Feeling the anxiety in the woman's tone, Xu Jing raised her eyes to look at her, smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, Mrs. Zhao, this is not a serious illness. As long as you follow the doctor's instructions, it will be cured."

Mrs. Zhao was slightly stunned, looking at Xu Jing expectantly and anxiously.

Among all the doctors who had seen her, she was the first one to be so calm and calm after checking her condition, and the first one to be so calm and confident that her disease could be cured.

The other doctors were either frowning all the time or hesitating, unwilling to give her an accurate answer. They only told her to take a few medicines to try.

However, although Dr. Xu's attitude seemed to be certain about her disease, Mrs. Zhao still couldn't believe it completely and said: "Doctor Xu, what is wrong with me? But I ate something wrong. , or is there something wrong with your body?”

"I will talk to you in detail about this later. Tell me, you have taken medicines prescribed by other doctors before. Do you keep the prescriptions for those medicines?"

Mrs. Zhao quickly nodded and said, "Yes, I will ask someone to bring those prescriptions."

While waiting for the prescription to be brought over, there was a light knock on the door of the ear room, and Mrs. Song's worried voice sounded, "Shaohua, how are you? I have asked Erniang and the others to go back first. I am a little worried about you. I Can you come in for a moment?"

It can be seen that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a very good relationship.

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhao stood up and opened the door herself. She helped Mrs. Song come in and said, "Mother, Doctor Xu said that my daughter-in-law's disease can be cured. If Doctor Xu can cure my daughter-in-law's disease, it will be really great for her." It’s a huge kindness.”

"Really? That's good, that's good. You've been depressed because of this illness. Don't worry about it anymore. After I came back, Da Lang mentioned it to me in private several times."

Mrs. Song and Aunt Kang, who was following her, suddenly became happy. After sitting down opposite Xu Jing, Mrs. Song looked at Xu Jing and said, "Doctor Xu, what is going on with my daughter-in-law?"

Xu Jing originally wanted to wait for other doctors to get the prescriptions and analyze them together. Now when Mrs. Song asked, she could only say: "Mrs. Zhao is suffering from uterine bleeding. Metrorrhagia refers to a woman's abnormality." When I was young, my menstrual blood flowed profusely or continuously. There are many reasons for metrorrhagia. Some people have metrorrhagia due to deficiency of Qi and blood, while some people have metrorrhagia due to deficiency of spleen and kidney. Therefore, When treating this kind of symptom, you must find out the real crux and use medicine, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of the root cause.

I just examined Mrs. Zhao and found out that Mrs. Zhao has a red tongue, yellow and dry tongue coating, and a stringy pulse. In addition, Mrs. Zhao just said that she always had hot flashes before she came to the hospital, and it was normal to eat. However, Mrs. Zhao has dry and constipated stools, and often has a bowel movement only once every three to four days. This is a sign of Mrs. Zhao's insufficient liver yin and strong liver yang. Therefore, the root cause of Mrs. Zhao's metrorrhagia is the liver. "

The people in front of them all listened attentively. However, after hearing what Xu Jing said, Grandma Kang was slightly stunned and said: "Why, old slave, listen, Doctor Xu's statement is almost the same as that of Imperial Physician Guo who came before..." "

Mrs. Song and Mrs. Zhao could not help but frown.

Imperial Physician Guo is the imperial physician in the palace, and her medical skills are certainly not low. The fact that Dr. Xu can come to a conclusion similar to that of Imperial Physician Guo is enough to prove her medical skills.

But Mrs. Zhao’s illness cannot be cured using Dr. Guo’s method!

Xu Jing saw the changes in their faces, but she was not panicked at all. She smiled slightly and said: "The conclusion I just came to was based on seeing, hearing and asking Mrs. Zhao. It is normal for other doctors to come to similar conclusions. But based on this conclusion, Mrs. Zhao's illness cannot be cured, which means that there are other aspects of Mrs. Zhao's condition that we have not noticed, so I want to take a look at the prescription prescribed by the previous doctor for Mrs. Zhao. Let’s analyze together what the crux is.”

Xu Jing's calm look comforted Mrs. Song and Mrs. Zhao. Mrs. Song patted her chest and said repeatedly: "That's good, that's good." No matter what others thought, she still believed in Xu Jing.

Soon, the maid who went to get the prescription came back with a total of three prescriptions in her hand. Mrs. Zhao explained: "Although I have invited many doctors to see me, these are the only three types of medicines I have tried. Please take a look at it, Dr. Xu.”

Xu Jing nodded and took each one and looked at it carefully. The law of Dachu requires that doctors should be responsible for the prescriptions they prescribe. Therefore, regular doctors will sign and seal the prescriptions. It is necessary to distinguish which prescription was written by which doctor. It's very simple.

Aunt Kang had just said that her conclusion was similar to that of Imperial Physician Guo in the palace. Only one of the signatures on these prescriptions was named Guo. This must be the prescription prescribed by Imperial Physician Guo. Xu Jing took a closer look and found that Imperial Physician Guo The prescriptions prescribed are indeed the most suitable for Mrs. Zhao's condition. They are all medicines that nourish liver yin, clear liver fire, and at the same time consolidate astringency and stop collapse.

The medicines prescribed by the other two doctors were basically powerful astringent and hemostatic drugs.

Xu Jing looked at it for a while, and then she had an idea in her mind. She folded the three prescriptions and handed them to the maid aside. She looked at the two women opposite her who were looking at her eagerly, and said with a faint smile: "I probably know what's going on. What's wrong? Logically speaking, the medicine prescribed by Dr. Guo is completely consistent with Mrs. Zhao's symptoms. Mrs. Zhao also said that her menstrual bleeding stopped quickly after taking the previous medicines, but the next time When it came, it was as continuous as before.

There should be blood stasis in Mrs. Zhao's body. The blood stasis blocks the veins, and the new menstrual blood cannot flow smoothly along its normal path, so the roots cannot be removed. Therefore, in order to cure Mrs. Zhao's metrorrhagia, she should use liver-clearing and nourishing medicine. Along with yin medicine, medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis should be added. Only when all the blood stasis in the body is cleared can Mrs. Zhao's condition really get better. "

Although Xu Jing's words were a bit obscure, Mrs. Song and the others could still understand some of the key words. Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhao was slightly startled, and couldn't help but said with worry and suspicion: "You said you need to use blood circulation Medicines to remove blood stasis? But...but, my menstrual blood is always dripping. If I also use blood-activating medicines, won’t the bleeding be even more?"

The doctors next to him all used drugs to stop bleeding. Why did Dr. Xu do the opposite and use drugs to activate blood circulation?

If she hadn't thought that Dr. Xu was invited by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao's attitude would have been even worse.

Although Mrs. Song and Aunt Kang did not speak, they had the same uneasy and puzzled expressions on their faces.

Xu Jing shook her head and said calmly: "Mrs. Zhao misunderstood. What I said about promoting blood circulation is precisely to stop bleeding. If you don't remove the blood stasis in Mrs. Zhao's body first, and blindly use hemostatic drugs, it will only make you sick." The blood stasis in Mrs. Zhao's body becomes more and more internally blocked, and the more she tries to stop the bleeding, the more the bleeding becomes unstoppable."

Mrs. Zhao did not speak this time, but the suspicion and worry on her face did not diminish by half.

Although Dr. Xu seemed to be right, she still didn't dare to use this treatment method that no one had proposed before.

What if...if the blood bleeds more and more after using it, what should I do?
Mrs. Song was much more decisive than her. She looked at Xu Jing for a moment, patted the back of Mrs. Zhao's hand in a comforting manner, and said softly: "Don't trust people who employ people, and don't trust people who doubt you. I believe in Dr. Xu, please open the door to Dr. Xu." Just take the medicine. But I have a grudging request. Can Dr. Xu stay in Xijing until my daughter-in-law’s condition stabilizes? This way, if something happens, Dr. Xu can respond in time. "

Without waiting for Xu Jing to say anything, Mrs. Song said: "All the expenses incurred by Doctor Xu during his stay in Xijing will be borne by our Song family. Moreover, I originally wanted to ask Doctor Xu to stay for a longer period of time. I went there before I attended the banquet held by other ladies in Beijing, told them about Dr. Xu, and tried the cooling oil made by Dr. Xu. They all found it very novel and effective and wanted to get to know Dr. Xu.

If Dr. Xu is willing, I can introduce Dr. Xu to other ladies in Beijing. "

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