The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 115 She seems to really have me in her heart

"You are Wan Niang's personal maid, so naturally you will do everything for her! But what Wan Niang thinks, do you think I don't know?!"

Wei Dadong suddenly raised his head, his eyes so red that they seemed to bleed, "As you said, I am not worthy! No matter my birth or appearance, I am not worthy of Wan Niang! Although I liked Wan Niang at that time, I never I thought my wife would really choose me!
When my wife said she wanted to marry me, I was so happy that I even pinched my arms like a fool, worried that it was just a dream!

After I got married to Wan Niang, everyone said behind my back that I was not good enough for Wan Niang. Everyone said that I was trying to outdo Wan Niang. Do you think I feel better!
Later... later, rumors about Wan Niang and Sang Shaochen actually spread!Hahaha, Sang Shaochen, why is it Sang Shaochen!Doesn't she know that my father was made angry to death by that old man named Sang? "

Nian Xia was startled and looked at him in disbelief, "There has never been anything between Madam and Sang Shaodong's family! If you care, when Madam explained to you earlier, why did you say that you believed Madam..."

"Otherwise, what can I say? That I don't actually believe her? That every time I see her and Sang Shaochen, I think of how they were carrying each other behind my back, and it makes me sick to the point of vomiting?!"

Wei Dadong excitedly interrupted Nian Xia, "I know that Sang Shaochen is better-looking than me and can please women better than me. Now the Sang family's Tongfu Inn is more beautiful than my Wei family's Xinghua Inn! People secretly said that Wan Niang must regret marrying me! That Sang Shaochen is much better than me!

She fully thought that nothing would happen after she explained to me that time?Didn't she see my suppressed pain?I am her husband, if she really cares about me at all, how can she get along with me as if she is nothing?
I gave her a chance!This year, I told her that since it would cost a lot of money to rebuild the Xinghua Inn, I didn’t need to do it for my birthday. It would be simple. Unexpectedly, she really didn’t care at all!The day after tomorrow is my birthday. Last night, I specifically asked her if she was free the day after tomorrow. We would take my mother out for a walk and have a nice meal in a restaurant. But she said that she had to go out for something the day after tomorrow and it might take a long time. Came back late.

She doesn't have me in her heart at all!It's all her fault, she deserves it! "

Nian Xia looked at Wei Dadong with wide eyes, seeming to be trembling with anger at his words.

Suddenly, she ran into the bedroom without saying a word. When she came out again, she held a brand new set of clothes and shoes in her hands.

I don’t know where she found these things in the bedroom. There was not a drop of blood on them, and they were neatly folded and smooth.

Wei Dadong was stunned, as if he thought of what this was, his face turned pale.

Nian Xia slammed the new clothes and shoes on him and cried: "Why do you test Madam's sincerity? Why do you think Madam must be the roundworm in your belly? What are you thinking about?" Everything is clear?!

You asked, "My wife doesn't care about you. She can't even see your pain and depression. Have you ever cared about my wife? Have you ever seen my wife's concern for you?" !It’s not that Madam doesn’t care about you, it’s that she doesn’t know how to care about you!She thought that she had already told you about the matter with Sang Shaodong's family that time. The pain and depression you showed later, Madam never thought about that matter. She only thought that you were worried about the reconstruction of Xinghua Inn. !

Madam has never forgotten your birthday this year. She was even planning to give you a big surprise more than a month ago!These new clothes, shoes and socks were all sewn by my wife, stitch by stitch, while you were away. Because your birthday is getting closer and closer, my wife is afraid that she won’t be able to make it. These days, she comes here secretly after you have gone to bed. The slave kept the lights on and worked hard in his room.

The madam has already planned to use her dowry to invite a theater troupe to come to the house on your birthday, because the old lady once said that when you were a child, you loved going to the theater. The troupe who were acting in the play had to stop and watch without blinking.

Because famous troupes are very busy and need to make reservations in advance, my wife asked someone to make an appointment with a famous troupe in Xijing half a month ago. On your birthday, they will come to us from Xijing..."

Wei Dadong held the new clothes in his hands with trembling hands and murmured: "Impossible, impossible..."

At this time, Sang Shaochen, who had been wanting to speak but couldn't get in, finally said: "Although I'm not a good person, there are some things that need to be clarified. Su Wan and I really have nothing to do with each other. The first time I saw her , it was at your father's funeral. I did have some thoughts about her at that time, and I found an opportunity to intercept her, but she glared at me and said that she had married you and would be your wife for the rest of her life. Let me respect myself and run away..."

The handkerchief belonging to Su Wan in his hand was the one she dropped at that time.

Who is he?Ever since his father opened Tongfu Inn, there were not many women he liked in Jingning County that he couldn't get his hands on. It was just a question of how much money he had.

He didn't have the intention to force others into things that he really didn't want to do.But Su Wan was different. At the funeral that day, he saw her dressed in white, wrapped around her slender body, with no jewelry on her black hair, only a small white flower on her hair, which made her even more pure. Alluring, like the most pure and flawless fairy in the sky, her appearance immediately caught his eye and made him toss and turn at night.

Then I thought that such a beautiful woman was actually the wife of Wei Dadong, who was ugly, inferior and cowardly. How could a man like him marry such a beautiful woman?My heart was very unbalanced for a moment, and then I became obsessed with her and became obsessed with her.

But who would have thought that Wei Dadong actually thought that he and his wife were having an affair, and wanted to frame him and kill his wife!

Wei Dadong turned his head to look at Sang Shaochen little by little. The look in his eyes was despair, numbness, and pain, but he was not surprised.

Xu Jing on the side suddenly thought of something and said coldly: "You have already guessed that the relationship between your wife and Sang Shaodong's family is innocent, right?"

Zhao Jingming looked at Xu Jing in disbelief and lost his voice: "How is it possible! If he knew earlier, why would he kill his wife?!"

Xu Jing sneered, "Only the Wei Dong family knows about this issue."

Xiao Yi obviously didn't listen to their intention to continue wrangling. He glanced at the Jingning County Magistrate. The Jingning County Magistrate immediately understood and shouted: "Catch the culprit quickly and bring him to justice!"

Immediately, two government officials ran forward and lifted up the weak Wei Dadong. Just when they were about to take Wei Dadong away, Wei Dadong suddenly asked in a low voice: "When did you start doubting me?" ?”

Although he didn't look at Xu Jing, Xu Jing knew that he was asking her.

She said quietly: "When you refuted the rumors about Mrs. Ling and Sang Shaodong's family. Your mood at that time was very excited, even a little embarrassed. It was not an attitude of letting go of something.

Another point is my personal feelings. Judging from the care Madam Ling has put into decorating this yard, she really wants to manage the relationship with you as a couple. Among these flowers, there are some species that are very difficult to take care of. Flower growers need to spend a lot of time and energy to make them bloom so brightly. Such a woman is not like the kind of person who would be restless and let her flowers bloom. "

When Wei Dadong heard this, he raised his head suddenly and looked at her in confusion. He didn't know whether he was surprised that she had begun to doubt him so early or because of what she said about his wife.

Suddenly, he put on a smile that was uglier than crying and said: "Actually, you guessed it right before. I moved Wan Niang to the bed because I couldn't forget the way Wan Niang looked at me at the end.

She was looking at me tenderly just a moment ago. I told her that recently I had been focusing on rebuilding the Xinghua Inn and neglected her. When the matter was over, I would take her on an outing. We collect many flower seeds in the wild, especially her favorite freesia. When the time comes, we will plant flowers in the rest of the open space in our yard. When spring comes, we will be surrounded by flowers.

He also said, maybe by then, we already have a child. If the child is naughty, he might destroy those poor flowers. We have to educate the child while he is still in the mother's belly. Those are your mother's favorite flowers. , you can’t move...

I can’t forget the look in my wife’s eyes when she heard me say these words. It made me feel that she really cared about me in her heart, and she didn’t lie to me or do anything to feel sorry for me...

But if she really didn't do those things, why should I kill her?Did I personally kill someone who didn't care about my appearance or family background, but loved me wholeheartedly?
I couldn't stand it, I couldn't bear the idea, it was driving me crazy... So I moved my wife away from the dressing mirror and moved it to the bed..."

As he spoke, he suddenly couldn't help but choked up. In the end, because he was so emotional, the two government officials failed to hold him steady for a moment, causing him to slip to the ground and lie on the ground crying.

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