The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 139: Treating the Dead

Chapter 139: Treating the Dead ([-]st update)
During this period, Xu Jing often went to the Song Mansion to give Mrs. Zhao follow-up consultations, so she was already very familiar with the Song Mansion.

When she went to the Song Mansion two days ago, she told Mrs. Song tactfully that she was a little afraid of strangers and did not want to attend occasions where she would have to face too many strangers.

Mrs. Song immediately understood what she meant and said with a smile: "In that case, on the day of my grandson's birthday party, Doctor Xu will come in directly from the back door. I will send someone to the back door in advance to meet Doctor Xu. I think The ladies I introduced to Dr. Xu are all ladies who I get along well with. They are all very kind people, so Dr. Xu doesn’t need to worry."

She thought Xu Jing said this because she was worried that she would feel uncomfortable facing many ladies from wealthy families.

Who knows that Xu Jing is worried about meeting an acquaintance of the original owner and exposing her identity.

Hearing what Mrs. Song said, Xu Jing felt relieved. She had previously investigated and found that there was no one from the Xu family among the ladies that Mrs. Song was familiar with.

The only people who can recognize her when she is wearing a veil are people who are very familiar with the original owner, such as people from the Xu family.

The original owner and Ji used to live in Zhuangzi, but were later taken back to the Xu family. They could no longer integrate into the circle of noble women in the capital. Therefore, she did not have many close friends in Xijing. In addition, she married Xiao Yi not long after she returned to the capital. , she basically has no chance to meet people.

After marrying Xiao Yi, because of her despised ways to get ahead and her non-embarrassing relationship with the Xiao family, no one was willing to make friends with her, and there were even fewer posts inviting her to various banquets. Later, after her reputation deteriorated, no one wanted to get close to her.

Therefore, although the original owner had caused a lot of trouble in Xijing, there were very few people who were familiar with her. As long as she did not meet those specific people, Xu Jing was still confident that her identity would not be exposed so easily.

On the day of the banquet, Xu Jing went to Song Mansion early.

She first showed Mrs. Zhao her current situation. Mrs. Zhao came from the Zhao family, one of the four major families in Chu. The Zhao family was a family of military generals. Mrs. Zhao's temperament also inherited the straightforwardness and sharpness of military generals. In addition, she was in her second year this year. At eleven, he was only a few months older than Xu Jing. After getting to know Xu Jing, he became less and less pretentious.

Xu Jing first asked her some questions in detail. She heard that there were some small blood clots in her menstrual blood shed a few days ago. After those small blood clots fell off, she felt a lot more relaxed and relaxed, and the amount of menstrual blood began to decrease. , it disappeared the next day, and Xu Jing smiled and said: "Those blood clots are the blood stasis that was previously deposited in Mrs. Zhao's body. Once these blood stasis is cleared, Mrs. Zhao's symptoms will slowly improve.

I just felt Mrs. Zhao's pulse, and Mrs. Zhao's pulse has gradually become gentler, and her red tongue has faded away. These are signs that her health is improving. "

Mrs. Zhao gave Xu Jing an angry look and said, "I told you not to call me Mrs. Zhao. It sounds very reserved. I work at home, so you can just call me Qiniang."

Xu Jing just smiled lightly and said nothing.

Mrs. Zhao didn't dwell on this issue for too long, and soon said worriedly: "Although my menstrual blood is gradually gone, won't it be dripping again next time?"

After all, it had been like this several times before.

"According to my diagnosis and treatment, it shouldn't happen. However, Mrs. Zhao can't think too much and try to ease her mood."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhao's face couldn't help but darken, and she quickly raised her lips and said, "Okay, I understand. My mother has been talking to me every day during this period, for fear that I will think too much."

At this moment, guests outside were arriving one after another.

Mrs. Zhao is the mother of today's birthday girl, so she is naturally the core figure of this banquet. In fact, during Xu Jing's consultation with her, her personal maid Baozhu came to see her several times, looking like she was hesitant to speak. look.

Seeing that Xu Jing's consultation was over, Baozhu was about to come in immediately. However, at this moment, a young man's angry voice came from outside, "Sister Axi! Is Sister Axi here? I came to see me. My little nephew, where is my little nephew? Come out quickly and let my little uncle love you!"

This voice was so familiar that Xu Jing couldn't help but twitch her lips.

However, after knowing that Mrs. Zhao was from the Zhao family, she guessed that the two people must have a close relationship.Mrs. Zhao immediately showed a speechless expression, looked at Xu Jing and said: "Doctor Xu, don't worry, this is my cousin, he has always been like this, he is used to doing whatever he wants."

Xu Jing also agreed with this and couldn't help but nodded secretly in her heart.

However, Zhao Jingming seems to like children. When he was at Xiao's house, he liked to make children laugh.

At this moment, Mrs. Xu Zhao did not respond. Zhao Jingming walked straight into the main hall of the room and looked around while still shouting, "Where is my little nephew?"

Xu Jing and Mrs. Zhao were originally seeing a doctor in the bedroom on the left side of the main hall. Seeing this, Mrs. Zhao walked over helplessly, opened the bead curtain and glared at Zhao Jingming, "Your nephew is at his grandma's place. What's going on here?" It’s said to be your sister’s and your brother-in-law’s room, how could anyone break in like this? Where have all the rules they learned for so many years gone?”

In front of his sister, Zhao Jingming looked like a pure sunny boy. He immediately smiled and said, "I haven't seen my little nephew for a long time. Do you miss me? Sister Axi, why is there still someone in your room?"

"That's the doctor who's treating your sister Axi. Don't be rude in front of others."

Mrs. Zhao glared at him again, turned to look at Xu Jing and said, "Doctor Xu, let me introduce to you. This is my cousin. He is practicing Liu at home. You can call him Zhao Liulang."

Xu Jing originally didn't want to come out, so she could only stand up when she saw this, walked outside, saluted to the stunned Zhao Jingming, and said, "I have seen Zhao Liulang."

"You, how are you..."

Zhao Jingming was shocked and was about to spill the beans. Xu Jing immediately gave him a glare in the eyes. Zhao Jingming suddenly stopped when his words reached his throat.

Mrs. Zhao couldn't help but look at Zhao Jingming suspiciously, "Xiao Liu, do you know Dr. Xu?"


Even if she said she didn't know him now, Mrs. Zhao couldn't believe it. Zhao Jingming was scratching his head for a while before he thought of the excuse, "Didn't I leave Xijing some time ago? On the way back to Beijing, I saw Pass Dr. Xu, Dr. Xu was... treating people at that time, so he had an impression."

He's not lying. An autopsy is considered to be treating a dead person, isn't it?
Yanci and Xu Siniang are also in trouble. They were supposed to have a relationship that allowed them to move around openly, but now they are so sneaky. Xu Siniang is also elusive. It is really hard for those who know about it.

The most maddening thing is that I don’t know when that guy Yanci will be able to coax her back home!
"So it is."

Although her cousin's expression was a bit strange, Mrs. Zhao didn't think that Xu Jing would know Zhao Jingming. When she saw Baozhu's anxious expression, she didn't ask any more questions. She looked at Xu Jing and said with a smile: "Doctor Xu, you really don't want to go. Are you going to attend the banquet ahead? I'll take you with me, nothing will happen."

"Thank you, Mrs. Zhao. Mrs. Zhao doesn't need to pay attention to me. I'm used to being quiet on weekdays. I really don't adapt to these occasions. Besides, there are not many people I know at this banquet. I can't trouble Mrs. Zhao to pay attention to me all the time. I Just wait here."

Xu Jing's attitude has been stated several times before. Although Mrs. Zhao was a little regretful, she did not force it. She nodded and said: "Okay, I'll just wait here, Doctor Xu. I think mother's plan is to wait for the banquet." After it was over, I invited the ladies who were good friends with my mother to a quiet place to drink tea and chat. My mother would take the opportunity to introduce Dr. Xu to them. It would be almost time and someone would come and take Dr. Xu there. "

Xu Jing smiled slightly and said, "Okay, please excuse me, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Song."

After Mrs. Zhao finished speaking, she hurriedly walked out. Zhao Jingming followed closely behind her, but couldn't help but look back three times every step.

(End of this chapter)

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