Zhao Shaohua obviously recognized Wu Youbing, he frowned slightly, looked at him with great disgust, and said: "Wu Sanlang is here, I'm not surprised at all. Back then, you regardless of canceling the engagement with Zhenniang, when Zhenniang disappeared. That day, you also came to the place where we enjoyed the snow.

Oh, if the people in the government hadn't said that Zhenniang was killed by the smiling killer, I might have doubted Wu Sanlang. "

Smile killer?
Xu Jing heard another unfamiliar word and secretly remembered it in her heart.

However, this Wu Sanlang was once engaged to the dead Wang Wuniang?

How bad is this guy's relationship with his wife?He was originally a well-known playboy in the capital. If he hadn't been the legitimate son of the Marquis Wushun Mansion, no woman would be willing to look at him.

More than four years ago, when the original owner's father wanted to marry the original owner to him, he was quite happy. After all, the original owner was the eldest daughter of the Xu family. The most important thing was that regardless of the original owner's temperament, his face was still very confusing. sexual.

Just when he was happily waiting to marry the original owner, the original owner actually used such despicable means to marry into the Xiao family. This made Wu Sanlang, who had never suffered any grievances since childhood, very angry, but he didn't dare If you offend Xiao Yi, you can only keep it in your heart.

Maybe this incident had a huge impact on him. After that, he was unwilling to talk about marriage again. Later, the original owner stopped paying attention to his affairs. Therefore, Xu Jing only found out about the fact that he had an engagement with Wang Wuniang.

Wu Youbing was obviously angry, and his face was uglier than the burnt bottom of the pot, "I say it again, that woman's death had nothing to do with me! Did you, Mrs. Zhao, book the place where you enjoyed the snow that day? I took care of it. I went to enjoy the snow with the beauty, who knew I would meet a group of you! If you doubt me, you might as well blame yourself for taking people to such a remote place to enjoy the snow when you are full!"

His words obviously touched Zhao Shaohua's pain point. Zhao Shaohua couldn't help biting his lower lip until it turned white and stopped talking.

Liu Fuyue and Guo Liuyun have always been friendly to Xu Jing because of their relationship with Zhao Shaohua. Seeing Xu Jing's confused eyes, Liu Fuyue, who was standing next to her, whispered: "Shaohua took us to the place where we went to enjoy the snow that day. In a small forest on the outskirts of Xijing.

There is a stream there and an ancient pavilion that has been around for thousands of years. When Emperor Taizu came to Xijing during the war, he went to the ancient pavilion to relax and wrote a poem. Therefore, that place has always been popular with literati. welcome.

It's just that the place is not easy to get to. The terrain is rugged and a carriage cannot enter. It takes about two-quarters of an hour to walk to get there, so not many people make a special trip there. "

Xu Jing raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why did Mrs. Zhao go to such a remote place that day? If you want to enjoy the snow, can't you do it anywhere?"

Liu Fuyue sighed secretly and said: "Shaohua just wanted to make Zhenniang happy. During that time, Zhenniang was not in a good mood because of her marriage.

Because of Zhen Niang's birth, her marriage was very embarrassing. To put it too high, others disliked her for not being a serious wife of the Wang family. To put it too low, she was not worthy of being a member of the Wang family. Later, she went around in circles. I don't know why, but... He made an engagement with Wu Sanlang.

However, we only found out later that Wu Sanlang’s marriage was decided by Wu Sanlang’s parents. At that time, Wu Sanlang went to the south of the Yangtze River with a group of friends and did not know about it at all. After he came back, he knew that Jane His mother became his fiancée and was very dissatisfied. She made a big fuss and even said... She said that a fake noblewoman born lowly was not worthy of entering their house of Marquis Wushun. He would rather marry a dog. Nor will he marry Zhenniang.

Mrs. Yu has always loved Zhenniang, but she never thought that Wu Sanlang would be such a bastard. When they first proposed to get married, it was Wu Sanlang's parents who coaxed and deceived her, making Mrs. Yu think that Wu Sanlang had restrained his temper in recent years, and Zhenniang herself also I nodded my head and agreed.After listening to Wu Sanlang's bastard words, how could Mrs. Yu be willing to marry Zhenniang? Unexpectedly, the Wushun Hou Mansion behaved like a villain and worried that Mrs. Yu would break off the engagement first and affect their family's reputation, so she broke off the engagement first.

After that, Zhenniang was depressed for a long time. No matter where she went, people were talking about her being annulled. Chen Xi and Shen Zhiyi often appeared in front of Zhenniang and laughed at her.

Shaohua didn't want to go enjoy the snow and meet those people, so he chose that place. Who would have expected..."

Unexpectedly, they avoided those villains, but instead encountered Wu Youbing and his party.

I don’t know if God came here to block Zhen Niang’s heart.

Xu Jing now knew why Mrs. Zhao had been brooding about this matter.

It is very inconvenient to go missing in such a remote place, whether it is to move rescue troops or to carry out search work.

That's why she kept saying that she killed Wang Wuniang.

Xu Jing pursed her lips slightly and asked, "Did Wang Wuniang and Wu Sanlang just break off their engagement when you went to enjoy the snow?"

"No," Guo Liuyun saw them touching each other and seemed to be talking privately. He also came over and happened to hear Xu Jing's question. He shook his head and said, "Zhenniang had already broken off the engagement for more than three months at that time. , Zhenniang has been hiding at home and unwilling to come out. For a while, she even went to the temple to worship Buddha, but she didn't want to see anyone.

It was also because of this that Shaohua was worried about Zhenniang and forcibly pulled her out to enjoy the snow. Xu Jing was slightly stunned, "Wang Wuniang... likes Wu Sanlang very much?" "

"Bah! Who would like that kind of dandy?"

Guo Liuyun immediately glared at Wu Youbing who was not far away with a look of disgust, but he also knew to lower his voice and said, "Zhen Niang has not seen Wu Sanlang a few times before. She cannot be depressed because of Wu Sanlang, but we asked her why, She didn't want to say it. Therefore, we and Shaohua guessed that Zhenniang was hurt by those who gossiped about her.

After Zhenniang got her hairpin, many people were waiting to see who Zhenniang would marry in the end, and there were also many people who made sarcastic comments. Later, when the Wu family came to propose marriage, we and Shaohua persuaded her that Wu Sanlang was not a good person and asked her to think twice. , but Zhenniang said that for her, Wu Sanlang was already the best choice. "

Her voice became lower and lower as she spoke, obviously feeling sad for her beautiful friend who died young.

Liu Fuyue said: "Zhenniang is actually a woman with strong self-esteem. Although she doesn't show it, we know that she will take what others say about her into her heart. Therefore, when others say that her marriage must be When she brought shame to the Wang family, she secretly made up her mind not to let the Wang family and her mother be gossiped about because of her.

Although Wu Sanlang was not a very good person, he was the direct descendant of the Wushun Hou Mansion. A wife from the Wang family would be considered a lowly bride if she married to the Wushun Hou Mansion, but it would not be a great disgrace to the Wang family. "

Xu Jing couldn't help but frowned.

Wang Wuniang linked her marriage to the honor and disgrace of her family. It is no wonder that she was hit so hard after her engagement was annulled.

She thought for a moment and then asked, "Did all the people who were caught here show up at the place where you were enjoying the snow that day?"

Guo Liuyun shook his head and said, "That's not true. That day, Zhen Niang went to enjoy the snow with me and Fu Yue. We only met Wu Sanlang and his two friends there. Well, they were also there."

Guo Liuyun gestured with his eyes to the two young men standing next to Wu Youbing. One was short and fat, and the other was tall and thin. His facial features were pretty, but a pair of buck teeth completely broke the look on his face. balance.

Like Wu Youbing, these two people have grayish complexions with excessive indulgence. Compared with them, Wu Youbing is indeed a talented person.

"They are Zhang Silang from Suyi's house and Feng Qilang from the household of the Minister of Hubu. They are also famous dandies in the capital. They always like to follow Wu Sanlang.

Apart from them, Jiang Erlang, who happened to be passing by that place at that time, was barely at the scene.No one else is there. "

Xu Jing nodded.

In this way, the people Mrs. Yu arrested today are divided into two categories. One category is those who were at the scene of the crime that day, and the other category is those who usually have grudges with Wang Wuniang.

But, something is still wrong...

At this moment, Zhao Shaohua, who was not far away, turned to look at her, "Doctor Xu, please come here."

Xu Jing raised her eyes, but unexpectedly met the eyes of Jiang Erlang who was standing next to Zhao Shaohua.

But she saw him standing there with his arms folded and a casual look on his face, looking at her with a bit of careless laziness.

Compared with the other people trapped here, this look is like heaven and earth.

Xu Jing naturally looked away and looked at Zhao Shaohua, "Is there something wrong, Mrs. Zhao?"

"I'm talking to Jiang Erlang about Zhenniang's case. Doctor Xu is so smart. I want to hear what Doctor Xu thinks."

Zhao Shaohua said in a deep voice: "Jiang Erlang's third uncle is now serving as Jing Zhaoyin, so Jiang Erlang is relatively aware of the cases committed by the Smiling Killer. I just talked with Jiang Erlang and found out that Zhenniang's case... …There may be something really fishy about it.”

This case may be a little complicated, and there may be many characters involved. If you don’t understand it, you can give me feedback. I will try to write it as clearly as possible~

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