With Xiao Yi and the others escorting them, there would be no accidents on the rest of the journey. Moreover, Jingning County was actually very close to Xijing. It only took half a day to walk before Xijing was reached.

The city gate of Xijing was grand and majestic, with an endless stream of people, carriages and horses coming in and out. It was like a bustling city. When ordinary people saw Xiao Yi and his group, they immediately gave way very skillfully. They entered Xijing smoothly in no time.

Along the way, Xu Jing and others rode in the carriage that Xiao Yi temporarily lent them. The drivers were still Chen Hu and Cheng Xianbai. As soon as they passed the city gate, Xu Jing moved to the carriage door and spoke to Chen Hu and the others. With his own plan in mind, Chen Hu immediately reined in the horse and stopped the carriage.

He was about to follow Xu Jing's instructions and come forward to find Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi, who was riding a horse and walking not far in front of them, had already noticed their actions and came over on horseback. The corners of his mouth were stretched because he expected something in his heart. made a straight line.

He was about to walk straight to the carriage to ask Xu Jing, but Chen Hu had already walked up and said with a smile: "Master Xiao, Madam Xu said that she is very grateful to you for escorting her all the way. I won't bother you anymore. We will look for it ourselves." The arrangement is that Madam Xu said that her legs and feet are inconvenient, otherwise she would have to come down in person to thank Minister Xiao. Before we leave Xijing, Madam Xu will find time to visit in person..."

Chen Hu fully thought that when Xu Jing said she would find time to visit, she wanted to thank Xiao Yi in person.

Xiao Yi suddenly understood the woman's intention. She had always wanted to ask him about the background of the group of people who attacked them that day, but she didn't find the opportunity.

Before asking clearly, she was afraid that she would not dare to hit the road easily.

Xiao Yi was quiet and said quietly: "I'll go and have a few words with her."

Then he rode his horse forward, walked to the carriage window, lowered himself slightly, and said, "How are you planning to settle down in Xijing?"

They came to Xijing to deliver medicine to the Song family. If nothing unexpected happened, they could leave in a day or two.

Just stay for a day or two and find a hotel to settle in.

Xiao Yi didn't know why he would ask such a knowing question.

Xu Jing was stunned for a moment, moved to the window and opened the curtain halfway, making eye contact with the people outside the window. While thinking about the reason for Xiao Yi's question, she said: "I will only stay in Xijing for a day or two. I plan to Just find any inn to stay at, or does Mr. Xiao have any good recommendations?"

Xiao Yi opened his lips and almost blurted out - you can live directly in my house, just in time, you can see and smile.

However, looking at the clear and bright eyes of the woman in front of him, the words did not come out. He was silent for a moment and said: "Xijing City is full of dragons and snakes, and... you may meet some old people."

The original owner had many enemies in Xijing.

Any one of those people would be millions of times more troublesome than Xiao He and the others.

Hearing Xiao Yi mention this matter, Xu Jing couldn't help but feel a little depressed. She sighed secretly and said, "I know, I have no intention of letting them know that I came to Xijing. I will keep a low profile."

"There is a high turnover of people in places like the inn. Even if you are wearing a veil, if you are seen by an acquaintance from the past, you will inevitably be recognized."

Xiao Yi looked at her and said: "If not, you can live in a house under my control. I bought that house just to reward people, so I bought it using the name of the person under my control. It hasn't been long and the reward hasn't been given out yet, so you can stay here for a few days."

Xu Jing was slightly startled and opened her mouth to refuse.

As long as she is careful, she is confident that her identity will not be exposed even if she is staying in an inn.

The most important thing is, what reason does she have to live in the house under his control? Why does she think something is wrong?

However, before she could say anything, a gentle and gentle voice rang out, "Yanci's suggestion is not bad. Judging from Madam Xu's appearance, she also wants to have as few complications as possible, and finally go back to Anping County smoothly. I know what Yanci said I helped him find that house. It was in a quiet location and convenient for traveling. If Madam Xu wanted to keep a low profile, that house would be perfect.

What's more, the group of people who attacked Madam Xu yesterday are probably still watching Madam Xu secretly. If Madam Xu lives in the inn, Yanci can't send someone to protect you. If something happens, it will definitely attract the attention of others. , it would be even more difficult for Madam Xu to hide her identity. "Xu Jing couldn't help but look at Xiao He, who was also walking over, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

This man was still angry with her in the morning, but now his attitude seems to have... changed?
Moreover, I have to say that those few words he said hit her home. She was originally afraid of the people who attacked them last night and was always worried about when they would come back. Therefore, she also made up her mind to find Xiao Yi as soon as possible. Let's talk to relieve the uneasiness in our hearts.

At this moment, Zhao Jingming also walked over, glanced at Xu Jing, coughed and said: "Yeah, I don't think that group of people last night would easily let go of the person they were targeting! Don't be blind. It’s too much trouble, why don’t we just live in Yanci’s house!”

Xu Jing, who was already a little shaken, heard this and immediately made a decision: "I'll just stay in the house that Mr. Xiao just mentioned for two days. I'll bother Mr. Xiao."

A lot of things really come out of comparison.

Compared with living in Xiao Yi's home, staying temporarily in his house for two days suddenly felt less unacceptable!
Seeing the woman's decisive look, Zhao Jingming choked slightly and couldn't help but look at Xiao Yanci who was standing aside with pity.

Gee, this lady must dislike him so much. As soon as she said she wanted to live in his house, she acted like she could live in a ruined temple under a bridge.

It seems that what he and Xiao He said in the morning is really likely to come true!
Xiao Yi didn't know what kind of lawsuit the two people beside him were fighting in their hearts. When he saw Xu Jing agreeing, his face suddenly relaxed, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said: "I will send you there now."

After saying that, he patted the horse and walked back to the front.

Xiao He followed him step by step, looking forward, with a warm smile on his face, "Why don't you just let people live in your house? But you don't dare?"

The weight of what Yan Ci said is naturally different from what Chang Yu said.

If Yan Ci didn't give Xu Siniang a second option from the beginning, he could have followed Yan Ci's words and pushed the person into his home.

Xiao Yi's face stiffened slightly, he took a deep breath and said quietly: "I have my own sense of discretion, so don't meddle in other people's business."

After saying that, he said "drive" and opened the distance between him and Xiao He.

He didn't want to embarrass the woman too much.

He had vaguely understood his intention. Although he had not yet decided what to do next, there was only one thing he was very clear about - he did not want to scare her, nor did he want to use any shady methods. The plan forced her.

He just wanted to get closer to her little by little, and he also hoped that she could accept his approach little by little.

Xiao He looked at Xiao Yi's back, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

I'm afraid Yan Ci is serious this time.

It was precisely because that woman held such an important position in his heart that he was so restrained.

Soon, Xiao Yi took Xu Jing and others to the house he mentioned. Xu Jing had Xu Siniang's memory after all, and immediately realized that the location of this house was indeed a good location.

Xijing has a total of sixteen streets from east to west, a total of twelve streets from north to south, and several small streets in the middle. The imperial city is in the middle of the north. Therefore, the further north you go, the denser the various government offices, the better the security, and the higher the housing prices. It is also higher.

Xiao Yi's house is located in the middle of the northwest of Xijing. Further north, it is an area where the rich and powerful gather. It can be said that it has the two advantages of good public security and a certain distance from the rich and powerful circles of Xijing! (End of chapter)

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