The wife of the power minister's family

Chapter 144 Xu Jing’s Inference

As soon as Xu Jing finished speaking, everyone present looked at her in surprise and confusion.

Mrs. Yu would have expected someone to come looking for her, everyone had guessed it.

But Dr. Xu said that Mrs. Yu was not afraid of others looking for her, so where did he start?
Could it be... could it be that as Shen Zhiyi said, Mrs. Yu was already broken and wanted to drag them to hell together?
The moment Xu Jing opened her mouth to speak, Xu Yaze opened her eyes slightly.

How can it be!Even the voices are so similar!
However, it is impossible for that woman to have such a calm and calm temperament, and that woman's eyes cannot be so calm and calm!
Ever since that woman came back from Zhuangzi, she has been like a mad dog, biting anyone she sees, and just saying a few words can set her off.

In her eyes, she was a joke, a pile of mud that was not worthy of her attention.

It's just that the woman in front of her looks so much like Xu Jing. Is this just a coincidence, or is there something happening that she doesn't know about?
Zhao Shaohua immediately asked Xu Jing: "What do you say?"

Xu Jing: "Judging from everyone's descriptions just now, Mrs. Yu's actions this time can be said to be very cautious and thoughtful, and it can be seen that she has been planning for a long time.

She chose to arrest the person today, and it was not a random day.Today is the birthday party of the young master of the Song family. She knows that she will arrest people today. Most of the people she wants to arrest are gathered at the Song family. She does not need to bother to find out your whereabouts, and she does not need to spread her limited manpower to various places. Go, in fact, her arrest operation this time was also very successful. At least now, it seems that everyone she wanted to arrest has been caught.

No matter how you look at it, the person who planned this incident was not a desperate lunatic bent on death, but a smart man who was methodical and achieved his goals bit by bit. "

Shen Zhiyi couldn't help but said: "But..."

Xu Jing glanced at her indifferently and said: "You said that this matter will be discovered sooner or later, and it is true. But you are not women from ordinary families. So many women from official families have disappeared, no matter how capable you are. It is impossible for anyone to hide the truth, and Mrs. Yu has done a good job.

Judging from the caution and thoroughness with which she planned this matter, it was impossible for her not to be prepared for others to come looking for her.

I don’t know if you have smelled it, but since just now, there has been a strong smell of oil coming from around me from time to time. "

Everyone was startled.

Zhao Shaohua immediately walked outside the crowd and sniffed. Suddenly, her expression changed.

Others also sniffed the smell around them, and Shen Zhiyi quickly said in horror: " really is there! That's the smell of oil that only comes from cooking at home! What's going on!"

Liu Fuyue smiled bitterly, but she was still enjoying herself, "Isn't it Mrs. Yu who is preparing the food for us?"

However, everyone knows that most people will not build the kitchen next to the bedroom.

They could still smell oil in the room attached to the dormitory. It could only be that someone spilled a lot of oil around them!

Zhao Shaohua looked at Xu Jing, bit his lip and said: "Doctor Xu, could it be that Mrs. Yu wants to burn us to death..."

"No, I didn't say that Mrs. Yu's purpose is not to seek death. Her purpose should be to find out the truth about Wang Wuniang's murder."

Xu Jing said: "If I guessed correctly, Mrs. Yu ordered people to pour oil around the mansion in order to deal with the people who were about to come.

The manpower on Madam Yu's side will definitely not be comparable to the manpower of so many families and government officials combined, but by then, as long as she says to the people outside, if they break in without permission, she will set a fire and burn herself and the people inside. Everyone was burned to death. Guess, people outside still dare to act rashly? "

Everyone took a deep breath unconsciously.

Of course not.

With so much oil, it is conceivable that a small fire can spread into a prairie fire in an instant.Even if they prepared a large amount of water to put out the fire in advance, how could they guarantee that the people inside would be fine?
"Using this method, Mrs. Yu only needs to arrange a small number of people to watch everywhere in the mansion, and she can carry out the affairs in the mansion with peace of mind.

Moreover, Mrs. Yu obviously felt that this method was not enough. When we were arrested, she also ordered her men to feed us a pill. If I guessed correctly, that pill was poison. "

Seeing everyone's questioning looks, Xu Jing explained quietly: "I woke up earlier than you. I felt it when they fed me pills."

She didn't say she didn't take the pills.

The more times like this, the more they need to unite and be consistent with others, which is the basis of unity.

"how come!"

Shen Zhiyi immediately put his hand on his throat and retched desperately, as if he wanted to vomit out the pills in his stomach.

Chen Xi suddenly shouted, "That's enough! Don't do things that are not worthy of your status! Who knows if what this woman said is true! There are so many of us here, but she is the only one who saw us being fed pills?" Maybe, she said that on purpose, just to see us laugh!"

Xu Jing glanced at Chen Xi lightly.

This woman has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but the distance between her eyebrows is very narrow, and she looks a bit mean.

Between her and Shen Zhiyi, she was obviously the dominant one. When she said this, Shen Zhiyi immediately did not dare to make any more noise.

After she finished speaking, she said as if to comfort herself: "I don't believe that a woman from a small place like this can toy with so many aristocratic families and government officials. Just wait and see, someone will come to save us soon." …”

At this moment, there was a sound of chains clashing outside the gate. Everyone was startled and quickly looked in the direction of the gate.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and a woman wearing a dark purple cross-collared narrow-sleeved coat with neatly cut black and white hair came with two maids wearing the same pink-green skirt. , stood at the door with an expressionless face, and said: "Ladies and ladies, please come out. Our madam has invited you."

The two young maids behind her were obviously not as calm as she was, with a bit of uneasiness on their faces.

When the women saw the woman, their eyes immediately lit up. Zhao Shaohua took a step forward and said, "Mother Zhou, it was indeed Mrs. Yu who captured us, right? What on earth did Mrs. Yu want to do? Does she know? , even the Wang family can’t protect her if she does this! It’s too late for her to stop now. For Zhenniang’s sake, I will intercede with various families on her behalf..."

However, Nanny Zhou did not even look at Zhao Shaohua. She looked straight ahead and said without any emotion: "Old slave, please advise Mrs. Zhao to be obedient. Mrs. Zhao is the first lady in the capital to show kindness to our fifth lady. Everyone, the old slave and the madam believe that Mrs. Zhao has nothing to do with the death of the Fifth Lady. The reason for inviting Mrs. Zhao here this time is just to ask Mrs. Zhao to assist us in investigating the case.

As long as Mrs. Zhao is obedient, our wife will never hurt Mrs. Zhao. "

Zhao Shaohua was choked by her and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Behind her, Chen Xi had a bad temper. When he heard this, he immediately yelled: "You said that Mrs. Zhao had nothing to do with Wang Wuniang's death, are we related?! I warn you, let us out immediately, otherwise my father and the Holy Master will I will never let you go! You know, the current Holy Emperor is my cousin...ah!"

However, Aunt Zhou suddenly pulled out a whip from her waist and whipped it at Chen Xi with lightning speed. Chen Xi was caught off guard and a red mark was thrown on his arm. He immediately took a big step back with a face full of horror.

Aunt Zhou glanced at Chen Xi coldly, then slowly glanced around the crowd. Her voice became colder several times and she said: "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to advise you, our madam is serious, if you don't cooperate... "

As he spoke, he curled up his lips with an indescribably eerie smile, "In this house, we have a way to make you obedient."

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