Zhou Qi immediately looked at him with a smile and said, "Xian'er, sit down."

His voice was as gentle and harmless as the smile on his lips, but Zhou Xian froze as if he was afraid of him. He glared at Xu Jing and sat down reluctantly.

Xu Jing: "..."

She glanced at Zhou Qi coolly and said, "Master Zhou, I think you need to give me an explanation."

Although she didn't say what she wanted to explain, Zhou Qi understood it immediately and said with a gentle smile: "I just happened to bring Xian'er with me when I came to Beijing this time. I didn't feel comfortable leaving him alone at home, so I asked him to come with me. Madam Xu, don’t worry, I won’t let Xian’er do something as rude as last time. Madam Xu and Cheng Langjun, please take a seat.”

After saying that, he stood up personally and pulled out the chair opposite for them.

He was obviously able to calm Zhou Xian, and Xu Jing wasn't too worried that Zhou Xian would cause trouble, but Xu Jing didn't believe that the reason why he brought Zhou Xian here was so simple.

She glanced at Zhou Qi, said nothing, and sat down.

Because they were going to talk about things related to Xinglintang this time, it was not convenient for Chen Hu to listen together, so he stayed outside.

After they sat down, a maid standing beside them immediately came forward to pour tea and water for them. Judging from the attire of those maids, they should not be from the restaurant, but were brought here by Zhou Qi himself.

As Cheng Xianbai said, even a broken ship has three thousand nails. No matter how the Zhou family declines, it is far from what ordinary families can compare with.

Xu Jing couldn't help but feel jealous.

Damn it, why can't you give her a slightly higher starting point?

Zhou Qixiao glanced at them slightly and said: "Although I invited Madam Xu to have lunch, I thought that while chatting about business and eating, I don't know what it tastes like even if I eat delicacies from the mountains and seas. , it’s better to finish the serious conversation and then slowly enjoy the delicious food, what do you think, Madam Xu?”

Xu Jing picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said quietly: "I don't care, guests can just do as they please."

Zhou Qi couldn't help but chuckled, "Mrs. Xu is really happy. In fact, when Cheng Langjun sent the post yesterday, I was very surprised. I had wanted to visit Madam Xu for a long time, but unexpectedly, Madam Xu was more... I’m much more decisive.”

Xu Jing glanced at him, suddenly put down the tea cup in her hand, and smiled softly, "Master Zhou, we are all sitting here, so don't waste time testing each other.

Did you expect me to come back to you this time?Tianyi Hall and Xinglin Hall are both medical clinics in Anping County. It is impossible for you not to know that Guangmingtang suppresses our Xinglin Hall. This time Guangmingtang united with all the medicinal dealers and pharmacies in Anping County and surrounding counties to suppress our Xinglin Hall. , with the foundation of our Xinglin Hall, it is almost impossible to survive this crisis on our own. "

After all, those connections and relationships take years to build.

Zhou Qi's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but smile, "As expected of Madam Xu, yes, I know that Guangmingtang suppressed Xinglintang. If an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to survive this time, but Madam Xu is obviously not Ordinary people, I heard that Madam Xu has sent people to buy mint from Xijing, and this crisis can be considered temporarily over.

To be honest, I really didn’t expect that Madam Xu would come to see me. I also told Madam Xu that even if Madam Xu didn’t come to me, I planned to come to see Madam Xu in the next two days. I’m coming back to Xijing. , I just came here for Madam Xu. I think it would be more beneficial for us to come to Madam Xu to discuss cooperation at this time. "

Xu Jing couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

This was too honest, and he even revealed that he planned to take advantage of the situation.It turned out to be a fox that had become a spirit. Seeing that she had already understood his intention, she simply stopped hiding it and spoke out at once, which would be more likely to lead to this cooperation.

This also reflects his attitude towards this cooperation.

Xu Jing said softly: "As expected of Mr. Zhou, who turned the tide for Tianyi Pavilion in times of crisis. I also said it bluntly, I just want to cooperate with Tianyi Pavilion when I come back. Tianyi Pavilion has been rooted in the medical field for many years and has a very good reputation." A comprehensive network of contacts and relationships, as well as a large number of doctors trained by ourselves and unique prescriptions with advantages, are all what Xinglintang lacks. If Xinglintang wants to become bigger and stronger, it is too difficult to rely on itself alone. If it can compete with Tianyiguan Cooperation can perfectly make up for what Xinglin Hall lacks."

Zhou Qi listened quietly to Xu Jing's words, smiled lightly and said, "Mrs. Xu doesn't seem surprised. I want to cooperate with you on this matter."

Cheng Xianbai, who was trying to keep a low profile and left the battlefield to the two big guys, heard this and glanced at Xu Jing secretly.

When Xu Jing said those words just now, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed as a member of Xinglin Hall. No matter how you look at it, Xinglin Hall has taken all the benefits. How can this be cooperation? This is simply asking Tianyi Hall to show kindness. , give them a hand!
Xu Jing raised her lips unhurriedly and said, "Of course I'm not surprised, because Xinglin Hall has me."

Zhou Qi was slightly startled.

Cheng Xianbai, who had just taken a sip of water, couldn't help but choked and coughed desperately.

Zhou Xian, who was full of impatience, couldn't help but look at her ridiculously. The look on his face seemed to say - there are such narcissistic and shameless women in this world!

Xu Jing didn't seem to realize what a surprising sentence she had said, and said slowly: "Master Zhou has always paid so much attention to our Xinglin Hall, and he may have been willing to cooperate with us a long time ago. However, Xinglintang is just one of the many medical clinics in Anping County, and it was so dilapidated that it almost closed down more than a month ago."

Cheng Xianbai's coughing sound suddenly became softer, and he shrank silently.

"This is strange. How could Tianyi Pavilion notice such an insignificant little medical clinic? There is only one answer - Master Zhou's family is not here for Xinglin Hall, but for me."

Xu Jing smiled lightly and said: "I heard that Mr. Zhou has always wanted to open the branch of Tianyi Pavilion in Xijing. Xijing is the capital of Da Chu. Being able to open a medical clinic here is, firstly, a symbol of status, and secondly, In Xijing, you can quickly get to know a large number of powerful people, and with the protection of the powerful people, Tianyi Pavilion can grow bigger and bigger in Dachu, and finally return to the peak of the past.

Master Zhou is ambitious, but Tianyi Hall has lagged behind in the past few years. Guangmingtang is obviously far ahead, and its scale in Xijing is getting bigger and bigger. They will definitely try every means to prevent Tianyi Hall from opening the semicolon back to Xijing. This is why Master Zhou’s family Is it the reason why I have been running to Xijing frequently but never made any moves?It’s not that you don’t want to take action, it’s that you can’t take action. "

Zhou Qi looked at Xu Jing in surprise, and the smile on his face finally faded away.

"And Guangmingtang can suppress you like this because it must have united with the local powerful forces in Xijing. This is something that you, a merchant, cannot resist. If you want to break through Guangmingtang's blockade on you, you can only retaliate with tooth, and also use the power of powerful people. Suppress the power of the powerful people behind Guangmingtang. But how easy is it to get to know a powerful person with such power?"

Xu Jing picked up the cup and took a sip to moisten her throat, and said: "So, you thought of a way, hoping to find a female doctor with excellent medical skills, and let her go deep into the powerful circles of Xijing to help Tianyi Pavilion. After all, today, There are many male doctors with excellent medical skills, but female doctors with excellent medical skills are rare. Even the female doctors trained in the palace usually only serve as assistants to the imperial doctors in the palace. Many women's diseases are not convenient for male doctors to diagnose and treat, so Female doctors are more likely to enter the powerful circles of Xijing than male doctors.

This is why you paid attention to me in the first place. "

Zhou Qi looked at Xu Jing quietly for a while, and couldn't help but feel a bit of sincere admiration on his face. He sighed and said: "Ms. Xu always surprises me time and time again. If I dare to ask these things, Mrs. Xu is all How do you know?"

These things should only be known to the core people of Tianyi Pavilion. They have never revealed anything to the outside world. Even the search for the female doctor has been carried out secretly.

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