprints on the ground and frowned slightly. Then, his eyes slowly shifted to the dressing table beside him and said, "The things on the dressing table are very messy, and the jewelry box was opened."

The things on the dressing table were already trivial. All the bottles and jars were dumped on the table, and powders of powder and various rouges were scattered everywhere.

The three-layer jewelry box placed in the upper right corner was now wide open, with nothing inside.

Could it be that a thief came in to steal something and happened to bump into the hostess, so he killed her?
No, no, it's not that simple.

Xu Jing thought for a while and said, "Can you please help Mr. Xiao to help me go over and take a look at the body of the deceased."

Xiao Yi glanced sideways at her, nodded, and helped her walk to the bed.

When she went out this time, there were no autopsy items around her, so it was probably impossible to perform an autopsy.

But the surface condition of the corpse can also tell people many things.

Just looking at it from a short distance away, Xu Jing had already made some judgments. Now that she got closer, the condition of the body became clearer.

But they saw that the blood stains on the deceased's body were mainly concentrated on the neck and right shoulder. The clothes on the right shoulder and the mattress underneath were soaked with blood-red blood, which was so red that it was dazzling.

There was a knife mark deep into the bone on the right side of the deceased's neck. It was cut diagonally upward from near the throat. The wound was bloody and fleshy. Judging from the muscle contraction and blood flow, it was formed before death.

This was obviously the deceased's fatal injury.

Xu Jing wanted to reach out and check the wound, but she didn't have any gloves on, so it was not convenient to just reach out and touch it.

Just when she wanted to talk to Xiao Yi about this issue, there was suddenly a burst of chaotic footsteps outside, and an unkind cold voice shouted, "Give way! Give way! The government is investigating the case, and everyone who has nothing to do with it needs to get out of the way!" Why don’t you two get out of the way?!”

Immediately afterwards, Xiao He's gentle and smiling voice sounded, "Sorry, it hindered the investigation. I happened to be staying at the Xinghua Inn in Jingning County with Xiao Shilang from the Criminal Department. Who would have thought that this murder case suddenly happened? Because Xiao Shilang Due to official duties, we have already gone inside to investigate, so the two of us can only wait outside."

The cold shout at the beginning sounded with a strong sense of ridicule, "Are you bluffing me? How could the dignified Minister of Justice suddenly come to our small county? You said he was the Minister of Justice, that is, the Minister of Justice. The one who hinders the handling of the case is the Emperor. I’ve been here since..."

Suddenly, his voice paused strangely, and in the next breath, there was a uniform and frightened salute, "Your Majesty... I have seen the Commander-in-Chief of the City, but... the unknown Commander-in-Chief of the City and Minister Xiao are here. Please don’t take offense to the Commander-in-Chief and Mr. Xiao!”

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly.

Are you in command?Which of the two people outside are you referring to?
Although she didn't know what the position of Commander-in-Chief was, it sounded very powerful.

The most important thing is that this saves them a lot of explanation time.

Xu Jing couldn't help but sigh again, no matter what world you are in, power is easy to use.

At this moment, Xiao Yi on the side suddenly glanced outside and said in a deep voice: "But someone from the county government is here? Can you please bring him in and let him in?"

The voice at the beginning said immediately: "Take it, take it, Sun Wuzuo, go in quickly and assist Xiao Shilang in handling the case!"

Soon, an old man with a stooped figure and an unattractive appearance walked in tremblingly. Xiao Yi glanced at him and said, "Leave your autopsy tools and go out."

Sun Wuzuo, who was just about to salute, said: "???"

Mr. Xiao, what does this mean?Could it be that he wanted to perform an autopsy himself?

Can a high-ranking official from the capital even do an autopsy?
Naturally, he also saw Xu Jing, but under Xiao Yi's pressure, he did not dare to speak out no matter how confused he was. He quickly responded, put the toolbox he was carrying on the ground, and exited. .

Xu Jing immediately understood Xiao Yi's intention of doing this, raised her eyebrows, and without him having to say anything, she pulled the tool box over, opened it, looked at it, and said with satisfaction: "The tools for this work are quite complete."

She quickly found the glove strap and bent down to carefully examine the fatal wound on the deceased's right neck. Judging from the amount of bleeding from the deceased's wound, it was obvious that she had injured an artery and died within a short period of time.The wound was very flat and about [-] inches (five centimeters) long. The murderer probably used a very sharp knife to cleanly cut open the deceased's neck.

Judging from the slope of the wound from bottom to top, the murderer was obviously higher than the deceased, or he was in a higher position than the deceased when he committed the murder.

Moreover, the wound was from close to the throat to behind the ear of the deceased, and the murderer moved his hands from behind the deceased.

Because the deceased's hair was loose and many hair strands were stuck to the wound and neck skin of the deceased with blood, Xu Jing had to clear her hair to the side bit by bit in order to see the wound clearly.

Clearing her eyes, Xu Jing frowned slightly.

During the whole process, she actually didn't find a single broken hair!
Even if there are hair strands that have fallen out, they have fallen off completely.

Logically speaking, this is almost impossible!
Under what circumstances could the wound of the deceased be so clean?

At this moment, Xu Shi saw that they had taken too long to go in, and Wei Dadong's voice rang out, "Shilang Xiao, may I ask... how is the investigation of the case? Can the murderer of Wan Niang be found?"

Xu Jing raised her eyes and glanced at Xiao Yi. The two had cooperated many times. Seeing the look in Xu Jing's eyes, Xiao Yi knew that she must have found something.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, helped Xu Jing up and said, "Do you want to continue the autopsy?"

Xu Jing nodded and said, "Yes."

She only looked at the fatal injuries of the deceased, but not the rest.

Xiao Yi then nodded and calmly replied to Wei Dadong outside, "Wait a moment."

Xu Jing immediately took the time to take off the deceased's clothes and inspected them carefully from head to toe.

Soon, she discovered something unusual - the back of the deceased's head felt slightly sunken when touched, but when she pulled the hair aside, there were no swellings or wounds on the scalp.

There are only two possibilities -

First, the deceased had accidentally dropped his head before he was alive. The fall was quite serious and his skull was slightly dented. But now the wound has healed, leaving only the dented skull that cannot be restored.

Second, this was formed after the death of the deceased. Someone hit her on the back of the head with a heavy object after her death. Therefore, there was no reaction from life at the wound, only the bones were dented.

Xu Jing couldn't help but click her tongue. If she could dissect it, she would be able to see more.

But now that conditions are limited, we can only use other methods to make up for the inability to dissect.

Except for the slight depression on the back of his head, there were no other suspicious places or wounds on the deceased's body.

After the inspection, Xu Jing helped the deceased get dressed and nodded to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi immediately understood, helped her up and walked outside.

As expected, there were more people outside than when they entered. The middle-aged man leading the group was wearing a light green official uniform. When he saw Xiao Yi, he immediately stepped forward and saluted, and said with a very dog-legged smile: "See you, official." Passing by Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao's visit has really made this county shine. I wonder what Mr. Xiao has discovered just now. I can just learn from it and observe it."

Xiao Yi glanced at him and said: "I just happened to be passing by here. I didn't want to ignore it when I saw a murder. You can just do your own thing. This lady is the widow I specially invited. I just asked her to perform an oncology on the deceased. Autopsy, we are about to announce the results of the autopsy right now.”

The county magistrate looked at Xu Jing in astonishment. This was the first time he saw a woman engaging in such a lowly position as a widower!

If the other party was not the Minister of Justice, he would definitely think someone was making fun of him!

However, what the woman said next shocked him even more.

"The deceased has begun to show slight rigor mortis, and no body spots have appeared on his body. It is estimated that the time of death was within half an hour.

The deceased's fatal injury was a stab wound on the right side of his neck. The wound was flat and deep enough to show the bone. The murder weapon should have been a small, sharp dagger. The wound was slanted from bottom to top. The murderer should have killed the deceased from behind, and the murderer was older than the deceased. High, or the position when committing the crime was higher than that of the deceased.


Xu Jing said, paused, and slowly glanced at the people in front of her with cool eyes, and said softly: "The murderer was very familiar with the deceased, or in other words, he was someone who did not know how to defend himself!"

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, dear ones! !I wish you all have the present day every year and the present day every year!There have been so many people who voted for me in the past two days, and I’m a bit surprised. Haha, I’m all a fan~ I hope everyone enjoys this short vacation~

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